Soldier's Last Stand

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Soldier's Last Stand Page 1

by Cindy Dees

  “So what is this training of yours going to entail?”

  “Ever shoot a gun or wire a bomb?” Brady asked.

  “No and no.”

  “Kill someone?”


  “Well, then,” he said lightly. “We’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  “You want me to kill someone?” Eve gasped. “I’d never kill anyone. Not for you. Not for anyone!”

  “Never say never, Miss Dupont.”

  “Call me Eve.”

  “If you’ll call me Brady. We’re going to be working very closely for the next few months. We might as well dispense with the formalities.”

  “Why didn’t you ask if I’d kill you if I had a gun?” she asked sweetly.

  So much for a truce. He snorted. “I already know the answer to that one,” he answered grimly.

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  Dear Reader,

  I don’t know about you, but I’ve been waiting a long time for Brady Hathaway to finally find the right woman. He first showed up in my Medusa series several years ago and stubbornly remained a bachelor for my next half dozen books. I was beginning to despair of him ever finding true love.

  Thankfully, Eve Dupont came along to give him everything he could handle and more. The magnificent beauty of the French Pyrenees Mountains is the perfect place to shape a woman of the strength and fire necessary to land a man like Brady, and American-born Eve is no exception.

  Some stories are just so much fun to write it hardly seems fair to call it work, and this was one of them for me. Every day, I sat down at my computer eager to see what these two characters would cook up next to tempt and tease each other. And I have to say, they rarely let me down. I sincerely hope you have at least half as much fun watching their love story unfold as I did.

  So put on your favorite beach wear, pour yourself a tall glass of something cold and refreshing, and come on down to the sunny Caribbean to watch Brady put up one valiant (and losing) last stand against the woman of his dreams.

  All my best,

  Cindy Dees


  Soldier’s Last Stand

  Books by Cindy Dees

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Behind Enemy Lines #1176

  *Line of Fire #1253

  *A Gentleman and a Soldier #1307

  *Her Secret Agent Man #1353

  *Her Enemy Protector #1417

  The Lost Prince #1441

  †The Medusa Affair #1477

  †The Medusa Seduction #1494

  ††The Dark Side of Night #1509

  Killer Affair #1524

  ††Night Rescuer #1551

  The 9-Month Bodyguard #1564

  ††Medusa’s Master #1570

  The Soldier’s Secret Daughter #1588

  †The Medusa Proposition #1608

  ††The Longest Night #1617

  Dr. Colton’s High-Stakes Fiancée #1628

  †Medusa’s Sheik #1633

  ††Soldier’s Night Mission #1649

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  ††Soldier’s Last Stand #1665


  Time Raiders: The Slayer #71


  started flying airplanes while sitting in her dad’s lap at the age of three and got a pilot’s license before she got a driver’s license. At age fifteen, she dropped out of high school and left the horse farm in Michigan where she grew up to attend the University of Michigan. After earning a degree in Russian and East European Studies, she joined the U.S. Air Force and became the youngest female pilot in its history. She flew supersonic jets, VIP airlift and the C-5 Galaxy, the world’s largest airplane. During her military career, she traveled to forty countries on five continents, was detained by the KGB and East German secret police, got shot at, flew in the first Gulf War and amassed a lifetime’s worth of war stories. Her hobbies include medieval reenacting, professional Middle Eastern dancing and Japanese gardening.

  This RITA® Award-winning author’s first book was published in 2002 and since then she has published more than twenty-five bestselling and award-winning novels. She loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at

  This book is for my great-aunt Ginny,

  who faithfully reads every book I write,

  and for my cousins Eric and Keith. If there is such a

  thing as a storytelling gene, mine surely comes from

  this branch of my family. Thanks for the stories and

  laughter around your kitchen table that taught me

  everything I know about spinning a fine tale.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  The moment the alarms went off in the cavernous twilight of the H.O.T. Watch Ops Center, a map of the Western Hemisphere flashed up on one of the three jumbo screens mounted high on the wall of the massive room. A red, electronic sunburst blinked ominously over Kingston, Jamaica, indicating that surveillance satellites had picked up an explosion.

  “Say size and location of detonation,” Navy Commander Brady Hathaway barked across the loud speakers into the tense silence.

  One of the intelligence analysts on the floor replied tersely, “Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston. Looks like the Dred-Naught Dance Club. Initial estimate is upward of twenty sticks worth of TNT.”

  Brady sucked in his breath. That was a freaking big explosion. “Capacity of that club?” he asked.

  Another tech replied in his headset, “Coming up now, sir.” A pause. “Fire code says six hundred. But knowing Jamaica, more like a thousand would be in there on a Saturday night at the height of the tourist season.”

  “Get me visual,” he ordered, although no doubt the highly trained satellite technicians on the floor were already on that obvious next step.

  “Visual from S-105 in thirty-four seconds,” someone announced over the loudspeakers.

  “Visual from S-22 in ninety-six seconds,” another tech announced.

