Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7) Page 2

by Charlene Hartnady

  For a moment he was tempted to ask for a beverage or to go over to the window and admire the fucking view – the kings had made him wait, so maybe he should return the favor ‒ but he thought better of it. Keto finally nodded and headed for the room Alison had just exited.

  The vampire kings sat on large leather chairs on one side of the long boardroom table. That wasn’t entirely true ‒ Zane lounged and Brant sat, his back as straight as a feather-tipped arrow.

  “Welcome.” Zane smiled.

  “Take a seat.” Brant was more serious, more regal, more upstanding … better. The male was the more superior of the two by far.

  Keto sat across from the two males. He leaned back against the rest and folded his hands in a relaxed fashion across each other.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Zane asked, smiling again. The male couldn’t find it within himself to be serious for a second.

  “Yeah,” Brant nodded. “It’s been a very long time since you visited. I think it was a couple of times as a youth …” He lifted his eyes in thought. “I only recall you coming once as an adult … then that was it.”

  Keto shrugged. “This visit is definitely long overdue.” He cocked a brow. “I’m here now though, and that is what counts.”

  Brant nodded. “Are you sure I can’t have Alison get you something to drink?”

  What was it with vampires and beverages? He shook his head. “No. I’m fine.” He paused. “I came to visit with Esral on her request but that is not the only reason for my being here.”

  Zane nodded. Brant remained completely impassive.

  “The union between my sister and the prince.” He looked pointedly at Brant. “Has gone a long way in bringing our two species together.”

  “We are all non-humans after all.” Zane raised his brows for a second or two.

  Keto ignored the male. “We can’t become complacent though.” He unclasped his hands, running them down his thighs. The material felt strange against his skin. Cotton and not silk like he was used to. Keto wore suit pants and a button-down shirt. Smart yet casual, his assistant had assured him. Strangely, he found himself liking the outfit. “I called this meeting to inform you of some changes that have been made. I wanted you both …” he tried not to choke on the words, forcing himself to look at Zane, “to know that the king of the elves, my lord father, is stepping down.” There, it was out.

  Zane pulled in a breath. Brant didn’t so much as flinch.

  “My father has never fully recovered from his assassination attempt.” His chest tightened. He could not help but feel guilty. His, at the time, soon-to-be-mate’s server had wanted King Katar dead so that Keto could take the crown. That way, when he and Cheri had mated, she would have become queen, which was her greatest wish. The female had never truly loved him. The relationship had ended upon discovery of the plan. He couldn’t say that he was cut up over it, but he felt guilty over what had happened to his father. Katar had almost died. “A year later and he is still ailing. The prolonged exposure to silver has aged him.” His chest tightened. Keto cleared his throat.

  “I am sorry to hear that. The last we heard, he was on the road to recovery,” Brant said.

  “Yes, he has improved drastically but the healers have said that he will never fully recover.” He bowed his head for a moment. His father’s hair was a white shock, his face was lined. Worst of all, his energy levels were low. He needed to nap every day and sometimes even twice a day. A shell of his old self.

  Zane shook his head, his expression grave.

  “I have been running the day to day affairs, consulting with my lord father on some matters but even that is proving too much for him.” He pushed a hand through his hair, remembering that he had tied it back. “King Katar has asked that I take up the throne.”

  Brant’s eyes widened. “He is truly stepping down?” he asked.

  “What a turn of events,” Zane said.

  He understood why this would come as a shock to most. Keto had underplayed the extent to which he already ran the kingdom. Katar did not have much to do with anything these days. His lord father did not have the strength or the stamina to deal with anything other than short walks. Even eating was a task. He feared for his father. He pushed down the emotions and looked each male in the eyes. “Within the next week, an announcement will be made. Three or so weeks after that, my crowning ceremony will take place. I trust that you will both show your support. That you will attend the ceremony.”

  “Of course,” Brant was quick to respond. “You are family now.”

