Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1)

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Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1) Page 8

by Kendel Duncan

  “I do…..want to learn, I mean.”

  “Oh, I know you do,” Noah said with a wink, making Jesse blush.

  He walked them both over to the side of the tub then waited for Jesse to unwrap his legs and place his feet on the floor. Noah stepped into the tub and slid down into the silky, warm water then he looked up at Jesse and held his hand up to him. Jesse smiled, climbed in, settled between Noah’s thighs and leaned back against his body.

  After a few moments of silence, Jesse whispered, “I don’t know who I’m supposed to be.”

  Noah brought his arms and legs around Jesse’s body and kissed his shoulder, “You’ll figure it out and you’ve got plenty of time now, babe.”

  Noah caressed his fingertips over Jesse’s body for a few minutes as they silently stared out the window. “Did you finish high school, Jess?”

  Jesse shook his head, “No. He wouldn’t let me leave the house. But he did eventually let me get my GED.”

  “No college or anything though?”

  Jesse shook his head, “No, he said why should I bother when he was going to take care of me the rest of my life.”

  “Well, you’ll have to figure that shit out because I expect you to carry your fair share around here,” Noah said as he playfully pinched Jesse’s ass in the water.

  Jesse giggled as he jumped but when he settled back into the water he was quiet again.

  “What is it, babe?”

  “I like not being treated like some useless object but it scares me too.”


  “What if I’m not good enough?”

  “That kind of thinking stops right here, right now, Jesse. As long as you’re trying, that’s all I ever ask for and it’s more than enough.”

  Jesse sighed again as he melted back into Noah’s chest but then their heads both turned when they heard the sound of nails clicking on hardwood floors. Then a grey, solid body was launching across the floor. “Shit!” Noah cried as he stuck his arm out and just barely managed to stop Charlie’s body from landing in the water. The panting dog took the stop in stride though, placing his front paws on the edge as his butt wiggled while his thin tail swung wildly back and forth. And then his thick tongue was sliding up Noah’s cheek.

  “Ugh, gross, buddy. But I missed you too,” Noah said as he cradled Charlie’s big head in his arm and pet his head.

  Morgan stepped into the doorway, crossed his arms and legs and leaned against it. “I see you’re enjoying the view.”

  Noah didn’t worry about Morgan seeing any part of Jesse that he didn’t want him to see because his ankles were crossed with his feet resting gently over Jesse’s cock and balls. “Oh, there’s a view?” Noah said with a smile as his arms tightened around Jesse’s chest and he pressed a kiss to his temple.

  Morgan snorted a laugh as he pushed away from the door and turned, “We need to talk soon. Cooper, Riley, Beau and Ryan are here.”

  “Yeah, okay. We’ll be out in a few minutes,” Noah said as he looked over at Morgan. He watched Morgan’s eyes dart to the floor and he knew the moment that the man saw Noah’s come pooling there because he looked back up with a raised eyebrow.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll clean it up,” he said.

  “Uh-huh,” Morgan said as he turned away, “Come on Charlie,” he said as he patted his leg and Noah watched his dog trot after Morgan, nails clicking on the floors.

  “Is he mad?” Jesse said quietly.

  “No, babe. Why would he be?”

  Jesse shrugged a shoulder, “I know you said you’d never been that way with him but there’s just this air of familiarity between you two. Are you sure there isn’t anything?”

  “Me and Morgan? Oh hell, no. Even if we were ever tempted to, which we weren’t, he’s my boss, Jesse. He would never cross that line and neither would I. And now he’s married to Luther. Have you seen that guy? No, we’ve always been just great friends.”

  “He just seemed very comfortable seeing you naked.”

  “Everyone I work with has seen me naked, babe. And I’ve seen them. We train together, we workout together, we shower together. In my line of work that’s how it is.”

  “I guess I never thought of that,” he whispered and then he was quiet as he traced his fingers through the warm water.

  “Tell me,” Noah whispered as he held him tight.

  Jesse shrugged again, “Jacob hated it if he ever thought I was looking at another man, even someone on TV. But he was always different whenever he came home from the gym.”

  “Different, how?”

