The Memorist

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by M. J. Rose

  Praise for M. J. Rose and The Memorist

  A 2008 Indie Next List Selection

  “First-rate…The Da Vinci Code of reincarnationist fiction… Her polished prose and intricate plot will grip even the most skeptical reader.”

  —Washington Post

  “A fast-paced tale of suspense…Few authors would have the moxie to attempt such a daring story, but Rose pulls it off.”

  —Chicago Sun-Times

  “Rose skillfully blends past-life mysteries with present-day chills. The result is a smashing good read.”

  —Publishers Weekly [starred review]

  “[This] elegant and splendidly structured sequel to her ground-breaking The Reincarnationist breaks new ground of its own. Rose’s stylistic mastery is exceeded only by her exhaustive research, the two combining to create a starkly original and brilliantly conceived tale.”

  —Providence Journal

  “Rose tells [the story] elegantly moving gracefully between characters, between time and place, and building both momentum and suspense…recommended highly to readers who appreciate mysteries tinged with the supernatural.”


  Also by M. J. Rose










  The Reincarnationist series






  (with Douglas Clegg)


  (with Angela Adair-Hoy)

  M. J. ROSE


  For My Father

  To my readers:

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  Memory is then the key word which combines past and present, past and future.

  —Elie Wiesel


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

  Chapter 82

  Chapter 83

  Chapter 84

  Chapter 85

  Chapter 86

  Chapter 87

  Chapter 88

  Chapter 89

  Chapter 90

  Chapter 91

  Chapter 92

  Chapter 93

  Chapter 94

  Chapter 95

  Chapter 96

  Chapter 97

  Chapter 98

  Chapter 99

  Chapter 100

  Chapter 101

  Chapter 102

  Chapter 103

  Chapter 104

  Chapter 105

  Chapter 106

  Chapter 107

  Chapter 108

  Chapter 109

  Chapter 110

  Chapter 111

  Author’s Note


  Suggested Reading List

  Chapter 1

  The souls must reenter the absolute from where they have emerged. They must develop all the perfections; the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another…until they have acquired the condition that fits them for reunion with God.

  —Kabbalah (Zohar)

  Vienna, Austria

  Thursday, April 24th—5:00 p.m.

  Beneath a dome nature had carved out of limestone, David Yalom circumnavigated the rim of the underground canyon without once glancing into its black crevasse. Nothing about his measured footsteps suggested he was aware of how dangerous the drop was even though only minutes before his guide had thrown a stone into the abyss that they’d never heard hit bottom. Finally, after four hours of rock climbing and trekking through the gloomy network of tubes and channels, wading through subterranean streams, crossing still pools studded with stalagmites and boiling lakes, he saw what he’d come here for. Up ahead on the right, exactly as Hans Wassong had described it, was a crude but massive arch cut into the rock, a cross roughly etched in the stone like some kind of religious graffiti.

  “So this place you told me about really does exist.” David laughed, but it was a bitter sound that, instead of suggesting humor, suggested there was none left anywhere in the world.

  “I told you that you could trust me.” To converse, these two men—the Israeli journalist and the Austrian felon—each spoke English with different but equally heavy accents. “This entire area is part of the larger tell site,” Wassong continued.

  “Tell site?” David’s irrepressible curiosity got the better of him. He wasn’t there as a reporter, but a lifetime of digging deep into every aspect of every story was a habit that died hard.

  “A tell site,” Wassong said, showing off, “is one that builds up in layers over time. A Jewish ghetto on top of a medieval city on top of an ancient Roman city. You’d have to raze all of Vienna’s streets to chart this underground world of sewers, cellars and catacombs.”

  The area up ahead glowed in the beams of light streaming from the halogen lamps affixed to the men’s helmets. Everywhere else fell off into shadow and interminable darkness; each step they took vanished behind them. The last few feet of the dangerous ledge rose steeply until finally they reached the entrance. Wassong walked under the low-hanging arch but David had to stoop to follow him into the crypt.

