A Toast to Murder

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A Toast to Murder Page 10

by Michele Scott

  “I know what it said.” Nikki pressed her clicker and went into the gate, leaving the guard behind.

  She drove up the hill past their house, up toward the winery. She didn’t see any emergency vehicles yet.

  Parked next to the warehouse that held the steel wine vats, she spotted Jonah’s sedan, three sheriffs’ cars, and an ambulance. Then there was the van she shouldn’t have been able to recognize so easily but did—the coroner. She jumped out of her car and sprinted over to where she spotted Jonah and some other officers talking outside the warehouse entrance. Out of breath, she said, “What’s going on? Where’s Derek?”

  “Derek!” Jonah yelled. “I found her!”

  “Found her? Found me? What?”

  Derek came running out of the warehouse. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. She could feel his heart pounding hard against his chest. “Where have you been? Where the hell have you been!”

  “I-I-I . . .” Yeah right—tell him where she was? Sure that would go over real well. “What is going on here? What is this all about?”

  He pulled away from her. “Kenny.” He choked back emotion. “I found him in one of the tanks. He went into one of the gassed tanks and . . .”

  “Oh my God.” Nikki brought a hand up to her mouth. She knew exactly what that meant. A few of the tanks hadn’t been filled yet with wine. And the gasses from fermentation inside the empty tanks were extremely lethal. Without wearing the proper equipment someone would die of asphyxiation in only a few breaths. “Why would he do that? Why go into one of the empty tanks?” she asked.

  Jonah sighed. “We’re looking at all angles. Could have been suicide, but there’s no note, and he’d have to have been aware of the fact that going inside the tank would kill him. It could have been accidental—curiosity. Derek mentioned he was interested in how the wine was made when you all took a tour the other day around here, and that he was especially interested in the tanks. Made a comment about wanting to try the wine straight out of it.”

  She nodded. “I remember. He was interested and did make that comment. I just can’t believe this. It’s crazy. I don’t know what to say. I mean he actually climbed down into it. I don’t get it. I really don’t understand.”

  “Like I said, we are looking at all possibilities, Nikki, including murder.”

  Nikki nodded. “Right.”

  “We need to check this area out completely,” Jonah said. “I’d also like to come down to the house when we’re finished and talk to you both about last night. If we are looking at murder, then my guess is this is all connected, considering the photos we found in the church. We will have to put police tape up around the perimeter. We can’t have anyone in and out of here until we sweep the area.”

  “Of course. I’ve already radioed to the front gate guard that we are closed today.”

  “Good. So, why don’t the two of you head on down, try to relax, and I’ll be by in a bit.”

  “My car is right over there,” Nikki said.

  “Let’s just walk down, honey. I could use it. I want to think, breathe. I don’t know. We can come back up in a bit and get your car.”

  “Sure. No problem,” she replied.

  Derek took her hand in his, and they started down the path to their house. “This is too much. I don’t know what to think. First the threats, then Simon, and now this? You know it could be something more than just Kenny’s curiosity that did him in. I mean we could be looking at someone who is out to kill. Nik, I know we are. I think there is a psychopath on the loose. Look at yesterday. I think we need to get you out of here. I think you need to go and visit your aunt. Go to Italy until this guy is caught.”

  Nikki stopped walking. “No! What are you saying? No way. First of all, we don’t know who fired off that gun yesterday. We don’t know for sure if it was really meant for me. I am sure Simon has made an enemy or two in his day. And the weird threats or whatever you’d call them that we’ve been getting—and this today, with Kenny—we really can’t say for sure that it’s all connected. I’m not going anywhere. For one thing, if these things are even connected, how do we know that whoever is behind this will even be caught? I can’t believe you would want to send me away.”

  “I don’t. I know you’re right, but we have to assume there is a killer who wanted you dead and who has now killed Kenny.” He shook his head. “I was so worried about you. I took Ollie out for the walk, cruised through the winery and warehouses, and that’s when I saw that the one tank had been opened. I quickly grabbed a mask to see what was going on because Manuel was out on the back forty managing the cutting of the new vines. You weren’t there, but I thought maybe you’d gone to see Simon. So, I went back up to the tank and that’s when I found Kenny. I called Jonah, and then I called Simon to see if you were with him. He said that he hadn’t heard from you. He was pretty groggy, but Marco was with him, and he said that he hadn’t heard from you either. I called you again and no answer.”