  Not bad. Two satellites engaged in under two minutes. And S-105 carried the latest in high-tech digital cameras. If the bomber had stuck around to watch his work, H.O.T. Watch might just grab a facial image of the guy on their telemetry.

  Although Kingston had its share of political turbulence, it wasn’t one of the outright violent corners of the Caribbean. Likely there’d been a bunch of Americans in the club, though. And that meant U.S. government officials galore were about to breathe fire down his neck to produce an ID on the bomber.

  It was going to be a long night.

  Some hours later—it was hard to feel time passing in the underground facility—someone called his name. Brady looked up from his workstation on the edge of the floor and spied his civilian counterpart, Jennifer Blackfoot, gesturing to him to join her. The tall, slender Native American’s dark eyes looked worried. He jogged up the metal stairs to join her on the observation deck looking out over the rows of technicians and analysts.

  “What’s up?” he asked without preamble. They’d worked together for nearly seven years and didn’t need many words to communicate effectively.

  “We got a facial hit,” she replied.

  “Good work.” Wow. That was fast. There had been hundreds of faces outside the nightclub when
the bomb blew, and thousands milling around the area within moments afterward.

  She jerked her head to indicate they should step into the soundproof briefing room behind them. He followed her inside and the door sealed, making his ears pop lightly.

  “Who did you spot?” he asked.

  “A woman. Annika Cantori.”

  He frowned. “That name rings a bell.”

  Jennifer prompted, “Cruise ship hijacking five years ago. You sent in the Medusas to liberate the ship.”

  The memory clicked. A team of terrorists had taken over the cruise ship Grand Adventure and offloaded all the male crew and passengers, leaving behind only women and children. The Medusas—an all-female Special Forces team—had infiltrated the ship and ultimately killed the terrorists and freed the vessel. However, the Medusas had always been convinced they’d missed a female terrorist who’d been planted among the passengers to pass information to her male comrades.

  After the hijacking, H.O.T. Watch had done an exhaustive analysis of the passengers and identified a woman named Annika Cantori as the likely female terrorist. She was one of the only passengers never to file an insurance claim against the cruise ship company, and she’d completely disappeared immediately after the hijacking, not to be seen or heard from since. H.O.T. Watch had performed multiple searches of credit card, banking, traffic, voter registration and even library data bases the world over looking for Annika, to no avail. She’d gone completely off the grid. Very suspicious, indeed.

  His colleague flashed up a grainy picture of a woman on the white wall at the end of the room. As he watched, the picture refreshed itself several times, each time coming more sharply into focus as photo enhancement software did its magic on the image. Finally, a picture of a lean, hard-looking woman came into focus. Jennifer announced, “This image came from across the street from the Dred-Naught approximately fifty seconds before the bombing.”

  Another picture flashed up on the wall beside the first one of a woman in perhaps her late twenties. This photo was at a range of about twelve feet and unmistakable. “This one comes from our database of passengers on the Grand Adventure.”

  “The facial recognition program has made a positive ID. These two images are the same woman. Annika Cantori. Our mysteriously disappeared ship passenger.”

  “But now she’s back?” Brady guessed.


  “What did she do after the nightclub explosion?”

  “She stayed. Watched the emergency response. Possibly was hanging around to get a preliminary body count for herself.”

  “Ballsy,” he commented.

  “It gets better,” Jennifer replied grimly. “She hasn’t even bothered to flee the Caribbean. She hopped a flight this morning to Grand Cayman Island.”

  “You think she’s going to take a nice vacation on the beach to celebrate her success?” Brady asked skeptically.

  “Doubtful. She strikes me as the type who’ll keep going until someone catches her, or at least scares the bejeezus out of her and forces her back into hiding for a few years.”

  If Jennifer was right, this woman had to be stopped, and the sooner the better. Before she killed any more innocents. “How do you want to proceed?” Brady asked soberly.

  “We need to get proof that she’s the bomber. Find out what she’s up to in the Caymans. I hesitate to try passive surveillance on her, though. I think she’d spot it. I’m thinking an infiltration of her cell is the way to go.”

  “Tricky business to run an infiltration on someone like her. She’s got to be as paranoid as hell. And based on last night, she’s organized and intelligent. She’d smell an undercover man a mile away.”

  Jennifer smiled, although the expression owed more to wolflike aggression than good humor. “That’s why I’m sending in a woman.”

  Logical. The Medusas were highly experienced operators and would leap at a chance to catch the fish who’d gotten away before. Still, they were military. “Annika may spot a Medusa, too. Particularly since she knows female Special Forces types exist in our military.”

  “And that would be why I’m not sending in a Medusa,” she replied. A new photograph flashed up on the wall.

  Brady jolted as the most beautiful woman he’d seen in years threw him a sultry smile guaranteed to melt any man’s shorts. The phrase “flesh impact” came to mind. Beauty queen. Knockout. Kowabunga. “Whoa. Who’s that?” he blurted.

  “Eve Dupont. Her brother, Viktor, led the terrorist team that hijacked the Grand Adventure. I want to use her to get inside Annika’s cell.”

