FireIce gel, 103
Fireman’s Fund, 103
Fireprotec, 103
in Greenland, 63–64, 68
in Senegal, 165–66
and small island states, 218–19
Fleming, James, Fixing the Sky, 260
Floating Proverb, 227
FloodBreak, 233
food crisis, 133, 140, 144, 146, 201, 210
food prices, 52, 58, 144, 152, 161, 201
deforestation, 58
and parasitic larvae, 101
and wildfire, 101–2
fossil fuels, 47, 52
fracking, 131–32
Francis, Pope, 172
Franco, Francisco, 167
Franklin, Benjamin, 266, 280
Friends of the Earth, 66, 240
Friis, Janus, 109
Frontex, 167, 171, 173–74
Fulton, Mark, 2–3
Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER), 268, 269
futurism, 43, 58–59
G4S, 174
Gabriel, Peter, 43
Gadet, Peter, 150–51, 157, 159
Gadhafi, Moammar, 171, 173, 183
Galahad Gold, 153
gambusia (fish), 238
Ganges (Padma) River, 195, 196, 199
Gates, Bill, 244–45, 256, 263, 268, 269, 275
Gates Foundation, 244–45, 247, 256, 257
GelTech fire retardant, 103
genetic modification (GM):
abiotic stress tolerance, 246–47
crops, 3, 199, 210, 243, 246–50, 252
mosquitoes, 236–45, 247, 250–53
opponents of, 246
patents on, 246
production facilities, 248–53
reengineering humans, 252
RIDL, 242–44
suicide genes, 236
genomics, 247
geoengineering, 30, 258–59, 262–81
Gerrard, Michael, 215, 217
Gershonowitz, Yitzhak, 92, 93
GEUS, 69–71, 73, 74
Ghoramara Island, 19
Gingrich, Newt, 267
glacier melt, 65–66, 79–83, 86, 87, 205
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 245
Gobi Desert, 176–77
Golden Valley Fire Suppression, 103
Goldman Sachs, 118, 145, 234
Goodell, Jeff, How to Cool the Planet, 268
Gore, Al, 2, 146
An Inconvenient Truth, 5, 21, 118, 119
Grayback Forestry (GFP Enterprises), 102
Great Green Wall, 162–64, 167–71, 175–79, 184–86
Greece, 101, 173
Greenberg, Maurice “Hank,” 113, 143
greenhouse gases:
accounting for, 20, 44
and CCS, 49–51, 53, 58, 59
Kyoto Protocol on, 21, 44
threat of, 32, 45, 47, 51
Greenland, 61–78
and climate change profitability, 62, 74, 76
and Denmark, 36, 61, 67–68, 70–71, 73
fish in, 63–64, 68
land rising in, 66, 77–78
melting ice cap of, 64–66, 77, 194, 284
Niaqornat meeting, 75–77
petroleum and minerals in, 63, 72–75, 76, 154
and self-governance, 62–64, 66–67, 68, 71–72, 77, 78, 122, 154, 216
Thule Air Base in, 72
Greenlandic language, 63
Greenland Minerals and Energy, 73
Greenland Sustainable Mineral and Petroleum Development Conference, 72–73
Greenpeace, 57
Green Revolution, 249
Greenstar, 228
Gurdjieff, Georges, 41
Hadley cell, 131, 194
Hall, Nick, 73
Hammerfest, Norway, 53–55
Hammond, Aleqa, 71
Hansen, James, 5
Hans Island, 17, 22, 24, 34, 36, 217
Hanson, Ann Meekitjuk, 23
Harman, Willis, 43
Harper, Stephen, 17, 21, 58
Heffernan, Bill, 136–37
Heilberg, Phil, 139–51, 152, 154–59
Himalayas, glacier melt in, 86
Holland America Line, 229, 230
Hollis, Leo, 112
Homestead Acts, 129–30
Hoover Institution, 258
Hoque, Enamul, 189–91, 200, 205–9, 212
Horner, Jack, 270
Horsfall, Sophie, 4
Howard, John, 136
Hudson Institute, 42
Hudson Resources, 73
Human Rights Watch, 149, 192
Hurricane Andrew, 108
Hurricane Ivan, 239
Hurricane Katrina, 108, 222, 238
Hurricane King, 260
Hurricane Sandy, 215, 219, 232, 233–34, 284, 287
and insurance, 4, 98, 108, 110, 238
and ocean temperatures, 196
research into, 110
suppression of, 260, 273–75
and windborne debris, 231
hydrogen energy, 58
hydropower, 64, 86
hyperbolic discounting, 7
IBM, 230
ice albedo feedback effect, 21
Iceberg Transport International Ltd., 122
volcanic eruptions in, 280
water from, 122
IDE (Israel Desalination Enterprises), 82–85, 88–89
All Weather Snowmaker, 81–82, 85
creation of, 84
IID (Imperial Irrigation District), 126
and Bangladesh, 167, 190–92, 197, 204–9, 210, 212
Border Security Force (BSF), 192–93, 207–9
carbon emissions of, 191, 204–5
drought in, 280
energy demands of, 47, 50
and land deals, 144, 162
and melting glaciers, 66, 205
and refugees, 191, 204, 206–10
Indian Ocean, rising waters of, 194
Indonesia, and land deals, 144
