Seize Me

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Seize Me Page 11

by Crystal Spears

  “Prez… you can’t take her on club business,” Dizzy spits.

  “I’m the fucking MC President. Don’t make my decisions for me Diz,” I seethe. “Are you sure, Angel?”

  “I’m so fucking sure,” she half smiles.

  “Let’s go.”

  I thought that maybe having Angel’s thighs squeezing me tight on the way to the warehouse would be an awesome damn feeling. I was dead wrong. I’m anxious to get a hold of PP, and I’m clearly having a weak moment filled with guilt and regret about fucking Dizzy. When we all throttle into the warehouse gravel driveway and back up in a row, Winter jumps off. She tosses me her helmet and takes her hair down to run her fingers through it before piling it back on the top of her head. And why the fuck does she have to dress like that? She’s wearing a strapless purple tight dress that doesn’t even reach her knees. It shows her tanned legs and damn if she doesn’t pair it with her white converse. Not something a woman would usually wear riding on the back of a Harley, but what the hell do I know about women’s wear. I get off my lady and walk up to the warehouse door with Angel and the brothers on my tail. I key in the code and open the door. I flip on the lights and Angel pushes past me.

  PP is dangling from the warehouse ceiling by a chain and handcuffs. His mouth is gagged and has duct tape wrapped around the gag. His eyes aren’t focused on my brothers and me; they’re focused on Angel who is standing a few feet away from him with her hand on her hip. The brothers and I line up and just watch. I’m sure we’re all thinking the same thing. What’s she doing?

  Smokey starts passing beers down the line. I pop my cap and toss it. Angel looks around for a moment before spotting something. She walks over to one of the roller chairs and rolls it back in front of PP.

  “What’s she doin’?” Sniper whispers beside me.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper back.

  Angel sits in the chair and slouches, lifting her dress. What the fuck?

  “You see it? Still pretty as ever,” she purrs. “Guess you didn’t do your job as well as you thought you did.”

  Oh, fuck!

  “Dude,” Pyro says from my other side.

  “Let me tell you what pisses me off about this whole experience.” She laughs, pulling her dress back down. “The thing that just pisses me off to where I see red is that I can’t fucking come.”

  She stands and pulls back her right arm sending a right hook straight to his jaw. “I’m twenty-two fucking years old and I can’t get off. I imagine after I’m done with you, I’ll have enough closure to achieve an orgasm.”

  Oh, well I guess this is Angel’s show. I lean against the carpenter table behind me. “Huh well, well what is this,” her voice throaty as she walks to the cart.

  “Prez, you gonna let her do this?” Smokey peers around at me.

  “We weren’t there Smokey; we didn’t go through what she did. I don’t think she’ll actually do anything.”

  “It seems these sexy bikers know a thing or two about tools of torture.” Her fingers trace some of the utensils. It sucks doesn’t it, being tied up, completely at someone else’s mercy for them to do anything and everything to you and there ain’t a motherfuckin’ thing you can do about it.” She reaches into the box of disposable gloves, covers her hands in two pairs before picking up the medical scissors.

  “Uh, Prez, I think you’re wrong,” Smokey grits through clenched teeth.

  Yeah bro, I feel it too, I wanna say. I’m on edge just thinking about what might be running through her mind. I shouldn’t have let her come.

  She cuts his shirt off and tosses it to the floor before throwing the scissors back on the cart. She undoes his belt, ripping it through the belt loops and tosses that. She walks behind him and runs her hands around to his chest and down, and I squeeze my beer bottle. What is she fucking doing?

  My Angel starts jacking him the hell off. I start growling. Her hand shouldn’t be on any other cock but mine. PP’s eyes close as his cock starts growing. Her hand starts moving faster and faster, and I know my mouth and all of my brothers’ mouths are hanging open in a what the fuck kinda thing.

  “You won’t need this anymore.” She smirks from the side of his body, and his eyes go wide before she cracks his dick in half. His screams echo through the gag.

  “Oh fuck man, she just broke his dick.” Sniper laughs.

