Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1)

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Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1) Page 5

by Kendel Duncan

  “When this is all over, I’m going to need some help or a recommendation for a good therapist for Jesse too. One that will allow me to accompany him to his sessions.”

  Luther nodded, “I’ll get started on that.”

  “How soon until everyone gets here?”

  “Morgan should be back in an hour. The Black Ops boys are due to arrive in about three hours.”

  Noah nodded down at the counter, “In that case, I’m going to take Jesse out back onto the patio so we can talk for a bit, okay?”

  “Sounds like a perfect idea.”

  Noah grabbed his coffee cup, slid his hand onto Jesse’s lower back and led him out the sliding glass door onto the cement patio by the pool. The sun was already shining but it was still a relatively cool spring day that would probably only get into the lower sixties.

  “Is that a hot tub?” Jesse said as he pointed to the slightly raised, rectangular area at one end of the pool.

  “It is.”

  “I’ve always wanted to try one of those. I’ve heard they feel amazing but Mr. Knight wouldn’t let me try the one at the gym and he didn’t have one at his home.”

  “Mr. Knight? Didn’t he let you call him Jacob?”

  Jesse lifted a shoulder, “He wanted me to when I got older and I did when we were around his friends but it felt weird to me so most of the time I called him Mr. Knight.”

  Noah looked at the hot tub, “Would you like to try to the hot tub, Jesse?”

  Jesse blushed as he looked at the ground then up at Noah then over at the hot tub, “I don’t have a suit.”

  “That’s okay, Jesse, neither do I. We can just sit in there and talk.”

  Jesse frowned, “Oh, okay.”

  Noah curved his finger and stuck it under Jesse’s chin, lifting it under his eyes met Noah’s, “Let’s get to know each other, okay, Jesse? I really want to know everything about you.”


  Noah smiled at him, “Because you’re worth knowing, Jesse. We’ve got time for the other stuff, we don’t have to rush into it.”

  “But what if we don’t?”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t have time?”

  Noah frowned, “Why wouldn’t we have time?”

  “What if he takes me back? I, I don’t want to lose this opportunity to try something that I really want for the first time in my life, Noah.”

  Noah stepped closer to Jesse, “First of all, I’m flattered and honored that it’s me that you want to try these things with, Jesse. Second of all, he is not taking you back, not ever, I will not allow that.”

  Jesse looked down at his hands, “But, he always gets what he wants, you of all people should know that.”

  “He wanted me and yet I left him ten years ago didn’t I? He doesn’t always get what he wants. And he won’t get you, Jesse. Not anymore. In fact, he’s done getting what he wants, I’m going to make sure of that.”

  “I’m still scared of him, Noah,” Jesse whispered.

  Noah slid his fingers in Jesse’s hand and began walking him up towards the hot tub, stopping at the fully stocked towel rack on the way and grabbing two towels for them, “I know you are, babe. I am too. I think a part of us always will be. He stole that from us and that sucks big time. But do you know what we get to do?” he said as he stopped next to the hot tub and dropped their towels onto a lounge chair.


  Noah slid his fingers under the hem of Jesse’s shirt and pulled it over his head, “We get to come out stronger on the other side, and we get to do that together,” he said.

  Jesse watched his shirt drop to the deck chair and he smiled and said, “I like the sound of that, Noah. I don’t know what it feels like to be strong.”

  Noah’s own shirt fell to the ground and it was followed quickly by his pants. His dick began thickening when Jesse’s eyes instantly latched onto it but there was nothing he could do about that. He was insanely attracted to Jesse and he was beyond trying to hide it now.

  “You do know what it feels like to be strong, Jesse. You’ve been strong every fucking day of your life. From the fucked up days with your abusive father to every single day you spent with Jacob Knight.”

  Jesse blushed, “Oh, I wasn’t strong, Noah,” he whispered.

  Noah’s fingertips slid into the top of Jesse’s jeans, popped the button, lowered the zipper and then with a growl he pushed Jesse’s pants off his hips as he looked into his eyes and said, “You are the strongest person I’ve ever met, Jesse Miller, and I am so fucking proud of you,” then he turned and stepped down into the water because if he didn’t he would’ve taken the man’s lips in a scorching kiss….and it wouldn’t have stopped there.