  “Angrier but more relaxed.”

  “Jess, maybe he wasn’t at the gym?”

  Jesse laughed, “Oh, I know he wasn’t, that’s just what he called it, but I knew he was out fucking around.”

  “Did that bother you?”

  “Not when I was younger, but when I reached adulthood and got more curious about sex, I began to wonder what was wrong with me that made him not want me. And then…..” Jesse whispered as his eyes drifted to the windows.

  “And then, what?”

  Jesse squeezed his eyes shut, “Not now, Noah. Please?”

  “Okay babe. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”

  Jesse turned his head to look at Noah, “I want to, I’m just not ready.”

  “I understand babe. Take all the time you need. Can I ask you one question, though?”

  Jesse nodded, “Yeah.”

  “Did you, um, did you want Jacob?”

  Jesse sat up a little and looked down at his fingers through the water, something that Noah now knew was something he did when he was nervous, “No, I didn’t. I asked him once for a subscription to a sports magazine and he got one for me because I guess he thought it was safe for me to read it. But I’d look at some of those athletes, with their biceps bulging, their defined chest muscles and their huge thighs and I’d get hard. I never got hard when I looked at Jacob, it just felt weird.”

  Jesse leaned back against Noah’s chest with a sigh, “I get hard when I look at you,” he whispered.

  Noah pressed his lips to the side of Jesse’s head, “Yeah?”

  Jesse nodded, “Oh yeah, a lot. But it’s not just from the way your body looks. It’s the way you look at me, like I’m someone….important.”

  “You are someone important….to me,” Noah whispered against Jesse’s temple, “And I get hard every time I look at you too.”

  Jesse’s head turned to look at the counter, “What we did over there, when you put your mouth on me and touched me in that place inside? It was, God, that felt so amazing. Do you think we could do that again sometime?”

  “Of course, we can, babe. We’ll do that a lot.”

  “Will you teach me how to touch you there too?”

  Noah groaned, “God, yes, I will. And we’ll do a lot of other things too.”

  “Will they feel that good?”

  “They’ll feel even better.”

  A shiver wracked Jesse’s body causing ripples in the water.

  “You make me feel so alive and bright, Noah. It’s like my whole life I’ve been living in the dark and you’ve turned on the light for me. I want to see everything. I want to feel everything. I want to do everything.”

  “And you will. All of it.”

  “With you?”

  “With me, if that’s what you want.”

  “It is, I do. I want that so bad. I’m hard again.”

  “I see that. And I really wish we could stay in here and do something about it. But there are people waiting for us out there.”

  “I know,” Jesse said and then he quickly spun around in the water, straddling Noah’s lap, bumping his hard dick into Noah’s semi-erect one. “Can I, um, can I try doing that thing where both our dicks are touching?”

  Noah’s fingers came up to grip Jesse’s waist, “Babe.”

  Disappointment washed over Jesse’s face as he started to move away, “Yeah, you’re right, I get it.”

sp; Noah tightened his fingers, keeping Jesse in place and waited the moment it took for his eyes to meet Noah’s again, “Do it, babe. Touch me.”

  Jesse’s face lit up, “You’re sure?”

  Noah nodded, “Very.”

  Noah watched Jesse’s face as he looked down between their bodies, his tongue darting out in concentration. And then he wrapped his hand around both of their pricks and gave a gentle tug. “Like that?” he said as he looked back up into Noah’s eyes.

  Noah nodded, “Yeah, maybe a little harder and tighter.”

  Jesse proved to be a very fast learner and soon both of their pricks were leaking clear fluid into the water. By this time, Jesse’s forehead was resting on Noah’s shoulder and he was watching every move his hand made below. “I’m close,” he whispered.

  “Me too, babe.”

  Suddenly, Jesse’s hand tightened and he twisted his wrist on the upswing, “Holy shit,” Noah cried as his hips tried to leave the bottom of the tub.

  Jesse did it again and Noah was gripping Jesse’s shoulders and gritting his teeth. His balls were drawn up tight and he could feel his orgasm tingling and just waiting for that right push.

  “Come whenever you need to, babe,” Noah whispered, hoping he could get Jesse to go over first.

