Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7) Page 7

by Charlene Hartnady


  She rubbed her clit faster. So, not Drago then. What about Elliot? She’d stopped to watch him fight the other day. His muscles had muscles. The male was very good-looking to boot. It also helped that he fought like a demon. She tried to picture how he would look on top of her. How he would feel behind her. Inside her.


  She finger-fucked herself a couple of times, this time her mind wandered to thoughts of the elven prince. His eyes. The way he clenched his jaw when he was trying to stay in control. His cock. She pictured him parting his robe and thrusting into her. Charlotte cried out as her orgasm slammed into her. It was over in seconds. Irritated at how getting yourself off was never as good as the real thing. Then even more irritated that Keto had invaded her thoughts … yet again. She couldn’t seem to make herself orgasm unless it was his face, his body, his cock that she pictured.

  Charlotte yanked her skirt down. If Keto didn’t want her that was fine. Understandable even. He needed to find a mate and she didn’t qualify. Where did that come from? She didn’t want to mate anyone. What was the point? It wasn’t like she could have children. She made a groaning noise. This train of thought was not going to get her anywhere. She’d always focused on the positives. Charlotte freshened up. Hopefully Keto would stay far away from her. She didn’t need his brand of distraction.

  Chapter 10

  Charlotte scanned the proposed menu. She skipped the section pertaining to the elves and moved to the shifters. “This looks great! Lots of rare meat dishes …” She continued to scan, allowing her finger to trace downwards as she read. “Highly sophisticated.” She spoke to herself.

  “Only the best will do.” Lenore put a hand to his chest. “It’s not every day a new king is crowned.”

  “Indeed.” Charlotte felt her cheeks heat just thinking of Keto. Of the male himself there had been no more sign. She had started to relax. To throw herself into the organizing and her kings were right, she enjoyed every minute of it.

  Next was the menu for the dragons. Not many of the most secretive of the non-humans were attending but everything had to be perfect nonetheless. “Oh no!” She shook her head while pointing at the appetizer.

  “What is it?” Lenore frowned. The elven male was a perfectionist and a pleasure to work with.

  “Blini with caviar.” She pointed at the item in question. “With that combination it will definitely come with a cream cheese of sorts.”

  “Let me check.” Lenore held up a finger. He fished his cellphone out of a pocket of his green silken robe and dialed.

  Charlotte continued to check the rest of the proposed items, finding nothing out of place.

  “You’re right,” Lenore sighed, covering the mouth piece on his phone. “I’m not sure how the oversight happened but that particular appetizer is served with crème fraiche so it won’t work.”

  “I’ll tell you what, both the shifters and the vampires are having beef carpaccio to start with. We can do the same for the dragons, except the kitchen will need to hold the parmesan shavings.”

  Lenore nodded. “Yes, the dish is upmarket yet simple. I’ll make the changes and inform the kitchen. Is everything else in order?”

  “I’ll let you know if I pick anything else up.”

  Lenore nodded, continuing his call with the chef. Charlotte was so engrossed in checking the menu that she didn’t hear his approach. She did feel a prickle at the back of her neck. Then she caught his scent and swallowed hard. Apricot, sandalwood and male. Clean yet masculine. Outdoorsy and rugged, yet refined.

  “Is everything on track?” His deep voice caused goosebumps to rise on her arms. Who was she kidding? His voice affected her whole body.

  Charlotte had to force herself to relax. To breathe. She plastered a smile on her face and turned. “My lord.” She gave a curtsy.

  “I told you to call me Keto.” His eyes were the deepest, most magnificent blue. He wore a silk robe. It was a royal blue this time and bared some of his chest. Still not looking! His legs were bare to about mid-thigh. Definitely not looking! Blue was his color. Then again, he could probably wear purple or a hideous vomit color and still look good.