  I groan, and so do a few others. You can practically feel that damn pain. Tears are pouring from PP’s eyes, and he’s choking himself on the gag with all the screaming.

  “It doesn’t feel good when your bottom half feels broken, or in your case is broken, does it?”

  I can’t take my eyes off the crooked dick that’s blue and purple. I can’t believe she broke his dick.

  “I’ll let you think on that pain for just a minute.” She giggles shaking her head. And it’s not the cute fluffy girl kinda giggling. It’s evil and malicious, and I shiver from the sound.

  “Man,” Pyro says beside me.

  “I’ve had almost two months to go over this exact moment with you PP. Two long months getting wasted outta my mind. Two long months plotting my revenge towards you and your father. I didn’t have to worry about your sister since I blew that bitch’s brains out, but you… let me tell you, you acted like you were my fucking friend…,” She trails off, fingering one of the utensils on the cart.

  “Braxxon, this shit’s gone on long enough man. She’ll never forgive herself for this,” Sniper whisper growls.

  “She’s a grown up, brother. She can make her own decisions.”

  “I don’t do well with people out to hurt me. I’m a Belov; did you know that? Of course, you didn’t. Belov’s a pretty notorious name; you know us Russians can be some scary fuckers. I used to be this precious little thing… never did anything wrong, but that all changed when my father blew out my boyfriend’s brains right in front of me. To say that didn’t scar and corrupt me would be a lie. And that’s how Star was born. That man over there calls me Angel. But you know what? I don’t feel like being an Angel right now.”

  Angel picks up the largest scalpel and walks back in front of him. She grabs his chin hard with her left hand.

  “I want you to look at me while I do this. I want to see your damn pain,” she growls as she slices across his chest. More screams as she lets go of his face and steps back while the blood pours from his chest.

  “Oops… I think I cut ya a little too deep. My bad.” She laughs.

  Fuck if I were any other guy, I would be fucking scared of this bitch.

  “She’s kinda frightening,” Rob says.

  “I was just thinking the same shit.” I agree completely.

  But as she sits down in the chair watching the blood pour from him as if she’s watching the rain on a window, I have a damn epiphany. She’s never going to be the girl I met that weekend. She’s changed and if I want her, I need to get over it.

  A hand slaps my chest; I look over at Pyro, and he nods in her direction. “She’s eyeing the drum of oil.”

  “What does she need…,” I trail off. “Oh.” She picked up an empty beer bottle and dipped it in the drum.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Sniper groans.

  Yeah, oh fuck is right. She walks up behind him again. When she jerks his head back with one hand and arches his body as he hangs, she whispers just loud enough for us to hear. “I was going to save this bit for your father, but I’m feeling like you need it too.” And she slams the beer bottle into his ass.

  PP’s face turns red and he passes out as she lets go of his head and she shoves the bottle further up, grinding it in more. It’s taking a lot of her strength because her stance is stiff.

  No one makes a damn sound including me. I’ve tortured motherfuckers countless times. I’ve cut off tongues, fingers and even large limbs, but what Angel just did has left me fucking speechless. She’s a damn woman out for blood, and it’s best to stay outta her fucking way.

  My mouth hangs open as she strips the gloves off an
d walks them over to the trash and tosses them in before washing her hands at the industrial sink. When she turns off the water and makes her way over to me, I have nothing to say.

  “I’m half better; now, do you have a smoke?” she asks.

  Seriously? I start patting my pockets until I locate my cigs and I pull them out along with my Zippo.

  She takes them and pushes me to the side as she hops up onto the carpenter table. She leans on one hand and crosses her legs, kicking her feet back and forth, as she uses her free hand to light a cigarette.

  “I think I just fell in love with you,” I rush out.

  Where the shit did that come from?

  She just laughs, blowing smoke in my face. No one will be able to top this feeling ever. I’ve just met my match and my match is the new Angel.

  “So… what now?” she asks.

  “We kill him. Sure you don’t wanna do that?”

  I mean shit, she did everything else.

  “I’m sure.” She smiles. “I wanna go now.”

  I turn to look at my brothers. With unspoken words I let them know to kill him and get rid of the body. When they get my look, I turn my attention back on my hell’s angel.

