Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7) Page 17

by Charlene Hartnady

  “I like the sound of that.” She nipped at his earlobe.

  Keto made a deep rumble, his chest vibrated against her. “We’re going to start working on that baby right now.” He pulled back slightly, looking her deep in her eyes. “Unless you want to wait, of course?” Then he shook his head. “I don’t want to wait.”

  Charlotte giggled. It was a little nervous sounding. “I don’t want to wait either.”

  “Good.” Keto lay her down on the bed. He was frowning deeply, he still had that nervous, worried look.

  Charlotte cupped his face. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

  “Never better.” Then he captured her mouth with his and showed her how he felt about her even though he said it a good couple of times as well.

  Chapter 24

  She held onto Keto like he was a lifeline. Her dress was soft and satiny against her legs. It was made up of several long layers of soft, billowy fabric. It had the most elaborate designs sewed along the bottom edge and along the sash that was tied just under her breasts. The neckline was flattering, yet conservative. Cut in an oval. She wore simple diamond earrings and a golden bangle on her right wrist. Her hair was done up in an elegant twist with several rosebuds threaded into the strands. In short, she felt like a queen, even though she technically wasn’t one yet. A flutter of both nerves and excitement moved through her. She couldn’t wait to mate this male. Becoming queen had nothing to do with it though.

  Keto glanced down at her. “You look beautiful,” he said under his breath and not for the first time this evening. She smiled up at him, watching as his eyes crinkled around the edges. How his gaze softened.

  The sounds of hundreds of voices brought her back and she looked around her. There were elves everywhere. Every elf in the kingdom was present. They were outdoors, beneath the great castle. Lights twinkled in all the trees and walkways. Even the trunks of all the surrounding trees had been wrapped with strands of twinkling lights. It almost looked like the night sky had been lowered. Magical. It was simply magical.

  The evening had to follow a protocol. Elves walked around them with trays laden with all sorts of delicious foods. There were others who held trays bearing a variety of beverages, from water and juice to wine and champagne. First they would mingle and eat and then she would be presented to the kingdom as Keto’s future mate.

  “I’m glad you could make it.” Keto steered them towards Esral and Xavier. Esral’s smile was so wide it looked like her face might crack.

  They said their hellos. Xavier clapped Keto on the back a few times and then gave Charlotte a one-armed hug.

  “You guys did it.” Esral’s eyes widened. “I can’t believe it,” she squealed as she hugged Charlotte for a few seconds before pulling back. “What did you say to get that right?” She turned to Keto. “I can’t believe they agreed,” she said beneath her breath.

  “Of course they agreed.” Keto cocked his head.

  “The list of terms must have been a mile long.”

  “Nope.” Keto shook his head. “I asked and they agreed. All I had to do was highlight the benefits.”

  Esral looked unsure. “Seems like they let you get off easily. You’re lucky!” She exhaled sharply. “They didn’t complain about Charlotte being a lesser?”

  “Hey!” Charlotte raised her brows. “I’m standing right here … thank you.”

  Keto squeezed her hand. “It’s not like the vampires have any royal females. Charlotte holds an important position within the castle …” He frowned, his eyes darkening. “She’s also very much in favor with the kings.” He squeezed her hand again. “I may have given a few other reasons but ultimately, Charlotte’s the perfect choice ‒ at least she is for me.” He looked at her with such love.

  “In favor with the kings!” Esral snorted as she laughed. “That’s a good one. No wonder you’ve always hated Zane so much.” Esral glanced at Charlotte. “Keto was jealous. We couldn’t figure out what he had against the male and now we know.”

  Xavier chuckled. “It explains all the death stares you’ve always thrown Zane’s way.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “It was never like that between Zane and me.”

  Keto didn’t look impressed, his frown deepened.

  “There were no emotions or … anything,” Charlotte said. “It was just … you know … just …” She let the sentence die. She didn’t want to talk about having sex with another male, not when Keto looked this … pissed about it.