  “Yes,” Zane nodded. “We will attend.”

  Something eased in him. Every king needed allies and the vampire kings were the strongest of the non-humans. Well, aside from the dragon shifters who kept to themselves anyway. The dragons were not inclined to align themselves with anyone so they didn’t count, by default.

  “We are sorry to hear about your father.” Brant shook his head.

  “Yeah,” Zane frowned. “It is true that we have not always seen eye to eye but he is a good male. He did not deserve for this to happen to him.”

  Brant folded his arms and smiled. “On a happier note, we are thrilled that you wish for relations between our species to strengthen. Now, join us for a meal.”

  It was the last thing that Keto felt like, but it was one of the many things he was going to have to do in the coming times. All the functions, smiling when he least felt like it, having to befriend the likes of Zane. Having to take a mate when he would rather walk over hot flames. Oh well! Such was the life of a royal. He should be used to it by now. “Yes, sounds wonderful.” He forced a smile.

  “I will have our PA bring a few platters,” Zane said. “Would you prefer fruit juice or some wine with your meal?”

  At least the male had done his homework. “Juice will be fine. So, the two of you share a personal assistant as well these days?” His heart beat a little faster but he worked at keeping his breathing even and not giving any outward signs of interest.

  Zane shrugged. “Yeah, Allison has proved to be invaluable.”

  “Why though?” Keto had to ask. “Was there something wrong with the person you had? Or,” he fought to remain impassive, “did this just make more sense?”

  Zane smirked. “Charlotte was a fantastic personal assistant.”

  Yeah right! What a motherfucker! What a dick! Keto hoped that he was masking his emotions well. He acted like he didn’t give two shits either way. “Oh.” Good! He sounded bored. “So, why did she get the boot?”

  Zane laughed. “She didn’t get the boot. Charlotte was promoted … she heads up operations within the castle now. It’s an important position. Our mate can be … sensitive. Charlotte and I share a past. It worked out better this way for all parties involved.”

  A past. Fuck! There it was. His blood felt like it had ignited in his veins. Better for whom? He just knew that Zane had kicked the female out like trash when he no longer needed her. It just added to the reasons why he detested the male.

  It was as if Brant could sense the shift in his mood because he stood and said. “I’ll call Alison and have lunch brought in.”

  Chapter 3

  “And finally, the oak trees need pruning along the south side wall,” Charlotte gave her last instructions. She waited for confirmation and said her goodbyes, clicking the red down button and putting the device on the table.

  She ticked another one of the items on today’s to do list with a flourish. There was still half a page of items left. She needed to check with the head chef and place this month’s orders for food and general items.

  There was a soft knock on the door and Grace stuck her head around the jamb. The female’s face was bright and animated. “Can I come in?”


  “Oh, my god …” Grace grabbed both her cheeks in her hands. “Did you see him?”

  “Who?” She knew exactly who Grace was talking about.

  “The elven prince,” Grace gushed. “By fan
g but the male is beautiful.”

  Charlotte pulled a face. “Really? An elf. You can’t be serious?”

  “Of course I’m serious.” Grace’s eyes were wide. “Wait a minute. Have you ever seen an elf? I mean aside from Esral.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “No, never.” It wasn’t entirely true, that one encounter had taken place very long ago so it didn’t count.

  Grace giggled. “Then you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Charlotte pulled a face. “They wear dresses and pointy shoes. They’re scrawny and smell like rotten fruit.” Okay, apricots. Not rotten fruit and although they might be scrawny they were handsome.

  Grace all out laughed. “Scrawny.” She laughed louder. “You’re so very wrong. You need to do yourself a favor and run into the prince.” She winked suggestively.

  Charlotte shook her head. “I hope it doesn’t happen because if it does, it means he’s complaining about something or other.” That she could do without. She’d promised the kings that all would go well. It was ultimately her responsibility. “Did you see to his room?”

  “Linda dusted the apartment. I double-checked that everything was in order myself.”

