The Curse of Betrayal (A Curse Books)

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The Curse of Betrayal (A Curse Books) Page 15

by Taylor Lavati

  “Sure.” Megan’s face is flush, but I can tell at least she has it together. She’s not entirely wasted.

  “Circle up.” I stay on Ollie’s lap so everyone else gathers around us. We’re pretty much all paired up, so it’ll be awkward if someone has to kiss, or do something with another person. But I’m down to play, and Ollie didn’t object either, so I’m assuming he’s all right with it.

  “Let’s play a more fun way,” Kara says with a sexy little sparkle in her eye. “Instead of dropping a finger, take a piece of clothing off.” Her comment makes me enlarge my eyes in horror.

  “It’s freezing!” I object, not liking the idea of taking my coat off.

  “I’ll keep you warm.” Ollie whispers in my ear so only I can hear.

  “How?” I turn and face him, meeting his hooded eyes. It’s like Ollie and I are in our own private bubble. Everyone else fades into the background.

  “Well, I can kiss you here…” He kisses my shoulder. “Or here…” He kisses my neck. My pulse skyrockets and the pit of my stomach clenches in anticipation. “Here, too…” he whispers right behind my ear before sucking it hard.

  I literally shiver from the way he’s making me feel. I shut my eyes as he kisses me up and down. I open my eyes, wanting to see him, and bend down to kiss him, but Kara stops it.

  “Come on!” Kara squeals, leaning over and nudging me. She breaks my sexual trance, and I’m officially frustrated. Ollie laughs, while pulling me against him, softening me up.

  “Fine, I’ll play.” I appease her, while taking another sip of my beer. I look down at the can and realize that it’s almost gone. I chug the rest and hope that it gives me the liquid courage I need to play this game—especially with Ollie sitting right below me.

  “I’ll start.” Megan sits up straight on her stump and readies herself. “Never have I ever…gone snowboarding,” she says, and Kara huffs and puffs in her seat.

  “Megan, make it sexual or fun or something. Come on!” And Lisa chimes in as well, showing her disgust for the safe question. Megan just crosses her arms over her chest and pouts in her seat. Luckily, Shane rubs her back and lovingly calms her down.

  “Never have I ever…been in a threesome.” Kara suggestively looks around the circle for someone to take their clothes off. “Nobody? Wow,” she mutters to herself, letdown by her question.

  “Hey, can we play?” a kid asks who was watching us on the outside of the circle. Shane gives them a high five and then expands the circle so they can sit in. Kara tells them that it has to be sexual things, or fun stuff, and of course, they’re down for it.

  “Never have I ever…cheated on someone.” Lisa’s eyes dart right over to me like it’s my own personal question. Kara and Junior’s heads both swing to me, too, to see what I will do next.

  Ollie tenses up from under me, but I won’t let her get the best of me. I put my empty can on the ground and shimmy my coat off. A few other kids take a piece of clothing off at that one as well, but I’m pissed that Lisa just attacked me like that in public.

  “Never have I ever…been cheated on,” I chime in next, looking for blood. I make sure to stare directly at Lisa in defiance. I don’t know if she has, but if I had to guess what she saw in Carter’s window during the first prank, it wasn’t just him coming home late. He did something naughty, and by her reaction, I think that’s it. She looks heartbroken as I say it, but then just takes her sweater off, her eyes down on the dirt floor.

  I feel kind of guilty, but I try not to let it get to me. She called me out, and I just returned it. I’m not going to let her get the best of me. She deserved it.

  We play for a while longer, and I only have to take my shoes off after that. It’s a fun game, but I’m over it, so I lean down to Ollie’s ear and say, “Want to go for a walk?” He nods into my back, and we excuse ourselves. As we get up and leave the circle, I can tell the game is ending as well.

  Lisa stands up and walks off by herself. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” I tell Ollie and sprint after Lisa. I find her against a tree, taking a long slug of her beer. “Hey, Lisa,” I say to get her attention so I don’t frighten her.

