Innocent (Inequitable Trilogy Book 2)

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Innocent (Inequitable Trilogy Book 2) Page 43

by Lesli Richardson

  My pulse spikes. “Yes, Daddy.” Dammit, it feels so good to call him that. Don’t know why it took me so long to get there, either.

  Wait, I totally do.

  I’d never let myself be that vulnerable before, because I didn’t want to appear weak to Leo. Not because I didn’t trust him, but because I did.

  Leo will always sacrifice himself for us, and I saw that from the start.

  I wanted to be Leo’s strength, not another weakness. Not another burden.

  Swimming with all the sharks in DC, I didn’t want Leo having to drag me along when Elliot was already enough of a weight around his neck in terms of emotional energy being expended.

  He doesn’t have to carry Elliot anymore.

  I do.

  “I am so proud of you, baby boy.”

  “For what?”

  He nuzzles my nose. “For how you stood up to me. At the restaurant, and at the house.” He smiles. “I was so damned hard, even after I fucked Elliot and came twice with him. Then the next morning, you stood up to me again. I thought for sure I was going to win you over.” He nips my arm. “That’s another spanking for switching the neckties after I picked which one I wanted you to wear.”

  “I should’ve known you’d spot that.”

  He grins, staring me in the eyes. “Duh, baby.” He takes my left wrist and kisses it. “I guess you found it?”

  I know what he means.

  I wiggle free just enough I can reach over the edge of the sofa and snag my pants from the floor. Then I dig my day collar out and hand it to him. “I only think it’s right you put it on me, Daddy.”

  He smiles. “You’re going to have to do something about your watch. Or wear it next to your watch.”

  “Next to it.”

  He fastens it around my right wrist, much as he did the night of the inauguration, and kisses my wrist. Looking into my eyes, he holds my hand pressed against his heart and I feel it throbbing in his chest.

  “I mean it, Jordan. Never letting you go again. Even if you run, I’ll chase you. Even if you say stop, I won’t. I might be an idiot, but I don’t make the same mistakes twice.”

  “Just try getting rid of me.”

  He kisses me again, pausing, our foreheads pressed together.

  Another thing Elliot and I do together that I never really thought about before.

  This is so…Leo. How did I miss that before?

  “Love you, Jor.”

  It feels damned good to be able to breathe again. “Love you too, Leo.”

  “I really am proud of you, baby. For taking care of him. Thank you for saying yes to him.” He massages my head. “How bad was he?”

  “Bad.” I snuggle closer.

  “We need to move all your stuff from Florida.” I snort, making him scowl. “What?”

  “You haven’t been in the storage unit lately, have you?”

  “No. Why?”

  Now I’m the one laughing. “Yeah, please make sure you’re paying the bill, or let me pay it, or something. I don’t want to lose my shit that I moved in there.”

  His eyes widen. “You still have the keys?”

  “Yeah. And to the apartment.”

  That seems to touch him more than I thought it would. He kisses me again. “I mean, I know I told you to keep your keys, but I guess I didn’t think you would.”

  “Oh, I did.” I check the time. “We really need to get moving, Sir.” He pinches me again. “Ow!”

  I receive an arched eyebrow in reply.

  “We really need to get moving, Daddy.”

  He grins. “That’s better, baby boy.”

  Leo uses wipes to clean us up enough that we’ll be able to make a run for the closest bathroom to clean up properly. Before we bolt out of the room, he takes a quick peek out of the north door to see if anyone’s around.

  Nope. We’re safe. Naked, and carrying our clothes, we dash, laughing like a couple of college streakers, into the bathroom just feet away, off the Workout Room.

  There, he flushes the evidence and we quickly clean up with soap and water before getting dressed.

  Although we still look…rumpled.

  “How do I look, Daddy?”

  He grins and pulls me in for another kiss. “Like you just got reamed out in the Music Room. You do realize if Elliot wins the election, I will be fucking both of you in every room in this goddamned building, right?”

  “I hope so, Daddy. I already have plans for fuck-friendly furniture.”