  Xavier chuckled, he leaned towards Keto. “I told you you’d hate the thought of another male anywhere near your female. I was right, wasn’t I?”

  “Now is not the time to gloat, asshole,” Keto growled.

  “Please don’t be upset about it. It’s in my past … way in my past,” Charlotte said.

  Xavier grinned and Esral just stood there looking from her to Keto and back again.

  Keto put up a hand. “I know.” There was an edge to his voice. Shit! He was jealous. It was really cute though.

  “Um …” Esral piped up. “Any more information from the great library?” Her eyes were wide, her mouth a tense line.

  “Please tell us your team found something that can help us.” Xavier looked just as tense. A deep V appeared between his eyes.

  Esral looked her way. “I’m struggling to …” Her friend looked around them. “Grow a garden,” she whispered. “I don’t know if Keto told you but we desperately want to start a family.”

  “How exciting,” Charlotte blurted. Then she realized that the couple was struggling. This wasn’t exactly a happy announcement.

  Keto shook his head. “They have found nothing more.”

  Esral’s chin dropped and her eyes filled with tears. She pulled away from Xavier.

  “I’m so sorry,” Charlotte said. “Do you have any idea what’s going on? Why you are struggling?” Her own heart raced. What if she and Keto suffered from the same problem? Not thinking about that right now. Not when she was about to be announced as Keto’s future mate. She could well imagine what Esral was going through and felt for the female. For both Esral and Xavier.

  “I don’t know.” Esral shook her head.

  Keto pulled her closer. He spoke into her ear. “It is the elven male’s seed that stimulates the growth of the garden. Xavier’s not an elf so … no garden.”

  Xavier made a growl of disgust. Esral gripped his arm and looked up at him. “It’s not your fault, my love.”

  “It sort of is his fault,” Keto said.

  Charlotte elbowed him in the ribs. “Hey! That’s not very nice.”

  Keto pretended to be hurt. He made a pained expression and rubbed his chest where her elbow had hit. “She beats me and you encourage her,” he told his sister.

  Esral smiled, her eyes were still watery. “I still can’t believe she actually kicked you.” Esral looked at Charlotte.

  “Twice ‒ and it hurt,” Keto grinned. He turned to Xavier. “I am working on finding a solution. There must be something that can be done.”

  Charlotte thought it over for a few seconds. “Xavier, you should drink from an elf,” she blurted. The thought came into her head and out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “What?” Esral and Xavier both responded at once.

  Keto frowned.

  “You should drink from an elf … um … my ears are way more sensitive since Keto and I started—”

  “Spare me.” Esral gave a tiny shake of the head. “No talk of rutting,” she whispered.

  Xavier chuckled but quickly turned serious. “I already drink from an elf. I drink from my mate.” He put his arm around Esral. “And yeah,” he bobbed his brows, “I know what you mean about the ears.”

  “No, not Esral. You need to drink from an elven male if you want to, like an elf, stimulate you female into growing a garden,” Charlotte said.

  “Not a fuck!” Xavier growled. A couple of elves turned to stare. One of the females clutched her chest, her eyes were wide and focused on the vam
pire prince. A look of astonishment on her face. “I’m not drinking from a male,” he added, quieter this time.

  “Why do you think it will make any difference if …” Keto paused, his eyes brightened. “You might be right. Xavier can take on the traits of an elven male if he drinks from an elven male and possibly stimulate your garden.” He looked at Esral.

  “I don’t know about this,” Xavier muttered under his breath. “Who the hell would I drink from?” Xavier whispered. “It wouldn’t be right. It—”

  “It could work,” Esral sounded animated. “Please.” She turned to Xavier. “Please try it.”

  “But…” Xavier looked shell-shocked. So much so that Charlotte had to hold back a laugh. She felt for the male. Xavier looked pale. “Who do I drink from and how many times would I have to drink before …” He muttered a curse. “We don’t even know if it would work. You know how intimate the act is ‒ males rarely drink from males. Only in desperate situations and even then …”

  “It might work though,” Esral’s voice was animated. “Surely you will try it even if there is only a small chance?” She implored her mate with her eyes.