  He sat on one of the built-in seats, threw his arms along the edges, tipped his head back and closed his eyes because he was afraid to watch as Jesse’s naked body stepped into the water. His mouth lifted in a smile and then he snorted a laugh because, yeah, he – Noah Pierce, was afraid of a boy. He hadn’t been afraid of anyone since the day he’d woken up in that hospital with Morgan Doyle by his side.

  “Did, did you just laugh at me?” Jesse’s voice said with a tremble.

  Noah’s eyes flew open and he glanced up to find him standing naked, his hands clasped over his crotch, his lower lip clasped between his teeth and his brow furrowed….and fuck if that didn’t make Noah feel like the biggest asshole on the planet for putting that frown there. “What? No, Jesse, no!” he said his words pushing out as his body rushed over to the side. He reached up to clasp Noah’s hand, “I was laughing at myself because, well, because you fucking scare the shit out of me and that freaks me out so much that I find it, well, kind of funny.”

  “I scare you?” Jesse said with a squeak that Noah found completely adorable.

  “Can, can you come in here, please and I’ll try to explain?” Noah said.

  Jesse nodded but as he began to step down Noah said, “Careful of your stitches, I don’t want to get them wet if we can help it, okay?”

  Jesse glanced at his bandaged arm and nodded just before he slowly stepped down into the water. His eyes went wide, “Whoa, it’s so warm, like a bath or something,” he said as he lowered all the way to his neck.

  “Yeah, it gets better too,” Noah said.


  “Yeah, here, sit on this seat here,” he said as he guided Jesse onto one of the bench seats.

  “Oh, these are nice. They mold to your butt,” Jesse said as he spread his arms over the concrete top, the same way Noah had moments before.

  Noah smiled as he reached over to the controls, “Check this out,” he said as he pressed the button for the first level of jets.

  Jesse gasped as the water started bubbling. Then he started giggling, “That tickles my back.”

  “Try shifting a bit, it should feel good, not tickle. It’s supposed to be like a massage.”

  “Oh, I’ve never had one of those,” Jesse said as he wiggled around, “Ummm, that’s better. It’s hitting the middle of my back now instead of the side. Feels nice.”

  “Let me know when you’re ready for more.”

  “There’s more?”

  Noah grinned, “Oh yeah, there’s more.”

  He pressed another button on the control panel and more of the jets came alive.

  “Holy fuck!” Jesse shouted as he glanced down in the water, “That’s like, right between my legs.”

  Noah smirked, “Yeah, I know.”

  A minute of silence passed and then Jesse let out a quiet moan followed by, “This feels really good.”

  Noah cracked one eye open to peek at him and regretted it instantly because Jesse Miller on his own was a beautiful man. But Jesse Miller with flushed pink cheeks and his lips parted and his breathing coming out in pants because he was getting turned on? Irresistible.

  But Noah had to stay away, he fucking had to….if he didn’t he probably wouldn’t ever be able to leave.

  And yet he could see, e
ven through the swirling water, how hard Jesse was getting.

  Before he knew it he opened his mouth and whispered, “Touch yourself, Jesse. Let me watch you,” he said.

  Jesse’s eyes snapped to Noah’s and the lust in them literally pulled Noah off of his bench and into the middle of the warm pool but he managed to stop himself there.

  “I, I, fuck, I can’t,” Jesse whispered.

  “Why not?”

  Jesse held up his bandaged arm, “This is my dominant hand. My other one is useless when it comes to jacking off.”

  Noah glanced around. He knew he could tell Jesse to sit up on the edge of the pool and do it but then Luther might be able to see him. He couldn’t do that to the young man – he didn’t want to put him on display like some party favor.

  “Would you, do you want me to?” he whispered.

  “Oh fuck yes, please yes.”

