The Only One for Her

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The Only One for Her Page 9

by Carlie Sexton

  I had put my condoms in the dresser next to me. So I grabbed one quickly, putting it on.

  Pulling Lindy forward, her legs straddled my hips. I knew I was in Maui, but this view of her on top of me rivaled every view I had seen here so far. Lindy slowly slid herself onto my cock and began moving her hips up and down. Being engulfed by her tight heat sent sparks throughout my body.

  “Baby, you…feel…so…good.” My hands dug into her thighs, getting into her rhythm. Her hands were on my shoulders, effectively pushing her luscious breasts together. Leaning forward, I managed to get my mouth around one of her nipples, tugging on it, nipping, and licking. Her sounds told me I had found the right spot.

  Releasing her breast, I licked my thumb and found my way to her clit. Between her movements and my strategic touching, Lindy began to scream and I felt the squeezing that I had been anticipating all morning. After a few seconds, Lindy’s body had collapsed on mine. I loved feeling her breasts firmly against my chest while my hands freely stroked her back.

  Lindy’s hair was draped over my chest, her nose nuzzling my neck. Her moans were like a purr and I had no doubt I wanted to hear those sounds again and again. Rolling us over, I covered Lindy with my body and began my descent into the abyss she had entered. With each thrust, she made more of her decadent sounds, shuddering beneath me. I kissed her as I exploded, filling her with everything I had.

  We lay in a heap on the bed, tangled in sheets for I don’t know how long. “Where have you been?” I asked her. “I’ve needed you for so long.”

  Lindy’s hand caressed my face. “I’ve been waiting for you to find me.”

  “Well now that I have you, I’m not letting you go.”

  “I don’t want you to let me go. I’m completely content right here, in your arms.”

  I propped myself up on my elbow. “Lindy, I’m not flirting. I’m totally serious right now. I want you in my life. Please tell me you want the same thing.”

  Lindy reached up and kissed me on the lips. “If someone had told me this would be happening, I would have laughed at them. But, I can’t imagine being without you. I’ve guarded my heart so fiercely, for so long. But you have broken through my barriers.”

  Pulling Lindy closer to me, I contemplated telling her about the last few days of my life and how I came to be here alone. It would either make us closer or tear us apart. Knowing our relationship was still fragile, my gut told me to wait. Sometimes, waiting was the smartest action a person could take.

  “I’m starving. Do you think you could feed a girl?” she asked with a sexy smile.

  “Why, that was my plan until I opened the door and found a stunning woman in my bed. At that moment, I don’t think either of us were hungry for food.”

  Lindy laughed. “So true, but now I have a ravenous appetite.”

  Extending my hand to Lindy, I grabbed us both a T-shirt, and escorted her to the table where breakfast was waiting for us. The room had kitchen facilities, so I took out a pan and heated up the pancakes. In the meantime, Lindy poured each of us a glass of guava nectar and began cutting the papaya.

  Placing a plate of pancakes in front of Lindy, I offered her either maple syrup or coconut. “I’ll try the coconut…when in Maui and all.”

  She was too adorable for words. I poured coconut syrup on my pancakes as well.

  “I was thinking it would be fun to go parasailing this afternoon. What do you think?”

  “That sounds amazing. I’d love to.”

  “Great. I have reservations for two o’clock in Lahaina. I thought afterward we could grab an early dinner.”

  “Mm. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a day in paradise.”

  “Anytime with you is perfect.”

  Lindy looked at me with such adoration on her face. “What time do we need to leave?”

  “I’d say we can go around twelve thirty. I like to be early.”

  “I like to be early too,” she said, squeezing my hand.

  Lindy went back to her room to shower and get ready. I got cleaned up too, then sat out on the lanai to watch the waves. Peace. I finally felt at peace after the hell I’d been through the last few days. Part of me was wondering what was happening back home, but I didn’t call or text anyone to find out. Being out of touch with the real world and submerged here with Lindy was the only thing I wanted on my mind. Checking in would most likely deliver bad news and there was no way I was ruining my time with Lindy to know about whatever ridiculous thing was taking place in the lives of Derrick and Angelina.

