Flirting With Danger

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Flirting With Danger Page 4

by Jade Winters

  ‘Great, just bloody great.’ Astrid kicked her rucksack to the side before looking up at Callie with a sly grin. ‘In which case … Now I’m stuck here through no fault of my own, you’ll have to talk to me.’

  Callie couldn’t help but be drawn in by Astrid’s smile. Neither could she explain the flurry of feelings she was experiencing being in the presence of this stranger. Yes, she was good looking. Who was Callie trying to kid? Good looking’s an understatement. She’s stunning. But surely Callie wasn’t that shallow; that just by looking into the woman’s dark, stormy grey eyes, her pulse raced ten to the dozen. The way her heart was pounding against her ribcage it was obvious she was.

  Nevertheless, Callie tried to contain her emotions as best she could. ‘I told you. I don’t know what I can tell you,’ she said honestly.

  ‘I followed your Twitter feed. You seem to know the family very well.’

  ‘I do but—’

  ‘Sorry to be rude but can I use your loo please? I’m bursting.’ Astrid brushed past Callie before she could reply and half jogged over to the door with a toilet symbol on the front.

  ‘Sure. Make yourself at home,’ Callie called after her.

  Astrid turned at the door before entering. ‘Cheers. You’re an angel.’

  Just then a black and white border collie ran through the entrance and went straight for Callie. Her tail wagging with excitement.

  ‘Hello, Pepper. Did you have a good walk? Did you?’ Callie bent down and buried her face against Pepper’s neck. Seconds later, Pauli, the dog’s owner walked in. Breathless. Panting. Her face crimson.

  ‘That dog is going to be the death of me one of these days.’

  Callie laughed. ‘Come on, Pauli. It’s good exercise.’

  Pauli gave an incredulous look as she dropped the lead on the floor. ‘For who? Not me. Come on Peps, let’s get a drink, while I still can.’

  Pepper obediently followed Pauli through the door that led to the kitchenette and small courtyard garden at the back of the premises.

  Callie sat on the edge of her desk waiting for Astrid to emerge from the toilet. She had to be firm with her. It was the only way Astrid would know that she wasn’t going to be worn down by her questions.

  The toilet flushed, followed by the sound of running water then the door opened and Astrid stepped out.

  ‘Boy, what a relief. I’ve been holding it in for an age,’ Astrid said tapping her flat stomach before lifting her nose in the air and following the scent to the door that Pauli had walked through moments earlier. ‘Mmm, something smells good.’

  Callie started after her. ‘Wait—’

  ‘It’s all right.’ Astrid pushed the door open and walked straight through, Callie on her heel. ‘Hey guys, how you doing? I’m Astrid from The Daily News.’ She paused, waiting for the response from the two women busily placing sausages into buns. They stopped momentarily and four pairs of unimpressed eyes fell on her.

  ‘I hope you don’t treat your clients like this. It’s bad for business.’

  ‘You’re not a client and you shouldn’t be in here,’ Callie said coming to a stop in front of her. She pointed to the sign on the door. ‘If you can read, which I take it you can, it says “staff only”.’

  ‘Oops didn’t see that,’ Astrid said apologetically before swiftly moving on. ‘Any chance of a coffee?’

  Callie rolled her eyes. ‘I suppose you want a sausage roll as well?’

  ‘If it wouldn’t be too much trouble that would be great thanks.’

  Callie was about to say she was joking when she noticed the tiredness in Astrid’s eyes. Taking pity on her, she caught Elaine’s attention and said, ‘Laney can you give our uninvited guest a coffee and roll,’ she turned her attention back to Astrid and added pointedly, ‘before she goes on her way.’

  Astrid flashed her a smile before moving to the window overlooking the courtyard. ‘Aww I love collies,’ she said pulling the door open. ‘Who’s the owner?’

  Pepper ran to her and jumped up as if meeting an old friend. Astrid ruffled her head. ‘You’re gorgeous, aren’t you?’

  Pepper dropped down onto all fours and sprinted to retrieve a ball. She brought it back and dropped it at Astrid’s feet. ‘You wanna play?’

  Pepper responded by running around in circles chasing her tail.

  ‘I don’t know where she gets the energy from,’ Elaine said as she brought over the coffee and a roll on a paper plate. She laid it on a round plastic trestle table shoved against a cobbled wall.