  Noah took two steps forward in the water and felt the head of his hard dick brush against Noah’s, “Fucking hell,” he mumbled as he lined them up and wrapped his hand around both of them. He gave a tug.

  “Oh, oh God, oh, OH!” Jesse said with a groan as realized what Noah was doing. He looked down through the swirling water to watch. “Fuck that’s so hot and it feels so good, Noah.”

  “Yeah, it does, Jess.”

  Jesse pressed his forehead to Noah’s, his fingers digging into Noah’s shoulders as he watched. His hips jerked, he grunted occasionally, he made these delightful little moaning sounds in the back of his throat but, much to Noah’s surprise, he never went over the edge. Even though his cock was leaking like crazy in the water, he still didn’t come. And Noah needed him to come, he needed it bad. Because his own balls were drawing up tight and he was about to go over.

  “Noah?” Jesse whispered.

  “Yeah, Jess?”

  “Can I come now?”

  Motherfucking hell, fucking Jacob Knight. Of course he’d trained Noah to wait for fucking permission.

  “Kiss me Jesse, put your lips on me and come.”

  Jesse gasped as his head came up and he smashed their lips together as Noah’s free hand clasped the back of Jesse’s neck to pull him closer. Noah captured Jesse cry in his mouth as his body bucked when he finally let go and then Noah gave his own cry right back to Jesse as he fell right over that edge with him. And the moment he did he knew things would never be the same because where he was in this very moment was now his heaven on earth, it was the place that he not only wanted to stay but, if he had to leave, he wanted to return to it over and over and over….and wasn’t that just the scariest fucking thing for a broken man like Noah Pierce.


  As Noah’s hand slowly continued to back and forth on their dicks, milking every drop out of both of them, as his heartrate started to come back from the stratosphere, as his lips and tongue slowed their frenzied devouring of Jesse’s mouth….he suddenly became aware of one thing: Jesse wasn’t kissing him back.

  His eyes popped open as he pulled back and, fucking hell, the man had tears rolling down his cheeks.

  “Jess?” he whispered.

  Jesse’s lips pursed and he shook his head, “No,” he whispered, his eyes squeezed shut.

  Noah reached up to cup his cheek and brush a few tears away with his thumb, “Talk to me, please. Did I go too far?”

  A sad smile flitted over his face, “God, no. I’m upset because it’s over now. That’s the first time anything like that has ever felt so damn good that I didn’t want it to end but at the same time I knew it was going to be epic when it did.” His eyes finally opened and Noah would swear they gazed right into his heart as Jesse whispered, “Can we, do you think maybe we could do that again sometime? I really, really liked it.”

  Noah smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose, “Of course. I really liked it too, Jess.”

  “You did? I mean, I’m so, you must have done this a lot with guys who know what they’re doing and I really didn’t do anything, you did all the work….”

  Noah put a finger over Jesse’s lips to stop him from saying anything more, “Jess? You were perfect. The way you kissed me? No one has ever kissed me like that. And I love those sounds you make. Everything you did was fucking perfect.”

  The smile that Jesse gave him was, well, it was fucking perfect, just like everything else about the man.

  Movement over Jesse’s shoulder had Noah’s eyes lifting to see Luther striding towards them and from the grim set of his mouth and the tense look of his body, Noah instantly knew the man wasn’t coming out to chat.

  He slowly reached over to press the off button on the jets as he whispered, “We should probably go inside.”

  Disappointment flitted across Jesse’s face but then he followed Noah’s gaze and saw Luther, “Oh, okay,” he said.

  Luther stopped at the edge of the hot tub and held their towels out to both of them, “We need to get moving.”

  Noah held Jesse’s hand as he stepped out, making sure he had his balance first before reaching for his towel and wrapping it around his waist, “What’s going on?”

  “Let’s talk inside,” Luther said as he turned and began walking back towards the house. That move right there let Noah know that not only did they have to move, but they had to move quickly. But he didn’t want Jesse to panic.

  “He knows I’m here, doesn’t he?” Jesse whispered.