  “Don’t get your hopes up.” Keto shook his head. “You could end up disappointed.”

  “I know this could work. I have a good feeling about this.” Esral looked at Xavier. “Please will you try? Please, my darling, I know it’s a lot to ask, but …”

  “I’ll try anything.” Xavier put his arms around her. “Almost anything, at any rate. No male gets to touch you though.” They brushed lips and turned back to them.

  “It sounds feasible to me. So simple and yet …” Esral turned to her. “You’re brilliant, do you know that?”

  “I really hope it works,” Charlotte said.

  Esral got a funny look in her eyes, which were firmly on Keto. He put both his hands up and widened his eyes. “Oh no …” He shook his head. “I can tell what you’re thinking and—”

  “My lord.” Savar arrived. He gave a small bow. “Apologies for the intrusion. I need to steal the king for a few moments.”

  “Get that thought right out of your mind,” Keto used a stern voice, his eyes on Esral. Charlotte could see that he didn’t really mean it though. “Is it not something that can wait?” he asked Savar.

  The male shook his head. “It’s nothing major, won’t take more than five minutes of your time.”

  “You don’t mind?” Keto asked her.

  Charlotte shook her head. “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.”

  “You have five minutes,” Keto said to Savar as they walked away.

  Esral’s eyes were bright. “I hope it works.” She breathed out a slow breath. It looked like she was trying to calm herself down.

  “It’s worth a try, but like Keto said, you shouldn’t get your hopes up,” Xavier warned, his arm around his mate.

  “I’ll speak to Keto about … you know … donating,” Charlotte said.

  Esral grinned. “I know he’ll do it if you ask him nicely.”

  Charlotte gave a nod. “I will ask …”

  “Hi.” A beautiful elven female approached them. “Sorry to intrude. I’m Gwen.” She held out her hand to Charlotte who introduced herself and shook the female’s hand.

  Gwen then greeted Esral ‒ it looked like they knew one another ‒ and then she introduced herself to Xavier. “So,” Gwen said. “You’re the lucky female who managed to catch the king’s eye.”

  Charlotte nodded. “Yup, I guess that would be me.”

  “A vampire.” Gwen widened her eyes. “Who would have thought it? Only just crowned and our king is making such major changes, but … for the good of our people.”

  Charlotte wasn’t too sure what exactly Gwen was talking about so she nodded and smiled.

  “I mean, how he managed to get the bill passed about the highborn males, I just don’t know.” Gwen giggled behind her hand.

  “What bill?” Esral asked. Thank god, because Charlotte still didn’t have a clue what the elf was talking about. She knew that Keto had big plans. She knew that yesterday’s meeting had been a success but other than that, she didn’t know the details. They’d spent the evening enjoying each other’s company. They were either making love or talking about their future. There was no mention of politics.

  “I can’t believe you don’t know. Everyone is talking about it. The highborn males are no longer permitted to rut at will.”

  “What?” Esral asked. She put a hand over her mouth. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, but I am. Look around you, you’ll see how sullen they look. The same rules that apply to us now apply to them. No rutting until they are mated. If they are caught, the punishment will be severe … they won’t be permitted to mate, they will be ridiculed in the same way as the females.”

  Esral pushed out a laugh, it was laced with disbelief. “I can’t believe it! Why would Keto do such a thing? How will this benefit the highborn females though?”

  Gwen planted her hands on her hips. “It’ll give those males a taste of their own medicine.” She narrowed her eyes. “I, for one, am happy. Serves them right.”

  “How did Keto get it passed?” Esral had a look of shock. “He’s a miracle worker that’s for sure,” she added.

  “Many of the councilors have daughters,” Gwen spoke under her breath. “My lord father is one of them. We are expected to remain pure and upstanding while the males run around and do as they like.” Gwen shook her head. “It’s not fair. According to my father, Keto was clever with how he handled it. He played to their emotions as fathers. Those with daughters, but also to those with sons. He felt that the males should learn discipline and patience. In the end, he got the majority vote and so it is done.” She stifled a laugh. “Poor, poor males.”