  “I left my cell in the car. I’m sorry.”

  He hugged her again. “I know, but damn it, when I couldn’t find you after everything . . . and then finding Kenny, my mind ran rampant with every thought possible. I was scared. I was out of my mind scared.”

  She looked up into his green eyes and kissed him. Their kiss grew intense and heated. Passionate. When they pulled away, he stroked her cheek. “I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  “You’re not going to ever lose me,” she said.

  They walked down to the house. Derek let go of her hand to open the front door. Ollie bounded toward her. “Hi, you. I had you worried too, huh?” She glanced back at Derek.

  “Looks like it. We were all wondering where you’d gone off to.” He shut the door behind him. “So, where did you go, babe? Where were you?”


  “YOU were where? Why in the hell were you at Andrés’ place?” Derek was pacing the hardwood floors in the family room. Ollie crouched down by the couch, keeping a watchful eye on him.

  She shook her head. “Just sit down, please, and hear me out. It’s not anything like what you think,” Nikki replied.

  “Really? And what might I be thinking? Why would I be thinking anything? What? Just because the guy you used to be with, who was madly in love with you, who invited you to come live with him in Spain, who wanted you to marry him, is back in Napa and you were at his house this morning? What would I be thinking, Nik?”

  “Oh, come on! Renee Rothschild was with him.”

  Derek stared hard at her. “What?”

  “I take it that you didn’t see the morning’s newspaper.”


  “Okay, you may want to take a look at the article your ex-girlfriend—who, might I remind you, you almost took with you to Australia—wrote, a not so nice article about our wedding debacle. Even going so far as to suggest a breakup between us.” Nikki was now pacing the floor. She hated this. They sounded so childish, immature, stupid. This was no way for either of them to be acting. Their emotions had gotten the best of them.

  He shut his mouth tight for a few seconds, as if looking for the right words. “I’m confused.”

  “Let me clear it up for you.”

  Nikki explained to him about running into Andrés and Renee and how when she read the article that morning that she had become inflamed and had a hunch she’d find Renee over at Andrés’ place, where she intended to find out who the anonymous guest was that used the word “fate.” And to drag an apology out of that woman.

  “You’ve known for three days that Andrés has been back in town?”

  Nikki tossed her arms up. “Are you serious right now? Out of everything I just told you, that’s your concern.”

  “Shouldn’t it be?”

  “Um . . . No! I didn’t tell you because it was really low on my radar. You and I were supposed to be getting married yesterday, and running into Andrés and Renee didn’t even rank.”

  Derek stopped pacing. “Oh, jeez. I don’t kn
ow . . . I’m sorry, baby. I am so stupid. I don’t know what’s got into me. I know you love me. I love you. I lost it. Stupid. Jealousy is stupid and should not be a factor here. There is so much more to worry about.”

  Nikki nodded. “Yes, there is. Your brother and now Kenny.”

  She walked over and wrapped her arms around him. “You are the one for me. Okay? I made that clear when I went with you to Australia. At least I thought I did. I only went to Andrés’ place to confront Renee.”

  “I know. I need to talk with her. She needs to write a retraction or something.”

  “No. What she needs to do is tell us who she interviewed and if she was in the church herself yesterday. I don’t trust her at all.”

  “You’re right. I need to get a hold of everyone. Jonah wants the guests who were here to stay until he can question them, and I should be the one to go and tell our friends.”

  She nodded. “Do you want me to go up to the hotel with you?” she asked.

  “No. Stay here. I’ll be back soon. I know Jonah will be down in a bit.”


  He started for the door and stopped. “You know what, actually? Why don’t you come with me? Maybe this is something we should do together. I could use your support.”

  “Sure, honey. I’m here for you.”

  They headed out the door. Nikki couldn’t help wondering if Derek’s change of mind was really about needing her support or wanting to keep her close to him because someone appeared to want her dead.