  A knock on the door broke my gaze from the ocean. My gorgeous girl was ready to go. I had to admit I was grateful I was a planner and had some special things lined up to do with her. I was having the time of my life.

  “Hey beautiful,” I said, opening the door.

  Lindy blushed and smiled. “Hi.”

  Walking out the door, I grabbed her hand and we proceeded to my rental car.


  “Are you all strapped in?” I asked, checking the harness that attached Lindy to the parasail. I wanted my girl to be safe. We were going up eight hundred feet.

  “Everything seems good. They know what they are doing, right?”

  I chuckled. “Yes, I’m just making sure,” I said, winking at her.

  Lindy nudged me with her elbow. “I’ve never done anything this adventurous. I have to admit, I’m a little nervous.”

  Putting my arm around her I said, “Don’t worry. It will be fine. You’re going love it.”

  They began unfurling the rope that had us attached to the parasail. Within seconds, we were airborne, the wind catching the sail and taking us up in the sky.

  “Wow, this is amazing. Oh my God. Do you see that huge fish down there?” Lindy asked, pointing over to the left.

  “Yeah, it must be four or five feet long.”

  “Crazy, huh. It’s hard to tell what it is. I don’t think it’s a shark.”

  “It looks kind of like an eel. Hard to tell from way up here.”

  “Being up here sure is a different perspective. Everything down below seems so small and far away. We’re like on top of the world.” Lindy giggled, glancing over at me.

  “We are,” I said, taking her hand. She was right. Everything seemed different, brilliant. The water below danced for us and the sun was bright in the sky. Sharing this moment with her was special. But, every second with her since we’d met had been special. She had a child-like way about her that was so endearing. I loved this part of her.

  Like all adventures, it didn’t last long enough. Our fifteen minutes went by way too quickly and we dunked in the ocean several times before finally being secured on the boat. Then it was the next couple’s turn. Lindy placed her hand on my leg and whispered thank you in my ear. She was so grateful for everything. Another quality I admired about her. I didn’t feel taken for granted. Had Angelina taken me for granted? Is that how she’d justified marrying me when she wasn’t faithful to me?

  We watched the other couple floating through the air like we just had done. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as we were.

  After our excursion was over, we walked along the quaint little shopping village of Lahaina. Stopping to admire goods in a window, I could see the bliss on my girl’s face in the reflection of the window. Knowing I was the one making her happy brought a surge of pride to my heart. She had had a tough life and I wanted to change that for her. I wanted to make her life easy, make her dreams come true.

  “Lindy, what are your dreams for your life?”

  Lindy looked up at me with a perplexed look on her face. “That’s a complicated question.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s pretty simple. What do you want for your life?”

  Lindy didn’t answer. Her eyes were downcast, contemplative.

  “Why don’t we get something to eat and watch the ocean,” I suggested. Maybe she’d open up to me if we sat down and relaxed.

  “That sounds good.”

  We found a re
staurant with a spectacular view of the Pacific. After being seated and ordering a Pina Colada for Lindy and a Corona for me, we talked about mundane things like the view we were sharing until our drinks arrived. I knew Lindy didn’t feel comfortable with my question, but I decided to resume the conversation we had started anyway. I let her have a few sips of her drink first.

  Reaching across the table, I took Lindy’s hand. “I’m so glad I have met you, Lindy. I know we’ve only known each other a couple of days, but you have become very important to me. I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” she said, her eyes glistening. “You’ve become important to me too.”

  “Good,” I said with a short nod. “I want to know what your dreams are so I have a chance to make them come true. I want you by my side, Lindy.”

  “To be honest, Trace, I haven’t thought about my dreams since…well, in a really long time. When I became a widow, a flip switched inside of me and I’ve been operating in survival mode. Dreaming has been a luxury I couldn’t afford.”

