Obsession: Paranormal Romance : Dragon Shifters, lion shifters, immortals and wolf shifters (Dragon Protectors Book 2)

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Obsession: Paranormal Romance : Dragon Shifters, lion shifters, immortals and wolf shifters (Dragon Protectors Book 2) Page 5

by Laxmi Hariharan

  Tiredness dragged at her limbs. Her eyelids grew heavy. Tomorrow she was going to find him and tell him she was leaving.



  She’d pissed him off, and he’d taken the bait. He’d let her get to him.

  A part of him berated himself for walking away.

  His lion tossed his head. His animal had wanted to stay and soothe her, reassure her that her dragon just needed a little more time to heal. She’d made it clear she didn’t need him. Yet he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  His lion urged him to go to her. He didn’t pay any heed.

  For too long he’d let his animal take over. It was time to rein in the beast.

  Cain’s feet pounded into the sand, the impact vibrating up his legs. The sea breeze flowed and pushed against his chest as he ran on the beach.

  Overhead, a seagull screeched then dived toward its prey. Cain’s lion raised its head, responding to the freedom in its cry. For a second, he was back in the hot dusty plains of his home country, racing with his pride members.

  He’d not yet been a teenager then, not overwhelmed by the responsibilities and worries that would soon drag him down. His parents had been alive then. His lion had not yet met its mate.

  Cain straightened, staring out to sea, not sure what he was going to do next.

  A shout over his shoulder had him turning. Logan, his fellow Guardian, jogged toward him.

  Since Hope and Aaron had mated, it left Logan as the only Ascendant to still stay single.

  They jogged side by side, and Cain realized how much he’d missed spending time with his friend. They ran up a path that led off the beach. Jumping over the shallow wall, they ran into the garden and toward the mayor’s complex which housed shifters, humans, and vampires.

  They paused to stretch and cool off.

  Logan peeled off his T-shirt and used it to wipe the sweat from his chest. Drinking from the bottle of water he’d been carrying, he closed it and tossed it to Cain.

  “Thanks.” Cain gulped down the water, then dumped the rest over his head. He threw the bottle back.

  “Why are you fighting it?” Logan corked the bottle and snapped it to his belt.

  “Fighting what?” Cain raised his chin.

  “You want her, your lion needs her. Even as you stand here, your attention is focused on her.” Logan nodded toward the infirmary. “So what are you doing out here with me?”

  Cain bent his legs into a lunge. “I was only fulfilling my duty as a Guardian of the City.” Bringing one arm across his chest, he grabbed his elbow and pulled back. “I watched over her to make sure she was safe while she was unconscious.”

  The other man chuckled. “Remember who you are talking to? It’s me, Logan. I was there when you first arrived in this city to help Kris.” The immortal dropped down to touch his toes. “You’ve taken care of the first family of this city. You’ve more than kept the promise your family made to Brahma, the founding father. Is it your sense of responsibility that’s holding you back or it is just fear of the unknown?”

  Logan’s words rankled.

  Perhaps it was because they hit too close home. “What are you implying?”

  Logan rolled his shoulders. “Since Eve was brought in, you haven’t left her side. You should be happy to have time away from her, but instead you are preoccupied.” Leaning in, Logan gripped Cain’s shoulder. “You don’t want to be apart from her. Yet you are forcing yourself to do something that goes against everything you’re feeling inside.”

  “Am I that transparent, or is it just that you know me too well?” Cain straightened.

  “You’re not denying it, that’s a start.” Logan’s lips widened in a smirk.

  A flare of discomfort worked itself loose inside. “You’re pissing me off.”

  “Want to go a round?” Logan took a step back and dropped into a defensive crouch.

  Cain lunged forward, kicking the legs out from under Logan.

  Logan went down on his back. His body hit the ground with a thump. Cain was on him in a flash.

  Pinning Logan down, he put his elbow to the immortal’s neck. “You were saying?”