  “Let’s go, Angel.”

  Something happened in that warehouse. I felt as if I were reborn. Like this humongous dumbbell has been lifted off my chest, and I can finally breathe again. As I’m riding on the back of Braxxon’s bike with my arms wrapped around his middle and letting the wind blow across my face, I vow to live my life to the fullest. Whether it’s living in this lifestyle or another, I will continue to live. I still want Snake dead and something in the pit of my stomach says I just might get that wish. Braxxon’s right hand covers mine against his chest, and I smile against his back. Something tells me that Braxxon and I might just finally figure out what the hell we’re doing with one another. I swear I can hear country music playing in my head. The sappy kind that tells you your life and shit will go on.

  We pull into the compound and I’m excited to get busy celebrating my new life. When I go to take my helmet off after Braxxon shuts the Harley off, he turns his body and stops my hands. I drop them, and his hands go to unstrap the helmet. He pulls it off and tosses it to the ground. His hands cup my cheeks and his eyes search mine.

  “I’m okay,” I assure him.

  “Awesome c’mon baby.” He helps me off the bike before he climbs off. “Things are gonna be different now aren’t they?” he asks as we walk towards the clubhouse.

  I jump on his back, wrapping my legs tightly around him. “Yeah,” I whisper before biting on his earlobe. “Now give me a ride.”

  “Oh I’ll give you a ride, Angel.” He chuckles.

  “Shut up. I wanna celebrate.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  As we walk through the hallway and into the community room, we’re greeted by a bunch of pissed off biker bitches. I slide off Braxxon’s back, walk over, and hug Berry who is smiling at me.

  “You look better, sweetie,” she murmurs into my hair. I pull away and wink at her.

  “I feel better.”

  “Fanfuckintastic news everyone,” Braxxon shouts. “Lockdown is over tomorrow.”

  Hoots and hollers break out, and I walk back over to him, interrupting his chat with Dizzy and whisper. “What about Snake?”

  “We can keep an eye on him, baby. We just couldn’t find PP. Don’t worry; we’ll deal with Snake when the time comes.”


  “Excuse me bitch, but we were talking.”

  I look over at this Dizzy character and roll my eyes.

  “Diz… let it go,” Braxxon says underneath his breath.

  “Let it go? Seriously? You let this bitch in on club business. When is that ever okay?”

  I snap. I grab her by her throat and throw her against the wall behind her. I squeeze tightly as her hands grip my arm trying to fight me off.

  “Angel, no.” Braxxon tries coaxes me. Members are screaming for me to stop but I can’t. I’m so sick of everyone making assumptions.

  “The club business was my business you cunt! We rectified a situation that happened to me. Don’t you dare think for one second you know exactly what was happening just because you wear a Breakneck cut! You have no fucking idea what’s going on,” I scream squeezing harder. “And as long as I’m around, you won’t be fucking him again,” I hiss giving her neck one more hard squeeze before I let go.

  “You’re a crazy bitch,” she chokes.

  “After tonight, that’s a fair assessment,” I laugh.

  “Angel, we’ve gotta talk about your manners. I mean are you gonna go around choking everyone I’ve slept with? Because that would take a while, baby,” Braxxon teases.

  “Braxxon, I’m headed that way,” I point to Bom Bom snorting a few lines. “I wanna have fun tonight.”

  “Alright baby,” he says kissing the side of my hair before turning his attention back to Dizzy.

  I make my way over to crazy Bom Bom and she looks up smiling before breaking me down a few lines.

  “Things go right?” she asks.

  She knows better than to ask anything else. I’m not stupid so I just nod my head in a yes manner.

  “Good, here ya go baby.” She hands me a half cut straw.

  I snort three lines, throw my head back, and snort again, letting the snow flow through my body making this night whole and completed.

  “You excited about lockdown being over,” I say as I take a seat and pour a glass of whiskey.

  “I practically live here anyway. They just worry about me so they keep me around during lockdown. The guys, whether you believe it or not, care about us,” she says as she focuses on cutting up another line.

