Fighter's Claim

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Fighter's Claim Page 13

by D. D. Galvani

  Dukes spoke up from the bar. “Leave it, man, I got this,” he said. Kissing Lani, he pushed away from the bar, following Breech’s path out the door.

  Jiji ran down the hallway, brushing tears off her face.

  “Shit.” I followed her into the ladies’ room.

  She was splashing water on her face when I got there. “I wasn’t teasing him, Tish.”

  “I know, Jiji, this isn’t on you. Breech has gotta man up or get over it.”

  “Ya think?” she deadpanned.

  “Holy shit, but that was hot, girl,” I said, fanning my face and grinning.

  “No, it wasn’t, it was embarrassing!” she shrieked.

  “Oh, stop, since when don’t you like two guys going at it over you?” I asked.

  “Since Jameson was pissed and blamed me,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, that sucked, and I told him it wasn’t your fault.”

  “We’ve had this discussion before, Tish; he’s always going to see me as his baby sister, not a woman. I’ll be 80, stooped over with a walker, and he’ll still think I’m a virgin,” she blurted out.

  “Oh my God, that’s too funny!” I started laughing, holding my side when I couldn’t stop.

  She reluctantly smiled. “Cut that shit out, it’s not funny,” she said.

  “If Jameson only knew about Livell James, he’d have cut that guy’s dick off and shoved it down his throat.”

  “Tish, don’t you fuckin’ dare tell him about Livell.”

  “Aww, come on, Jiji, he knows you’re not a virgin.”

  “No he doesn’t, Tish, he can’t look at me as a sexual being; he isn’t wired that way. Honestly, he thinks I don’t know what a dick is. Or shouldn’t know. Meanwhile, he’s been fucking since he was 15 and got caught in his bedroom with Christine Radford. Shit, I can still hear Mom screaming at him. Don’t you dare bring that girl into my house! You wanna have sex, go rent a room! And don’t forget a goddamn condom, Jameson.

  “God, he was mortified, couldn’t get out of the house fast enough, stuffing Christine into her clothes as they were running out the door.” She smiled at the memory, then her face fell, remembering her mom was gone.

  I rubbed her back. “It’s good to remember her, Jiji. She loved you both so much. Jameson will come around; he just needs some time.”

  She threw her arms around my neck. “I love you, Tish! Thanks for always having my back.”

  “I love you too, Jiji,” I said, squeezing her back.

  “SHIT,” she said, extending the word on a wail. “Look at my face. I hate crying, it makes me red and that’s not a good color on me,” she joked. She splashed some water on her face, then lifted her dripping wet head and looked in the mirror. “Thank God I wore waterproof mascara; otherwise I’d look like a raccoon.”

  “Suck it up, buttercup; I wanna go be with my man!”

  She wrinkled her nose. “What did I tell you about TMI with my bro, Tish!”

  Laughing, I left her in the bathroom and went in search of Jameson.


  I watched Tish chase Jiji to the bathroom and sighed. Dukes returned, making his way over to Lani at the bar. Following, I sat down, signaling for a beer.

  Lani touched my arm. Leaning over to talk she asked, “Is Jiji okay?”

  “She will be, Lani. She’s had some pretty boy, preppy boyfriends over the years; I warned her that the guys here aren’t like the ones she knew at home.”

  Dukes spoke up, “This wasn’t her fault, Fighter. Breech has got to get his head out of his ass. If he wants her, then he’s got to man up and take her.”

  Realizing we were talking about Jiji as a woman, not my baby sister, jolted me. Tish had been trying to drive that point home and, stubbornly, I didn’t listen. Jiji had been accusing me of treating her like a child; I realized right then that’s exactly what I had been doing. Not that I wanted to see her fucking my brothers or fucking any man, but that ultimately wasn’t up to me.

  She was the only family I had left; I didn’t want to drive her away because I was being stupid.

  I felt Tish slide her arm around my waist. Leaning down, I kissed the crown of her head. “How’s she doing, babe?”