  I didn’t say anything, but kept my eyes locked with hers, urging her to continue.

  “Before…before my life fell apart, my dream of being a wife had already been fulfilled and I wanted to be a mother. I was pregnant when Dane died, but we didn’t know it. I miscarried a couple of weeks later.”

  Holy shit. “Oh, Lindy. I’m so sorry.” Looking at her, I could see the shattered life that surrounded her. She had endured so much. No wonder she didn’t have any dreams.

  A single tear streamed down her face. “Excuse me. I need to use the ladies’ room. If the waiter comes back, I’ll have a cheese burger and fries.”

  I watched Lindy walk away, her head slightly down. In that moment, I decided I was going to do everything in my power to make all of her dreams come true, even the ones she didn’t know she had.


  I know I couldn’t take all of Lindy’s pain away, but I could love her, make her feel cherished, and begin wanting a life again. A life with me.

  Entering my hotel room, I gently kissed Lindy on her shoulder. “Make yourself comfortable,” I said, hoping she would. “I’m going to get ice and we can have a drink while watching the sunset.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she said turning toward me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I held her for a long moment before she let go. I was grateful she was showing me affection. I knew talking about her loss had taken a toll on her.

  Opening the door, I expected to find my gorgeous girl curled up in my bed, or on the lanai, but she wasn’t there. She wasn’t in the bathroom either. Placing the ice bucket on the table, I turned around and went to her room.

  Knocking on her door, I heard her yell, “Go away, Trace.”

  What? “What’s wrong, Lindy?”

  “Everything. The front desk called to confirm your dinner on the beach for tomorrow night, snorkeling, and zip lining…all for the honeymoon couple. The woman on the phone addressed me as Mrs. Michaels and asked if I was enjoying myself. You’re married. Where’s your wife, Trace?”

  Oh fuck. I couldn’t imagine what she was thinking, but I just knew it wasn’t good. “We didn’t get married. We ended things on our wedding day and I decided to get away from it all by coming on our honeymoon. Please let me in.”

  Lindy opened the door and then turned around to finish packing. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m packing. I need to get out of here.”

  “I don’t want you to go. Please listen to me,” I said, entering her hotel room.

  “So, you’re not married, but basically spending your honeymoon with me. The picnic, dinner, the plans for today. They were all for your wife, not me. You weren’t honest, Trace.”

  “I know I didn’t tell you everything, but technically I didn’t lie to you.”


  “Please stop packing and listen to me.”

  “Why, are you going to tell me the truth now? Do you even know how?”

  “Yes. It’s just embarrassing.”

  Lindy stopped and stared at me, her eyes commanding me to divulge my heavily guarded secret. I didn’t want to have to tell her this, not this way. I wanted to tell her after she was head over heels in love with me. But, I didn’t have a choice now.

  “I caught my fiancée cheating with my best friend two days before the wedding. Instead of breaking up with her, I videotaped them and then played it at our wedding before we said I do. It was cruel and hateful and I wanted to hurt her. I punched out my best friend and left for Maui. I needed to get away to lick my wounds.” Lindy still seemed guarded, but her expression had a hint of sympathy.

  “Why didn’t you tell me at dinner when I asked if you had ever been married?” Lindy’s nostrils flared. I was far from being off the hook.

  “I haven’t been married, so I decided not to say anything.”

  Lindy stared at me blankly. She had stopped packing for a moment, but the look on her face told me she was leaving.

  “Trace, I’m just a simple girl, with a simple life. I don’t want to be the rebound. You had your heart broken and you need time to get over what happened to you. I can’t take the chance of being hurt by you. I just can’t. I’ve been hurt so much and lost more than I want to think about.”

  “You’re not a rebound, I promise. When I saw you on the rocks saying goodbye to your husband, I don’t know how or why, but I knew you were the one for me. I don’t even care about what happened between Angelina and me. I honestly hope she marries Derrick and that they are very happy together. You did that to me. Meeting you changed everything for me.”

