A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1)

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A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1) Page 22

by C. A. Farlow

“Ice.” Lauren whispered into the wolf’s fur. “Please, let’s get along until we’re back. Then you can sort all this out with Ffrwyn, okay?”

  “If we must,” Ice huffed.

  A warm whiffle blew past Lauren’s cheek. “McLaran call Gríobhtha, and let’s get some rest. Hopefully, together we can make good time tomorrow.”

  At that moment, a huge, white horse trotted into the cave. Lauren fell on her backside as she stared up at the gigantic horse. A mighty shake broke its icy covering, and shards flew about the cavern. “Thank you for joining us and thank you for the snow shower. Sorry you were outside for so long.” Lauren laughed as the horse continued to shake and wiggle. A roan coat began to appear as the icy covering fell away. McLaran wrapped his arms around the horse’s head. They exhaled in unison.

  A deep rumble filled Lauren’s mind, rattling her skull. “A pleasure, m’lady. I owe my thanks to you for the care you gave Ffrwyn on your journey.” The horse bent a foreleg and bowed low to the floor.

  “I’m the one that owes Ffrwyn thanks. Had she not done all the heavy lifting, we wouldn't have made it back. She is a tower of horsey-strength.” A deep rumbling that could only be a laugh echoed around them. “That I will share with her, indeed.”

  Merilyn’s voice interrupted everyone’s thoughts. “I am glad you are all safe and together. Thank you for agreeing to return to Fuar Ćala, Lauren. When all is settled, I promise I will assist you however I can. And McLaran, please protect Lauren as you would Alexandra. Obviously, Lauren holds a special place with Her Majesty. She must be kept safe.”

  “The fate of Terra may rest with this woman.”

  Lauren realized she wasn’t supposed to hear this final thought Merilyn projected at McLaran. Alex once called me her savior, and I balked at that. But what if Merilyn says is true? What is going on there? She could read between the lines of Merilyn’s thoughts. She could feel her worry and concern, projected through her mindspeech. Alex needs me, and that’s what I need to focus on.

  Chapter Nine

  THE MORNING DAWNED CLEAR, although the air was brittle cold. A cold so deep it cut McLaran to the bone. Gríobhtha was first out after a breakfast of hay and warm oats. McLaran joined his companion as they stood surveying the drifted snow. “We will need to make all haste, my friend. There is no time to waste.”

  “Do not fear. I can go at top speed, regardless of the weather. Ffrwyn said she pulled Lauren behind her using a rope. At the speeds we must travel, that would not be safe. She must ride behind you.”

  “That is a lot of weight.” McLaran frowned.

  “I can carry anything.”

  McLaran knew that the horse would kill himself to get them back to Fuar Ćala in as short a time as possible. “Yes, I know you can, my friend, but there is no need to overtax yourself. Let us try and make the trip in a day. Once we pass out of the forest and onto the river plain, we should have clear travel. There the winds should have scoured the landscape clear of drifts.” McLaran rubbed the large horse’s nose.

  “Gríobhtha, can you speak with Lauren?”

  “I can, just as she can converse with Ice. It is strange speaking with her. Her mind is very different from yours. It is complex and deep, but also thoughtful and bright. It is a pleasant experience. I now understand why Ffrwyn enjoys her company so. But she is also very sad.”

  “Indeed, she is unique. And yes, she is very sad.” McLaran’s comment caused a shiver to pass down Gríobhtha’s spine under McLaran’s hand.

  Lauren sorted through a pile of personal gear, eyeing McLaran as he entered the cave. “I know we’ve gotta go, but I need to know what I can take with me. Are we going to be able to pull the sled?”

  “I do not believe so. Choose what you need, but limit the weight as much as possible.”

  Lauren continued to toss things into two piles. She filled her backpack with items from the smaller pile. Once everything was packed, she strapped the sword to the side of the pack in place of her skis. “That’s everything, I think. I eliminated all the food except one grub bag and all the cooking gear. I sure won’t miss chili.” Lauren chuckled at her own joke.

  “I will. I enjoyed your chili very much.” McLaran sorted through his saddle bags, eliminating items.