  He frowned. “Does she have any training? How do you know she doesn’t share her brother’s rather extreme political views? Do you know if she’d even help us?”

  “That’s where you come in,” Jennifer replied cryptically.

  Huh? He wasn’t even close to the right person to be involved with infiltrating a hard-core terrorist group. He looked military, he acted military and, frankly, impersonating a cold, calculating killer had never been his greatest strength as a field operator. Not to mention he didn’t often go out on missions anymore. Every now and then he went out to supervise a particularly tricky operation, but he mostly left the heroics to the younger men and women in his special operations teams. At thirty-nine, he was starting to feel the long years of hard demands on his body.

  He glanced back at the picture of Eve wearing only a skimpy bikini and a tan. Her legs were a mile long, and although she was slender, she filled out her bikini top impressively in open defiance of gravity. Her eyes were some pale color that glowed in contrast to her bronze skin, and her mane of wavy golden hair framed a face so stunningly beautiful his heart skipped a beat.

  “She’s some looker,” he remarked lightly.

  “Hence, my bringing this one to you. I don’t have any male operatives I trust to work with this woman and not try to bed her. But you—” Jennifer broke off.

  Not liking where her logic was headed, Brady scowled. “But I what?” he demanded.

  She shrugged. “I’ve never once seen a woman turn your head. As far as I can tell you’re immune to them.”

  He snorted. Hardly. He just flatly refused to mix business and pleasure. And since his business was pretty much a 24/7 job, that left no time for female entanglements in his life. Not to mention he didn’t have much use for civilian women in general, and his female colleagues were off-limits.

  “Gee. Thanks,” he retorted wryly. At least Jennifer hadn’t openly accused him of being gay.

  She challenged, “You tell me which one of your guys you’d turn loose to handle a woman who looks like that. And whom you wouldn’t be scared to death of losing his head over her.”

  He sighed. “I see your point.”

  “You’re the only man in this facility I’d trust to handle her.”

  Hell, he had no trouble at all imagining handling all that glamour-goddess perfection, those silky legs wrapped around him, his hands filled to overflowing with her bountiful—

  Yeah. He definitely saw Jenn’s point. He might not trust women, but he didn’t trust a bunch of horny male operatives, either.

  He spoke past a suddenly dry throat, “So, you want to use her to infiltrate Annika’s cell. And do what once you’re in?”

  “Find out if Annika was behind the Dred-Naught bombing and, more importantly, what she’s planning next. Then stop it.”

  He leaned back skeptically. “This Dupont girl’s an amateur. Why not try one of the Medusas? They’re experienced and do undercover work all the time.”

  She replied, “I spoke with their commander, Vanessa Blake. Both of her teams are on jobs. As interested as she was in pulling one of her operatives in to do this mission, she can’t spare anyone right now.” Jennifer leaned forward in her seat. “Besides, I think you’re exactly right. Annika would spot any kind of trained operative in a heartbeat. It’s why I’m not even bothering to suggest pulling in a CIA agent. Better that we send in a legitimate amateur who makes no claims
to being anything else.”

  It made a certain sense. “You’d be putting Eve at terrible risk. And how certain are you she’d cooperate with us anyway? For all we know she sympathizes with her big—and may I remind you, dead—brother’s politics. She may think Viktor was some kind of hero who died a martyr to the cause. If we recruit her, she could turn on us at the worst possible moment. She could blow not only the mission but the cover of whoever’s handling her.”

  Jennifer’s one word response made his blood run cold. “Exactly.”

  She knew him too well. He’d never send one of his men out on a suicide mission. If anyone was going to tangle with lovely Eve Dupont, he’d choose himself for the job.

  He glanced at the picture of the young woman on the wall. Eve laughed back at him like some kind of sea goddess. A still-life siren calling to him. Would she try to steal away his will and enslave him as the original Sirens had done to the unfortunate sailors who listened to their songs? His gaze hardened. She could try. But he wasn’t kidding. He didn’t get involved with women. Ever.

  Eve Dupont climbed the steps from the relatively dry, warm London tube station into a cold, gray November drizzle. She couldn’t believe they’d insisted she meet yet another government man, particularly on a nasty day like this.

  How many times was she going to have to tell these jokers she didn’t know anything? She’d never been a terrorist herself, she’d never had any clue Viktor was a terrorist, and she’d never seen or heard anything on his visits home to indicate what he was planning or who he worked with.

  The restaurant where she was supposed to meet this latest investigator came into view. It looked like a classy place, frankly a lot nicer than she’d expected. At least she was going to get a decent free lunch out of it. That was an improvement over the last pair of Interpol types who’d dragged her to their offices to interrogate her like a common criminal.

  She ducked into the dim interior of the restaurant. The lunch rush had mostly cleared out, but everyone still in the place turned to stare as she shed her raincoat. She sighed, used to the reaction. Even when she wore a chunky sweater and sloppy jeans they stared at her. She could probably wear a burlap sack and they’d still gape.


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