May the Best Man Win

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May the Best Man Win Page 17

by M. T. Pope

  The rest of the day I had a few of my associates pull me up in the break room, bathroom, and even a broom closet about Lewis and his newfound power. I actually laughed at one of them who threatened a beside-his-car beat down. I thought they were serious too, but I talked them out of it.

  I had to admit that it was pretty cool to not be in charge for a few days and things still got done in spite of Lewis’s antics and attitude.

  Like his constant timing of everything he assigned me or another worker. One time he even stood by his desk and watched me work. Also, his nagging comments to me or one of the other workers I overheard like, “You should have finished this by now,” “Do this over, it’s not good enough,” or my personal favorite, “Do I have to hire a monkey to do your job?” I had to admit the last one was funny.

  He also called two meetings to tell us and reprimand us about productivity and he even got on a few staff members’ wardrobes. The words tacky, horrendous, and trashy were used unsparingly and he even made one of the female workers cry when he said she looked like she was dressed by Ray Charles and her hair was cut by Edward Scissorhands.

  This challenge was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. A bit trying at times but other than the persistent ringing of his phone from his family and friends it was okay being Lewis for the week.

  It was the last full day of this challenge and I had to say I would be glad to get back into my home and my clothes. I was really tired of looking like a different box of crayons during the week. I just knew that I was going to end up on one of those Web sites with the outfits he had me wearing.

  Tomorrow I was going to work and switch back to being me at the end of the day. I was stretched out on one of Lewis’s chaises daydreaming about Mateo. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was going to be like in a solid relationship with him. I hadn’t seen him since the day in the museum and he said his prize to whoever won was a very special place in his life and home. I was antsy to say the least.

  The sound of Rihanna’s “Birthday Cake” song rang out into the quiet atmosphere, breaking me out of my daydreaming. The first time I heard his ringer I was in the local Cheesecake Factory eating by myself and forgot to turn the ringer off. I was completely and utterly embarrassed. I had only known the song from going to the club a few times and hearing it but having it as a ringtone on your cell phone was a bit much for me. I put it on vibrate immediately. I couldn’t wait to give him this phone back and get my simple ringing phone back.

  It was a text from Mateo. It was our next challenge. I gasped at what it instructed me to do before I went to bed. For a few seconds I couldn’t breathe or think. I was floored once again. This was the first legitimate time I considered bailing out and letting Lewis have Mateo. This was too much: over the top and unfathomable.

  Chapter 34


  Ass Out

  Now I was one for loving attention and getting it almost at all or any cost. Right now I was on the edge of Kardell’s bed reading the next challenge for Kardell and me. I was beyond speechless. The ramifications of this next challenge were innumerable. I mean who thought of this type of thing? This was the first time that I truly considered calling it quits and letting Kardell have Mateo. This was one of those “fuck it” moments for me. I read the text out loud just to make sure I read it right.

  “Two beautiful men and two visions of loveliness. Share your beauty with the world. You have each other’s phone and access to each other’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Take one photo of yourself the way you came into this world, tag each other, and enjoy the attention from the world. May the best man win.” I threw the phone onto the bed and walked away from it. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and started to have a conversation with myself. I did this at times when I made a critical decision in my life. It was a secret security mechanism for me.

  “I love me but am I ready to let the world see me in all of my glory?” I lifted up my shirt and looked at my magnificent chest. “I mean my entire family is on Facebook. The backlash from this could destroy me. Or it could make me famous.” I laughed a little at the thought of being famous for being naked.

  “The biggest question is, is it all worth it?” I cocked my head to the side as I wondered.

  “I could have it all if I am willing to show it all?” I pondered out loud. “I mean you see it on television and even in books but when you are in a situation like this one it’s real and a wrong turn could mean a drastic change in life, good or bad. What the hell am I going to do? I’m going to fucking do it. You only live once.” I pumped myself up.

  So I got myself all shined up and glistening for the camera. If I was going to be nude I was definitely going to be fabulous and memorable. Kardell had a top-of-the-line phone so it had a fifteen-second timer and it took multiple shots. I lay across his bed and had the phone positioned on the dresser across from the bed. I was nervous but it was all or nothing and after all that I had done thus far I was not ending up with nothing. I knew that Kardell was too scared to do something like this and this probably would be the winning challenge for me. I took a few test shots and they ended up coming out really good. So I did the real thing and pressed SEND once I found the one that was the most flattering. I made sure I tagged myself in this picture so that I would complete the whole challenge.

  It didn’t take long for Kardell’s phone to start blowing up with likes and comments. I was too afraid to look at the comments so I just shut down the phone and went to sleep for the night.

  I couldn’t possibly imagine the attention or the kind of attention that I was going to get when tomorrow came but I was ready.