  “You left a fruit basket?”

  “Yes.” Grace nodded.

  “Did you take one of the best vintage wines and—?”

  “Yeah, yeah … a Cabernet Sauvignon with crystal glasses. Only the best.”

  Charlotte breathed out a sigh. It was the worst time of the month for her. Orders had to be in by tomorrow. It was change of season so all the pruning needed to be done. Planting of seedlings was scheduled for tomorrow, which meant that the beds needed to be prepared today. Summer was just around the corner. The fountains were being drained to be cleaned and rooms in the east wing were being refurbed. She was run off of her feet. This wasn’t the time to be hosting royalty. Especially someone as arrogant as Prince Keto ‒ at least, she’d heard he could be difficult. That he was a cocky SOB. She hoped he wasn’t as full of shit as all the rumors. Charlotte sighed. Of course he was royalty, and an elf. It couldn’t get much worse.

  “You look stressed,” Grace said.

  “I have so much to do.”

  “Can I help with anything?” Grace raised her brows.

  “Yes, you can go and check that suite one last time. Just to be sure. We can’t have anything go wrong. A complaint from the prince would be terrible. The kings would not be impressed.” That was putting it mildly.

  Grace nodded. “No problem, leave it to me.” The door closed softly. Charlotte stared at the grain in the wood. All she could think about was that day years and years ago. So very long, and yet there were things she remembered with crystal clarity. Like how heavy her heart had been after the anger had died down. How beautiful and calm the forest was.

  She wasn’t headed anywhere in particular. She just knew that she needed to get out. To walk and to clear her mind. Everyone looked at her with such pity. Charlotte knew that it was because they cared, but it was starting to get on her tits. Quite frankly, she was done with moping and crying. Lately, she’d been feeling angry. The pain was still there, it never completely left her. The anger though, it flared in an instant. All of the pity was making her want to lash out at those who cared, those who were there for her. It would be wrong of her to do so, hence running away. She wasn’t truly running away; rather getting away for a bit to cool off.

  One minute she was heading out … and the next she was face to face with …

  Pointy ears.

  Silken robe.

  Pointed shoes.

  “Who are you? What are you?” The words left her before she could give them any thought.

  He narrowed his eyes. They were very beautiful. The only thing he had going for him. “What is it to you? You insolent little creature!”

  What? Who did this little punk think he was? Not that he was little. The male was a little taller than her. “You’re in my way.” She folded her arms across her chest, noticing how his gaze moved to her breasts.

  The nerve!

  “You.” His eyes were still glued to her boobs and for a second she wished she’d worn something a little more concealing instead of this little slip of a dress. Then they lifted, a beautiful blue. “It is you who are in my way.”

  Charlotte choked out a laugh. “Yeah right twinkle toes … Father Christmas just came this way and he mentioned he was missing an elf to help him make toys for all the good boys and girls.” She looked him up and down. “I think you’re his guy, so grab your hammer and head on out of here. The North Pole’s that way.” She pointed to where she hoped North was.

  “Do you have any idea who I …?” Then the creature cracked a smile. A really toothy smile. Such sharp teeth. Interesting. So maybe his eyes weren’t his only redeeming feature. “I think I might like you, vampire.” He took a step towards her. “You can step to the side now. I must be on my way.”

  “You move. You happen to be in my way.” She planted her hands on her hips. Little shit! He was a tad on the scrawny side with short hair that curled a little around his ears.

  The male gripped her hip and gave her a soft push, trying to get her to move. Like hell! This was vampire territory. Who did he think he was?

  Charlotte growled at him. Her fangs erupted. She couldn’t help it; they had been doing that a lot lately.

  “You’re cute but unfortunately not my type, bloodsucker.” He looked down at her, so condescending it had her blood boiling.