  At the sound of their footsteps a rat, its red eyes flashing, vacated an infant-sized skull and darted off, disappearing into
a pile of age-bleached bones.

  The noise alerted David and he pulled his gun.

  Wassong reached out and lowered the weapon for David. “No, you could set off an avalanche. We could be crushed to death and I prefer to be buried where my relatives can come visit.”

  All around them, intact skeletons rested in dozens of alcoves scooped out of the walls. Looking around the secret cemetery, David tried not to superimpose his own family’s features on these bones—but failed. All dead had become his own dead, victims of his country’s enemies’ relentless efforts to commit genocide and the abysmal failure of those in charge to protect the innocent.

  “Listen to these acoustics,” Wassong said, and pointed to the ceiling as if it were possible to see the music filtering down. “Astonishing that the sound reaches down this far, isn’t it?”

  As the sour notes split the dank air, instead of violins tuning up, David heard an air raid siren before his brain acknowledged it was only an auditory mirage. He would kill to quell this constant onslaught of memories, except without them what would sustain him long enough for him to carry out his plan? Memory was a mystery. Why did he remember some moments—was even haunted by them—when others, desperate as he was to remember them—like the smell of his wife’s hair—still eluded him?

  “We’re directly under Vienna’s greatest concert hall now,” Wassong explained as he took off his glasses and wiped them with a navy bandana. David had used the mannerism to characterize the man in the first article he’d written about him. After putting the glasses back on, Wassong pointed to the north wall, which had several fissures in it.

  “This area abuts an ancient shaft that leads up to the building’s sub-basement. The music is traveling through grates that were once part of an old heating system.”

  “And you’re sure this area isn’t mapped?”

  A clash of cellos, horns, flutes and oboes struggled but was unable to settle into harmony. One instrument dominated, then another and then another, all together creating discordant aggregates the same way David’s mind threw up distinct and separate memory snapshots. His wife’s face a mass of bloody, unrecognizable horror. Then Lisle’s face years before, laughing at one of his pathetic attempts to tell a joke on a lazy afternoon at the beach. His son, Isaac, at five, insisting on taking his bicycle to bed with him the first day he got it. Then the raw stump where Isaac’s left foot used to be. And on and on. David counted each memory as if that proved something. But what? That he had once been a sane man living a purposeful life? Or that he had valid and palpable reasons for what he was planning?

  Hans was still explaining: “From the middle ages on these caverns were mostly used as burial chambers until they became so unsanitary that in the 1700s Emperor Joseph the Second shut them down. Who would map tombs?”

  “That doesn’t look like an artifact from the 1700s.” David pointed to a crushed olive-drab metal pail half buried in a corner of the grotto. He’d learned when he was a rookie reporter that details told the truth even when people lied.

  “During World War II the government reopened a few sections as bomb shelters. When the buildings above them were hit, some of the caves collapsed. Hundreds of people were crushed to death, and our underground city was once again abandoned, considered unsafe. Except, for some of us, it’s safer down here than up there, isn’t it?”

  David ignored the conspiratorial wink in Wassong’s voice. “But there are people who know about this place?”

  “There were, yes, but judging from the signs, no one has been here in decades. You can trust me on this, David. And you can also pay me. I believe that was our agreement. I deliver your site, you deliver my fee.”

  Ten years ago, while writing a story about the Eastern European illegal arms market, David had met Hans Wassong, who’d been on Interpol’s watch list for decades, suspected of kidnapping, manslaughter and trafficking of both weapons and explosives. Over the years, the journalist had gained the criminal’s trust and used him as a source. Now their positions were reversed. David wasn’t reporting on a story this time; he was going to be the story and Wassong was the one who could expose him.