  Chapter 35


  Just Do It

  I paced Lewis’s floor for what seemed like hours, but in actuality it was only a half hour. I was thinking about giving up on being with Mateo and just moving on with my life. I just wanted to throw in the towel and give in to my destiny to be alone. I was thinking about the consequences of this last challenge. I was weighing the pros and the cons. It was something I did often. Even with which company I was going to do an advertising campaign for.

  Quitting was almost never an option for me. Quitting usually gets you nowhere. I was going places in my profession but my love life was on life support and I did want to pull the plug on it now.

  The buzzing of Lewis’s phone brought me out of my thoughts. I walked over to the dresser where I had it charging to see a quite a few Facebook notifications. There was a picture I was tagged in by Lewis. I clicked on the link and his naked body was strewn across my bed in a seductive pose as if he was doing a shoot for Do Me magazine. My mouth gapped open in shock and awe. The number of likes was close to the hundreds and the comments from some were tasteful and some very raunchy and that was coming from some of my friends. Thank God I didn’t have that many family members as friends. In fact, I only had my sister as a friend on there. They were asking who he was and what the hell was wrong with him. I could only assume that they were blowing up my phone by now with questions. I knew I would have done the same thing under the same circumstances.

  I closed the app and set the phone back down on the dresser. I walked away from the dresser and practically threw myself onto Lewis’s bed. This was one of the hardest decisions I had to make in a long time. The first one was coming out to my parents, but this one would overshadow that one by far. All I had to do was do it. Like the Nike commercial said, “Just do it.” I wasn’t the “just do it” type. At least I wasn’t until today.

  But after seeing Lewis bearing it all and not looking bad doing it I wanted to be free and wild for a change and not care about what people thought. I wanted the prize at the end of the maze and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I wasn’t going to let Lewis win. Mateo had everything I wanted in a man or partner, plus he was patient and caring. I wanted all of that. I even thought about closing up my business and moving on with him into the lap of luxury and leisure. I
wanted the good life and the work-free life and I was willing to risk it all to get it.

  So I stripped right there in the middle of Lewis’s bedroom. I showered, shaved the appropriate areas of my body, and then oiled up like I was a body builder getting ready for a shoot.

  “Kardell, you can do this. Just step outside of your comfort zone and do it. Just do it,” I coached myself.

  It didn’t take long for me to do it. I took the picture and then looked at it for several minutes before I uploaded it to Lewis’s page. I tagged me in it and then I closed the app. Almost instantly the phone began to vibrate with notifications and then it started to ring like crazy. I eventually shut it off when I checked his inbox and people were asking for my number and giving me theirs. I was flattered at first and then shame came over me. I knew I didn’t need to be embarrassed about being nude since I was born nude. I was afraid of what it was going to do to my business. For the most part I kept my business affairs away from my personal page but in this world you never know who knows who.

  I went to sleep that night full of anxiety of the impending bombardment of attention I might receive tomorrow, but also pride because of something I wouldn’t normally have done. I was glad I did it. And if anybody asks me why I’ll just say I lost a bet. I was so glad that at the close of business tomorrow I will be getting my life and title back and hopefully beating out Lewis in this next challenge or two. I am going to sleep a winner.

  Chapter 36


  Hate Me

  As soon as I woke up this morning I cut Kardell’s phone back on to see a text from Mateo congratulating me on my completion of the challenge. He again told me that I was in the lead. I was elated by that news. He also said that the next challenge would be coming soon.

  Today I walked into the office and everyone was in an uproar. I guessed that my nude picture had everyone talking. I couldn’t say I was super excited for everyone to be looking at me but attention was attention. I ate it all up.

  “Good morning, Janice,” I greeted her as I walked up to her desk. She didn’t even look at me in the eye. I didn’t know if she had a Facebook page but I was sure she saw my picture from someone in the office. I was friends with at least one or two people here in the office. I still didn’t care because I was fabulous and gave them a picture of all of my fabulousness. I wanted to tell them to eat their hearts out but I didn’t. I just let them stare and gawk.

  “Good morning, Mr. Turner.” She spoke in a very low voice as if she was embarrassed for me.

  “Listen.” I turned around to speak to the few workers that were standing about. “I am proud of my body and live my life for me. Don’t feel sorry for me or pity me. Half of y’all don’t have nearly as much guts as I do. Well, literally some of y’all do, but that’s neither here nor there. I love me and now you’ll have another reason to hate on me. Well hate away and while you’re doing it print my picture out and paste that shit on your mirror so you can remind yourself of what you need to work toward, because I have most of y’all beat in every category of life. Now suck on them lemons.”

  I turned, threw my head up in the air, and proudly walked into my temporary office and closed the door behind me. Being in charge this last past week was nice but it has had its cons; being in charge of everything was just that. You had to make sure the workers were working efficiently. I had to make sure that payroll was in on time. I had to know who was late and who was sick. I had to know what projects needed to be done and what order things needed to done in. I had to make sure contractors and laborers got paid on time. I was busy calling this person and calling that person. Work work work. I had to come down harder on the others because this was too much for me. I didn’t want them to know that though. I didn’t know how Kardell kept his sanity having to all of this. I will be glad to give the reins back over to him shortly. It was a lesson learned. I will be glad to just be an employee again.