  EVERYONE except Lily was lounging around the pool, but the usual energy poolside wasn’t there today. The news she and Derek were about to deliver was only going to add to that.

  Savannah, her nose buried in a magazine with a half-empty bottle of champagne at her side, looked up first. Nikki thought it an odd choice to be drinking champagne, when as far as she was concerned there was nothing to be celebrating. Then again all Savannah was aware of thus far was that no wedding had taken place. Maybe she was actually celebrating that fact. Tristan was on the opposite end of the pool, flanked by Zach on one side and Jackson on the other.

  “Oh, hello,” Savannah said.

  Nikki nodded. “Good morning.”

  Derek led her by the hand and they sat down on a free lounge chair. “We have something to tell everyone. Is Lily around?” he asked.

  “No,” Jackson replied. “She said that she was going into town to the farmers’ market. How’s your brother?”

  “He’s doing good. I spoke with him this morning, and he’s going to be released from the hospital shortly. Marco will be bringing him home. He’ll have quite a bit of physical therapy with the shoulder, but the good news is he’s going to be fine.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Zach said and took a sip from his iced tea. “But why are you all so grim then? We were hoping you’d be by to tell us when the new wedding will happen.”

  Derek and Nikki looked at each other. “We haven’t talked about a new date yet,” Derek said.

  “Oh. Well you are getting married, aren’t you?” Savannah asked with obvious feigned concern.

  “Of course we are,” Derek replied. “But something has come up and it concerns everyone here.”

  “What are you talking about?” Tristan took a swig from a beer bottle.

  “This isn’t easy, gang, but you know how we all assumed that Kenny hadn’t shown up for the wedding because he was out partying?”

  “Yeah. Must be some party because we still haven’t seen hide nor hair of him,” Jackson mused.

  “Doesn’t that make you all wonder?” Nikki asked. Sure she knew Kenny was dead, but the fact that none of his friends appeared remotely concerned that this man hadn’t shown up in over twenty-four hours bothered her.

  Jackson shrugged. “That’s Kenny,” Zach said. “He’s known for choosing the party over anything else.”

  “He didn’t this time,” Derek cut in.

  “Jeez, you two. What gives? Knock off the mystery crap and tell us what is going on,” Tristan insisted.

  “Kenny is dead,” Derek blurted out.

  Nikki studied each one of his friend’s faces for reaction. Savannah’s jaw dropped. Zach looked puzzled. Jackson and Tristan both remained expressionless. Odd.

  It was Jackson who spoke first. “What do you mean? What in the world are you talking about? Dead? No. He’s not dead.”

  Nikki couldn’t help notice Savannah dot her eyes underneath her sunglasses. Was she crying? “How? How did he die?” she choked.

  “He got into one of the wine tanks and was asphyxiated.”

  “I don’t believe this,” Zach said.

  “I know,” Derek said. “After yesterday, I needed to clear my head with a morning walk and then get about my usual routine. I spotted one of the wine tank doors cracked open. That’s not normal. My guys who clean those tanks would never leave the door open. To do so in the first place you have to go in there with the proper equipment. The gasses inside the tank will kill someone in minutes. When I checked it out, I found Kenny.”

  Savannah brought a hand up to her mouth. Her tears were obvious now. Nikki couldn’t help but wonder at her deeply emotional response. Savannah hadn’t struck her as the sensitive sort. Sure it was horrible, and being upset was a natural reaction, but for Savannah to be this upset about one of her husband’s college buddies didn’t quite add up. It led Nikki to believe what she’d already suspected—that Savannah and Kenny’s friendship had been something more. Her response and actions to Kenny’s arrival the other night would be right on par with the way she was reacting now to his death, if indeed there had been something clandestine going on between the two of them. Her thoughts on this made Nikki take another look at Tristan. Hard to tell what he was thinking with his sunglasses covering his eyes. Nikki knew that much could be told by the look in someone’s eye, and she had to wonder if she would have found a sadness like the one in Zach’s eyes or the shock that Jackson’s seemed to convey. What if Tristan’s had more of a gleam? Could he have been on to—something going on between his wife and old pal?

