Chronicles Of The Apocalypse

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Chronicles Of The Apocalypse Page 3

by Simon Neilson

All night I could hear gunfire and screaming. The police never arrived. I’ve told my boss to come and get me out.

  Jamie @securityman 11 Apr, 10:03

  My boss phoned me and apparently where I am working is cut off by the police. I’ve been told not the leave the security hut.

  Jamie @securityman 11 Apr, 10:36

  Is there anybody online? I’ve just seen about 5 people staggering down the road covered in blood!!!! One had a massive chunk missing from his face. WTF is going on people!!??

  Jamie @securityman 11 Apr, 12:02

  Took me ages to get online. My battery is running down. Does anybody have any news?


  The Department Of Communications was a government monitoring service who worked closely with the government and security services. They released this memo shortly after receiving instructions from the cabinet.


  Under instructions from cabinet ministers, Department Of Communications staff are instructed to monitor all social networking sites, media outlets, blogs and web pages in relation to the incidents that have occurred in Glasgow, Horsforth, Leeds and Wakefield.

  This order also extends to text messaging and monitoring of telephone calls.

  All service providers of internet and telecommunications are to be given a copy of the order signed by the Prime Minister and they will be assisting this department within its required remit.

  Until further notice all staff leave is cancelled.

  Director Of Communications


  Emma O’Neill still has no word from her husband. These frantic text messages were intercepted by the Department Of Communications.

  “Mike I can see what is going on in Glasgow on the news. I hope you are safe. I have contacted the police. They are sending someone over”


  “It is silly I know. I just think of that last kiss you gave me before getting on the plane”


  “I hope I don’t come down with your flu bug you had. I’m starting to feel a little unwell”


  “I’m starting to get really angry now. I have made Jasmine cry by shouting at her and that’s not like me. Will you bloody text me back Mike”



  With police still searching for Michael O’Neill, things take a turn for the worst when an emergency call is made to police by his daughter. This phone call would confirm that the infection had definitely spread to London.

  Copy of 999 Tape - Phone Call To Police From Jasmine O’Neill – 11th April

  Operator: You’re through to the police what is the nature of your call?

  Jasmine : Please you need to come quick.

  Operator: Ok, calm down what is your name?

  Jasmine: Jasmine O’Neill.

  Operator: What seems to be the problem?

  Jasmine: My mum went to attack me I’ve never seen her like this.

  Operator: Where do you live?

  Jasmine: 47 Collins Street, E28

  Operator: Ok. There are officers on their way now. Where is your mum?

  Jasmine: She’s downstairs. I can hear her banging around and groaning.

  Operator: Why is she groaning?

  Jasmine: I don’t know.

  Operator: Has she hurt you?

  Jasmine: No. I ran upstairs.

  Operator: Has your mother come into contact with anyone feeling unwell lately?

  Jasmine: No….well my dad was unwell before he went away.

  Operator: Where is your father now?

  Jasmine: I’m not sure. Somewhere in Scotland, my mum hasn’t spoken to him.

  Operator: Ok Jasmine. Where are you now?

  Jasmine: In my room.

  Operator: Stay there. Officers will be with you shortly. Just stay on the line.

  Jasmine: Oh no.

  Operator: Jasmine, What’s happened?

  Jasmine I think my mum is outside my bedroom door.


  This is the police report from officer Eleanor Davidson who arrived at the scene of 47 Collins Street after the phone call from Jasmine O’Neill informing police that her mother tried to attack her. Unknown to officer Davidson, specialist units were also on their way to assist.

  Police Officer’s Report

  I am PC Eleanor Davidson shoulder number 716. I was on duty in a marked police vehicle, call sign India Papa 39. I attended 47 Collins Street after a call was received from a young girl that she had been attacked by her mother.

  Once outside the address I noticed that all the lights inside the address were on. I approached the front door and was able to see into the front room as the curtains were not drawn. The television was on and the room looked neat and tidy.

  Suddenly the face of a female appeared at the window, it startled me and she started to bang on the window. Even though it was double glazing, she was hitting it with such force that I could see the glass vibrating.

  This female, who I now know to be Mrs Emma O’Neill, looked angry. She had a greyish complexion and I noticed she had large dark bags under her eyes, which were bloodshot. She was opening her mouth and was making a kind of groaning noise which I found very disturbing.