  He roars with laughter.

  Damn, I’ve missed that sound. More than I could have ever dreamed possible before.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Leo and I make our way back to the West Wing, where Suzanne looks up at our return and gives me a tentative smile. From the confusion on her face, I’m sure my beaming grin in return probably appears a little…disconcerting.

  I don’t even hesitate as I open Elliot’s office door without knocking and walk right in. Leo follows, shutting and locking the door behind me.

  Elliot’s sitting at his desk and looks up at our entrance, his gaze widening as we quickly converge on him. Before Elliot can speak, Leo’s got him tipped back in his chair and kisses him.

  Here’s a day I was beginning to think would never happen. Can’t say I’ve ever felt so glad to be so wrong in my life.

  When Leo finally ends their kiss, he’s wearing a pleased grin that probably matches the one I’m wearing. He runs his hand through Elliot’s hair. “Feels like I should buy a lottery ticket.”

  I stand there, my arms crossed over my chest, watching them together, my cock already hard again from the show.

  Two against one when I’m nearly half their age is a good thing, in this case.

  They’ll be the first to admit it.

  Both of them look at me and Leo holds out his arm to me.

  I saunter over—yes, I literally fricking saunter, thank you very much—and climb into Elliot’s lap, facing him so I can kiss him.

  Leo grabs me by the hair and kisses the two of us while we’re kissing each other.

  Oh, nom!

  I drape my arms around Elliot’s neck and grind on him as we kiss. Leo’s fingers dig into my scalp, and I’m sure he’s doing the same to Elliot.

  “My sweet, perfect pet, and my beautiful baby boy,” Leo whispers. He kisses Elliot, then me. “Boy, you and I got to play. I think you should reward the pet.”

  I nip Elliot’s lower lip before I slither to the floor and shove his knees apart. Leo moves behind him and cups the front of Elliot’s throat, holding him still. He presses his cheek against Elliot’s and smiles down at me.

  “Do it, baby boy,” Leo whispers. “Watch him, pet. Watch the way he worships your cock for me.”

  I’ve dreamed about this moment for years. To hear the eagerness in Leo’s voice. To see the visceral hunger in his gaze.

  To see Elliot wanting me. No more rejection or denial. Nothing but sheer, unbridled passion between the three of us.

  Elliot’s cock is already hard and pressing against the front of his slacks. When I unfasten his belt and start dragging the zipper down, his fingers curl and tighten around the arms of his chair.

  Leo kisses his cheek. “No restrictions, pet. Let him suck it from you. Enjoy it and put on a show for me.”

  I look into Elliot’s eyes, knowing we all have work to do and I can’t drag this out nearly as long as I’d like to.

  Except those blue eyes of his. Those gorgeous, needy, beautiful blue eyes. Little flecks of midnight make the light blue stand out so much more. Depending on his mood and the light, sometimes they look dark and hungry.

  Like they do right now.

  I make this one fast and easy, with none of the teasing or dragging it out—or him begging.

  Leo moves his hand to cover Elliot’s mouth so that when the boy comes, the sound’s muffled, and every hot, tangy drop tastes so damned sweet rolling over my tongue.

  My gaze shifts and meets Leo’s hungry brown eyes.r />
  I bet he’s already hard again, too.

  Breathing heavily, Elliot finally slumps in his chair. Then he reaches down and tenderly strokes my hair and my heart sings in response.

  I can do this. This tough, rocky, pothole-marked road we’re embarking on together—I can endure anything.

  We can endure anything. I feel it.

  I’m convinced Mimi would have loved both of them if she’d met them, and have loved both of them as my partners.

  Despite how busy we are, I want a moment. We’ve damn well earned it after all these years of frustration and denial. I nuzzle my head against Elliot and his other hand comes to rest on top of my head, too.

  Leo also reaches down and strokes my hair.

  Love swells and fills my heart, into every cranny, chasing away every shadow. I’ll follow these men into hell and back. Forget follow—I’ll lead the bloody charge myself, if they ask me to. I absolutely will. I’ll do anything for them.


