Stroke of Luck

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Stroke of Luck Page 21

by Carew, Opal

Quinn tossed back a swallow. “Do you think I should go in there?”

  Austin settled back in the chair. “I think you should give her some time alone. She’s got a lot to sort out.”

  Quinn sighed and raked his hand through his hair. “That dream she had last night … Fuck, it really messed with my head.”

  “Look, whatever you heard her mumble in her sleep, I wouldn’t let it get to you. It could mean anything.”

  Quinn swirled the liquid around his glass. “She said she’s not going back to him, but she didn’t explain why she’s wearing the ring.”

  “I’m sure she has a good reason. Probably related to the fact that it seems he’s paying her back some—or hopefully all—the money she lost because of him. It’ll take some time to get it to her, so maybe she’s playing a bluff until she has the money in hand.”

  Quinn’s hand tightened around his glass. “Fuck, do you think this means she’ll walk away from us, too? Since her debt is paid off, she has no reason to continue with the arrangement.”

  Austin stared at the bedroom door wistfully as he sipped his drink.

  “I don’t know, man,” he said.

  From the moment Austin had told him April was talking to Maurice, fear had surged through Quinn. His gut had knotted at the thought of losing her again. He was glad she wasn’t going back to that bastard who had treated her so badly. But it seemed far too likely she would walk out of Quinn’s life again, just as suddenly as she’d stumbled back into it.

  Unless he did something about it.


  Once April was inside the room, she crumpled on the couch. She should be happy. Maurice would be reimbursing her every cent she’d lost because of his abhorrent treatment of her. That meant she could pay back Quinn. And she was getting enough money from her town house to get started somewhere new.

  But seeing Maurice had forced her to relive the pain of losing the dream of happily-ever-after all over again.

  She couldn’t believe she’d been so thoroughly fooled by him. But when she thought about it, she realized he was like the magician from last night’s show. Keeping her attention focused on things like flashy gifts and talk of love while making things disappear. Like her self-esteem. Her independence. Her happiness.

  With Maurice, she’d thought she was in love because she’d wanted the security his love and wealth would give her. But in fact, she would never be secure with Maurice because he could rip it all away from her so easily. In fact, anyone she came to depend on could do the same.

  Her sense of security had to come from within herself. She had to believe she could keep herself secure and happy. Even when she’d been with Maurice, she’d held down her own job and paid her own bills, but everything she’d built had toppled because of Maurice.

  She straightened her shoulders. But she’d learned from that. She wouldn’t let herself be in that position again.

  Getting the money to pay back the hotel debt from Maurice meant she no longer owed Quinn, except for the clothes she’d bought, and she’d pay for those from the equity she was getting back from her town house. She’d use the rest of that money to get set up in an apartment somewhere and get back on her feet.

  Her heart ached as she thought about living in that apartment alone. Without Quinn. Or Austin.

  She’d never doubted that she loved Quinn. She’d never stopped loving him. And now she’d been falling in love with Austin, too.

  She sighed and stared at the door wistfully. When Quinn had demanded answers from her, jealousy coloring every word, she’d become annoyed and rebellious, but she realized that he’d acted that way because he cared about her. He was worried that she’d go back to Maurice. And given her current situation and her past actions, she couldn’t really blame him for that.

  If she hadn’t had Quinn and Austin’s help during ths desperate time, it would be all too easy to jump at a lifeline. To convince herself that Maurice was telling the truth and really did regret what he’d done. Because fear could do that to a person. She’d seen other women return to worse situations out of fear of the alternative.

  It all came down to wanting to be loved and cared for.

  Maurice was doing everything he could to convince her he still cared. By giving her money.

  Quinn had given her money, too. But he’d also given her so much more. And all of it with no strings. He’d only agreed to the arrangement to satisfy her need to pay him back.

  She sighed and stood up, then walked toward the door.

  * * *

  Austin watched Quinn with a somber eye. His friend had come a long way dealing with his feelings for April. Austin had hoped over the next few weeks that Quinn would finally realize he wanted to keep her in his life.