  Unzipping his dark green knapsack, David pulled out the thick envelope and handed it to Wassong, who opened it, counted through the pile of two-hundred-euro notes, then wordlessly stuffed the envelope inside his jacket pocket and patted it down. “So tell me, when will you have everything arranged?”

  “By Monday or Tuesday.”

  “You’ll move down here then?” Wassong’s question sounded like urging.

  “What have you heard? Is there any new chatter?”

  “Tangentially. Ahmed Abdul has been spotted in Serbia.”

  Serbia was slightly more than 500 kilometers away. Two thousand kilometers closer to Vienna than Palestine. Was it a coincidence? David had covered every International Security and Technology Association conference since 1995, and it would have been simple for the terrorist to confirm David was reporting on ISTA again this year and follow him to Vienna.

  “You know you’re still on their list, don’t you?” Wassong asked when David didn’t respond.

  “Of course.” The tone he used to acknowledge he was being hunted was the same as the one he would use to acknowledge his profession as a reporter.

  The orchestra finished tuning up and launched into the stormy and heroic opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

  “Fate is knocking at the door,” Wassong said.


  “One day Beethoven pointed to the opening of the first movement of this symphony and said to his secretary—‘Thus Fate knocks at the door.’”

  “You surprise me, Hans. An arms dealer, cartographer, spelunker and now I find you’re a Beethoven scholar too?”

  “It’s difficult to live in Vienna and not soak up the musical lore.”

  For a few minutes the cold stones turned into plush red chairs, gilt molding edged the rock walls and the crypt became a concert hall as two men listened to a symphony, lost in its sound. David’s wife had especially loved the Fifth. Shutting his eyes, he allowed himself the indulgence of memory.

  “Are you all right?” Wassong asked.

  The music rose to a crescendo that filtered down to the bowels of the earth, reaching his core. David didn’t hear Wassong’s question. At least, he was thinking, next week, when they were all ushered out of this world it would be on the wings of music that belonged to the angels.

  “How far down are we?” David asked, back to business.

  “Twelve or fourteen meters,” Wassong said. “Too deep for ground-penetrating radar to find you and the perfect place to plant your explosives. Right here, right where we are standing. Nothing—not the building, not the audience—will survive the attack. You have to admit, it’s an excellent spot, no?”

  Chapter 2

  New York City

  Thursday, April 24th—11:00 a.m.

  Meer ran down the steps of the Natural History Museum on Central Park West, scanning the street for a cab even before she reached the sidewalk. When she didn’t spot one, she decided it would be just as fast to walk the six blocks to the Phoenix Foundation. She shouldn’t have agreed to leave work in the middle of the morning but Malachai Samuels wasn’t an easy man to say no to. Part shaman, part therapist, part confessor, even when he’d been unable to find answers he’d always been there to help her through the dark nights and lonely days, to soothe her fears and assuage her sadness.

  On the phone, Malachai had assured her the meeting wouldn’t take more than an hour and that really was all she had to spare. Tonight’s fund-raising event was critical for the success of the Memory Dome project: a permanent study and exhibition space devoted to the exploration of memory. As the project’s associate curator she had too much to do to give up even an hour.

  Eight minutes later she was listening to the ticking of the nineteenth century ormolu clock on the marble mantel that seemed to slow to creeping as if preparing to stop and then go backward. I
mpossible, except Meer knew that in Malachai Samuels’ office time didn’t always move in the same direction as it did everywhere else in the world.

  “This is for you,” the reincarnationist said, placing a badly weathered and over-stamped envelope on the table between them. She recognized her father’s handwriting.

  “So now you’re playing messenger? Did my father tell you why he sent this to me care of you?”

  “So you wouldn’t be alone when you opened it.”

  “Like a child.” Her smile was resigned.

  “No matter what your age he’ll always be your father.” Malachai’s refined British accent made the sentence seem like a pronouncement. He looked refined, too: his suits were always pressed, his nails always buffed. A hundred years ago he would have easily passed as a member of the aristocracy.


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