  ‘Thanks,’ Astrid said before throwing the ball for Pepper, who took off after it.

  Elaine smiled before quickly going back inside. Despite droplets of rain falling from the darkened sky, Callie stood watching Astrid who remained outside. Somehow throwing the ball for Pepper with her right hand while eating her roll with her left.

  What a strange woman.

  Callie pulled her hood over her head and went to join her.

  ‘Look, Astrid. There really isn’t any point in you being here. I told you, I haven’t got anything to say.’

  Astrid picked up her coffee and took a few sips before responding. ‘Come on, give a girl a break. My boss will kill me if I don’t have something for him. Give me anything—no matter how insignificant you think it is.’

  ‘Like what? Everything that needs to be known is public knowledge. Lexi went missing on Thursday and hasn’t been seen since. The area has been searched and there’s no sign of her.’

  ‘What’s she like?’

  ‘Lexi? Oh she’s lovely—’

  ‘I meant Roxy.’

  ‘Roxy?’ Callie said, caught off guard. Why would she be interested in Roxy? Isn’t she here about Lexi? She gave the question some thought before replying, careful not to say anything that could be misconstrued. She is a reporter after all.

  ‘Well she’s everything you’d expect in a strong, independent woman. Generous. Kind. In fact, if you really want to know the real Roxy. Read her biography. She’s exactly the same person as she is in her book.’

  The disinterest in Astrid’s eyes was plain to see. She obviously didn’t want to do any leg work for her story. She wanted information handed to her on a plate.

  The rain stopped as abruptly as it had started and Callie removed her hood. Astrid sat on the edge of the table despite it being wet.

  ‘She’s suffered some tragedy in her life, huh?’

  Was the look of sympathy real? Callie wondered. Or some kind of act to draw her in.

  ‘If you’re talking about Roxy’s first husband, Jonathan, then yes she has. But she’s trying to move on. Not that she’d ever forget him,’ Callie said, suddenly frightened her words would be taken out of context. She could just see the headline. Roxy moves on without looking back. She inwardly shuddered. ‘And, Robert, her husband, is a great guy.’

  ‘Do you know how they met?’

  Callie gave a grim laugh. ‘Are you pulling my leg?’

  The corners of Astrid’s eyes creased. ‘No. I’m genuinely interested.’

  ‘Well if you are looking for dirt in Roxy’s past, you’re going to be disappointed. Roxy doesn’t hide the fact that Robert was Jonathan’s best friend. They were all close.’

  ‘So it would seem.’ Astrid shifted her position. ‘So is it true they were having an affair?’

  ‘Yes, it’s right there in her book. Things in life happen. They may not be to everyone’s liking but hey-ho, everyone has their own path to follow.’

  ‘I wasn’t judging—’

  ‘I never said you were. Look, if you’re finished with your coffee, I’ll give you a lift to wherever you’re staying.’

  Astrid cocked her head. ‘Hmm, that’s going to be a little difficult. I came here straight from the station. I haven’t had a chance to book anywhere.’

  ‘You can stay at my place,’ Elaine piped up from the doorway where she’d evidently been eavesdropping. ‘My mum runs a Bed and Breakfast on the next road. I’m looking after things for
a few weeks while she cares for my nan. Since the rooms are empty at the moment, I’ll throw dinner in as well. I hate cooking just for myself. How does thirty quid a night sound?’

  Callie’s spine stiffened. ‘Elaine!’

  Elaine stepped out into the courtyard. ‘What? She’s a reporter not Jack the Ripper. Stop getting your knickers in a twist.’

  ‘Yeah, Callie, stop getting your knickers in a twist,’ Astrid repeated with humour. She pulled herself to her feet. ‘Sounds perfect. Thank you. I think I’ll take you up on your offer. Looks like I’ll be seeing you around, Callie.’

  Callie dearly hoped so. Not that she would ever tell the woman. It would no doubt go to her head.