  “I’m going to kill Jamie when I see him. I’m sure he thought it was a big joke.” Lauren rocked back on her heels and dropped her head. Ah gawd, I may never see him again. Oh Jamie, I’m so sorry. I’ll eat chili every meal for a month if I ever get back to Colorado. Back to you and Susan and Sharon.

  Pushing aside those thoughts, she continued selecting items to take with her. “I won’t give up my electronic gear and their solar panels. And I don't want to be caught out without a sleeping bag and another layer of cold weather gear. We’ve got to take my med kit.”

  “I am sure that Merilyn will be able to replace any clothing for you, but your tech is unique. That we could not replace,” McLaran interjected.

  Lauren looked up. “Will you be warm enough?” She eyed his black skin-tight armor. “I’ve got another couple of layers here if you need them.” She pointed to a small pile of clothing beside her thermo-pad.

  “I should be fine. My armor absorbs the sun and generates energy. I can channel the energy into heat and stay warm. I was planning on wrapping you in my cape, it works the same way as the armor, therefore, you will not need the sleep bag.”

  “How long do you think it’ll take us to get back?” Lauren stood and tightened the closures on the top of the pack, med kit in her other hand.

  “A day’s hard journey. I am planning only one stop to allow Gríobhtha and Ice to eat and rest. We can eat then, too. But we should be at the Keep no later than middle night.”

  Lauren slung her pack over her shoulder and started for the entrance, when she stopped and turned back. “Oh wait, I almost forgot.” Digging through the gear still piled on the sled, Lauren pulled out a small orange box and stuffed it into her pack.

  “What have you got there? We need to take care about weight”

  “Alex said I was only to give this to Merilyn.” Lauren stood and slung her pack over her shoulder. Though Lauren had no reason to doubt McLaran’s sincerity nor distrust his integrity, she would honor Alex’s request. No one was to touch the box or the datanode inside but Merilyn.

  The trip back to Fuar Ćala passed in a blur of white landscape and howling wind. Lauren sat behind McLaran, atop Gríobhtha’s broad back. The horse’s gallop was fast and Lauren clung to McLaran tightly. They cut a path through the drifts in a straight line toward the Keep. True to his word, the party did stop in mid-afternoon to rest and eat. During the break, Merilyn mindspoke to McLaran. “Are you making progress?”

  “We are well on our way. You should know that besides the sword, Lauren has a box that Alex said only you are to have. I suspect it contains something Alex took from the Comin Homeworld.”

  Lauren eyed his back, listening in on their conversation. She felt bad eavesdropping, but her curiosity won out.

  After long, silent minutes, Merilyn replied, “This increases the urgency of your mission even more. Get back here as soon as possible. We must have whatever Alex may have brought back. If it contains what I think it does, it may be vital in aiding the healing technicians. Alex’s memories of her journey are returning, slowly. It seems the blast of emotional energy we experienced accelerated the healing process. Anything she brought with her through the nexus may fill in some of the remaining blanks.”

  “I understand.”

  “Come in through the Sally Port as quietly as possible. Lauren will be able to open the shield with the sword. I want to get Lauren in without others knowing about her. We must keep your arrival masked from observation.”

  Lauren munched on trail mix from her small grub bag. She eyed Ice. So the sword and the datanode are more important than I am. She wants to keep me hidden. What’s that all about?

  “It is not polite to eavesdrop.” Ice snorted to reinforce her admonishment. “But
to your question, the Seneschal is only trying to protect things that are vital for Alex’s safety and to protect the Realm. If Alex’s memories are returning, things will be all right.” Ice snorted again. She was stretched out in the only beam of sunlight that penetrated the branches of their small clearing. “It is not about you.”

  “Thank you for keeping my perspective in place.” Lauren again chastised herself for her self-centered thoughts.

  “That is why I am here, to keep everyone in perspective.”

  “One day, Ice, your ego is going to grow so large that you will not be able to pass through a door,” Gríobhtha commented from across the glen.

  “Both of you stop it.”

  “You and Alex argue, all the time!” Ice whiffled.