  “I will. I just, God, Noah, your dick is so beautiful. I want to see what it looks like when you come.”

  Those words released the hold that Noah had on his control. “Fuck, fuck, oh God, Jesse!” he cried and then his dick was expanding under Jesse’s fingers and shooting out thick ribbons of white into the water.

  “Oh my God, Noah,” Jesse mumbled and then Noah felt Jesse dick as it pulsed out his release and swirled in the water with his own. The water between their bodies was now a cloudy, milky white as Jesse slowed his hand and squeezed to get the last drops out of both their bodies.

  And then Jesse’s head slowly lifted and the look of wonder and awe on it just took Noah’s breath away.

  “I made you come,” he said as his eyes shimmered with his grin.

  Noah brushed his hand through Jesse’s hair and cupped his face, “You did, and very well I might add.”

  A bigger smile broke out on Jesse’s face, “I really like doing that.”

  “Good, because I really like it too,” Noah said and then he patted Jesse’s side, “Come on, we need to get out.”

  They both climbed out of the tub and dried off. Noah got a washcloth wet and cleaned up the mess he’d made on the floor and then they both put the clothes back on that they had been wearing earlier.

  They walked out into the main room to find a house full of people and amazing smells coming from the kitchen. “Something smells good,” Noah said as he pulled Jesse into his side.

  “Spaghetti,” Kelly said from the kitchen where he was stirring something on the stove. “Not sure I made enough for all these people, though.”

  “It’s okay, we ate on the road,” one of the men said.

  “Okay, first things first. Introductions. From Malone’s Black Ops team, this is Beau Williams and his partner and fiancé Ryan Forrester.”

  Noah nodded at both men and Jesse gave a small wave.

  “And this is Riley Miller and his partner Cooper Thompson.”

  “Miller,” the man Morgan had introduced as Cooper said.

  “What?” Morgan said.

  “It’s Cooper Miller now. We got married in Vegas a few days ago.”

  “You, you got married a few days ago? So…”

  Cooper grinned, “This is our honeymoon.”

  “What the fuck, dude? Why aren’t you off in Tahiti or someplace warm?”

  Cooper shrugged a shoulder as he beamed at his husband, “Eh, we didn’t want any hoopla or anything. Just wanted to make it official. We’ll take a trip to celebrate some other time.”

  Morgan just shook his head in amazement before he continued, “You guys know Kelly and Cole, correct?”

  “Yeah,” Riley said as he tilted his chin up to Kelly.

  “Okay, then. Some of you know Noah Pierce, who works for me. And this is Jesse Miller. Jesse is Kelly’s brother. Both Noah and Jesse have been targeted by one Jacob Knight.”

  “Not the lawyer,” Cooper said.

  Noah’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Coop.

  “Yes, why, do you know him?” Morgan said.

  “Yeah. Fucker got a perp I had been chasing for three years off on a murder charge. Had that fucking jury eating out of his hands. That guy was guilty as fuck and everyone there knew it but they all would’ve dropped to their knees to suck Knight’s dick if he asked him too. Asshole is that good.”

  “Well, he’s also an abuser, both physically, verbally and mentally. And both Noah and Jesse know this firsthand,” Morgan said.

  All eyes turned to Noah and Jesse and it was really hard for Noah not to cringe under the scrutiny. But he didn’t. He tightened his arm around Jesse’s waist and stood tall and proud as he stared back at those men, reminding himself that they weren’t judging him or Jesse.

  Riley’s eyes broke away first as he turned back to look at Morgan, “Targeted how? For termination?”

  Morgan shook his head, “No, we don’t think so. Kidnapping is more like it. And possibly the torture of Noah.”

  “Why torture of Noah and not Jesse?”

  “Because Noah is the one who got Jesse away from Jacob. Noah hasn’t seen Jacob for ten years, not since the day that Jacob plunged a butcher knife into his side and he ended up in the hospital under my watch. Noah saw Jesse with Jacob at a club and knew that Jesse was going through exactly what he had gone through so he called me. Luther and I distracted Jacob and his friends while Noah got Jesse out of there.”