  * * * *

  I arrange for Leo to ride with Elliot and me to campaign headquarters after we leave the White House. Normally, I’d guess this would make Elliot nervous and twitchy as hell, but not tonight.

  Tonight, he seems fully relaxed and at ease in a way I haven’t seen him since I’ve returned. Like we’ve finally hit his bedrock and can excavate and free the man he’s truly meant to be.

  Sexy AF.

  Do I think he won’t have low points and periods of self-doubt? Of course not.

  In this moment, however, I see his true potential. The man who will stand steady at the nation’s helm during the darkest of moments. The leader we will desperately need to stay strong and calm when the world around us precariously shakes.

  The statesman who will remain tall and unbroken when the rest of the country bows and trembles.

  In the shadows, Leo and I will be the ones who apply the balm to his soul and strap his supports in place to keep him vertical. No one can ever know that. Any of it.

  At campaign headquarters, we get Leo an official ID badge and I put him in the small office with me, right next to Elliot’s office.

  Yes, it’s a nice symmetry.

  I am not unaware.

  We order takeout and sit in the conference room to eat with everyone. This is the core lead campaign staff gathered tonight. The director and his deputy, treasurer, comms director, press secretary, policy chief, volunteer director, head of IT, and a few others. The ones who will play key roles throughout this process.

  Including some doe-eyed guy who’s apparently working in the polling bullpen. He seems eager, but he’s not exactly experienced.

  By “not exactly experienced,” I mean that I look like an old political hack in comparison. He was hired by Ed Lester, our polling expert, who’s not here tonight. I remember Doe Eyes also being in that first meeting when the door got shut in my face, so at least I don’t have to worry about him trying to push me around because he’s “staff” and I’m not.

  As we eat, Leo and I sit back and observe. I understand now why Leo’s so good at what he does. Many times over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself channeling what I felt was his calm and steady nature. Not that I always felt it, but again, I’m good at wearing disguises.

  Elliot is a complex man with many facets. Tonight, I see the informal professional side.

  Sexy AF.

  Leo and I exchange glances occasionally. But we don’t interrupt them. I haven’t heard anything requiring my input, either.

  Believe me, if I had, I’d be speaking my mind.

  I won’t remain silent if I think someone’s steering my boy in the wrong direction. Leo will back me up on that, but in this case, my opinion will carry far more weight.

  Elliot is heir-apparent to the political legacy created by ShaeLynn Samuels. I’m heir-apparent to Kevin Markos’ legacy of political strategy. The fact that I don’t sit here and run my mouth without something important to say only serves to give extra weight to my words when I decide to speak up and make myself heard.

  It’s after eleven p.m. when I finally clear my throat. “We need to wrap this up for tonight. It’s time to get the vice president home. He’s got an early morning tomorrow.”

  I can tell Ken Windham and Camden Bruno, the campaign manager and his deputy, want more time with Elliot, but I stand firm. “We’ll come over tomorrow,” I tell them. “I know it makes for a late night for you guys, but my job is to think about his health. The vice president’s no good to anyone on the campaign trail if he’s cranky and can’t think straight.”

  From the slow nod Leo gives me when I glance his way, I can tell he approves of how I’m handling this.

  Fifteen minutes later, we’re on our way back to the residence. I’m hella eager for the three of us to be alone behind a locked door.

  The three of us.

  God, I love the way that sounds in my brain.

  When we lock ourselves inside the residence, I’ve barely turned from the alarm panel when there’s a fist in my hair, I’m wrenched down to my knees, and everything in my hands goes flying.

  Leo presses my face against the tops of his shoes. “Oh, my sweet, precious boy. There is a sight I was reasonably sure I’d never see again.”

  I hear Elliot picking up the things I dropped. “Take care of those things and meet us upstairs, pet,” Leo says.

  “Yes, Sir.” I can totally hear my boy smiling.

  “You know what to do, boy,” the sadist says to me.