  “She’ll be okay. I think it shocked her a little, because Breech and her are like oil and water.”

  “How’d you get to be so smart, woman? You saw this coming and tried to warn me, but it didn’t penetrate my thick fucking skull.”

  Tish was looking at me oddly. “You mean that, Fighter?”

  Looking at her, I said, “I have to start treating her like the woman she is, babe, not the girl I remember.”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s deep, Jameson, but why the change of heart?”

  Before he could answer, Lani leaned around Dukes, saying, “I do believe if they ever get together it will be electric. They fight like cats and dogs, which means they will probably fuck like them too.”

  “Holy shit, Lani, he’s just had a breakthrough, let’s give him a minute to wrap his brain around it before we send him over the edge and he’s the one swinging on Breech this time,” Tish remarked.

  Scowling at Lani, I said, “I can’t deny that I don’t like the idea of her fuckin’ any dude, but I if I have to go there, I’d rather it be one of my brothers, who I know will treat her right. We might be rough on the outside, but we treat our women good. She would be safer and happier with one of us than those suited-up Wall Street types she meets in college.

  “Damn right,” Dukes said. “I hear of any man laying a hand on a woman, he will answer to me. No fuckin’ way that shit flies around here. No man deserves the title if he hits a woman, period.”

  “Come on, babe, let’s dance.” Grabbing Tish, I dragged her onto the small dance floor at the end of the bar; some slow song was playing, which gave me the excuse to wrap her in my arms and shuffle around the floor.

  “I’m not much of a dancer but for you I can manage a few steps, Tish.” I felt her smile into my chest, then lean back and execute a perfect turn under my arm.

  “No worries, baby, I can make you look good on the floor,” she teased.

  Dukes and Lani were cuddled up, swaying to the music; Opry and Sandra were making out a few feet away from them under the guise of slow dancing.

  Jiji had returned from the bathroom and was sitting near the bar. Breech strolled up to her. I could see them talking, but they were too far away to hear what was being said. She hopped off the bar stool and Breech escorted her to the dance floor.

  He gave me a chin lift, and I returned the gesture. Dropping my head to rest on top of Tish’s, I relaxed, moving in time with her body.

  Oh, crap, when Breech walked up to Jiji, I thought, Shit, now what? But they spoke a few words before she followed him onto the dance floor. Whew, okay, so that wasn’t so bad; maybe just for tonight they called a truce.

  Looking around at the couples on the floor, it hit me how much I liked it here; I didn’t miss Florida or my old life there. These people had opened up their lives to us; they made us feel welcome. I genuinely liked them all.

  Seeing Jameson relaxed, drinking with his friends, laughing, and playing pool felt good. All those times we would Skype with him when he was in the Marines, he’d make me laugh or blush at something outrageous he said to Jiji. Getting beaten half to death was not the way I would have wanted to bring us full circle, but it is what it is. I’m going to enjoy what we’ve started. Jiji didn’t seem to mind that we were a couple; she was happy for us, teasing me and taunting her brother.

  “Thinking again,” he said, kissing my forehead. “Relax, let it go. We’re together, so everything is good, babe.”

  I smiled up into his eyes. “Sometimes I want to pinch myself to believe this is actually happening, Jameson. I started falling for you w
hen I was that chunky fourteen-year-old with braces and bad hair.”

  He was rubbing circles on my back as we moved our feet to the slow beat of the music. “Babe, sometimes good things come to us when we aren’t looking for them. Losing my mom was the bad, but having you and Jiji here is the good. I have plans for us. Let’s take it slow, see where this ride takes us.” I lifted my lips for his kiss. Angling my head, he ravaged my mouth, and I welcomed it. I felt his touch all the way to my soul. I was ruined for any other man; it would always be him.

  Jiji was watching us circle the floor. She looked sad, but when I caught her watching us, a mischievous smile appeared. She winked then stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed, flipping her the bird. She twirled around Breech. Watching us over his shoulder, she smirked, then expertly turned again, shaking her ass at me. Game on!

