Healing Gabriella (Red Devils MC Book 8)

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Healing Gabriella (Red Devils MC Book 8) Page 15

by Michelle Woods

  Pretty Boy walked into the bar behind Tank with one goal. He was going to find Gabriella and make damned sure she knew she wasn’t replacing him with any other yahoo. She belonged to him and he wouldn’t accept any other outcome. He was a little surprised to note that more than half the club was filling the bar tonight. Even the old ladies were here, and they all seemed to be hooting and hollering at the stage. Pretty Boy’s eyes started searching the dim interior looking for Gabi in the crowd, a little relieved to find that most of the club was around. That meant that Gabi wouldn’t be dealing with any idoit’s who wanted to come on to her alone. The brothers would nip that shit in the bud quickly, and he was damned glad about that.

  He was so distracted by his search that at first, he didn’t recognize the soft voice that spoke into the microphone on stage, at least not until she said her name. His eyes snapped to the woman who was wearing a pair of dark washed jeans, and a blue flowy top with rhinestones embedded into the neckline, which was way too low for his liking. She’d worn her hair down and it was curled around her shoulders in a way that made his dick twitch in his pants as he stared at her. Gabi looked damned good on that stage, despite her nervous movements and her awkward speech.

  What the hell was going on? Why was his woman on stage? He knew the answer the second she started signing her song, the one he’d heard that day by the lake. His heart clenched as he felt the whole room still as her voice rang out with the first lines of her song. Damn her voice was pure as the notes flowed out of her, almost effortlessly while she held the mic in one hand and sang her heart out like she’d always been meant to. Pretty Boy felt like he was floating as he neared the front of the room looking up at his woman with pride and more than a little awe. Her eyes met his in that moment and he held her gaze.

  When her song changed from the hauntingly sad notes, to hope, he felt his world open up. She was telling him something with the words. He could see in her eyes that she wasn’t singing this song for anyone but him. She was on that stage to tell him that she loved him. He couldn’t help the satisfaction that filled him as she continued to sing about how he’d changed her from that sad hurt little bird into an eagle soaring across the sky.

  As her song ended everyone in the room erupted into applause that neither of them really heard as he grabbed the edge of the stage and hoisted himself up onto it walking towards her. He didn’t stop until he was inches from her, and without a word he reached out scooping her up and began carrying her towards the back entrance. He was taking his woman home and showing her exactly who she belonged to. She’d just poured her heart out in front of his entire club and he knew that she was finally telling him that she was all in. He was damned glad because she’d never really had a chance in hell of getting away from him. He’d owned her from the moment he’d met her, and letting her go had never been an option.

  Gabi’s arms wrapped around his neck and she didn’t protest his manhandling as he carried her out the back door and around the building to his bike. When he set her on her feet next to it she stood silently as he climbed on and waited for her to join him. She hesitated, prompting him to look at her over his shoulder.

  “On the bike, firefly.” Pretty Boy grunted.

  “I—um, shouldn’t we um say goodbye to everyone?” She finished, her voice barely a squeak.

  “Nope, we need to discuss some things and I for one don’t want an audience.” She didn’t respond, she just stood there nervously twisting her hands and watching him on his bike.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of those things I said,” she blurted out, her face flaming as she blinked at him.

  “Not here, babe. Get on the bike.” Pretty Boy needed to get her alone, so he could explain a few things to her. He knew from her hesitation and the way she was wringing her hands that she was upset. After not hearing from him for six days, she likely thought their fight was a bigger deal than it was. One thing he’d learned about Gabi was that she really didn’t understand that she was it for him. That when he’d opened the door to his cabin more than two years ago and allowed her into his bed he’d also allowed her into his heart. Not that he’d been willing to admit that, even to himself until just recently.

  He wasn’t a man who loved easily and falling for her had happened in an instant. He knew her well enough by now to know she’d likely taken his unintentional silence to heart and come up with some ridiculous conclusion that he was going to enjoy eradicating her from his head. When she nodded and stepped forward, he turned away and grinned a little as her soft hands settled on his shoulders and her body pressed into his before her arms wrapped around his waist. He briefly rubbed her arm before he took off heading towards their cabin.

  When they pulled up outside their place a few minutes later, Pretty Boy shut off the bike and waited a moment as Gabi climbed off. Placing the kick stand down, he threw his leg over the side and turned. He watched Gabi’s stiff back as she walked towards the house and shook his head. He stomped up behind her and scooped her into his arms.

  “Where do you think you’re going, firefly?”

  “I was just going inside.” She gasped, her arms going around his neck in surprise.

  “Hmm. I think you need to know a few things.”

  “What do I need to know?”

  “First I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry I didn’t call you after our fight.” Pretty Boy pressed his lips into her hair, kissing the top of her ear as he handed her the key to unlock the cabin. Gabi shoved the unlocked door open for them, a moment later he carried her across the threshold bridal style.

  “Oh, I was worried you didn’t want to be with me anymore when you didn’t answer any of my calls.” Gabi replied. Pretty Boy felt like a dick when he heard that, and he wished he’d called her from Log’s phone, despite the bullshit they’d been dealing with.