  I was in the office for an hour before Kardell walked into the office. I had mercy on him and his lateness because I knew he was having a rough moment this morning. The look on his face was one of seriousness, but I could see some shame hiding in there, too. I got a look at his nude shot this morning and had to say that he was good-looking naked, too. He wasn’t me but he sure did give me a run for my money.

  Chapter 37


  Give It Up

  “Good morning, Lewis.” I walked up to my desk as he proudly sat behind it. He looked good in one of my least favorite suits. The picture of him nude flashed before me for a second as I spoke to him. It was etched in my mind.

  “Good morning.” He spoke with a hint of jealousy.

  “So I see you went through with the challenge last night,” I said as I took a seat in front of him. “Nice job.” I was trying my best not to sound condescending. By the look on his face I could tell it wasn’t working.

  “Yes, as did you.” He spoke with a smirk that said “so what.” “It was, um, cute.” I could tell he was trying to be nice. He was a good actor but he could never win an award for his unsavory performance as a nice person.

  “Cute, huh?” I repeated.

  “Yes, that is what I said. I see your hearing is leaving you in your old age.” He laughed lightly.

  “No, everything about me is just fine. But you know that already since you saw my flawlessness for yourself.” I smirked and gave him a side eye. “You didn’t think I would do it did you? You probably thought you had this in the bag?”

  “Kardell, I wasn’t the least bit worried about you or anything you do or have done. Lewis is a top performer in anything he does in life. Shit, I even got your job down pat in a week. I’m a monster and I devour people like you for breakfast. You should just give it up and retire with a few more cats like the one you have at home. That’s what an old maid does right?”

  “Old maid?” I huffed. “Don’t get this twisted, Lewis. I’m only a few years older than you and much more experienced. They say experience is the best teacher and I’m about to show you better than I can tell you. I think you should give it up and move on with your life. Besides, by the response from your picture I think you would do good in the porn business since you got ho written all over you.”

  “Actually I can say that I’m impressed with how long you have lasted. I didn’t think you could or would take that stick out of your ass. I guess you did take it out long enough to take the picture. We all know who the real ho in the room is. If I’m one I know you’re one. As they say, it takes one to know one and you called me out first, so hi, ho.” He laughed and waved at me.

  I had to admit that it was a good one.

  “Lewis.” I laughed lightly to myself. “Poor Lewis. You don’t even know when you are being played. Mateo just feels sorry for you. That’s why he didn’t let you down at the museum. We both know that you won’t fit in his world. You can’t turn a ho into a housewife but you damn sure can string them along. You’re a puppet being played like you’re Pinocchio. You should let me cut the strings now so you don’t end up in the box of ‘used’ toys like the rest of the hand-me-down hoes.”

  His mouth gaped open for a few seconds.

  “Close your mouth, honey, there are no dicks around for you to suck on,” I said as I got up and proceeded to walk out of the door. I didn’t even leave him time to come back.

  That confrontation was long overdue. I tried to treat him like I wanted to be treated and I have encouraged the other workers to do the same even when they wanted to curse him or even punch him in his sarcastic mouth. I’d been taking his craziness with his mouth toward me and toward my staff all week long and I wanted to say something long before now. I just didn’t want him to take me out of my character in front of the others. I wanted to keep my reputation as the poised one and the one who always conducted himself professionally in the workplace. It was like he was trying to make me step out of character. I think he wanted me to act up with him in front of everyone, but I held my ground. It wasn’t eas
y to watch him on his power trip. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out on him. I had to admit that it indeed felt good to get a few good quips in on him to put him back in his place. The little bit of power had gone to his head.

  Chapter 38


  How Low Can You Go?

  I sat at Kardell’s desk, stunned from his last comment. I had to admit I did underestimate him. He was just as fiery as I was on the inside. He just had to tap in. But he didn’t know just how low I would stoop to get the man I wanted. I have a trick up my sleeve to deliver what will make sure that I am the one who wins.

  The rest of the day went by smoothly and I was very happy to give Kardell back everything that was his and go back to my world. That challenge was cute but I loved being me and living my life carefree. I learned some things about me and what I could handle and I was very pleased. I thought I did a good job with this challenge and I was sure I was a better person for making it through.

  As soon as I got my phone back I checked my voice mail. There were several messages from my sister and even one from my brother asking me to explain myself and my actions. They sounded like they wanted to have a heavy conversation like I knew my parents would. I was so glad that my parents and most of their friends stayed away from social networks because I would not be looking forward to explaining my actions to them. And I didn’t have to worry about my brother or sister blabbing because I had dirt on them that exceeded crazy in comparison to my nude picture on Facebook.


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