  Her mouth hung open so she pulled it closed. She needed to remind herself that Keto had dismissed her the last time she was with him and the time before that. He had made it clear that there would be no more of such encounters. Right now she probably looked like a love-sick teenager with a stupid crush … well forget that. She needed to get her head screwed on straight and find another male to gawk at.

  Keto turned to the event organizer. “Lenore, would you be so kind as to find Savar and …”

  “Here I am.” The tall, lean elf made his way over to them. He was Keto’s assistant and up until today had been the go-between for Keto and the organizers, herself included. He was chatty and friendly.

  “How are you today, Charlotte?” Savar directed his attention on her.

  “Good. Great, thanks.” She clutched the papers to her chest, still feeling out of sorts at Keto’s presence.

  “Are we nearly there? It’s just a matter of tying up the last few loose ends … right?” This time Savar glanced at Lenore. The elf nodded.

  “That’s why I’m here,” Keto said. “I’d like to meet the two of you for a progress report. In my office … now.” He looked at Lenore and Savar in turn.

  Charlotte almost felt sorry for the two males. Then again, this was how it was with royalty, always demanding and aggressive. A shiver raced up her spine. It was one of the things she liked about Keto.

  “We have two days left to pull this thing together,” the prince continued.

  Savar stepped forward. “We’re well on track, my lord—”

  “Save it for our meeting. I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’d like a word with Charlotte.”

  Don’t get excited! Don’t do it. Too late, there was a fluttering in her belly and her stupid knees actually felt weak. Maybe he was going to invite her to join him later. What would she say? He’d have to work for it, that was for sure. Charlotte folded her arms across her chest and looked him head-on.

  “I just wanted to thank you for all your efforts. My team have advised me that you have been invaluable with organizing this event.”

  Even though he had just sung her praises, she still felt disappointment. Stop it, Charlotte! Stop right this second.

  “Thank you.” Her cheeks heated. Why did she feel like a teenager around him? Pathetic.

  “No, really.” He raised his brows and folded his arms across his magnificent chest. “I can see you don’t believe me. The seating was a nightmare, we were tearing our hair out until you came along. I also had no idea that there were different types of shifters.” He widened his eyes. “Panthers and bears …” He pulled a face and shook his head.

  “We only found out about them recently ourselves.”

  “Did you know there were thirteen alphas?” Keto frowned.

  “It came as a shock to the vampires as well, believe me. Those shifters have been hiding out in the mountains for so long. The only alpha we knew about was Ward. He’s the only male we’ve had contact with for years. We didn’t know it but he represented the different types of shifters, dragons not included … of course.” She was babbling but couldn’t seem to stop. “It all has to do with this new inter-species … arrangement we plan on running with soon.” Why was she telling him all this?

  “Oh,” he frowned. “What type of arrangement?”

  Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. “I’m sure you’ll hear of it soon … I’m probably speaking out of turn and I’m sure I’ve taken up too much of your time.”

  “No, really … I’d love to hear about it.” He narrowed his eyes, zoning in on her.

  “Well, it would run between the shifters and vampires to start. Two of the alphas have agreed to pilot the project. You see, we have females but … I won’t bore you with the details. The shifters do not have enough females to go around … hence ma
ting human females. The process is taking a long time, with many males still waiting for mates. There are plenty of single vampire females so it’s the perfect solution. Anyhow, this arrangement would entail introducing us to them in the hopes of matings.”

  “Oh, I see … inter-species, yeah, no … I doubt we would be interested then.” His eyes blazed like he hated the idea. Like it was appalling to him.

  “Why not?” His total outright rejection of the project irritated her. “Inter-species pairings are becoming more frequent.”

  Keto shook his head. “Elves like to keep to themselves, although …” He raised his brows. “You never know.”

  Ouch! She sucked in a breath. “Each to their own I guess. I need to get back to work so …”

  “Are you signing up?” Keto asked, his eyes seemed darker, so much more intense.