Inherent Land Quality Assessment, 152
and climate change, 4, 98, 99, 107–10
FEMA/flood, 238
and fire, 98, 102–10, 114
and hurricanes, 4, 98, 108, 110, 238
policies dropped, 108, 238
rate hikes, 108
reinsurance, 108–10
windstorm, 238
Intellectual Ventures (IV), 256–57, 260, 261–65, 266, 268, 270–74, 278–79, 280
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2, 20, 66, 194, 266, 267, 276
International Food Policy Research Institute, 146
International Organization for Migration (IOM), 210, 219
Canadian and U.S. treatment of, 67–68
and climate change, 23–24
lawsuit of, 110
and Northwest Passage, 17, 23, 33–34
Inupiat Eskimos, 55, 56, 285
investment opportunities, 2–4, 21–22, 88, 118–21, 151–54, 263–64, 269
island nations, disappearing, 64–65, 215–21, 226
islands, artificial, 217, 225–28
cloud seeding in, 92
desalination in, 84, 88–91, 221
and IDE, 82, 84, 88–89
and immigrants, 167
water technology in, 91–93
borders of, 66, 85
ts to, 173–74
Jacob, Klaus, 219
Jarch Capital, 143, 148–49, 150
JASONs, 268–69
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), 180
John Deere, 22
Jordan River, 87, 90
Joseph, Doctor, 156–57
Kahn, Herman, 42
Karimov, Islam, 143
Kazakhstan, and land deals, 144, 152
Kennedy, Don, 65
drought in, 149
and land deals, 144
Keynes, John Maynard, 6
Key West, 236–38, 240–41, 243, 250
Khosla, Vinod, 109
Kiewit Corporation, 264
Kiir, Salva, 140–41, 154
Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), 64, 65, 220, 226
Kissinger, Henry A., 25
Kitzbühel, Austria, 80
Kleist, Mininnguaq (Minik), 62–64, 66–69, 71, 75–78, 194, 216
Knights of Malta, 179
Koch brothers, 104, 133
Koonin, Steve, 268–69
Korea, and land deals, 144
Kulluk, 48, 216, 286–87
Kuwait, and land deals, 144
Kyl, Jon, 127
Kyoto Protocol (1997), 21, 44, 50, 53, 54, 212, 267
Lake Havasu, 117
Landkom, 153
Langmuir, Irving, 259
Latham, John, 266, 269, 275
Law of the Sea treaty, 31–32
Article 76 submissions under, 36–37
and island states, 217, 218, 220
Levitt, Steven, 275
Liao, S. Matthew, 252
libertarianism, 113, 115, 133, 150
Liberty Mutual, 110
Lomonosov Ridge, 36
fire insurance in, 114
Great Fire in, 112, 114
storm-surge barrier for, 232
London Array, 58
Los Angeles:
growth of, 101–2
water for, 117
Los Angeles Fire Department, 106, 107, 111
Luthi, Randall, 55–56
Maas (Meuse) River, 223–24
McKenna Long & Aldridge, 240
McKeown, Ryder, 24, 26
Madagascar, and land deals, 140, 144
magical thinking, 285
Mahikari, Sukyo, 170–71, 178, 181, 184
malaria, 245, 247, 256, 257
Maldive Islands, 226
and rising seas, 64, 65, 218, 220, 227–28
tsunami (2004) in, 3
Mallia, Emmanuel, 180–81
Malta, 171–74, 179–84
African refugees in, 172–74, 180–84
population density of, 179–80
Safi Barracks in, 182–84
Malthusian economics, 118, 144
Manavgat River, 121, 123, 124
Manhattan, 25
Mann, Michael, 267
Maplecroft, 205, 222
Marshall Islands, and rising seas, 64, 216–20, 224, 226
Martin, Paul, 153
Matip, Gabriel, 139–42, 147, 150, 155, 156–58
Matip, General Paulino, 139–42, 149–51, 156, 157, 158
Matterhorn, and glaciers, 65–66
Meghna River, 195, 196, 199, 200
methane, sources of, 32
Met Office, U.K., 266, 279
Mexicali Valley, 126–29
and All-American Canal, 125–29, 167
and Colorado River Compact, 125
U.S. border with, 125, 127
Micronesian atolls, 216, 220
mineral rights:
and Arctic petroleum, 16, 32–33, 47
in Greenland, 63, 72–75, 76
of small island states, 218–19
Minot, Nicholas, 145–46
MITIE Group, 174
mitigation, 10, 111, 211, 267
MMS (Minerals Management Service), 55–56
Mogadishu, Somalia, 30
Moncton, 27–29, 33, 38
Mongolia, and land deals, 144
and drought-resistant crops, 3, 22, 246
and Gates Foundation, 245, 247
and GMOs, 199, 210, 243, 247, 250
law firm of, 240
monsoons, 196, 205, 279, 280
Montreal, 16, 17–18, 21, 22–24, 27, 38–39
Moonraker (hedge fund), 122
and Gates Foundation, 245, 247, 256
genetically modified (GM), 236–45, 247, 250–53
mosquito zapper, 257–58
