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Crossroads Page 14

by Feyisayo Alao


  It was a sunny afternoon, an old man sat under a tree drumming with his son playing the flute close to the railway station. As the passengers came out of the train, a young man cuddled his lover to end the tiff they had during their journey. The girl who looked dizzy gave a weak smile as she staggered with a purse in hand and her glinting bracelets dangling. She looked gorgeous even with her hair flying. The man helped her into a taxi and both left. The old drummer winked at his son who smiled and played on.

  As the chauffeur pulled up, the two lovers came out, walking on the pavement to the house where they now lived as a couple. Felix opened the door as Nike managed to drag herself into the sitting room tired. Felix stared at her for a minute then went to the kitchen to make some tea. Nike yawned with her eyes closed, wandering to dream land. The feeling of a wet towel on her forehead brought her back.

  Oh it was just a dream, she thought as she welcomed hot tea into her mouth. Blinking, she tried to recollect the silly dream. Their journey from her parents place was exhausting. They went visiting, spending hours in the train, blaming each other for picking a day like this to travel.

  As Nike slept off, Felix looked outside through the window with towel round his waist, tired as well. The estate gate could be seen from where he was, locked and undisturbed. The streetlight was on and surrounding looked well illuminated. The birds had gone to sleep, night had come. With everywhere silent, his eyes strayed to the curls of Nike’s hair. She looked so beautiful. He turned, kissed her, and switched off the light, carrying her to the room.

  Lara had worn herself out with this work. Her assistants all slept on couches in the office till the next day.

  The day was bright and with the plans that had been made, they were set for a perfect day. The magazines were ready by noon. The centre for today’s conference was ready and well decorated. Flags of all nations were hung, soft music played as guests strolled in from the entrances. Youths from all nations and continents gathered. Immediately after three speakers had talked, thousands of youths were directed to candies and talents camp for the practical session.

  John, the camp director called Lara and informed her of a change in plan. A new speaker had been added, who was to replace the final speaker that could not make it.

  All the participants had changed into the casual wears. They had a list of activities to pick from. Finally, the man of the hour worked in, tall, dark and handsome and well built. He was dressed in joggers and a polo shirt.

  “Everyone Attention! Fall into your platoons it’s based on the last number on the tag given to you.” he said pacing round.

  They all complained, moving left and right.

  Lara looked up, wondering who he was.

  “Who is this?” She asked.

  “Michael Davis, a trainer and inventor. He’s from Nigeria,” he replied.

  They were both silent, watching as everyone filed into their platoons manned by soldiers. Lara couldn’t believe what was going on. She rushed into the office and typed Michael’s name on her system. His profile was brought to view. Pictures of the ship wreck littered the screen. She discovered he actually survived. Lara locked up herself in the office and stayed there till the programme ended. Lara realized it was high time she took a day off since the conference was over, she deserved it. Having congratulated every team member, she avoided the last speaker successfully, and went home.

  Since the programme was finally over, she took the rest of the week off. She went home to pay her parents a visit. No one was home. Opening the door, she found the way to her room again and got some rest. In the evening, her mum walked in to her room. She had received a call that she was coming home. As she sat down beside Lara, tears dropped from her eyes.

  “Mum I saw him! I was shocked. It was real with my eyes.”

  "You saw who if I may ask dear?” Helen demanded.

  “I saw Michael Davis. He survived. He’s alive.” Lara replied.

  “Oh my God! Not again. What has come over you? Are you sure? You’ve started thinking again. It’s been long. You need rest.” Helen just threw out all the words that came to mind.

  “I’m sure mum. He was the last speaker at candies and talents conference. I didn’t expect it.”

  “May be it was your imagination.”

  “No Mama. He was in joggers, with a Mic., talking to thousands of youths.”

  Helen hugged and rocked her to sleep, saying nothing more.

  Michael Davis got back to his hotel room where he stayed. He recollected how the day went. He had the opportunity to talk to the executives and the organizers of the programme except the permanent secretary who left early for some important reasons maybe, he thought. As he bit into his chicken, the hurting memories of the ship disaster rushed back. He could see how the rain started, and fell with mighty torrents from the sky. He saw how everyone strived to survive and remembered how he tried to hold on to a log to float, there was no strength in him. He escaped with Reuben, Taiwo and Duane from the ship. The water pushed them in between rocks. Duane got caught in a trap and went under. So, only Mike, Taiwo and Reuben made it. Some days later, they were found when the rescue team came to their spot. They were sustained by water.

  “No! No! I can’t continue like this. I need to learn to live. I couldn’t have saved him or stopped the storm.” He shook the thought off his mind and flipped through the candies and talents Magazine.

  Photographs of the company executives and editors were displayed in it. The address and phone numbers were included. He was curious to see those he didn’t meet in person. Lara Williams’ picture came in view. Michael looked with shock and amazement. Ideas flowed through his mind. He concluded on paying a surprise visit to Lara’s home.

  Michael had sent Nike a mail informing her of his survival and his parents immediately he was rescued.

  Around 8pm, Michael arrived at the Williams’ residence. It was Friday, Helen walked to the door and opened it on hearing the knock. At the sight of Mike, she stood in shock. Lara ran downstairs to see who had come. Helen hugged and welcomed him. Lara stood by her mum’s side waiting for an explanation, giving her the ‘I-told -you look’. He told them all that happened and how he was helped.

  The company that organized the training put the contract on hold. While he prepared to come back to Nigeria he got the offer to come talk at the conference.

  “So that was what brought me to the conference Lara.” He concluded

  Helen left them to talk alone.

  “You look older now Mike.” Lara commented,

  “It has been a long time. You’ve really changed too Lara.”

  “Do your parents know about this?” she asked.

  “Immediately I got well I informed them. Mum told me dad had an attack but he survived. He’s been through a lot” Mike answered.

  “Well…” Lara said smiling.

  “Well, I guess things are going positive. I’ll come check you sometime next week hope you don’t mind,” Mike waited hopefully.

  “Not a bad idea,” she said.

  Chapter 13


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