May the Best Man Win

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May the Best Man Win Page 10

by M. T. Pope

  “No, but—”

  “But what? If I were going to rape you, I would have done it by now. I need you to trust me, because I already trust you and I don’t do that often. I have been hurt before too and I know how it feels. I was hoping that you would be a welcome change to my life. I guess I was wrong, so I’m going to ask you once more. Do you want to go home?”

  I looked at his face. He was so handsome and his cleft chin was absolutely gorgeous. And I looked at his lips and they were beckoning me to them. But I didn’t want to be too aggressive so I just said, “No, I trust you.” I trusted him because I saw the hurt in his eyes when he spoke and when he spilled his guts about his hurt, I knew then that I would be safe with him.

  He leaned over and gently rubbed my face, and I let him. I felt all of the uneasiness go away and I allowed myself to be free with him. The whole ride to wherever he was taking me was filled with talking and nothing more than that. He never once pressured me for sex and he was a complete gentleman the entire ride. I still had some hesitance and would be a fool to completely let my guard down. That indeed would take some time.

  “Are you ready?” he asked with a smile on his face that made me weak. The limousine had come to a stop after about an hour and a half of constant driving. I was still a little hesitant about trusting him.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” I smiled back. It was an uncertain smile, but I smiled. I didn’t know what was going to happen next. What was it that I was getting ready for? Was it love? I could only hope. Was he the one? The one I prayed long and hard for? Only time would tell.

  He got out of the car and opened the other door for me, like a gentleman would. I stepped out of the car, one leg at a time, just like I was a star. He treated me as such as he grabbed my hand and helped me out. As I got out, I looked around to see where it was that he had taken me. It was almost nightfall and I could see the sun setting on the horizon. It looked like one of those scenes out of a movie, almost fairytale like. I was in awe. We were at the ocean. On a beach. Out on the ocean the water sparkled and twinkled. On the sand there was a tent set up with a table with candlelight. There was a waiter patiently waiting for us to come to the table.

  “I can’t believe you did all this!” I was floored. I had never been treated with such opulent care and spontaneity. I was always the one who gave. I almost couldn’t believe I was here.

  “It’s all for you,” he whispered in my ear as he held me from behind. His breath on my neck made me moan in bliss. My head drifted back on his shoulder and we swayed as I listened to the ocean and the humming of his heartbeat for a few seconds. “I knew I would like you from the moment you walked into my restaurant. I knew I wanted to be the one to mend your broken heart.”

  “Oh, really?” I reversed myself so I could face him. He was a little taller than me and I looked into his eyes and he into mine.

  “Yes, really!” He pecked me on the forehead. “Now let’s get moving. Our supper awaits us!”

  I took my shoes off before we stepped onto the sand. I loved the way the sand felt between my toes as we walked across it. When we got to the table, it was exquisitely set. Glass flutes and champagne chilled on ice. One of Celine Dion’s romantic classics lightly played through the air. I could smell what I knew was lobster bisque located on a serving cart next to our table. It was one of my favorite dishes. He pulled my chair out for me and let me sit down before he made his way around to his chair. We were briefly interrupted when he had to take a call. He excused himself and walked away from the table and several feet from where the elaborate setup was.

  In those few minutes, I pondered again if I was doing the right thing or if I was being too uptight. I decided to go with the flow and see how things went. If things didn’t progress the way I thought they would then I would just get out and move on. I prayed that I wouldn’t get too emotionally invested and lose my mind and fall too easily again. I laughed to myself, because even I had wished myself good luck on that one.

  “What’s so funny?” Mateo came back and sat down at the table, breaking me out of my own thoughts.

  “Oh nothing.” I waved my hand. “I was thinking about something one of my silly employees said to me at the office.”

  “I love the way you smile.” His eyes intensely focused on mine. “And your laugh is infectious, too.”

  “Thank you.” I blushed and looked down at the table for a second. Compliments weren’t always easy for me to take, but his seemed so sincere that I ate it up.

  “I feel really honored to have you here with me. This evening is a perfect evening for getting to know someone better. You agree?”

  “I do.”

  “Hopefully those words will be spoken before a magistrate one day.” He looked at me seriously. I knew he wasn’t assuming what I thought he was. Getting married wasn’t at the top of my list of things to do.

  “We’ll see.” I knew it was an indefinite answer but I wasn’t about to commit to someone and not know a thing about him.

  “We shall.” He smiled. You would have thought I just had said, “Yes, I’ll marry you,” or something.

  “Are you ready for supper?” he gently asked as he rubbed my hands as they comfortably rested on the table in front of me. I nodded my head yes and he signaled the waiter with a snap of his finger.

  The dinner was delightful and we had the best conversation during and after our meal. He even had a violinist playing lightly in the background. It was simply a marvelous evening. After the dinner there was a blanket laid out on the beach for us to lie on. We lay there and fed each other fresh fruit along with some crème brûlée. After the help cleaned up our dishes we both lay face to face and chatted. His scent was rich and it lingered on me even after we had gotten up and made our way back toward the limousine.