  The next second, Logan twisted his body, managing to loosen Cain’s hold on him. Cain was flung to the side. He heard the sound of ripping. His shirt tore. Logan’s arm circled his neck. The weight of his body held Cain’s larger one down.

  Cain heaved against the other man.

  Logan didn’t budge.

  The immortal had him immobile. Sweat ran down his forehead. His heart pumped faster.

  “You’re out of practice.” Logan panted. His elbow dug into the base of Cain’s throat. If he wanted, he could cut off Cain’s air supply. “It’s the first time I’ve got the better of you in a sparring session.” Releasing him, Logan sprang to his feet and held out a hand.

  Cain let the other man help him up. He punched Logan’s shoulder. “You had a slight advantage. I’ve been a little...engrossed.”

  Logan chuckled. “Feel better?”

  Cain flung his arm around the warrior’s shoulders. “I’ll let it go this time, runt.” He hauled Logan close in a mock headlock.

  With Serena, he’d always assumed the role of the protective older sibling. Logan was the closest he’d come to having a brother he could pit his strength against, without fear of hurting him.

  “You’ll let me go?” There was a shout of laughter from Logan.

  Cain’s lips widened in a smile.

  A movement at the periphery of his vision caught Cain’s attention. He dropped his hands to his sides. His gaze focused on the woman leaning against the wall. “What are you doing here?”



  Eve straightened from where she’d been watching them. She was still shaky, but a good night’s sleep had invigorated her.

  She flicked back her newly washed hair over her shoulder. The borrowed boots gave her added height. With them on, she reached up to mid-chest of the shifter who stood glowering at her.

  Ignoring Cain, she held out a hand to the man next to him. Shorter than the lion shifter, he was broad shouldered and sleekly muscled.

  “You must be Eve?” He brushed his lips over her knuckles. “I’m Logan.” His eyes glinted.

  She smothered a chuckle of delight.

  The man was flirting with her, and in front of the lion shifter.

  Tension radiated from Cain.

  She dared not look at his face. She may not want a relationship with him, but she was woman enough to revel in the jealousy that his tense body implied.

  Logan’s grin widened. He didn’t let go of her hand.

  A warning growl from Cain.

  She ignored it.

  So did Logan.

  “You’re one of the Ascendants?” she asked.

  The smooth feeling of power that clung to Logan was different from the sense of raw energy that vibrated around Cain. The emotions just under the surface marked Cain out as a shifter, one who was spontaneous and thought with his heart.

  “I’m also a Guardian of the Council of Bombay.” Logan moved close enough for her to feel the warmth of his body.

  The next second, she was facing a broad back as Cain stepped between them. The move forced Logan to drop her hand.

  “Keep your distance.” The words emerged as a growl.

  The tone was rough enough to grate against her skin.

  A low hum shimmered in the air. It was Cain growling in his throat. The sound thrilled her.

  It made her sense the possessiveness that lurked just under the surface. The edge of fury in his voice arrowed straight to her heart.

  She placed her palm on his back. The warmth of his skin leaped through his sweat-ridden T-shirt to curl around her fingers. She felt the strain that gripped his body.

  She peeked around the broad shoulders in time to see Logan take a step back. He held his palms faceup, all expression wiped off his face. His attention darted to her. She was sure there was a flicker of hu
mor in his eyes.

  His eyelids swept down, and when he raised them, those blue eyes were calm. “We cool?”

  Cain didn’t reply, balling his hands into fists at his sides. He moved the weight of his body from one leg to the other.

  She had to intervene.

  Eve gripped one forearm, stepping up to stand parallel to him. When that didn’t distract him, she squeezed his arm, feeling the stress that thrummed below his skin.

  He glanced down at where her hands touched him. His gaze slid up her arm to her upturned face.

  She gasped.

  His eyes were amber, the irises sparking gold. His lips were peeled back in a snarl.

  She had seriously underestimated him. She’d thought he was as dominant as her, but the unleashed violence simmering from him warned her that when provoked, his rage would be a thing of beauty. It would be something to fear.