  “What do you want?” she bites out.

  “I’m sorry for before. I really didn’t know.”

  “You knew. That’s why you said it,” she says.

  “I’m sorry. I was just mad that you said that to me. I took it personally,” I explain, hoping that she’ll forgive me. Although she was being a bitch, I’m not a bully, and I shouldn’t have treated her like that.

  “I did it on purpose,” she admits, laughing under her breath.

  “I know.”

  “Sorry,” she says, but then the mask comes back up. “Now go hook up with boyfriend number two,” she smirks at me.

  “Right…” I mumble, knowing that even if I make a remark, it’s not going to matter. So I leave her alone in the woods and head back to where Ollie is waiting for me.

  I find him leaning up against a tall tree, looking all cute. I stumble right into his arms. He holds me close to him, like our bodies are the last form of heat known to man. I reach up on my tiptoes and kiss the tip of his nose as he scrunches it up playfully. He tucks me right under his chin and holds me for a minute as we get used to each other again.

  I lean up on his chest and look up into his eyes, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. He bends down, and right before our lips touch, he looks deep into my eyes for permission. I don’t even think about it; I just lean that extra inch and press my lips against his familiar ones. It really is like being transported back in time six months ago to when I first met Ollie.

  I swing my arms up around his neck and hold him as close to me as he can get. “I love you,” he mutters between hurried kisses; I hear it loud and in my heart. I let myself fall head first into the kiss and give one hundred percent to him. I would have stood there in the woods kissing him forever if it weren’t for Junior interrupting us—so rudely.

  “Sorry. Trust me, I’d let this go on since Ollie’s my main dude and all, but I can’t find Kara.” His voice is shaky, and I’ve never heard him sound so scared.

  “What do you mean?” I ask him, trying to figure out if he’s just being drunk and can’t find her or if there’s a real problem here.

  “She just vanished after she went to get a drink,” he says, but I’m having trouble believing there’s a real threat. He’s drunk, after all, so he may have just misplaced her or something. I roll my eyes at Ollie before planting a final, brief kiss on his lips, and then I walk back towards the fire in search of my roommate. I check where we were before and then where the drinks are, but I can’t find her.

  I catch up with Ollie and Junior around the fire. “I can’t find her.”

  “Where could she be?” Junior cries out, alcohol having a major effect on his dramatic behavior.

  “I can go check my room. Maybe she didn’t feel good or was tired,” I offer up. “She was pretty drunk,” I add in just for Ollie’s ears.

  “I’ll come,” Ollie says, and then Junior agrees to tag along, too. We walk the quick distance to Aphro Hall, and then I sneak them in through the back. I take the stairs two at a time, needing to assure myself that Kara’s in the room and safe.

  I unlock the door and swing it open. The room is dusky and empty. I quickly rush to the bathroom, but it too is vacant. Junior goes to her side of the room and starts snooping through her stuff, and Ollie and I sit on my bed, trying to figure out what to do.

  “Where would she go?” Ollie asks me bemused.

  “I have no idea. Everyone was at the fire,” I tell him, racking my brain for somewhere she would be.

  “She has to be here!” Junior slams his hand on the desk, making a loud thump. We sit in muteness unsure what to do.

  Suddenly, the door creaks open, and Kara walks in, goes into her bed, and then lies down—almost robotically. It reminds me of when Ollie uses his mind control. We just watch, stunned at what’s happening. Junior is
the first to move, and he rushes to Kara’s side and rolls her over so she’s face up.

  A gasp escapes my lips when I see her, and I cover my mouth with my hand to keep in the sob. I get up and try to run to her side, but Ollie holds me to him in a vise-like grip. I collapse into his arms and stare at my battered and bruised friend.

  “Wake up!” Junior yells in a rush, shaking her on the bed. Her eyes are open, but it’s clear she’s in a daze or something. She’s not responding to anything he says and instead just lies there—limp and messed up.