  I’m smiling as I kiss the tops of his shoes and rub my cheeks all over the supple leather. In the past, I’ve spent countless hours on my knees with my lips pressed to his shoes. Sometimes, he would sit there, fully dressed and sipping a drink, while I was naked, except for my day collar and leather cuffs and collar, and doing this.

  There were times we were in the White House when I did this because we only had a half hour or so, and he’d lock us in his office and hold my tie like a leash while I was on my knees for him.

  This is something I’ve never done with Elliot—only with Leo.

  I’ve missed this.

  I’ve missed Him.

  My heart races even as my brain downshifts into a lower gear. I’m certain there will be a wet spot in my briefs by the time they’re peeled off me.

  “Who’s my good boy?”

  “Me, Sir.”

  The fist in my hair tightens, bringing tears to my eyes. He shoves my cheek harder against the tops of his shoes. “Then be my good boy.”

  I feel the warmth of his body through the supple leather as I work my lips over them and lave my tongue across the surface.

  The only problem is I’m not naked.

  I want to feel the cool, hard floor under my knees and the air against my balls.

  I keep doing what I’m doing as I shrug out of my blazer and cast it off next to me. My necktie, shirt, and undershirt follow, all while I make love to Leo’s shoes with my mouth.

  Nearly frantic now, I toe off my shoes and wriggle out of my slacks and briefs, and yank off my socks, until I’m finally, blissfully naked.

  “There’s my good boy,” the sadist says. “That’s what I needed to see.”

  This is what I needed, too.


  The world fades away as I worship my Sir. Time dissolves while everything vying for my attention vanishes. No thoughts save making the man above me purr with satisfaction. Not even my hard cock leaking pre-cum in a puddle on the floor can distract me.

  When he finally lifts me, my ass on my heels, he tips my head back until I’m staring into his eyes.

  A blissful smile curls his lips. “How about we go upstairs, baby boy?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please.”

  “You ran from me, baby. You mouthed off, you scared the crap out of me, you walked to the restaurant, and sat with your back to the door. You didn’t pay attention—multiple times. You know what that means?”

  The good kind of fear twines through me. “A spanking.”

  “That’s right—a spanking.” He gently tugs on my hair. “Let’s go, baby boy.”

  He leads me upstairs and into the bedroom, where Elliot’s already undressed.

  Leo scoops me up and tosses me onto the bed. “We have a boy to spank, Elliot.”

  Oh, shit.

  “Yes, we do, Leo.” Elliot grins. “Oooh, this is going to be so much fun.”

  I must let out a whimper because they’re both wearing nearly identical, evil smiles. The thought is already pinging through my mind to flip over and scamper away when they reach out, grab me by the ankles, and drag me toward them across the bed.

  There’s no running, no escape, no mercy to be had tonight. They wrench my legs wide apart, shoving them up and back so my ass is exposed and I can’t squirm free.

  And I try. Boy, do I try. Not because I want to fight them.

  Because I know they want me to fight. Adrenaline courses through me, my pulse spiking as I struggle against their iron grip. There’s no way in hell I’d ever win against one of them, much less both.

  Elliot jumps onto the bed and swings over me, straddling me while facing Leo and my ass, pinning my thighs to my chest. They tuck my arms along my sides, also pinned by the weight of Elliot’s body. I’m staring up at his ass, unable to reach it because of the way I’m pinned. Yeah, I do try lifting my head to lick him.

  “There we go,” Leo says. “That’s better.” His hands stroke my ass, play with my balls. “One boy nicely tucked tightly away.” He spanks both ass cheeks, hard, making me suck in a sharp breath. “Now how about you howl for Daddy?”

  He smacks me again, harder.

  Much harder.

  And again.

  And again.

  He gives me a full-force spanking, he and Elliot both. They spank and claw and hit and bite, until I’m sobbing, screaming.

  I need this atonement. I need this pain.

  I need my Sir.

  I need the fire in my ass and the freedom this brings to my soul.

  How could I not want this, and them?

  It feels like I’m flying. My tears are not all pain—it’s ecstasy, joy, peace.

  A blissfully soft, velvet cushion descends over my soul and across my consciousness.


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