  “Signing up?” For a second she wasn’t sure what he was talking about. Then it dawned on her. “Oh, signing up for the whole meeting the shifters thing?”

  “Yeah, meeting the shifters.” He nodded, smiling. He looked like he didn’t care either way. She had to remind herself that they had spent a measly hour together. The guy did not care about her. It hadn’t been like that.

  “I’m undecided.” She had planned on saying yes but still ended up taking the fence. Why? Probably because she wasn’t going to sign up. For whatever reason she didn’t want him to know that though.

  “You should probably do it. I mean,” he paused, lifting his eyes in thought, “I would imagine that if you haven’t found a mate yet amongst your own kind, then you probably won’t.”

  He didn’t just say that. Charlotte grit her teeth for a moment. “I guess the same can be said for you.” There was a hint of snark in her words. She didn’t care. He was acting like an asshole.

  His eyes widened for a moment but he quickly schooled his emotions. “I haven’t been looking, so …” he shrugged.

  “Well, neither have I.” Her voice was clipped. “You’re right though, I may as well sign up, those shifters are quite something.” She bobbed her brows and to her delight his eyes darkened. Good! “And my clock is ticking.” She wasn’t sure why she said the last bit since she couldn’t have any children.

  “Clock? What difference would a clock make?”

  “My biological clock …” His frown only deepened. “Never mind. Now if you’ll excuse me, my lord, I need to get back to work. I’m sure you understand.” She curtsied and opened the file in her hand. The words blurred together on the page but she pretended to read anyway.

  “I said to call me Keto and to stop with the etiquette bullshit …” He took a step towards her, right up close. “I’ve been inside you.” His voice was low and deep.

  Her pussy clenched. A rush of need coursed through her. Her whole body felt hot. She hated that he affected her so much. Why did he have to keep reminding her about their rutting session? Charlotte cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. “You are taking a mate soon, what will she say when I flutter my lashes at you and call you by your given name? I would hate it. I know for a fact without meeting your future queen that she will hate it as well. Any female would. No, it would be best if we stuck to using the correct etiquette, my lord. I’m sure you will agree.”

  “As you wish.” He inclined his head.

  Charlotte gave another curtsy. “All of the best at the ceremony.”

  “I’ll see you there.” A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. Damned beautiful those lips, like the rest of him. Even his pointed ears made him look regal and sexy. Who knew pointy ears could be hot?

  She needed to stay well away from him. “I’m not sure I’ll—”

  “You are invited. I would take it as a slight if you didn’t attend.”

  Charlotte inclined her head, when she looked up he was gone. It took long minutes before her heart rate normalized.

  By blood! This sucked! Now she had to go to the ceremony. She would be forced to see his sexy-ness again.

  Chapter 11

  Correct etiquette. Correct fucking etiquette. When all he wanted to do was turn her against the nearest wall, lift up her tight skirt and ravage her until she called his name. His given name. No titles required. To feel her tighten around him. To spill his seed inside her.

  Keto stopped short of his office door, sucking in lungfuls of air. Willing himself to calm down, trying hard to get his root under control. Like that was going to work. He’d remained hard for over an hour the last time he last saw her. Keto had finally had to ease himself to get rid of the thing. He didn’t have time for that right now.

  Fucking irritating.

  His robes tented. He had to stop thinking about Charlotte. Of her smile, of the expression of rapture that took hold of her beautiful face when she was coming. Blast! He needed to think of something else. Anything else.

  “Are you alright, sire?” One of the servers stopped, a frown on her pretty face.

  “I’m fine,” he barked.

  A smile appeared on her lush lips. “Can I help you with something?” She looked pointedly at his root, which still jutted from his body. Fucking silk! Whoever designed these robes back in the day was an asshole. His grandfather would turn in his grave if he knew that Keto was thinking that. Or if he knew that he planned on introducing human attire and giving females equal rights. It was especially the highborn females who would benefit.

  The female gave a giggle, reminding him that she was still there.