  “Let me see her.” Ollie places me on the bed, but I don’t stay there like he wants. I rush to Kara’s side right behind him and grab her hand, taking it in mine and trying to warm it up. Her fingers are frozen like little fish sticks, and I try to blow heat on them. I watch as Ollie stares into her eyes and then starts talking.

  “You’re going to wake up Kara. Whoever spoke with you last was wrong. We need you to be here. You’re safe.” He uses his singing voice to get her to wake up. Her eyes flutter and blink until she springs up in the bed, gasping for air.

  “Thank god,” Junior sighs, pulling her into his arms and cradling her. She starts sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking like she’s having a seizure.

  “What happened?” Ollie’s composure is that of a practiced nurse. He’s not shaken or uneasy. He’s put together and knows exactly what questions to ask. I’m just happy he’s here, because I’m not together at all. I’m going mad and have no idea what to do.

  “He took me. And he grabbed my neck, and I couldn’t move at all. I tried to get free and then he… he just… I don’t know…” She drops her head in her hands as another surge of sobs run through her body.

  “You don’t remember?” Ollie looks into her eyes again as if the answers are in there. He bends down and presses his finger to her wrist; I’m guessing checking for a pulse. He tries to get a feel on her back, but she’s moving around too much. I step behind Ollie and put my hand on his back so he knows he’s doing good.

  “I remember him, but I don’t know what he did to me. He grabbed me, but there was more, I know it.” She rubs her temples as if she’s hoping it will conjure up a memory.

  “It’s okay. Just rest now.” Junior lays her back on her pillow and stays near the head of her bed.

  “Will you stay with me?” she begs with tear-filled eyes.

  “Of course.” Junior climbs into bed with her, lying directly next to her and against the wall.

  I grab Ollie’s hand and lead him into the bathroom so I can talk to him in private. This attack doesn’t seem like it was random. It reminds me way too much of the girl who was killed last week in the woods.

  “There’s no way this is a coincidence. What do you think?” I ask him once we’re out of earshot. Maybe he can shed some light on the situation.

  “I don’t know, Ryder. You’re right, but who would do this?” He talks out loud and begins pacing around the small bathroom, but his rapid movement begins to really irk me; so I grab his shoulders and push him against the wall so he’ll stop.

  “What do we do?”

  “You have to tell someone you trust so it’s not you and your friends against whoever is doing this. Maybe the staff knows more.”

  I quickly think of who I trust. “Ari.”

  “No.” His voice is unwavering. “Who else?” Ollie frowns at me, not wanting Ari involved, even though he’s the only person I fully trust around here. Although, Professor Onassis may help.

  “My mentor, Professor O, told me about the attack. Maybe she knows something more,” I offer.

  “Perfect. Monday you need to tell her. We need to figure this out.” Ollie reaches over and pulls me into him like he knows how much I need to feel his strength.

  “Okay,” I promise.


  it just isn’t working out

  January 28th

  It’s okay to think about her.

  I think about your mother every single day.

  She was a strong woman.

  I remember the day she found out she was pregnant.

  We weren’t trying, but you know that already.

  We were young and wild but your mother was always the smart one in the group.

  She’d make sure that things were done right.

  She was a rule follower, that’s for sure.

  Anyway, she found out early.

  She was always in tune with her body and knew something was off.

  She came to me asking for advice, what we’d do… that sort of thing.

  But it was a no brainer.

  I think she was just testing me to make sure I’d stick around.

  She’d always give me riddles and weird little tests to make sure I wasn’t losing it.

  At least, that’s what she said.

  We knew you were going to be special.

  You see, your mom was very special. She was different from normal girls.

  You’ve got that something special that she had.

  She told me one day that you were going to change the world.

  She said you were going to make things right.

  She wasn’t a bad person despite what you think.

  I know that she would only leave for a really good reason.

  She loved you more than anything in the entire world.

  Even more than me.

  What has you thinking about her?

  Miss you and love you, sweetie.