  Turning in Jameson’s arms so my back was to his front, I started grinding on him, bending low and pushing up against his groin. She made a gagging motion then spun around to face Breech again.

  Jameson, who had been watching the two of us play, leaned down so I could hear him above the music. “If you’re about done one upping my sister, I’m ready to leave, babe. We have a bed at home waiting on us. I want you naked and under me as soon as we hit the door.” He stopped dancing to lead me off the floor, stopping to say something to Dukes.

  Looking around I spotted Sonya watching us with venom in her eyes, when she caught me looking she immediately wiped the look off her face, turning away and grinding up against the brother she was dancing with.

  I blinked when Jameson called my name. “Tish, you okay?” he asked, looking at me oddly.

  “I’m sorry babe, something just caught my eye. What did you say to Dukes?”

  “Just that I was taking my woman home and not to call because we are gonna be getting busy all night.”

  I blushed, smacking him lightly on the arm. “Jesus, Jameson.”

  “What, babe?”

  “Crude much?”

  “That’s not crude. I want to go home and fuck my woman; that’s life. Shit, babe, it’s not like he’s gonna be at the foot of the bed watching, although I could arrange that with one of the other brothers if that’s your kind of kink.”

  My head snapped up so fast I clipped his chin. “Ouch,” we both said.

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Tish, the brothers aren’t shy about watching—or joining in, for that matter. In your case, that’s a deal breaker for me. No one touches you or gets near your pussy but me, end of story.”

  I stopped him at our table. “Have you done that a lot?” I asked.

  “Hmm, enough that I know which guys I’m okay with watching or partnering with, and which ones are too damn kinky for me.”

  “So it’s okay for you to share a woman, then?” I questioned him.

  “I never had a problem with it before you, Tish. The idea of anyone touching you, kissing you, fucking you puts me into a blind rage, so that’s not happening. But like I said, a little kink is healthy; it will only go as far as you’re comfortable, and you have to be totally on board with it first.”

  Searching his face, I relaxed because I believed him. He would never force me to do something I didn’t want to do.

  “What’s bothering you, Tish? Talk to me,” he said.

  Gathering my courage, I looked him in the eye. “Jameson, I know you are more sexually experienced then I am.” He started to interrupt, but I laid my fingers over his mouth. “Let me get this out, please, Jameson.”

  “Go ahead, Tish, tell me,” he said.

  “Like I said, I know you’re more experienced then I am. My fear is that you’re going to get bored with me. I am adventurous to a point, but I’ve heard the club girls talking and I know you enjoy some things that I don’t know if I’d ever be able to do. Sex with you is the best I’ve ever had, and I want to please you but I’m scared, because I know I’m not like those girls.”

  “Babe, listen to me. Our bedroom is our solitude. What we do together is all about pleasure. If something doesn’t feel right to you, or you are uncomfortable with it, then we don’t do it. I would never try to make you do something you’re not ready for. It’s true I’m not a saint, and I do enjoy a little kink, but it’s not necessary. I enjoy making love to you, watching the way your eyes get that heavy-lidded, almost drugged look when I make you come. It’s enough, Tish, I’m a satisfied man.”

  Raising onto my tip toes, I kissed him softly. “Babe, this right here, me discussing my fears, you listening and helping me put them to rest… I’ve never had that before. Let’s go home, Jameson, I want to get naked and enjoy your body on top of mine.”

  He smiled, wrapped an arm around my waist, and led me out of the clubhouse.


  I could see the wheels spinning in her head, her eyes filled with shock at first, and then she looked maybe a little intrigued. Sex with Tish was off the charts, but if she wanted to add a bit of spice I could go for that. Yesterday while I was working she sent me a text.

  T: Hey baby, Jiji is going to be home late, Suzanne has a late surgery, do you want to go out to eat?

  F: I’d rather eat you

  Ping! Her response hit my phone.

  T: I’m dirty from the hospital but if you hurry you might catch me naked in the shower, maybe my hands are wandering down south, touching maybe sliding a soapy sponge between my legs.