  “I still have a lot to learn about the elven ways. It is very different to vampires, that is for sure,” Charlotte said.

  “I’m sure you’re quite nervous,” Gwen said, looking concerned.

  Charlotte felt herself frown. “Yes, a little. It’s all so new and different, but so far everyone has been very kind and welcoming. It will take some time to make Pulamor my home but I know it will happen soon.”

  “Of course it will.” Esral smiled.

  “Yeah, but aren’t you worried?” Gwen was frowning. “I know I would be.”

  Charlotte frowned. “About what?”

  “Becoming pregnant.”

  Charlotte felt her cheeks flood with warmth. What did this have to do with Gwen? “Um … everything will fall into place in due course, so no, I’m not worried.” She forced a smile. It was somewhat of a lie. Keto was sure she would become pregnant. There didn’t seem to be a doubt in his mind. Charlotte wasn’t so sure. It wasn’t something she wanted to think about though. It seemed that Keto wanted to be with her regardless; they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

  “I would be worried.” Gwen’s eyes widened. “A year and a half seems like a long time but it’s not, not really.”

  A year and a half?

  What was this female on about?

  “What does a year and a half have to do with anything?” Esral asked, taking the words right out of Charlotte’s mouth. “We are with child for four months—”

  “The terms and conditions stipulated in yesterday’s meeting. My lord father told us about it over dinner. You have a year and a half to be with child and if not …” She sucked in a breath and shook her head slowly.

  Charlotte felt the blood drain from her face. From her whole body. Her legs felt rooted to the spot.

  “What then?” Esral asked. “Why didn’t you say anything?” she asked Charlotte, looking annoyed.

  “Maybe because it’s none of our business,” Xavier said.

  Gwen pursed her lips and for a second it seemed like the female wasn’t going to say anything more.

  One part of Charlotte hoped that she kept her perfectly glossed lips shut, while the other part had to know what these stupid terms were. Unfortunately,
she could guess.

  Gwen licked those glossed lips. “Well, Keto would have to step down, of course, otherwise he would have to put his mate aside.”

  “Step down?” Esral’s voice was soft and yet full of venom.

  Charlotte felt like her spirit was being pulled from her body. The sounds around them became dulled. She could hear her heart beating in her chest. Why hadn’t Keto said anything?

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Xavier said. It seemed to come from somewhere in the distance. “This is none of our business.”

  “Of course it is,” Esral’s voice was still soft but with a shrill edge.

  “I need to go now.” Charlotte’s cheeks felt hot. She struggled to breathe. Such important information … why hadn’t Keto said anything? This changed everything. This wrecked everything.

  She looked around the vast space. There were people everywhere. Charlotte felt sick to her stomach.

  Esral said something and tried to take her arm, but she stepped out of her reach. “I need to find Keto.”

  Chapter 25

  “Enough.” Keto put the glass down with a bang. “That’s enough.” He couldn’t help but smile.

  Savar grinned back. “It’s not every day you introduce your future mate to all of your kingdom.”

  “No, it’s not.” Keto felt his heart swell.

  “It’s also not every day that you get a bill to pass of such magnitude. I love and fucking hate you.” Savar narrowed his eyes. “I can’t rut for the foreseeable future.”

  “Unless you take a mate,” Keto said.

  “Take a mate … take a …” Savar looked appalled at the prospect. “I’m far too young and far too handsome to settle down just yet.”

  Keto shrugged. “Well then, you and your hand are going to become well acquainted.”

  “Yeah, but it isn’t actually going to be enforced, is it?”

  “Yes, it is.” Keto looked his friend in the eyes. “Make sure you keep your nose clean … or in this case, your root. No fucking around. Examples are going to be made.”

  “It’s crazy though. I can’t believe you did this.”


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