  “Dad, I’m sick of being stuck in lockdown,” Tatiana screams. Shit, when did ZZ get back?

  “Tatiana, I swear on all that’s holy, if you sass me again girl, I’m taking away your car,” he growls from behind me.

  “You wouldn’t. Grandma Berry wouldn’t let you, so try again,” she smarts off.

  I look over at Bom Bom and we both start cracking up.

  “What the fuck do you think is funny? Just wait until you have kids,” he roars stomping away.

  “I’m not having kids,” I say simply as I down some whiskey.

  “Likewise chicka, likewise.” Bom Bom agrees.

  “Winter!” Sniper shouts.

  I turn around and he’s walking towards me with a bag of gummy bears. Dang, they were fast dealing with PP. I smile at him until I see Braxxon walking up to him.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” he yells playfully at Sniper, yanking the bag away from him.

  “Well I figured she might want some bears you know,” he smirks.

  “Go away bro,” Braxxon teases him before walking over to me and sitting in the stool on the other side of me.

  “Hey baby, I got you something,” Braxxon grins, his piercings biting into his lip and his gray eyes piercing mine.

  “Did you?” I laugh.

  “Mmm… I did, but it’ll cost ya,” he says as he taunts me with the bag.

  “And what will it cost me?” I play along.

  “A kiss. One of those Angel ones I’ve been dreaming about.”

  I reach for the bag, and as my hand wraps around it, his fingers wrap around my delicate wrist, jerking me off my stool and onto his lap. He’s being playful and sexy. More please.

  “Give me my gummies,” I whisper against his jaw.

  “Give me my angel kiss,” he whispers back.

  “I believe we’re at an impasse Prez… because I don’t feel like giving you any kisses.”

  “Oh baby.” His voice husky as his nose runs the side of my face. “When are you gonna realize I don’t care what you want? I only care what I want.”

  “Cocky Bas—.” My words cut off by the slamming of his lips against mine.

  I giggle as his tongue enters my mouth. Our tongues twine together in a sensual slow dance. Nothing about this k
iss is fast and hard. It’s soft and wanting. I pull away looking into his gray eyes. “I kinda care about you, you know?”

  “Oh my little hell’s angel… I’m kinda over the caring part,” he says staring into my gold eyes.

  There’s a commotion coming from the other end of the bar and our attention snaps to it. Lana is screaming at Pyro. She’s tossing glasses at his head.

  “Never a quiet fucking moment in this place.” Braxxon laughs and it sounds forced. He’s just as pissed as I am that our little playful moment was interrupted.

  “You’re a fucking bastard! I ain’t letting you touch me ever again. Go get your dick sucked; that seemed to work well for you the last time,” she screams again picking up a bottle of Jack. Braxxon sits me on the bar and rushes towards her.

  “Lana… full bottles don’t get wasted,” he jerks it from her.

  I need to ease this tension. I remember the sound system over by the stage and I hop off the bar and make my way over to the laptop connected to all the equipment. I start scrolling through all the music until I spot Salt n Pepa’s Push it. I hit play and turn the knob on high before bouncing around back to the bar snagging my whiskey glass, opening my bag of gummies, and throwing some in my glass.

  “Angel, whatcha doin?” Braxxon laughs.

  “It’s way too serious up in this place. I’ve had a decent night.” I shrug, walk over to the stage, and hop up. And as the lyrics flow through the speakers, I mouth the words and dance.

  Brax walks up to me carrying a vial with a little spoon. He dips it into the vial and holds it up to me and I reach down and snort it up. Time to party and be free.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Angel. Dance for me,” Braxxon grins and takes a seat where he first laid his eyes on me.

  I keep my gold eyes trained on his gray ones as I push up against the pole. Lana hears the music, spots me, smiles and comes running up towards the stage. We dance around the pole together, touching each other softly. She walks up behind me and grabs both my boobs in her hands and squeezes, peering around my side and winking at Braxxon and the rest of the club members coming back in.

  Sniper being his hilarious self, starts throwing dollar bills onto the stage and just like that, I’ve diffused a stressful environment.


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