  I typed furiously.

  F: Don’t start without me

  Ping! Her response came winging back.

  T: Oops I just dropped the sponge, hmm maybe I should just take care of this little itch all by my lonesome.

  My reply went back to her just as fast.

  F: Damn Girl, I gotta ride my bike with a raging hard on, you better be ready when I get there

  My phone lit up with her reply.

  T: I don’t know if I can wait that long lover

  I smiled as I wrote my next message.

  F: You touch that pussy before I get there and you’ll be bending over for a totally different reason, I will turn that ass cherry red, then fuck you ‘til your screaming my name.

  Seconds ticked by ‘til my phone went off again.

  T: My ass as well as the rest of me wait for no man! You want it come and get it.

  Then the wench turned off her phone. At least, I’m assuming she did, since she never replied back.

  I made the ride in under ten minutes, cursing the whole way. Riding home to Tish felt so right. I thought of the house on 3rd street as home, though, really, Tish was what made it feel like a home. Her face was the first thing I woke up to in the morning and the last thing I saw at night. It hadn’t been that long, but I didn’t want to go back to what I had before her. Sure, pussy was plentiful at the clubhouse, but I didn’t want to fall asleep beside any of them. As soon as I shot my load I wanted them gone.

  Tish was different.

  I needed—not wanted—to feel her body up against mine at night. A few times, when she worked the night shift, I couldn’t fall asleep until I felt her crawl into bed beside me. She had gotten under my skin in a big way and I was finding out that I liked it—a lot!

  I walked through the house, checking the windows and doors. I could hear her moving around in the bedroom down the hall. I leaned against the doorframe to watch her putter around the room.

  She had changed into her favorite raggedy T-shirt and sleep shorts. Walking over to the bed, she started rubbing lotion on her legs. When she noticed me watching, she smiled up at me; I was stone hard with just that look.

  I reached between my shoulders, grabbing my shirt and dragging it over my head before dropping it on the floor. I started towards her, unbuckling my belt, and her tongue flicked out, licking her lips. Unzipping my jeans, I stepped out of them
and my boxers at the same time. My cock was standing up, begging for her attention; I stroked it from root to tip. Her eyes followed the movement, her eyelids slowly lowering. I stopped in front of her, giving her a good look as I worked my cock. She had scooted to the end of the bed, sitting up on her knees. I sat next to her, reaching for her; I think she thought I was going to lower her to the floor in front of me, but instead I flipped her facedown on my lap.

  She squirmed, trying to get up, but I threw an arm over her upper torso to keep her still, rubbing and squeezing her lush cheeks as she glanced at me over her shoulder with a questioning look.

  “I told you before we left that you were in for a spanking, babe; now’s the time.” She tried harder to get up but I let her know it wasn’t happening by adding some muscle to the arm across her back. I landed a stinging slap to her right cheek and she jumped; a squeak escaped her lips. I followed it with a couple more slaps to both cheeks. She was moving around, trying to escape my hand, but instead her pussy wound up rubbing against my dick, making me harder; she was wet, just as turned on as I was. Smiling, I rubbed her stinging posterior.

  “You alright, babe?” I asked. Moving the hair that was hanging in her face, I pulled it out of the way to see her eyes. She bit her lip but bobbed her head.

  “You’ve got to say it, babe, I need to hear you voice your consent.”

  She answered in a low voice. “Yes, Jameson, I’m okay.”

  Satisfied by her answer and her drenched pussy, I continued “You got a few more coming, babe.” She tensed, waiting for the blow, but I massaged her upper back instead. “Relax and breathe, Tish,” I said.

  The next blow landed between her legs on her pussy lips; she jerked but stayed in place. I placed a few light hits on her lower butt and upper thighs. She flinched but she was still rubbing against my cock. I reached down to find her pussy wet enough for me to slip two fingers in with ease. I stroked in and out, hitting her G-spot each time. She moaned, pushing back with her ass to ride my fingers. I landed two more slaps to each cheek as her body came up to meet my hand.


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