  She didn’t want to be at the receiving end of it. But she had to make him livid enough that he’d walk away and never want to see her again.

  She dropped her hands to her sides. Her chest tightened. She raised her chin at Logan. “I came to thank Cain for all he’s done for me. It’s time for me to meet the Council and say my goodbyes.”

  Cain stiffened. His neck was corded with strain. He was keeping a tight leash on his emotions. It made her wonder how it would be when that control broke, to be at the receiving end of all those pent-up feelings.

  Her lips felt like they had been shorn of all moisture. A feeling of recklessness gripped her, and the hair on her forearms stood on end.

  She was playing a risky game. This man would be able to match her in a fight and in bed. He’d excite her and raise her desire to fever pitch. He’d satisfy her in a way she never had been before.

  She swallowed and folded her arms over her chest, hoping to cover her nipples that had puckered up at the thought.

  “Cain.” Hope ran toward them. Breath coming in short gasps, she slid to a halt. “Serena…” She panted.

  “What happened to her?” Cain’s shoulders straightened. He reached for Hope and pressed her shoulder. His touch was light, though he sounded strained. “Where’s my sister?” His tone lowered to a growl—his lion was close to the surface again.

  Hope gripped Cain’s hand. “It’s best you hear more at the Council meeting.” She bit her lips.

  Swearing, Cain broke into a run toward the mayor’s palace.

  “All of you.” Hope turned to Eve. “The mayor has asked that you and Logan attend, too.”



  Cain burst into the conference area that had been nicknamed the war room. Since the Elysians—a deadly psychic group—had begun to kidnap female shifters, the Council had taken to meeting here to strategize on how to defeat them.

  He glanced around at those assembled, and his chest tightened. He’d hoped to find Serena among them. But she wasn’t there.

  The ball of emotion that had been clogging his throat on the way over threatened to overpower him.

  He clenched his fists at his sides.

  “Serena?” He turned on the woman sitting at the head of the rectangular table that filled the length of the room. “Where is my sister?”

  The man standing next to her took a step forward, but the woman gripped his arm, stopping him.

  Getting to her feet, she walked to Cain. Leana was a diminutive woman, but the power of her personality was enough to make the most feral of shifters submit to her.

  “The Elysians took her.” She thrust her chin forward.

  “Where from?” His voice came out rough, the beast inside raging at the thought of the enemy having gotten his hands on her.

  “She was returning from a late-night shift to her home in Shifter town in the early hours of dawn when a telekinetic appeared and took her,” Mikhail answered from near the head of the table.

  Cain scrubbed a hand over his face. “I told her to stay with me here in the mayor’s complex, but she wanted her freedom. She pleaded with me until I gave in.” His voice dipped a notch. “I should have never let her go.”

  Not his baby sister, not the one he’d sworn to protect when his pride had been killed. He’d come to Bombay because the Council had offered them a safe haven. He’d been confident that the presence of the Guardians of the Council and the Ascendants would deter anyone who meant to harm her.

  He’d been so sure that she was safe.

  He’d taken his attention off her. Now he was going to pay the price. He hadn’t been able to protect her. He was going to lose her just like he’d lost his parents.

  His thoughts scattered. Blood thudded at his temples.

  Fury, clean and precise, flashed through his conscious mind.

  His lion rubbed against his skin, begging him to let it free. He pushed away the beast. Clamped down on the emotions that twisted his gut.

  He had to stay in control, else he wouldn’t be able to help his sister.

  “Cain.” Leana reached for his hand, only to glance past him and stop.

  The still-thinking part of his brain registered that Eve had come up behind him. His animal paced, wanting to get closer. But Cain was wary.

  She’d insulted him, pushed him away, but his lion didn’t care. His beast wanted to roll in her scent, bask in her presence.

  What was this pull he felt toward her?

  “You can’t blame yourself, Cain,” Leana spoke in a voice intended to soothe. “Until we put down the Elysian rebels, no one in this city is safe. It could have happened anywhere, to anyone.”