  “I’m fine.” He could already feel his erection subsiding. Thank all that was green!

  The female looked up, her lips pouting. “As you wish, let me know if you …”

  “I won’t,” Keto growled. He watched as the female walked away. He sucked in more deep lungfuls of air. Keto reached out and touched the bark of the nearest tree.

  He was reminded of the vampire forest although it wasn’t nearly as old. It was still beautiful though. Not that he had noticed the first time he’d walked through it all those years ago. So hell-bent on returning home he hadn’t taken much notice of anything. Then he’d run into the hellion vampire female. She’d insulted him, blocked his way and had even cracked him a shot across the face.

  Keto smiled. He couldn’t help himself as the memories emerged. It had been so refreshing. Finally, someone who treated him like an equal. It had been shocking yet invigorating at the same time. So much so that he had lied about who he was. His family had been visiting the vampire castle at the time. They had stayed in an ancient house a few miles from the castle, as their visit was in secret. There was no way for the female ever to suspect who he really was. Vampires and elves didn’t mingle.

  They’d argued. Then he’d seen her cry. He’d seen the hurt in her eyes and known that it wasn’t he who had caused it. It was deep-seated. The kind of pain he recognized. They’d come to a truce of sorts and the female, Charlotte, had offered to show him the way home. In truth, he hadn’t felt like going home anymore but he wanted to spend more time with this beguiling creature and so he’d readily agreed.

  They walked in silence for a time. Questions rushed through his mind. So many things he wished to ask. So much about her he wanted to know.

  “Your eyes,” Keto turned his gaze on her, “they clouded earlier. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes!” She gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I’m great.” Charlotte sounded bright and breezy. Too bright and far too breezy. It was all an act. One he knew well since he put on such an act often himself.

  He made a sound of agreement. “And the tear, it was for me then?” He tried to inject some humor into his voice as a way of calming her.

  She sighed. “No, not at all. I had something in my eye.”

  He had to hold back a laugh. “You’re lying and you’re bad at it.”

  “I am so not lying!” Her face snapped in his direction, her eyes blazing.

  Keto nodded. “Okay … don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to pry. I thought …” he paused gathering his thoughts, “that
maybe you would want to talk about it, since we won’t see each other again.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” Charlotte looked straight ahead. Her whole frame looked tense. Her mouth a tight line.

  Keto chose not to say anything else. They kept on walking. The female had long, lithe limbs, she took big strides.

  After a time, she stopped. It took him a few steps to realize he’d left her behind. Keto stopped walking. He turned as she began speaking.

  “My grandmother died.” Her voice hitched and she bit down on her lip. When she lifted her gaze her eyes were filling with tears.

  Keto didn’t offer any words of condolence or apology, he knew they would be meaningless. He knew she would have heard them said already. Probably many times.

  “She was the only family I had and I loved her dearly.” One of the tears fell as her eyes hardened. “I’m so ashamed.”

  “Why?” He felt himself frown. “What could you possibly be ashamed about?”

  “I’m very angry with her for leaving me.” Charlotte’s face crumpled, her body shook. Her shoulders were slumped. “It wasn’t her fault she wouldn’t have left me alone if she had, had a choice. It was her time and yet, I’m so very angry. I can’t seem to help it.”

  Keto closed the distance between them. He put his arms around her and hugged her tight. Charlotte’s body shook as she sobbed. She buried her face into his chest and after a time, she even put her arms around his waist. After what felt like an age and yet no time at all, she pulled back. Her lashes were tear-soaked, her eyes red-rimmed and her nose ran.

  “I understand.” His voice was deep with emotion and his chest felt tight.

  Charlotte’s forehead creased. “You do don’t you?”

  The sound of footfalls brought him back from his memories. A group of females was on the walkway behind him. They giggled as they caught him looking. Keto didn’t feel like small talk, he headed for his office and entered. Savar and Lenore were discussing something or other.


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