  Maybe it was the dismissive way he looked at her. Maybe it was his whole darned attitude, next thing she knew she had cracked him one across the cheek. The slap reverberated right through her arm. Her hand hurt. The good news was that he staggered to the side, making room for her to continue on her path. His hand was on his cheek. His eyes were wide with shock. Good! It served him right.

  Charlotte stepped forward but he moaned, an agonized sound that stopped her in her tracks. Had she loosened one of those pointy teeth? Great! She moved forward and he moaned again, this time dropping to one knee. Her hand was throbbing. Oops! Maybe she’d hit him a little too hard.

  Charlotte heaved a sigh. “Quit your whining, you’re going to be just fine.”

  The male fell over to the side. His eyes slammed shut, his jaw became slack. He looked unconscious. What the hell!? She had assumed that he was a non-human. She would never have hit a human. Or a soft non-human species. Charlotte was so sure he was an elf. Her gran had talked of elves. Of vampires being at war with the elves. A fresh wave of pain radiated through her and she pursed her lips, trying hard not to cry.

  “Are you okay?” The male’s eyes were open and filled with concern.

  A tear escaped and she wiped it away.

  He sprang to his feet, so graceful it almost took her breath away. “I’m fine, see …” He began to dust himself off.

  “I don’t care. That tear had nothing to do with you.”

  “Yeah, right!” He cocked his head. “You’re crying because you thought you hurt me.”

  “Am not.” She shook her head and her hair went flying about her face.

  “Are too.” Then he grinned, showing off his teeth.

  “Did you know that your eyes are the color of a winter’s sky?” Why the hell had she said that? A male like him would get a big head. He was too arrogant as it was.

  He didn’t laugh, or tease, just moved in closer, still beating the dirt from his clothing. He smiled. It was both warm and sad. “Yours are like the depths of the ocean. A deep, dark blue … very beautiful,” he announced and she couldn’t help but feel like he was talking about more than just her eyes.

  Charlotte felt a shiver rush over her skin. She looked down at her feet, feeling her cheeks heat. Vampire males didn’t say things like that. They were rough and raw. Sometimes downright rude. “Thank you.” She forced herself to look him in his eyes. She reached a hand to him. “I’m Charlotte.”

  He clasped her wrist. The male had more strength then she e
xpected. “I’m …” he paused and smiled. “Keraar.”

  “Why are you out in the middle of the vampire forest?” She released his hold first.

  “I’m on my way back home.”

  The male looked completely serious. Was he really being serious or just playing the fool? She waited a little longer for him to confess some sort of warped sense of humor before busting out a laugh. “I hate to break it to you but you’re going in the direction of the vampire castle.”

  He rolled his eyes but quickly joined in her laughter. “I must have circled back somehow,” he finally said, still grinning wildly.

  “Yeah,” she said, her hand on her belly. “It happens more regularly than you know. The forest is deceiving. I take it you don’t have a great sense of smell or you’d be able to pick up your own scent trail.”

  He shook his head looking disgusted. “No, elves have a really bad sense of smell, almost as bad as humans.”

  “You poor thing. So, you are an elf.” She raised a brow. “What are you doing all the way out here?”

  “It’s a really long story, one I would prefer not to tell.”

  “Fair enough.” Then she had a thought. “Wait a minute, I’m going to assume a young male like you isn’t a threat to our people.” Charlotte burst out laughing. “Forget I said that, you don’t know your ass from your elbow.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “It’s true.” They both laughed. “Tell you what …”

  He raised his brows instead of answering. The male sure was cute, she didn’t even notice his pointy ears anymore. Not much any ways. Charlotte licked her lips. “How about I walk with you for a little while. I can show you the way home, although …” she pulled a face. “It’s really quite far.”

  “That would be great.”

  They started walking in the direction of where her grandmother said the elves lived. At least, she hoped it was the right way. Her heart tightened once again as she thought of her gran. She blinked a few times and turned to smile at the strange male. He smiled back.

  That was how their friendship began. It lasted all of a day. A day she had never forgotten.


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