  Austin sure as hell did, and he had no idea how that was going to work.

  But now April could just move on, and as happy as Austin was about April having her independence again, selfishly he wished the turnaround could have come a little later.

  Quinn sipped his drink, and Austin saw the resolve in his eyes. That was good. It meant Quinn was going to fight for her.

  The sound of the bedroom door opening snagged his attention, and his focus jerked to it, along with Quinn’s.

  April stepped into the living room. The anger was gone from her eyes, and she looked almost sheepish.

  She sat down. “Quinn, I’m sorry I got mad.” Her fingers twisted together on her lap. “It was hard seeing Maurice again, and when you got angry and started questioning me…” She bit her lip. “I just reacted.”

  Quinn stood up and moved to her chair, then knelt in front of her and took her hand.

  “It’s okay, baby. I didn’t mean to badger you.”

  She wiped an errant tear from her eye. “I know you were just looking out for me, and that means a lot to me.”

  Quinn drew her forward and slid his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest, and her gaze now fell to Austin. He smiled and nodded. He was rewarded by a small smile turning up her lips.

  She drew back from Quinn’s embrace.

  “And that dream didn’t mean anything. I don’t have any lingering feelings for him, except what you’d expect for someone who hurt me.”

  The glitter in Quinn’s deep, blue eyes told Austin that he’d love to get his hands on Maurice and make him answer for that pain.

  “Now I’ll answer your question about why I’m wearing the engagement ring,” April said.

  Quinn drew her to her feet and guided her to the couch with him, then, when they sat down, slid his arm around her protectively.

  “When he told me he wanted to talk to me, I was going to turn him down,” she said, “but I wanted to know what he was up to. And I needed to find closure. When we sat down for a drink, he apologized for his actions and promised never to cheat on me again. He started offering me money by paying back the hotel debt and returning the equity in my town house. He even offered a huge bonus payment that I would receive if I married him.”

  Why the hell would the guy be throwing around all that cash to win April back? He didn’t love her. That was clear from his affair and his subsequent treatment of her. Yet he was spending a lot of money to try to get her to marry him.

  An idea prickled through Austin’s brain. “How huge? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Half a million dollars. But I don’t want his money. I just want the debt cleared and the equity in my house that I worked so hard to build.” She turned to Quinn. “He insisted I wear his ring again and that we talk tomorrow once the money shows up in my back account.”

  “April, did Maurice ask you to sign any papers leading up to the wedding day?” Austin asked.

  “Yes, a prenup.”

  “Anything else?”

  * * *

  A prenup. An image flashed through April’s brain. Quinn sliding a small piece of notepaper toward her. There’d been a sentence or two scrawled on it … she couldn’t remember … but at the top was written PRENUP in Quinn’s distinct bl
ock printing.

  Her stomach twisted. Even drunk and spontaneously marrying her in an essentially fake wedding, he had protected himself with a prenup. Not that she could blame him. It just … hurt.

  “April? Is something wrong?” Austin asked.

  “No, I just…” She shook her head. “A memory from Saturday night.”

  “When we all got married?” Quinn asked.

  She nodded.

  “Anything you want to share?” Quinn coaxed with a smile.

  “No,” she said a bit too quickly, still reeling from the mélange of feelings swirling through her. “It was just a flash. Nothing substantial.” She turned to Austin. “I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

  “I asked if you signed anything besides the prenup.”

  “Yes, there were other papers. He signed over some properties and one of his companies to me. He said it would help with taxes.” Her eyes widened. “That wasn’t illegal, was it?”

  “No, not illegal, but that’s what he’s worried about. You still own those things. And with the amount of money he’s offered to get you back, I take it they’re worth a hell of a lot.”

  She shook her head. “But I assumed since we didn’t get married that they’d revert to him. The date of ownership was set at the day after the wedding.”

  “It sounds like he was depending on the prenup alone to get the holdings back if you wound up getting divorced, never imagining the wedding itself wouldn’t happen.”