  Beau looked back at Noah, “But Jacob knows the two of you are together? How?”

  “It took me longer to get Jesse out of there than I thought it would.”

  “Why did it take you longer?”

  Noah’s hand gently cradled the bandage on Jesse’s arm, “When I confronted Jesse in the bathroom and told him I could get him away from Jacob, he informed me that Jacob had put a tracking device in him.”

  “In him? Like inside his body?” Ryan said.

  Noah nodded, “Yeah. Under his skin. I had to cut it out and there was quite a bit of scar tissue keeping it in place. It had been in there a while.”

  Noah nodded as he looked at his arm and nodded, “It was my eighteenth birthday present,” he whispered.

  Oh Jesus, Noah thought as he squeezed his eyes shut.

  “So, he saw you, what? Leaving the club?” Riley said, thankfully forcing Noah’s thoughts back to the discussion instead of the dark place they had gone in.

  Noah shook his head, “No. I managed to get him out to the car but Jacob saw us in the car as we were making our getaway.”

  “This asshole sounds like a real piece of work,” Cooper said with a growl.

  “Take whatever you thought was evil and multiply it by about a thousand,” Noah said.

  “Why the fuck did you ever get with this prick?” Cooper said.

  Noah bristled. He’d heard the question before. Hell, he’d asked it in his own mind a million times.

  But he still fucking hated it.

  Because it made him feel weak.

  It made him feel stupid.

  It made him feel…..less than.

  “Because he acted like the perfect boyfriend at the beginning. By the time I realized what he was really like it was… was too late,” he said, trying not to sound defensive.

  “And you still couldn’t leave?” Cooper said.

  “Coop,” Riley mumbled.

  “No, Riles. I’m trying to understand here. I need to understand.”

  “You probably never will. No one could, except for Jesse. He,” Noah slid a shaking hand through his hair because he really hated thinking about this fucker and the way he felt when he was with him, “he made you feel not only like your fuckups were the reason he had to punish you but he also
had this way of making you feel like no one else could possibly want you and that he was doing you a favor by being with you.”

  Cooper’s gaze softened, “You’re still fucked up by him, aren’t you?” he said.

  “Yeah, and a part of me probably always will be. That was his thing. He broke you until only he could fix you. But he never really did.”

  Cooper wrapped his arms around Riley’s waist and pulled him closer. Noah knew why. It was the same reason he kept clinging to Jesse. You didn’t want something that fucked up tainting the love you shared with anyone else.


  The word flitted through Noah’s mind so brightly that he pulled his head back and looked into Jesse’s eyes. Did he love him? Already? Was he even capable of love?

  He didn’t have the answers to those questions and as he stared at the beautiful man in his arms he realized that he wasn’t in any rush to get them. He felt like he had all the time in the world to get to know this man and help him unlock his full potential.

  At least he hoped he did.

  “What’s the plan then,” Cooper said as he looked at Morgan over Riley’s shoulder.

  “Luther and I are going to continue to research. We can file for restraining orders and…..”

  “You’re going to try to stop him using the court system? Did that work before?” Beau said.

  “No, it didn’t. Well, it kept him away from me but that’s only because I basically stayed hidden from him after Morgan rescued me. I moved. My house isn’t in my name. I don’t have any social or public footprint. All the jobs I didn’t for Morgan were out of the spotlight. I’m not exactly sure what he would have done if he had found me shortly after I left him.”

  “So, it sounds like that’s not the way to go. I say we bait him. Lure him out to do something stupid and illegal and then we nail his ass,” Ryan said.

  “If we do that, I want Jesse hidden somewhere else so he’s never in danger.”

  Jesse’s head whipped around, “No!” he barked out.


  Jesse squirmed away from Noah’s hold and began pacing, “No! We’re here because of me. We’re all here because of me. I will not run off and hide while you fight my battle. I refuse, Noah! I simply refuse.”

  Noah couldn’t help the small smile that lifted one corner of his mouth but he also knew that he had to keep this man safe, he had to, or else he wouldn’t survive. “We’ll figure something out, baby,” he said as he pulled Jesse back into his arms.


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