  The ride home seemed much shorter than before. After, he waited for me to get in my car and pull off toward home. I tossed and turned in bed all night because I had never had a man touch me the way the he did. It was with such care and patience. I was glad that I didn’t give in and give him some right on the beach. I was very proud of myself. Proud indeed.

  Thoughts of the possibility of being in a steady and fulfilling relationship with someone who could carry his own weight financially and success-wise was an extreme turn-on to me. It wasn’t all about money and success to me; he was a nurturer from what I could tell. He wanted to take care of me. I wanted to be taken care of in every aspect. He looked and acted as if he was willing to be my knight in shining armor, and I was willing to ride off into the sunset with him. I still wanted to have my company but I was going to hire someone else to run it, and I could be a consulting board member. I didn’t want to be totally inactive but at the same time I could leave and fly off to faraway lands and enjoy the lap of luxurious living at the hand of my lover. Who could ask for more? I couldn’t, and that was why I rolled over and slept well.

  Chapter 16


  You Got It Bad

  “‘You got it . . . you got it bad . . .’” I sang along with Usher as he sang one of my favorite hits by him. It was a very true statement. I was excited even after the conversation I had with Dennis the other day. He kind of pissed me off with his negativity and all. Here he had close to everything he, I, and most other people wanted, and he was BSing about it. I had to admit I was a little envious of him and all that he had, but I had a feeling that my future was going to change for the good very soon.

  I hadn’t even known Mateo for a couple of days—and I use the word “known” loosely—but I knew I was infatuated with getting him to be mine. I thought I deserved it. True happiness was for everybody and I was going to get mine come hell or high water.

  I was making my way back from the beach where Mateo took me on our first date. It was so majestic and tranquil for a first date. He picked me up at one of his restaurants and whisked me away in a fancy car; just the two of us. His driver didn’t count because he was quiet most of the time as if he weren’t there anywa
y. We talked the whole way there and I got to know about him.

  “So where are you originally from?” I asked him. Looking into his eyes just sent me over.

  “My family is from a small town in Brazil.”

  “Are you an only child?”

  “Yes, it’s just me.” His eyes wandered away from mine for a quick second.

  “So where are we headed?”

  “I’m taking you to a special place for just me and you to be alone. I want to be alone with you. No interruptions.” He then caressed the side of my face with his hand. He then cupped my chin and leaned in, and waved his nose in front of my lips like he was savoring a sweet smell.

  “You smell so good.” He smiled.

  “I do what I can.” I smiled and blushed. I had on some sweet cologne that I knew would drive him wild.

  It took us awhile to get to our destination. I had to admit I was a little nervous being driven in a tinted vehicle to an unknown location with a guy I just met. But I didn’t let on. I just enjoyed the ride and the moment I was having right now. I couldn’t say a guy had ever treated me this well before. Mateo looked like he adored me. It was what I was waiting for.

  “I know you are going to love this place. We are going to bask in the stillness of Mother Earth.” He continued to look at me intently.

  My heart was swooning in anticipation. He was saying all of the right things. All of the things I was waiting to hear.

  I assumed we were at our location when the car stopped.

  “Wait right here,” he said as he eased out of the door of the car on his side.

  Seconds later, he opened the door and motioned for me to get out. But before I could fully get out he got on his knee and removed my shoes and socks one by one. His hands were so gentle and smooth. He wasn’t rough at all. His touch sent shivers up my spine. Normally I would have given him the blow job of his life in the back of the car after he smelled me but I didn’t want to ruin this moment. I didn’t want to mess up a potentially great thing.

  He then pulled me up by one hand and helped me out of the car. I wanted to “accidentally” fall just to see if he would catch me, but I knew that would be too much. I just went with the flow of things as they were going right at that moment.

  I looked out to the beach that we had pulled up to. It was a beach that I had never been to before and it was a private one; I could tell by the signs scattered around. He must own this beach.

  “Give me one second.” He touched the point of my nose with his finger. He then went to the back of the car where his driver was waiting with the trunk open. He pulled out a decorated basket and his chauffeur retrieved other items from inside the trunk. We all made our way across the cool sand. The crashing sound of the ocean against a few rocks scattered near the shore made for a perfect scene. The sand felt really good in between my toes as we walked.

  Mateo found a spot and instructed his chauffeur where to set up our picnic. The chauffer laid down some thick foam and then covered it with a blanket. The area was about the size of a large living room area rug. There were trays for our food, champagne, flowers, and even an iPod playing classical music for us. We both sat Indian-style as he fed me nasty expensive cheese and wine. Mateo was so smooth and gentle. He touched me quiet a few times. All gently. He never once made a move for intercourse. I was a little shocked by that because most of the guys I dated were only looking for one thing.