  “So it sounds like you just became a multimillionaire,” Quinn said.

  “I don’t want his properties,” April said. “I’ll tell him so tomorrow. I just want to be rid of him.”

  “You should wait a little longer and make him sweat,” Quinn suggested.

  “Whatever you decide to do, if he asks you to sign any papers, will you let my lawyer look them over?” Austin asked.

  “Yes, thank you.” She smiled. “Now why don’t we forget about all this right now and just enjoy the rest of our day together. What would you like to do?”

  * * *

  After a long but wonderful day April would never forget, they stepped into the suite, and she slumped on the couch. They’d gone on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, had a sumptuous dinner at a very exclusive French restaurant with a twenty-third-floor view, and finally enjoyed a hilarious comedy show.

  She pulled off her shoes and tossed them under the coffee table. “You two spoiled me. I had such a good time.”

  “You deserve to be spoiled,” Quinn said as he sat down beside her.

  “Talking about having a good time,” Austin said as he settled at her other side, “the whole time we were out, all I could think about was coming back here and having a good time with you.”

  She grinned at him. “Is that a proposition?”

  “If it is, will I get a yes?” he asked, his eyes glittering.

  “I don’t know. I’m pretty tired.” She stretched her legs out in front of her.

  “Maybe we can find a way to revive you,” Quinn suggested, then ran his hand down her thigh and over her calf.

  Austin turned her and tugged her onto his lap as Quinn drew her legs onto the couch. Then Quinn wrapped his hands around her foot and started to massage. She sighed as she rested against Austin’s chest, his strong arm holding her close. The pressure of Quinn’s fingertips moving over her foot sent waves of delight through her.

  “Mmm, that feels wonderful.”

  Austin’s lips brushed her ear. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look in this dress?” he asked as he slid the zipper down her back.

  “At least three times tonight.” She’d worn the red strapless again because she knew it was their favorite. “But if you like it so much, why are you trying to take it off?”

  “Because I love looking at your stunning body even more.” Austin nuzzled her neck. “And I’m curious about your underwear.”

  He slipped her dress from her shoulders and glided it down to her waist, revealing her black satin bra embroidered with gold thread and edged with delicate black lace. It was part of the set he’d left in a gift bag for her at the spa.

  Quinn, who was still rubbing her foot, watched her dress slide away with a fiery glint in his eyes. Then he focused on the swell of her breasts.

  Austin wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted while Quinn slid the dress down her hips then off. He dropped it on the floor, his gaze falling to her matching panties that were so skimpy they were mostly black lace edging with a small triangle of embroidered black satin front and back.

  As Quinn started on her other foot, Austin captured her lips. The light pressure of his mouth on hers, paired with the sensual feel of Quinn kneading her foot, caused sparks of pure sensation to flicker through her. Austin’s tongue dipped into her mouth, and she suckled on it, drawing it deeper. His large hand glided over her breast, and she arched against him as he caressed, her nipple blossoming into a hard bud.

  Quinn massaged up her calves, squeezing and gliding over her skin.

  Austin stripped off her bra and let it drop to the floor as he covered her breast again. She arched into the warmth of his hand. Quinn passed her knees and continued up her thighs. Her intimate muscles clenched as a deep yearning to feel him stroke her soft folds blazed to life.

  Austin lifted her enough to slide out from under her, then knelt on the floor beside her and smiled. She was now stretched out on the couch, a cushion under her head.

  “I think you’re enjoying all this attention,” he said.

  She curled her hands around his neck. “Oh, yes. Definitely.”

  His lips found hers, and his tongue glided into her mouth again, then swirled deep. She tightened her grip on his neck, holding him close as her tongue stroked his. He tasted of aged scotch and wintergreen.

  Then his lips veered sideways, kissing along her cheek, then down her neck. Her skin erupted in goose bumps, flashing along the path of Austin’s light kisses and trembling up from Quinn’s massaging fingers as he moved up her thighs, ever closer to her aching flesh.