  “They know who is closest to the Council. They picked their target with great care.” Crossing the room, Eve walked to the chair at the foot of the table and dropped into it.

  Despite the worry for Serena clouding his head, Cain recognized the power play in her actions. The position put the leader of the dragons on a par with the mayor.

  By giving Leana the seat at the front, she’d also acknowledged that this was the mayor’s home ground.

  “We need to stop them, before this gets out of hand.” Leana walked to the head of the table.

  Mikhail took the seat next to Leana.

  Logan took the chair on her other side.

  “I am going to find her.” Cain took a step forward. He folded his arms over his chest and locked eyes with the mayor. He refused to be subdued.

  Leana tilted her head. “I wouldn’t have expected any less. But I can’t let you go alone.” She glanced around the room. Her attention paused on Eve before continuing to Cain. “You may be strong but even you are not resistant to the Elysians’ ability to control minds.”

  Eve leaned her elbows in front of her. “You need the help of a shifter who can resist their ability at mind control.” Her posture was relaxed.

  That only made him even more mad. Hands on his hips, he turned on her. “You’ve just recovered from what the Elysians did to you. You are not yet strong enough to travel.” He swore, widening his stance.

  Eve set her jaw. She drummed her fingers on the table. Shaking back her hair, she reached for the bowl of apples in front of her. Selecting one, she bit into it. Her movements were casual.

  Cain wasn’t fooled. Her head was tilted at a stubborn angle. Her back was stiff. One boot-clad foot tapped against the floor.

  He knew he was pushing her. He couldn’t pull back. It was bad enough that Serena’s life was in danger, but to have Eve put herself at risk was insane.

  Mikhail reached for Leana’s hand, lacing his fingers through hers. The gesture of affection sent a pulse of longing through Cain.

  He wanted that for himself.

  It had taken his sister being kidnapped for him to realize just how much his family meant to him. He’d started thinking of Eve as his own. She’d hate it, but he felt as protective of her as he was of Serena.

  If something were to happen to either of them… His lion butted against his skin in agitation.

  “I work alone,” he growled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Besides,
I need a partner, not a princess who thinks she is superior to me.” It wasn’t fair what he was saying, yet he couldn’t stop himself. If he made her angry enough, perhaps she’d opt to stay behind? “You’d only hold me back.”


  Eve sauntered over to the wastebasket in the corner of the room and dropped the apple core into it.

  His dragon shifter had been in tougher negotiations. He knew she was buying herself time to respond.

  Rubbing her fingers on her pants, she turned. “From the moment you enter the Elysians’ stronghold, you’ll be vulnerable to being mentally manipulated by them. You need a dragon shifter who has a strong psychic shield to the Elysians.”

  He canted his head, accepting the logic of what she was saying. A dragon was more resistant than other shifters to the Elysians’ ability to penetrate a shifter’s shield.

  But knowing she was his mate had changed everything. Both the human and the lion in him couldn’t bear the thought of putting her in such a vulnerable position.

  His chest tightened.

  The conflict was driving him insane. He had to accept that his best chance at rescuing his sister was by thrusting his mate into danger.

  Hope rose to her feet and walked to Eve. “I’d have volunteered to go, but…” She tucked her elbows at her sides and looked away.

  Cain’s nostrils flared. There was something different about Hope, something about her scent that felt deeper, more intense.

  Her hand touched her stomach, just a little gesture, but it was enough.

  A flush of joy bloomed inside.

  Crossing to her, Cain leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Congratulations, little mother.”

  Eve’s face swiveled to his. Her eyes widened.

  He saw the exact moment she understood, for her irises slit vertical. He glimpsed the dragon in her.

  Her psychic strength brushed up against his senses. He felt the shudder of energy that ran from her dragon to him. He knew then, they were connected.

  It must have happened when his lion had become fixated with her and had insisted he stay by her side and watch over her.


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