  “Sorry baby. That’s not ever going to happen, you have to know that, don’t you?” He slowly set her down near the bed in their room seeing her eyes widen and her lips part.

  Damn, he loved this woman, she was perfect.

  “Firefly, how many times do I need to explain the fact that you belong to me? You should know that by now. You can’t think one fight would send me packing, because that’s just crazy.” Pretty Boy said, cupping her face and staring into her grey-green eyes.

  “I—I thought maybe me pushing you away again would make you give u-up on us.” Gabi whispered, her eyes tearing a little as a single tear slipped from the corner. Using his thumb to wipe that tear away, he sighed heavily and shook his head.

  “No, firefly. I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. Not any fight we have, not your fears, nothing babe. You’re stuck with me.” Pretty Boy said, shaking his head at her before gently kissing her nose. He pulled back taking in her adorably confused look with a grin, his eyes twinkling with his amusement.

  “You love me?” She asked, her eyes suddenly wide. Pretty Boy realized that even though he’d realized that he loved her weeks ago, he’d never actually said those words to her.

  “I do baby and I always have, it just took me a while to admit it.”

  “I love you too.” Gabi replied. He’d known that she loved him for a long time, but hearing it made a warm, almost gooey feeling spread through him. He kissed her for a moment, pulling back to look intently down at her.

  “I didn’t mean to push you away. I realized I’ve been acting like a spoiled child about this whole relationship and what happened to me. I know things won’t be easy and that we might run into more things that trigger my panic attacks, but I don’t want you to think I’m not all in, because I am. I didn’t realize that I was until you drove away that day, but I know now, and I want us to be together. Forever. I want to be your old lady, Kyle.” Gabi looked so intense as she spoke that he found himself mesmerized by her.

  “That’s good because you are my old lady, Gabi. You have been since the moment I first saw you in that dank little room two years ago. I’ve never responded to anyone the
way I responded to you, firefly. You were under my skin from the very beginning and I’ve loved you ever since.” Pretty Boy pressed his lips to her forehead, pulling her in tightly as he wrapped her into his arms holding her close, breathing her in. She laughed and curled her arms around his waist.

  “I love you so much, Kyle. I didn’t realize I could love someone as much as I love you. When you left and didn’t call me I was so scared I had lost you. I tried to call, and you didn’t answer. I was so upset I barely slept that first night. I don’t ever want to feel that way again. You have to know that I won’t push you away, not ever again.” Gabi said into his chest, her face pressing into his cut as she squeezed him.

  “Babe, even if you do try, I won’t let you push me away. I understand how much you’ve survived. How much you’ve been through. I knew even when I left here hurt and angry that it wasn’t the end of us because I would never allow that to happen. It just hurt like hell that you weren’t ready to be with me and you were wobbling again after the month we’d shared. I reacted badly, but I am glad I didn’t take you with me. We ran into trouble and it’s likely good that I didn’t know you were really upset because if I had known then I might have come back and let Log go to Longville by himself. That wouldn’t have been good because of the situation we found there, so maybe things worked out like they should have. I’m sorry you felt scared even for a moment, but I’m glad I was there when Log needed me.” He pushed back enough to kiss her, taking her lips in a slow gentle kiss that had her sighing contently when he pulled away.

  “Is Log okay?” She asked, earning another bit of his heart for caring about his brother.

  “Yeah, but I may have to leave for a bit again this week. We have to handle some shit in Longville before it gets out of hand.” He let her push her hands beneath his shirt as she caressed his skin, making his unruly cock throb in need. It had been six days since he’d been inside her, both he and his dick thought that was entirely too long.

  “Okay, but can we have sex now. I’m really kind of horny. I think you might have spoiled me with all the orgasms you’ve been giving me.” Gabi said as she took his cut off of his shoulders, tossing it over on the dresser before jerking at the hem of his shirt.

  Laughing, he helped her take his shirt off before replying, “I like you horny, baby.”


  Gabriella leaned back into Kyle’s arms, feeling secure for the first time in what seemed like forever. After making love to her the night they’d finally told each other the truth about how they felt for each other, they’d talked till the wee hours just before dawn. Kyle had helped her to understand that what had happened to her didn’t have to define who she became, and after a little experimenting in the weeks that followed they’d begun to work on their sex life. Pretty Boy had told her that she was enough, even if she would never have the ability to have rougher sex with him, but she wanted to get past her scars.

  She wanted to see what a truly unleashed Kyle was like. It wouldn’t be something that would happen right away, and it could take years to get there, but she wanted that, and by god she was going to get it. Her fears were no longer ruling her, and she’d actually found that some of her panic attacks were easing off now that she’d admitted that a large part of her fears had been due to the anger she’d been harboring. Her anger was something else Kyle was helping her with.

  They’d started teaching her to fight, which was helping get the anger out and soothe some of her fears. She had a feeling that it was easing some of Kyle’s own fears too. He would never admit it, but she was sure that he’d been afraid that something would happen when he wasn’t around that would make her walk away from him. Not that anything would ever make that happen, but sometimes fears were irrational. Gabi tucked her head into his shoulder sighing. His arms tightened around her pulling her closer.