  Austin’s warm breath washed across her breast as his lips moved up the swell. His mouth covered her swollen nipple just as Quinn’s fingers reached the satin of her panties. Austin teased her hard nub with his tongue. She sucked in a breath, pushing herself deeper into his mouth, then exhaled in a soft moan.

  Quinn’s fingertips stroked along the side of her panties, toying with her. She clung to Austin’s head, pulling him tighter as his teasing mouth sent thrilling sensations sparking through her.

  Then Quinn stroked over her satin crotch. She arched against his warm hand, moaning in need. He chuckled and cupped her, massaging with a gentle pressure. Heat thrummed through her. She widened her legs and arched again, offering him greater access.

  When his hand slid away, she murmured a protest. He stripped off her new panties and crumpled them into a ball, then slid them into his pocket with a smile.

  As she watched them disappear, she pursed her lips in a mock frown. “And I was just getting used to wearing panties again.”

  Austin released her nipple to the cool air and chuckled loudly. “It’s a good thing Quinn’s on that, then, because that’s definitely not something we want you used to.”

  His fingers glided over her cold nub, then his mouth found her other nipple and he lapped at it. When Quinn’s big, warm hand covered her again, his thick fingers pressing lightly, she rocked against them. They moved over her in the same massaging motion. Heat swelled through her, and slickness glazed her intimate flesh. He had to feel it.

  Austin’s hand slid down her stomach, then his fingers teased around her navel. He nipped her nub lightly, and she cried out in pleasure. Quinn’s fingertips pressed into her petals, and he stroked her length. Austin flattened his hand on her belly, his fingertips so close to her aching clit.

  Quinn’s finger dipped deeper into her folds, continuing to stroke. She widened her legs, needing him inside her. Austin’s hand moved, then his finger found
her clit. An intense sensual blast jolted through her as he teased it lightly. Two of Quinn’s fingers glided into her passage and stroked inside her.

  “Ohh,” she whimpered. “That feels so good.”

  Austin leaned forward, brushing his lips across her temple. “What does, sweetheart?” His finger never stopped stroking her sensitive nub.

  “All of it,” she nearly croaked. “Both of you touching me. Making me so wet.”

  They both laughed in deep male rumbles.

  “We love it when you’re wet, baby.” Quinn dipped farther into her, then curled his finger and drew it out. He licked it, then smiled broadly. “Especially when we can taste you.”

  Austin leaned down and licked her clit. She arched and moaned at the feel of his tongue flicking over her. When he straightened again, Quinn dipped down and licked her length. Her fingers twisted in his hair as she held him close to her.

  He nuzzled in deep, his tongue curling into her, and lapped enthusiastically. He gazed up at her, his midnight eyes dark and glittering with desire. Then he glided to her clit and suckled.

  “Oh, yes,” she cried, pulling him tightly to her.

  Beside her, Austin had released his cock from his pants. It sprang out, rock-hard and ready. She grabbed it, loving its hefty weight in her hand. She squeezed and stroked as Quinn continued to suckle softly.

  She tugged on Austin’s member, drawing him closer.

  “Quinn,” she said in a trembling voice. “I’m going to suck your friend’s cock now.”

  Quinn watched her brush Austin’s cock against her lips.

  “Do you want me to do that?” she asked, her body trembling from the rising pleasure he was giving her.

  “You know I do, baby,” he murmured against her wet flesh.

  She opened her mouth and took Austin’s cockhead inside, to his groan.

  Quinn’s mouth lifted, and she rocked her hips, wanting him back on her.

  “But I doubt you’ll have time to finish the job,” Quinn said with a grin. Then he dove down on her again.

  She squeezed Austin in her mouth and drew him deeper, the pleasure thrumming through her from Quinn’s suckling leaving her light-headed. Austin helped by gliding in and out of her mouth in short, slow strokes. She glided her tongue over his crown, lapping at it as Quinn lapped at her.


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