  From up above I could hear the voice of a young girl shouting. I looked up and saw this girl leaning out of the window. I asked if she was ok and she said that she was. It was at this point I received a message via my radio to not enter the house and just secure the outside.

  I informed my control room that there was a young girl in an upstairs room and I was looking at another female in the living room downstairs who appeared to be unwell. I was told that senior officers were fully aware of the situation and that specialist units would be with me very shortly.

  Within approximately 15 minutes two black vehicles arrived and I was met by plain clothes representatives of the Disease Control Institute, who showed me identification.

  I was asked to move away from the house and that is when I saw four armed police officers move up the path and then force entry to the house by removing the door from its hinges. As soon as this occurred the woman in the front room disappeared from the window and then ran out into the hallway where I saw one of the armed officers shoot her to the head. She fell to the ground and that is when I started to hear the little girl from the upstairs window start to scream.

  The armed officers entered the premises and after completing a search the Disease Control Institute representatives dressed in protective clothing then entered the house.

  A short while later, they reappeared with the young girl who was now dressed in protective clothing. She became upset when she saw the body of her mother lying on the floor, but was quickly dragged away and placed in the back of one of the black vehicles. The two vehicles then left the scene. I was ordered by my Inspector to cordon off the house and that under no circumstances should I allow anybody into the location unless they were from the Disease Control Institute. Arrangements were made for the body of Emma O’Neill to be taken from the location immediately. I was informed that the body of Mrs. O’Neill was infected, by what I do not know. I was then moved away from the scene and set up a cordon 200 metres away. Other officers and representatives from the Disease Control Institute then visited the houses in the street and every resident was evacuated in trucks. I am aware these residents were taken to testing labs set up in the City.


  A young man working in London Bridge, Jimmy Dolan, was caught up in an emergency evacuation of the City. He tried desperately to contact a loved one as I am sure we all would in the same circumstances.

  12th April – Voicemails left on answerphone by Jimmy Dolan - London

  1st call

  “Mum, it’s Jimmy. Why aren’t you picking up the phone? I’m at work down near London Bridge. Look something is going on here. I’m not sure what. I’ll call you back.”

  2nd call

  “Hello mum it’s me again. Where
are you? We are being evacuated out the shop. Not entirely sure what is happening.”

  3rd call

  “Mum, where are you? They are evacuating everybody here. Are you ok?”

  4th call

  “I’m hearing it is pretty bad where you are. Please mum ring me back.”

  5th call

  “My battery is running really low. We are being put on trucks. Mum call me I’m getting worried now.”


  The National Post had been quick to pick up on the shooting in South London. Their sources were giving them more information than the British Government. The world listened anxiously for further news on the infection outbreak.

  12th April – National Post Report

  We are receiving reports from our sources in the U.K. that a woman in her forties was shot by police yesterday at her house in South London.

  A young female from the scene was taken away by authorities, it is believed she is unharmed but at present she is being kept at a medical institute undergoing tests.

  This recent incident comes nearly 3 days after an alleged infection outbreak in the North of England and Scotland. At this stage no member of the government has released a statement and the emergency services are at full stretch trying to deal with the growing chaos around the country.

  Leaders from around the world are monitoring the situation and it is believed the World Health Council are considering what steps to take in case the British government is unable to control the situation.

  We will obviously give you more information as news reaches us, in the meantime those people who are showing flu like symptoms and skin colour change are asked to contact your local hospital and do not attend in person.

  In other news, French officials have alerted the World Health Council to a party of cricket players who travelled to France from Wakefield, one of the infected areas. The party of 15 men are now under quarantine after one of the cricket team fell ill with flu like symptoms.

  We will keep you posted with any further developments on this infection outbreak.


  A young man called Sam Watkins used his spare time to blog about conspiracy theories, cover-ups and to sarcastically attack the government.

  With the news spreading of the infection outbreak, his blog subscriptions shot sky high and I was able to monitor his thoughts as his posted from his home in East London.

  12th April – Blog entry by Sam Watkins

  Welcome to the renegade blog, Sam Watkins here. Well things seem to be getting a little out of control here in the U.K. I have been getting emails from friends both here and abroad asking me if I am alright.

  I would like to inform you all that I am absolutely fine. Currently here in my bedsit in East London, drinking coffee and I have the news on which is reporting the shooting in South London yesterday of that woman.

  You all know I love my theories, well how about this one. The police aren’t saying much. The government as always aren’t saying anything and we are led to believe that this woman was a danger to the public.