  Sent from my iPhone

  “How are you feeling?” I ask Kara the next day as she starts to stir. She’s in bed alone. Ollie and Junior left to get breakfast for us a few minutes ago since we don’t want to make Kara go out in public with the huge bruises displayed on her neck.

  I hear her rustle, so I know she’s awake. I slide out of my bed and climb into hers to make her feel better. This psycho could be targeting her or even girls in general on this campus. I could be the next victim, and that thought scares the living shit out of me.

  “I’m scared, Ryder,” she admits, turning over so we’re facing each other.

  “Me, too, but I’m here for you.” I try to be strong for the both of us.

  “I know. Thanks.”

  “For what?” I ask her.

  “Last night.” She starts trembling beneath her covers. She’s shaking a lot, and I don’t know what to do to make it better.

  “I’m always here for you,” I tell her, snuggling into her. I hold her tight in my arms as if at any moment she’ll fall through the cracks. We must fall asleep, because I’m shoved awake by Ollie. He nudges me, and when I finally look up, I’ve got three sets of eyes staring down at me. “What?” I look around the room, trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “Wake up, already.” Kara laughs from her spot on the bed.

  “I’m up. I’m up,” I tell them. I jump off the bed and move into the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth and then head back into the room full of my best friends. Junior and Kara sit on her bed and Ollie’s taken up shop on mine. He catches a glimpse of me staring and lifts up his bagel before pointing to the bag on my desk.

  “We can’t tell anyone,” Kara says as I’m buttering my bagel.

  “You have to!” Junior yells back at her, making her flinch. “Sorry,” he mutters, realizing he’s done wrong. He places his hand on her lap and rubs soothing circles on her leg.

  “I’m going to tell my mentor. We can trust her, I swear,” I tell her, hoping that she’ll listen to me.

  “I’m embarrassed,” she admits to us.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Some killer is out there, and we need to stop him. I promise; we’ll figure it out. But Ryder telling Professor Onassis is a good move,” Ollie reassures her.

  “Okay,” Kara relents, taking a bite of her bagel. We eat way too fast, and by the time we’re done, it’s time for the boys to go back home.

  I don’t really know why they’re leaving us, but I figure Oll
ie has a good reason. He’s rushing out and taking Junior with him, so I try not to object. Ollie and I leave the room first, so Kara and Junior can say goodbye. Ollie wraps me in a hug and holds me while we wait in the hallway.

  A few minutes later, Junior joins us in the hall. He looks drained; his eyes bagged and dark. I walk with the boys out to my car. “Take care of her,” Junior whispers into my ear as he hugs me goodbye. I frown at him, because obviously, I’m going to take care of her. She was my friend first.

  But instead of starting a fight, I smile and nod. He pulls me into him again, and after he lets me go, I watch as he climbs into the driver’s seat of my car. I walk around to the other side where Ollie is leaning against the passenger side door, his shoulder pressed right up against the window. I walk to him and fold my body into his arms. I fight the urge to cry and yell that I don’t know how to be strong. I’m not good at this stuff.

  I’ve never been a capable person. I’ve never been able to hold myself together, and now I’m supposed to protect my roommate when I don’t even understand what she needs protecting from. This is getting too real, and oddly, I feel like these attacks are my fault. “I’ll call you,” he whispers into my hair. I nod but don’t want to let go yet.

  “Can you just stay?” I peek up at his baby blues with my tear filled eyes.

  “I’m trying to help her. I promise; I’ll come back soon.” He reassures me a tiny bit.

  “Okay.” I pout hating that he’s leaving me.

  “I love you, Ryder.”

  “I love you, too.” I lean up and give him a chaste kiss. I hold him for just one fraction of a second longer and then finally let him go. I retreat to my dorm sullenly and stand on the inside of the glass windowed door, watching as my car fades into the distance. I realize that even though I’m on my own, I’m able. I can be strong for Kara, for Ollie, for Junior. I run up the stairs to my room and find Kara curled up on her side in her bed.


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