MOTT: Men of the Trees, 177
Mount Pinatubo, 258, 270, 279
Mungune, Magueye, 175–77
Munich Re, 4, 107–8, 109–10
Murray-Darling River, 118, 123, 132, 133–34, 136, 144, 261
Murrin, David, 154
Muscat, Josie, 181
Myhrvold, Nathan, 255–59, 261–64, 268, 269–79
NASA, 5, 28, 205
Nasheed, Mohamed, 65
National Academy of Sciences, 265
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 279
National Defense University, 203
National Geographic Society, 252
National Intelligence Council (NIC), 30, 37, 204
National Water Carrier, 87, 90
nation ex situ (trusteeship), 218
NATO, 26
natural gas, 16, 22, 53–55
Nauru, 220
Naval War College, 203
NAWAPA (North American Water and Power Alliance), 25, 128
N’Dour, Youssou, 168
Negev Desert, 87, 90, 92
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 92
and land reclamation, 221–22
and rising sea levels, 221–24, 225–29, 234
and Room for the River, 223–24, 233
windmills of, 221
New Orleans, 231, 232
Newton, George, 31, 32–33
New York City:
exhibition in, 1–3
and land reclamation, 222
protection of, 10
vulnerability to storm surges, 219, 232, 233–34
New York University, “Against the Deluge” conference, 232–34
Nile River, 147–48, 154, 280
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 20
Nordic Water Supply, 124
Northeast Passage (Northern Sea Route), 54, 284
North Pole, 68
North Slope oil, 25, 46
Northwest Passage, 15–40
first crossing of, 17
ice-free, 35
as international strait, 31
legal arguments over, 31
new shipping lanes in, 16
tourism in, 28–29, 31, 34
and Arctic claims, 32, 37
and natural gas, 22
Oljefondet (Oil Fund) of, 53–54
and Snøhvit (Snow White), 53–55
Norwegian People’s Aid, 149
Novim Group, 268–69
nuclear energy, demand for, 47, 263
Nunalivut exercise (2006), 17
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, 16
Obama, Barack, 265, 269, 286
ocean acidification, 265, 273–74
oil spills, 38, 46, 123, 278
OK’S Cascade Company, 102
Olam International, 134
Olthuis, Koen, 224–28
One Earth Farms, 153
; Operation Cast Lead, 89
Operation Lancaster, 15–19, 22–24, 27, 38–40
Operation Popeye, 260
Operation Rainfall, 87
Ophir, Avraham, 82–85, 86
Overdiepse Polder, 223–24
Oxitec, 236, 240–45, 250–53
Pacific Fire Guard, 103
Pacific Ocean, rising waters of, 194
Pacific Proving Grounds, 216
and Bangladesh, 191, 206
and land deals, 144
and melting glaciers, 66, 205
Palau, 220
Palestine, 89–90
Palm Islands, 227
Papua New Guinea, 19, 65
Paraguay, and land deals, 144
Parenti, Christian, 166
Parsons, Los Angeles, 25, 128
filing, 246, 264–65, 277–78
lawsuits, 278, 279
life of, 263
Payne, Susan, 154
Peary, Robert, 68
Peferoen, Marnix, 248–50
Penn, Sean, 145
Pergam Finance, 153
permafrost, 32
Phantom Works, 269
Philippines, and land deals, 144
Phos-Chek fire retardant, 103, 105, 246
Pictet, 120
Pinatubo option, 258, 265, 266, 279
Pitt, Brad, 231
Pitztal Glacier, 79–81, 85
Plan África, 167
Podesta, John, 203
Point Hope, 285–87
polar bears, 19, 34, 39, 46, 56, 70
polar ice cap, see Arctic
Polar Sea, 25
population growth, 146, 204
Poseidon Resources, 88
Poznan Climate Change Conference (2008), 110
Precision Aviation, 102
Project Chariot, 286
Project Cirrus, 260
Property and Environment Research Center, 133
Prudhoe Bay, 46, 48
Putin, Vladimir, 37
Pyrenees, glaciers in, 86
Qatar, and land deals, 144
Quadra Mining, 73
Quest, 58
radiative forcing, 270
Rahman, Atiq, 196, 211–12
rainmaking, see cloud seeding
Rand, Ayn, 145
Rand Corporation, 42, 122
Reason Foundation, 104
Red Cross, 66
Reid, Harry, 127
Reisner, Marc, Cadillac Desert, 119, 121, 126
RenaissanceRe, 110
Repsol, 56–57
genetically modified, 248–50
salt-tolerant, 198–99
RIDL (release of insects carrying a dominant lethal), 242–44
riparian law, 129
Risk Management Solutions (RMS), 108
river delta cities, 222, 230
Robock, Alan, 279–80
Romania, and land deals, 144, 152
Rothschild, Lord Jacob, 153
Rotterdam, 228–32
Connecting Delta Cities, 230
Windfall Page 32