  Chapter Seven

  With the rucksack slung over her right shoulder, Astrid walked side by side with Elaine along a narrow road crammed with identical terraced houses. So identical that Astrid would have found it difficult to differentiate between the B&B and the surrounding residential properties. Elaine filled Astrid in on the history of the B&B. It had been in Elaine’s family for over fifty years. Slowing as they neared a sign flapping in the wind, Elaine led Astrid into her house. Elaine showed her where the kitchen and communal living room were. Then she led her up a creaky set of wooden stairs to a room on the second floor. Astrid’s gaze swept the room as she followed Elaine inside. It was basic but pleasant enough. The walls were painted a bright yellow. A small wooden bedside cabinet sat next to a double bed, which had a jade coloured throw folded back at the bottom of the bed. In the corner stood a single wardrobe. Next to that was a door which led into a compact shower room with a toilet and small basin. She would manage quite nicely in the homely room. In truth, Astrid wasn’t too fussed by anything fancy. She wasn’t one for designer bedding and bling furnishings. As long as the bedding and toilet were clean, it was all good. Besides, staying with Elaine presented the perfect opportunity to find out more about Callie.

  ‘As you can see there aren’t any locks on the doors, only a bolt on the inside. I’m trying to drag my mum into the future, but she’s very stubborn. She wants the place to feel like a home rather than just another cheap hotel. She still lives in a time where people don’t lock their doors. Don’t worry though. It’s a very safe community.’ Elaine twirled a lock of red hair around her finger. ‘Is the room okay?’

  ‘It’s fine,’ Astrid reassured her.

  ‘Oh goody. I know city girls are used to more lavish rooms—’


  ‘Call me Laney, all my friends do.’

  ‘Trust me, this place is a home away from home. In fact,’ she said kicking off her shoes and flopping onto the bed, ‘I’m going to take a much needed nap. I’ve barely had any sleep since yesterday.’

  Elaine made for the door. ‘You know where the kitchen is if you need anything. I’ll make dinner for six. If you aren’t up by then, I’ll leave it in the fridge.’

  ‘Thanks. I really appreciate your warm hospitality.’

  Unlike Callie. What the hell was eating her anyway? Astrid had only asked a few questions, not a confession of her sins. Though Astrid thought she couldn’t possibly have any skeletons in her cupboard. She looked too reserved to do the unexpected. Like have a one night stand with her. No, don’t even go there. Callie would probably never live it down if she did something so deviant. That didn’t stop Astrid thinking about what it would be like to go to bed with Callie as she undressed and slipped between the cold sheets. Tall, blonde and athletic, with high cheek bones and sultry green eyes. Callie was spectacularly beautiful.

  Yearning bubbled under Astrid’s skin and she wondered if Callie would be an energetic lover. Or would she prefer to take things slow, to lay back and be tantalized? Hmm, she’s probably more of a giver than a taker. Her attraction would seem strange to an outsider considering how hostile Callie had been to Astrid, but she had seen through her steel armour. Astrid knew that behind that cool exterior, given the right conditions, there lay a volcano just waiting to erupt.

  Astrid rubbed her eyes feeling the exhaustion of the trip eating away at her energy.

  Sighing, Astrid plumped her pillows, and let her mind wander. The pull of sleep creeping along the edges of her mind. Her eyes closed and she let herself sink into oblivion.

  Astrid felt her before she saw her.

  Eyes closed, Astrid could sense someone above her. The scent of lavender and spring filled her nostrils.

  Soft lips touched the back of her neck and Astrid moaned. Kisses peppered up and down her naked spine. Astrid sighed, feeling each one like a mini earthquake of pleasure.

  ‘Mmmmm,’ she murmured. Hands moved around her. Tender fingers outlining Astrid’s body. Tracing Astrid’s dreamcatcher tattoo on her shoulder.

  ‘Do you like that?’ said a voice as rich as honey. The sound of it sent shivers through Astrid’s body.

  Turning around within, Astrid gazed at Callie’s face. Pleasure sizzled through Astrid. She ran her fingers through Callie’s light hair, bringing her face close to her own.

  Perfectly shaped lips meant to be sucked pressed against hers. Astrid held Callie’s head and rolled her hips letting Callie fall onto the mattress.

  ‘I do, but what do you like?’

  Callie’s face became flushed and her hands reached out to touch Astrid’s breasts. Astrid leant in, letting Callie touch her as she wished.

  Astrid took a moment to take Callie in. Her firm body. Her high breasts, dipping and rising. The acceptance calling out from the depths of those eyes.

  Those eyes she wanted to drown in.