  “You okay, firefly?” He asked against her ear, kissing the tip gently.

  “I am, just happy.”

  “Good. I like my girl happy.” He replied.

  “You two need to stop with all that lovey, dovey crap. It’s disgusting.” Mark grumbled from nearby. Gabi grinned as she leaned away from Kyle to look over her shoulder at her brother. He’d come back into town for the powwow they were having over the situation in Longville. They’d pulled in almost the whole club to decide on whatever was happening over there, and tonight they’d decided since everyone was here anyway that they’d have another bon-fire party. Kyle had told her that they had a mole in the ranks, and part of having everyone here was to see if anyone was acting suspicious. Each of them had a specific group of people to watch. Kyle had only told her about the mole because he wanted her to be extra careful and only trust him and the few men he’d told her were safe.

  “Shut-up you. She’s mine and I will get lovey anytime I want to.” Kyle snarled, making Gabi hide a little smile. Damn she loved when he said the word, love. Not that he said it often, but over the last few weeks he’d told her that he loved her a few times and every time she’d found herself almost floating on air she was so damned happy.

  “You do realize that she’s my sister and I can steal her away from you if I want to by killing your stupid ass.” Mark muttered, glaring at them.

  “No, you can’t. She wouldn’t let you kill me. Besides, all you would manage to do would be to die and make her upset, which would prompt me to resurrect you, so I could kill you again for making her cry.” Pretty Boy grumbled as he held her tightly.

  “Woah, this conversation is dark.” Molly said laughing as she stood holding her daughter a few feet away.

  “Aww, is she asleep?” Gabi asked

  “Yeah, I just fed her.” Molly replied, moving closer.

  “What are you doing bringing my daughter over here with these idiots. You know that I don’t want my baby girl anywhere near these yahoos, baby.” Bone said coming up to the group, glaring at Mark and Pretty Boy. Gabriella giggled and shook her head at the ridiculousness of these men. She’d always kept a barrier between her and the rest of the club in the past, but since she’d sang for them it seemed like that barrier was gone. It helped that she wasn’t acting as destroyed by her ordeal and that she was actually trying to be a part of the club. She’d taken Rock’s advice and recorded her song. He’d been right, people in the city loved it and were begging for a new one already.

  “I don’t think she can understand at this age, Bone.” Molly said laughing.

  “My baby girl can too understand, and I don’t want her thinking that a boy like one of these dickheads is good enough for her. My baby girl isn’t going to end up with a man like one of these losers.” Bone grunted, taking the sleeping baby away from his wife, cooing at her.

  “I have a feeling she will end up with exactly one of these loser’s sons. Maybe Max or Connor, or even one of Tiny’s twins.” Molly said, grinning evilly.

  “Bite your tongue woman. None of those bastards are worthy of my sweet angel.” Bone growled, keeping his rumble of displeasure low so he didn’t wake his sleeping daughter. He grabbed his wife’s arm guiding her away while still giving her a lecture about their ‘sweet angel’ being too good for a biker. Molly followed him after rolling her eyes, winking at Gabriella who laughed and shook her head.

  “I love it when you laugh,” Pretty Boy said, nipping her on the neck, sending desire spiraling through her. It was a warm feeling that she welcomed because there had been a time when she wouldn’t have felt such happy feelings from his teeth nipping at her. It was a testament to her trust in Kyle and the work they’d begun to do to lessen her fear. Not that her panic would ever be completely gone. She was too scared for that, but it would get a little better every day and that was good enough for her.

  “I love it when you kiss me.” She responded, smiling up at him.

  Leaning forward he kissed her again, this time taking her lips in a long kiss that had her toes curling and her nipples hardening. His cupped hands held her tightly against him as he devoured her.

sp; “Get a room. Please, my eyes are burning. I don’t need to see this, it’s disgusting.” Mark’s voice cut in, killing the slight buzz of desire that Kyle’s kiss had started.

  “You’re right,” Kyle said, standing up with her still in his arms. “We’re out of here.”

  He carried her back towards their cabin as she giggled and watched her brother’s head shaking and the little wink he gave her as he stood and headed towards one of the poker tables set up near the fire. She watched the club over Kyle’s shoulder as he carried her home, feeling a soft glow inside her that made her feel like she’d won her life back, despite the pain she’d went through to get there. This group of people were her family and she was glad she was a part of their tight nit group. Looking over his shoulder she grinned as she watched them all. Rock was roaring as he slammed his hand on the table and insisted that someone was cheating at a nearby poker table. Racheal and Tiny were dancing in the soft glow of the fire and looked like two teenagers in love. Tank and Duck seemed to be auguring over something silly as Annie shook her head and chatted with Marnie nearby. Molly was leaning over Bone’s shoulder to kiss the baby, her face filled with a mother’s pride. Gabi realized as her gaze moved over each of them that they had all played a part in helping her to move past her pain.

  Although Kyle was the key to her recovery, they’d all eased her burden in some way. She would always be grateful for each of them and the part they’d played. Mostly though, she was just glad Kyle was the wonderful man she would always be glad to have in her life. He had let her heal and he was helping her find herself again, and she couldn’t ask for any more than that.

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