  At that, Lauren dropped out of their conversation. She shoved her trail mix back into the grub bag and stood, grabbing her pack up. She headed off into the woods. Maybe some physical distance from the other three would allow her space to calm her emotions. She knew Ice didn’t mean any harm, but her comment only reminded Lauren of what she and Alex had and so obviously had lost. Would they ever have that again? What if Alex never regains all her memories? She shrugged her shoulders. Back to the Zirkels, I guess.

  “Lauren, where are you?” McLaran called.

  “Here. I’m coming. Just taking a break.” Lauren reentered the clearing, her head back in the game.

  “We need to be off.” McLaran tightened the girth on Gríobhtha’s saddle. “Once we clear the forest, our speed will increase. It is important that you keep your seat as best as you can.”

  Shock rippled through her. “You mean that wasn’t his top speed?”

  “Not by any means. Once we are in the clear, he will be able to lengthen his stride and his speed will increase.”

  “Okay, then.” And that was the last clear thought Lauren had until they slowed at the edge of the shield in the dark of night.

  McLaran turned to her in the saddle. “It is absolutely critical that you do not mindspeak to anyone. Psychic energy can be detected if people are scanning. And your mind pattern would be new and alert others to your presence.”

  McLaran slid from the saddle and turned to help Lauren down. Lauren swung her leg over the horse’s back, and then leaning over the saddle, slid off. McLaran caught her round the waist and slowed her descent to a controlled fall to the ground. Once on her feet, Lauren wobbled a bit. She placed her hands on Gríobhtha to steady herself.

  “Good job. We’re here.” Gríobhtha’s sides heaved. Lauren placed her head on his side and sent a measure of her remaining strength through their mindlink.

  “No more running for you, I think,” McLaran said, patting his horse. The horse’s chest and sides were coated in foaming sweat that was quickly freezing, his nose filled with slushy-mucus from breathing in the cold air, and steam rose from his back in glimmering waves.

  “We’ve gotta get Gríobhtha into a warm place and rub him down.” Lauren continued to stroke the horse’s heaving sides. At that moment, Ice ran from the darkness to join the trio. The wolf’s fur was covered in icy rime.

  “I wish for a warm place by the fire and a sleep. I fear I have torn a ligament.” The wolf raised a forepaw up for inspection. If Ice was admitting a weakness, Lauren knew she was severely injured. “Let me have a look.” Lauren bent down to examine the wolf’s leg.

  McLaran stepped back. “We will all be warm and able to get some rest as soon as you open the shield. It must only be large enough to allow Gríobhtha through. A larger opening in the shield will alert the guards and rouse the Keep. So carefully please, Lauren.”

  Lauren brought the sword around until it was pointed directly toward the Keep. The sapphire pulsed steadily. Slowly, Lauren advanced a step at a time until the tip of the blade touched the shield with a spray of blue sparks.

  McLaran stepped up beside her. “Slide the blade in slowly and carve a hole the size of Gríobhtha. Once we pass through, you can step inside and pull the sword out. The shield will close behind us.”

  Lauren held the hole open and then followed the companions inside. Pulling the blade free, the hole closed with a snap. Turning, Lauren realized they were quite close to the Keep. Its granite walls loomed far above their heads as a solid black edifice in the darkness of the night.

  In a whisper, McLaran said, “This way.”

  McLaran led the small party up to the wall. Lauren could feel the cold radiating off the stone in front of them. “Just here, Lauren. Walk toward the wall, the Sally Port will open as you near it. It will recognize the blade. Do not raise the sword to the wall or an alarm will sound.” Holding the sword at her side, pointed at the ground, she inched forward slowly.

  Lauren’s nose was almost touching the wall before the entrance opened. She felt the other three close behind. Gríobhtha’s breath was hot on her neck, and Ice’s cold nose was pushed into her free hand. McLaran had his hand on the top of her pack. The group walked forward for several minutes, the surrounding stone feeling as if it was closing in, trying to swallow them whole. Then a lighter patch appeared before Lauren, and she stepped out of the wall into a small courtyard.

  Across the yard, from between several winter-bare fruit trees, a small figure stepped. A soft silvered aura glowed around her. “Welcome, my friends. Come, let us get you settled. Once you have eaten and rested, we will talk.”

  McLaran fell to one knee and bowed his head. “Seneschal, may I present Lauren Beckwith, a healing technician and nexus traveler. May she be welcomed in our home and Keep.”