  Letting one of Callie’s breasts fill Astrid’s hand, Astrid rolled Callie’s nipple in her fingers enjoying seeing Callie close her eyes and moan Astrid’s name.

  ‘Yes,’ Astrid whispered. ‘I want to hear you scream.’

  Astrid slid between Callie’s legs, relishing in Callie’s scent and the tiny shivers coursing through her as Astrid dipped her head, licking Callie from the bottom to top.

  Callie groaned.

  The sound purred in the back of Astrid’s mind and she felt herself exposing Callie’s core to her hungry mouth.

  As soon as she licked, Callie drove her hands into Astrid’s hair, pushing Astrid’s head closer to her heat.

  Astrid gripped Callie’s hips, letting her strong legs fall on Astrid’s shoulders. Astrid smiled as she drank from Callie, diving into her, feeling the muscles in Callie’s body tense and flex as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. Astrid pulled away a moment to look over the length of Callie’s body. The sight almost drove Astrid over the edge.

  The urgency for more pounded inside Astrid, her heart thundered against her chest as her own arousal beat alongside.

  Astrid raked her hands up and down Callie’s thighs, touching everywhere she could, as her mouth returned to worship the woman.

  Callie arched on the bed, bowing under Astrid’s touch, driving herself hard, the desire pushing her body.

  Astrid knew she was close, so close and Astrid wanted to taste, to feel her release even more than she wanted her own.

  Stepping from underneath Callie’s legs, Astrid slipped back on the bed. Pressing her body over Callie’s. The sensation of their skin touching was too much, Astrid groaned as she kissed Callie again. Tongues met and danced with each other as Astrid slipped her hand between them and let it glide into Callie’s hot heat.

  Callie cried into their kiss and rocked her hips against Astrid’s hand. Whimpering, Callie’s hands slipped around Astrid’s waist, grabbing Astrid hard, pulling her firmly against her as she rode Astrid’s hand.

  Astrid wrapped around Callie, holding her just as tight as she felt Callie’s muscles tense, her breaths coming out in small pants, her eyes squeezed shut as the sensations bombarded her. Each whimper. Each sob. Each sigh felt like a precious gift to Astrid’s heart. Pride and joy seeped through Astrid’s lust as Callie’s climax rose higher and higher.

  Astrid held her as Callie’s orgasm crashed through her.
br />   Callie screamed, ‘Astrid!’ as her body succumbed to the mighty tremors surging through her.

  Exhausted Callie lay next to Astrid. Their heartbeats almost in time.

  Reality reared its ugly head. Astrid’s mobile phone shredding through the gossamer dream.

  She sighed.

  Light relentlessly spread over her eyelids, demanding her attention to the rest of the outside world.

  Astrid groaned, feeling the after effects of her dream still pulsing through her and knew that she would have to take a long shower to get it under control. For now, she’d better answer the phone. Without even looking at the caller ID she knew exactly who it was. Ross.

  ‘Anything new?’ his voice barked into her ear.

  Astrid rubbed her eye with her free hand and yawned. ‘Jesus, Ross, I’ve only been here a couple of hours.’

  ‘A couple of hours? It’s six in the evening.’

  Astrid jerked up into a sitting position. ‘It’s what!?’

  ‘You heard me. Don’t tell me you’re—’

  ‘No, I’m not shagging anyone if that’s what you’re implying. I lay down to have a nap—’

  ‘A nap? Your job is on the line and you think you’ve got time to fucking nap! I don’t think you realise the severity—’

  ‘Can you let me finish? I laid the ground work as soon as I arrived. I’ve got a source. Someone who knows the family well.’

  ‘Really?’ His tone became amicable. ‘Who is it?’

  ‘She’s a local woman who has a close relationship with Roxy and Lexi.’

  ‘Good, good.’

  Astrid could just see him in his office. Feet up on his desk, leaning back in his chair with several bony fingers playing with his thick sideburns.

  ‘Yes, it’s good. So if you let me get on with what you’re paying me for—’

  ‘When will I have something?’

  Astrid gave a thought to Callie again. Only this time with her clothes on. She knew without a doubt she was going to be a stubborn person to get information from. But Astrid was like a dog with a bone when she wanted something. There’d be no letting up until she had exactly what she wanted.


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