  She was a forty something year old housewife from London with a teenage daughter who was shot in the head by police. As far as I am aware, she wasn’t a serial killer and she wasn’t a bank robber. I’m hearing rumours on the internet that her husband is missing and quite possibly had this infection that is spreading. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that this woman herself was infected and so the police had no other choice but to shoot her.

  That means the infection is no longer confined to the north and Scotland. It is here in London. How many people did this woman come into contact with? What happened to her daughter? Where is her husband?

  Why are they evacuating parts of South London?

  These are questions that nobody is answering at the moment. Where is the government when you need them?

  As I type this blog, I can hear more than the usual amount of sirens blaring up and down the high street.

  Guys and Girls, all I want to say is stay safe and keep your wits about you. I reckon this thing could get out of control.

  Until next time. This is Sam Watkins signing off.


  The Home Secretary, Brian Cartwright sent an email to the Prime Minister. He touched on recent events and within the memo it is obvious that he has concerns over how the situation was being handled by the government.

  12th April – Email from Home Secretary to Prime Minister

  Dear Prime Minister,

  We still have Leeds, Horsforth and Wakefield cordoned off. There are growing numbers of people becoming infected, they are being taken care of by way of lethal force. We have no antidote to this virus.

  We are keeping news reporters at bay from those areas and so far we have been able to keep the list of casualties out of the papers. We have armed police officers shooting infected civilians and civilians themselves attacking each other.

  It’s not getting any better Prime Minister. The wife of Michael O’Neill was shot dead yesterday in London. Her daughter has been taken to a testing lab to see if she has any signs of the virus. The wife of Gareth McConnell, one of the first victims, was also being held at a similar lab. She showed no signs of the infection and a doctor against orders allowed her out of her secure unit, thinking that she was clean.

  She was killed yesterday after the infection erupted inside her body. She managed to infect three doctors, some nurses and patients inside the unit in Manchester.

  This is where the problem is at the moment Prime Minister. Apart from the three areas mentioned and Glasgow we are now encountering problems in Manchester, London, Birmingham, Nottingham, Newcastle, Cardiff, Dundee and Liverpool.

  Prime Minister, I implore you to not keep this outbreak under wraps any longer. We need help to control this. We need a national curfew until we can bring this thing under control.

  Of course I will support you in whatever decision you make but we need help.

  Bryan Cartwright M.P. – Home Secretary


  My DCI colleague, Dr McNamara was observing the young girl, Jasmine O’Neill, who was rescued from her infected mother in East London.

  Jasmine was at the Disease Control Institute HQ, where medical teams were trying to assess if she too was infected.

  So tests conducted on Jasmine O’Neill show her to be clear of the infection.

  As we are unable to say for certain whether she is completely uninfected, I have given instructions for her to stay in isolation for the immediate future whilst being closely monitored by the medical team.

  Jasmine is unaware that her mother has been killed and when asked by the little girl what happened, I said I would try to find out.

  Of course I am withholding the truth. I do not like lying to her, but we need to keep her mentally stable. The only request Jasmine has made is to have her diary so that she can write.

  I feel this is a simple request given the circumstances and I have told the medical teams monitoring her that she is allowed to have a pen and book that she has to hand back at the end of each day. This could also be a way to monitor how her emotions are changing.

  Still no word from the government as to what measures they are putting in place.

  Dr. McNamara

  Disease Control Institute


  With the infection spreading fast and no known cure so far, the UK Border Agency were ordered by the government to take action.

  Their actions would cause the United Kingdom to close its borders.

  13th April

  It is with immediate effect that the borders of the United Kingdom are to be closed to inbound and outbound traffic.

  At this present time all ports and harbours are now under the control of the Royal Navy and Customs and Excise. All 471 airports and 11 heliports are closed with Border Control Officers vetting and screening those passengers who have already arrived.

  For extra security the army are to patrol the m
ajor airports with Heathrow being controlled by the military for their own use.

  Any requests to leave the United Kingdom are denied.

  If you are not a British national then the Border Agency strongly recommends that you contact your embassy regarding this matter.

  This is due to the current infection outbreak that is affecting the whole of the United Kingdom.

  Any person found trying to leave the country by any means will be facing the risk of security services using lethal force.

  UK Border Agency


  Some say that no news is good news.

  In this case some news is catastrophic. This memo from the UK Travel Agency would confirm the world’s fears about the infection outbreak. The United Kingdom may not be alone in this nightmare.


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