  Noah bent over and began picking up their clothes. “What? No, he can’t, that’s impossible. Jacob has never known about my connection to Morgan unless,” his thoughts trailed back to the night he had rescued Jesse at that nightclub…and how Luther had distracted Jacob and the men at the table. Noah’s head fell back on his shoulders as he squeezed his eyes shut and muttered, “Motherfucker,” then he grabbed Jesse’s hand, “Come on,” he said as he sped up his stride towards the house.

  As he walked into the kitchen he saw both his bag and one that he assumed was for Jesse sitting on the kitchen counter. “How long do we have?” he said as he began pulling on his clothes. Next to him, Jesse began doing the same thing.

  “About thirty minutes. Knight’s got some dirty cop buddies who are going to try to serve a bogus search warrant on this place. Luckily a friend of ours in the department got wind of it and called Morgan. Our lawyer is on the way over so he can greet them at the door but that’s no guarantee that he’ll be able to keep them out,” he said then he held up a set of keys and an envelope, “Here’s five thousand and the keys to Caleb’s Impala. Morgan bought it from him and was going to put it in the company fleet but he hadn’t gotten around to the title change yet so that works out in your favor,” he said then he handed Noah a slip of paper.

  “What’s this?”

  “The address to our mountain retreat in Jefferson. It’s remote, solar powered, has a backup generator if power goes out, that kind of shit, and it’s listed under a corporate name that would take some digging to figure out that it belongs to me and Morgan.”

  Noah looked at him, “When you say remote mountain retreat, most people think no running water, outhouse, no electricity, that kind of shit but that’s not what we’re talking about is it?”

  Luther smiled and shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t know, six acres, gated, three bedrooms, five bathrooms, three thousand square feet, is that remote enough for you?”

  “Yeah, that’ll work.”

  Luther held out his hand, “Give me your phone. I put a couple of burners in your bag.”

  “Thanks, Luther. And I’m so sorry I’ve put you two in this situation,” Noah said.

  Luther pulled him into his arms, “Stop it. You’re family, Noah. This is what family does. Now go, get out of here. We’ll be in touch. There’s a computer up there but internet is kind of shitty. Use it when you can but don’t do any searches on Jacob, I’m sure he and his buddies are looking for that. You leave that up to us.”

  “I will. Thanks again. Tell Morgan, tell him….”

  “I will but you can tell him yourself the
next time you see him,” Luther said as he gave him one final squeeze then he stepped back.

  Noah nodded at him, handed Jesse his bag, slid his own over his shoulder and then, after grabbing their shoes from the basket in the hall, they walked into the garage.

  He set his bag on the backseat, zipped it open to pull out the weapon that he was sure Luther would’ve given him. After pulling the gun and one of the burner phones out, he zipped it back up. He dropped into the driver’s seat and tucked the Glock into center console of the car and handed Jesse one of the burner phones. He started the car and only then did he finally nod at Luther to press the button to open the garage door…..because he wasn’t sure what would be waiting for him on the other side of it, even though Morgan and Luther’s home was gated.

  Luckily, nobody was there….yet.

  He quickly backed out and got them on the road and, after leaving the highway five times to take a few side roads to see if anyone was following them, he got back on the highway for the final time and drove the three hours until he pulled up to the gate at Luther and Morgan’s beautiful log cabin home.


  “Damn,” Kelly said as Cole drove down the long driveway and pulled up in front of the biggest log cabin he’d ever seen in his life.

  It had to be at least three thousand square feet….on the main level.

  He could see a large array of solar panels mounted on the green metal roof, so he knew the thing was at least somewhat self-sufficient.

  “Yeah, no shit,” Cole said as he parked his car behind a blue Impala. As they walked around to the trunk of Cole’s Audi, Kelly could feel eyes on him, and they made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

  The trunk raised up but just before Cole reached inside to get his bag, Kelly clamped a hand over his arm, “Hold up a second babe.”

  “What? Why?”

  Kelly felt the cool metal of a gun as it was pressed against the back of his head, “Both of you take two steps back.”

  Kelly felt Cole stiffen next to him but he followed Kelly’s lead and took those two steps.


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