  “Derrick? Your best friend Derrick?”

  “Yes.” For a moment, I thought she would soften in her anger. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  In a less angry voice she said, “I wish I could believe you, but I don’t think you really know what you want right now. Maybe you think it’s me because I’m here with you right now, but once you get home, that will probably change. I can’t take having my heart broken again.”

  “I’m not going to break your heart, Lindy. I promise. Give me a chance to prove it to you.”

  Lindy zipped her suitcase. “Trace, I’m fresh out of chances. This is just too much for me. Up until a few days ago, you were going to be someone else’s husband. You might forgive her when you get home and I’ll end up just being a fling you had in Maui while your relationship was going through a rough patch.”

  Lindy began rolling her luggage past me. “Please, Lindy. That’s never going to happen. I don’t want her, I want you.”

  Lindy was out the door as my words seemed to echo hollow in her hotel room. Time was running out. This hotel only had two floors and Lindy bound down the stairs in one fluid motion. Following her out to her car, I continued my pleading, but it was no use. It seemed she had made up her mind. My stomach twisted in knots as I watched her drive away. She was gone and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Son of a bitch. When am I ever going to catch a break?

  Part 2:

  Chapter 20: Lindy

  I’d run away. I wasn’t proud of myself, but things with Trace had become too real, too scary, too much to deal with. I was in love with him and terrified of being hurt. I couldn’t risk it, not after all that had happened in my life.

  It had been too much and I’d hardly been able to survive so far. Being rejected by him when he came to his senses would have sent me over the edge. An edge I’d teetered on regularly. Knowing he would be going home to see his ex-fiancée was more than I could handle. If she had a brain in her head, she’d do everything in her power to get him back. That’s probably what I should be doing. Trace was a catch in every way—handsome, smart, successful, sweet, funny. What the hell had she been thinking? She’d been smart enough to get him to propose once, she was most likely clever enough to get him back.

  I still can’t believe how it all went down. One minute we were having the time of our lives. The next, the whole world was crashing down
around me. All it took was one phone call. Something so simple had obliterated my short-lived happiness. It was how it had always been and how I expected it to be. How could it be any different? This was my lot in life. I had to accept that. End of story.

  Getting my hopes up for anything to change only left my heart smashed, like the rocks would have broken and bruised my body if Trace hadn’t caught me. Maybe it would have been better if he hadn’t. Maybe the ocean would have claimed me along with Dane’s ashes and we’d be together now. Instead, I’m all alone.

  Looking around my meager trailer, I would be mortified to have Trace see me here. How I live. What my life is. Had I used him being on the rebound as an excuse to protect myself? Most likely. But what else could I do? If there was one thing life had taught me, it was that happiness was elusive. I’d had happiness for a little while and I was just going to have to hold onto that. Some of us didn’t get second chances at the fairy tale. I was still Cinderella and my Prince was gone.

  Trace had called and texted me many times. One of his texts was from the airport. He had come after me, but I was already on the plane and he was too late. I’d barely made it to the plane myself. I had considered getting off the plane and going to him. At that point, it wasn’t too late and he was pleading with me to stay. But, I had been too cowardly to do that or to even answer him.

  I hadn’t responded to a single text or voicemail from Trace. I’d read them all so much, I practically had them memorized. Ro had chided me for my behavior, but still, I didn’t respond. She had urged me several times to hear him out, but I wouldn’t listen. My stubborn streak was in full swing. Just thinking about some of his texts brought tears to my eyes. He had begged for me to answer him, but I just couldn’t.

  Looking at my watch, it was about time for Randy to pick me up for dinner. He’d asked me out three times in the last week since I’d returned home from Maui. I’d managed to delay our date so I could have some time to digest everything that had happened between Trace and me. I had relived every moment spent with Trace over and over like watching reruns of Friends on TV. But, my life wasn’t a sitcom with writers figuring it all out for me and things couldn’t be resolved in a thirty minute episode. If only…


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