  Finally he had the chauffer, who stood by and watched the whole scene quietly, clean up the food and wine and then Mateo opened up his legs and pulled me in between them as we both looked out into the ocean. His arms were wrapped around my upper body. I was totally relaxed. I closed my eyes and my head drifted back to his shoulder. I could hear his heart beat against my chest. I felt his warm, un-aroused manhood resting against me. It struck me as odd, but I just brushed it off. I was with a new breed of a man. He was older and more mature than the guys I regularly dated. He could control himself around me. I took it as him not wanting to move too fast. I had even more respect for him.

  I still wondered in the back of my head if he was dysfunctional in that area or something. I mean he looked to be about forty years old. I didn’t know what age a man would start having problems like that but I thought forty was a tad bit young for that. But again, I took it as a sign for taking things slow and easy. I liked it. I liked him.

  We didn’t stay out there much longer and soon he dropped me off at my car, and here I was driving home with sheer excitement and optimism running through my veins. I just might be in a really good mood for work. I just hope my boss doesn’t ruin it with his attitude. I don’t want to have to curse him out and tell him where to stick his job until I am sure that Mateo will be taking care of me forever.

  Chapter 17


  Happy Days Are Here Again

  I woke up the next morning feeling a little more optimistic about life. I wasn’t going to be a fool and think that because of a successful first date I had found “the one.” I would only be setting myself up for disappointment. I jumped in the shower with a little more pep than usual. I even hummed a little. It wasn’t a particular song, just a simple hum. A hum I knew all too well. I tried to ignore it but I wasn’t clueless to my problems.

  After about fifteen minutes in the shower I exited, wrapped a towel around my waist, and went to my closet to pick something out to wear. My cat was following me around the house like he needed desperate attention. I kneeled down briefly and stroked his coat, letting him know I was paying attention to him. He was attached to me and me to him. After a few more seconds of appeasing him I was off to get dressed for my day.

  I grabbed what I wanted out of my closet and made my way back in to my bedroom. I laid the clothes down on my bed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Just as I finished brushing my teeth I heard my phone ringing. I walked to my dresser, picked up the phone, and looked at the caller ID to see who it was. A smile radiated my face as I saw who was calling.

  “Hello,” I answered with cheer. It was Mateo. He sounded like he just had woken up. He still sounded smooth though. I walked over to my bed and sat down next to the clothes that I was going to wear to work that day. My cat jumped up into my lap as I talked.

  “How are doing this morning, sir.” His voice glided over his words. His accent was thick, but low. I tried to find something special to say, but it didn’t happen.

  “God is good.” I smiled. The vision of us on the beach flooded my mind. It was so nice to be treated like a person and not like a piece of ass.

  “That He is,” he concurred. “I know it is early, but I just wanted to tell you that I had a wonderful time with you and I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “I had a great time as well. We’ll have to see about a next time.” I had to show him that I was sticking to my guns when it came to business and play remaining separate.

  “Oh, I have a feeling there will be one.”

  “Oh, really?” I got up and walked toward the window in my room. I peeked through and looked at the passersby. “How do you know that?” I was curious to know how he thought I was going to give in so easily to his request.

  “You answered the phone when I called you this morning. I know that you like me, all evidence of a next date.”

  “Oh, really?” I walked back over to my closet and pulled up some shoes that I was going to wear and sat down on the bed. “Again, I guess we will have to see about that. You know I have rules about work and play.”

  “This I know. But I have ways of persuasion that you have not seen yet.”

  “We’ll see.” I lightly chuckled. I was a little curious as to what he could do to get me to go out with him again. I was up for the challenge, to tell the truth.

  I turned on my Bluetooth and got dressed as we continued to talk back and forth. I made my way down the stairs and to my kitchen to fill the cat’s water and food dishes. I checked myself out in one of my mirrors and exited my house to my car. I told Mate
o that I would call him later because I did not like to talk and drive, even with a Bluetooth on my ear.

  I pulled into the parking garage, turned off the music I was listening to, and exited my car. I grabbed my briefcase out of my trunk and walked across the street to my office building. Before I could get to my building I was approached by a woman handing out fliers.

  “Excuse me, sir, have you seen him?” she said anxiously as she handed me a flier. “He’s my son and he’s missing.”

  “No, ma’am,” I spoke after I looked at the flier for a brief second.

  Disappointment enveloped her. Her weariness in her eyes made her look like she had been up for days. “Well could you show this to your friends and see if they have seen him? Please? I’m desperate. Any help would do.”

  “I sure will.” I smiled, hoping it relieved some of the anguish I knew she was feeling. I walked into the building a little disappointed that I couldn’t help her.

  I was hoping today would be a very productive day for me and my staff as usual. I walked off the elevator and toward my office door. This time I didn’t have to pretend that I was happy. I was. It wasn’t because of Mateo, believe it or not. I was just happy with the thought of “maybe.” Well, maybe Mateo did have a small part in it.

  “Good morning, everyone,” I spoke out as I walked up to my secretary’s desk. There were a few people moving around swiftly, just like I liked to see it. It was nice to know that your company was moving and functioning like a well-oiled machine.

  “Good morning, Janice. Are there any messages for me today and is my itinerary for the week ready?” I asked as I walked into my office.


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