  “What do the police think?” Savannah sobbed.

  “They aren’t saying a whole lot right now,” Derek replied.

  Nikki cleared her throat. She knew she shouldn’t go where she was about to go because Derek was probably going to give her the evil eye, but what the hell. Reactions were what she was looking for, because if Kenny had been murdered, the murderer could be right there seated around the pool. “The detective in charge did mention that it could be an accident, possible suicide . . .” She paused and took a deep breath. “And they have not ruled out murder.”

  “Nikki,” Derek said warningly.

  She shrugged. “I’m just relaying what’s going on. I think it’s only fair that everyone is fully aware of the situation. Besides, Detective Robinson suggested that everyone who was here for the wedding stay put for a couple of days until he has a chance to question them.”

  Derek eyed her. She knew she was blowing smoke. Jonah hadn’t said anything of the sort to her, and as far as she knew, he hadn’t to Derek either. But what the heck? She had a feeling, and many times her feelings had been dead-on. If Nikki was a gambling gal she’d place a bet that Kenny had been murdered. A few things had her perplexed though. The first was whether someone had lured Kenny into that tank or dragged him there? An autopsy and toxicology report might determine that. The second question had to do with the shooter at the church—if Kenny had been murdered, were the shooter and the murderer the same person? And the third and final question was the most troubling. The ominous notes and photos she and Derek had received, followed by the horrible events that had taken place at their wedding, led to a disturbing thought: was someone out to get the bride and the groom?


  “WHAT was that all about?” Derek asked Nikki on their way back down to the house.

  “What was what all about?” Nikki asked innocently, knowing perfectly well what he
was getting at.

  He stopped, dropped her hand, and looked at her. “I know you. I know what’s going on in your head, and you know exactly what I’m talking about. Bringing up the idea that Kenny might have been murdered around my friends was totally out of line, and you know it was. Jonah said nothing about keeping those people around. You’re going straight into Nancy Drew mode, and this time I am going to insist—no, demand—that you knock it off. You’re not a detective. You are not a police officer. Enough is enough.”

  She stared at him for a good long second or two, trying to wrap her brain around what he’d just said to her. “Did you just tell me that you are demanding I do or not do something?”

  “Yes. I believe that I am. No I don’t believe that I am. I am.”

  Nikki didn’t quite know how to respond to his “demands.” And what came out of her mouth next was something that she would quickly regret. “You know, Derek, we aren’t married yet.”

  It was his turn to stare at her. “No, we’re not. I’m not sure what you even mean by that.”

  She sighed. Now was the time to stop while she was still sort of ahead. She was smart enough to know better. “What I mean is that . . .” Oh crap, what did she mean by that exactly? “What I mean is that married or not, I don’t think people who love each other make demands on one another.”

  “Nikki, you are being totally ridiculous here. You know that I love you more than anything in the world, and for you to imply that I don’t is stupid. I don’t want you getting involved in any of this for your own good. How many times now has it been that you’ve almost been hurt, or even killed, by sticking your nose into business that you have no business sticking it into?”

  She wasn’t going to give up that easily. “I don’t think I have no business in this, and frankly you should be sticking your nose into this as well. Let’s look at the facts here. Both of us have been receiving notes and photos with ‘fate’ written on them leading all the way up to our wedding day. Then Simon is shot on our wedding day with a bullet likely meant for me. Now Kenny is found dead and you have some rather interesting friends hanging around here. Not to mention there are a handful of enemies in the vicinity who might want to cause us harm. Nothing like murder and mayhem hanging over us to distract from the bliss we should certainly be experiencing right about now. You know what? If you’re such a big fan of us making demands on each other, then I have a demand for you. You demand that I keep my nose out of this? Well, I demand that you get your nose into this. Deep in it. Immediately. How do you like that? Does that feel good? Because here is the deal, Derek. I don’t do demands—married or not. I will not do demands. I appreciate that you’re worried about me, I do. But watch your mouth. We are partners, not each other’s keepers. We need each other. I say we join forces and find out why someone out there wants to keep us apart and ruin our future. Because if I had to make a guess about any of this, I would guess that is exactly what someone is after.”


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