  Lauren was shocked at the titles McLaran bestowed on her. She started to contradict him, but he stood and turned towards her. “M’lady Lauren, may I present Merilyn Arrin Cian Fionna Fraser Doouglas, Seneschal of Fuar Ćala, Guardian of The Ruler.”

  “McLaran, get up,” Lauren chastised as she strode forward and extended her right hand to Merilyn. “Finally. Merilyn, it is a pleasure to meet the one Alex holds in such high regard.”

  Merilyn looked down at the outstretched hand and then up into emerald eyes. Eyes that glittered with intelligence and held a steely resolve. But it was the swirling ice-blue flecks that held her attention. Alex’s. This must be where Alex’s eyes got their green flecks. It is a true bond. Their life essence has mingled, and they share one soul. That explains so much of her abilities. We must hide her away as quickly as possible. No one must know until we are prepared.

  Lauren waited her hand outstretched, as she heard Merilyn’s thoughts. Why does everyone think so loudly here?

  “I do not like to crane my neck at this angle when speaking to others, young one.” Merilyn did not take the offered hand, instead she reached out and grasped Lauren’s forearm.

  “Then your neck must ache continuously around Alex. She’s taller than I am by quite a bit. Massage would help the ache.” Lauren felt a grin pull at her lips.

  “Come, we do not have much time to get you through and settled. McLaran, see to your companion before he freezes in place. And Ice, go see the animal-techs for that strain before you stiffen solid.” With that dismissal, Merilyn spun around and stalked off through the gardens.

  “Best to keep up, Lauren. Her Grace waits for no one. Not even Alexandra. What she lacks in height, she makes up for in speed.”

  Lauren grabbed her backpack and med kit, and chased after the small woman. Merilyn set a quick pace through the outer bailey gardens toward the inner curtain of the Keep. Once there, the pair halted before another solid granite wall. Placing her hand on the stone, a metal panel appeared, and she entered a lengthy sequence of numbers. Once authorized, the panel glowed a bright yellow green. She then stood before the panel as a lens appeared and scanned her eye.

  A rumble began deep within the curtain wall as an arch appeared within the solid rock. “This way, á Mhaighdeann Lauren. We must be in the eastern solar before the dawn.”

  Lauren paused by the archway. “Merilyn, where’s Alex? I must see Alex as soon as possible.”

lyn dismissed her. “That is not possible at this time.” She sped through the arch and into the tunnel that bisected the curtain wall.

  Lauren followed. My gawd, this wall is huge. She stepped through the arch and entered a long dark tunnel. Once Lauren cleared the arch, she felt a change in pressure behind her as the entrance had closed. Only one way to go. Looking down the tunnel, Lauren realized she couldn't see Merilyn ahead of her. She broke into a run, trying to catch up, her long legs eating up the hundred and fifty meters quickly. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, but ahead Lauren saw a lighter gray circle within the blackness of the granite. I feel like I’m being buried alive in solid stone.

  “You are, and if you do not keep up, you will be. I must ask that you shut down your mind, Lauren. Your thoughts are very loud.” Merilyn stood just inside the arch on the inner side of the wall. “Once we step through the arch on this side, we will be within the Keep proper. Try and focus your thoughts on only one thing. Grasp on to that thought with your mind and hold it. Do not waver, or we will be found out. Do you understand?”

  “Got it, no wavering.” What to think about? Thoughts and images cascaded one over another, as she tried to focus on only one.

  “Stop, stop this instant!” Merilyn’s voice rang down the tunnel. “Are you so untrained that you cannot quiet your mind?”

  “Untrained, really? I don’t know how this mind thing works! It all started with me being able to talk to Ice and Snow. Blame them. They started it. How the hell would I be trained in something I don’t understand, and nobody will explain?”

  Taking several calming breaths, Merilyn looked up. “I am sorry for shouting. Please accept my apologies. I will try to explain as much as I understand as quickly as possible once you are safe, but we must pass through the main part of the Keep to get to the eastern solar. With your mental shouting, everyone will hear.” Merilyn reached a hand towards her. “Would you allow me to help you settle your thoughts?”

  “What do you mean?” Lauren took a half-step back.


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