A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1)

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A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1) Page 27

by C. A. Farlow

After Merilyn left the solar, Alex watched Lauren. She had her back to the room as she gazed out the giant octagon to the north. Probably thinking about home and what she has been sucked into.

  “No, Dearest, I am thinking about the boys. We’re going to have to share some of our experiences with them.” Turning back from the window, she whispered, “Will they even like me?”

  Her insecurities were obvious to Alex. “They are going to love you. And as far as sharing some of what’s happened, Merilyn shared what she knew about our journey with them after the Council meeting.”

  “They’ve known you since you were born. You’ve grown up and shared life together. I’m the interloper here.” Lauren again turned away, and Alex felt it like a physical blow.

  “Enough! Interloper indeed. You are my soulmate. They will see how important you are to me.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about.” Turning back, Lauren’s face was marred with a frown.

  Alex opened her arms and Lauren stepped into her hug. Better. “No need to worry. All will be well, and soon you will be out in the fresh air.”

  “Lauren, would you please help me with the trays? I cannot carry them all at once,” Merilyn called from the foyer later that night.

  “Be right down.” Lauren hurried down the stairs. “What’s all this? Are you eating for two, Your Grace?”

  “Again with the jokes. No, this is for Alex’s guests. The boys will be here tonight. You are the one that wants to go outside. If that is the case, you must take them into your confidence. And you into theirs. Those four children were born within the Keep on Terra Prime on the same day, and were raised together.”

  “That’s the point, I tried to make Alex understand. They are inseparable.”

  Merilyn handed her some trays, and they headed upstairs. “Well, they were inseparable until Alexandra went to the Comin Homeworld. The boys were quite upset she had slipped away without their knowing. And then when she returned injured, they blamed themselves. We will need to be careful tonight. Trust between the four has been stretched to the limit.” Merilyn looked up at Lauren. “And I agree with you. What with your presence and your bond, they may continue to feel left out. They need to get to know you, and begin building a trust with you, separate from Alexandra.”

  “Of course, but maybe I should just stay upstairs tonight, and let you have dinner with them by yourself. Introduce me a little at a time by sharing more of Alex’s journey?” Lauren’s insecurities twisted her gut.

  “That is just what we must not do. We need to take the boys into our confidence. Not only for rebuilding their trust with Alexandra, but also with you. If you want to go out, this must start tonight.”

  Thinking about fresh air and the freedom to roam outside, Lauren’s excitement rose, pushing her fears away. “Let’s do this. Going outside will be so awesome!”

  “Calm yourself. You are projecting your thoughts again. Everyone in the Keep will hear you if your psi-energy breaks through the solar’s shields.”

  “What is going on? Who is hurt?” Ice careened down the spiral stairs and landed in a heap of fur at the bottom. Shaking herself off, she tried to project an air of cool, but rumpled fur hindered her attempt.

  “Slow down.” Lauren reached out to help the wolf up on her paws. “We’re fine. Company’s coming, and we need get ready to welcome our guests. Maybe I should change clothes? Something more formal?” Seeking Ice’s input, Lauren looked down at her jeans and sweater.

  Merilyn answered for the wolf. “You are fine. The boys will not be formally dressed. We will be lucky if they wash off the horse smell from their afternoon gallop.”

  The boys were dressed in formal kilt, and Alex was inspecting their efforts. They all understood that dinner with the Seneschal was not to be taken lightly. And Alex hadn’t shared any information about the reason for the invitation. She didn’t tell them why she was requiring formal attire either.

  “Come on, Alex. What is going on? We are only ever summoned by the Seneschal when we did something pretty awful.” MacDonald tugged at his kilt. His sporran hung atilt, and Alex sniggered when he couldn’t get it straight.

  “I agree. This is most unusual. And you making us dress up is more than out of the ordinary.”

  “Yes, if it is just a meal and a talk. No big deal. Unless, we really are in trouble? What have you done now?” Newkirk the Younger added as they strode across the Boulevard toward the eastern solar, and Merilyn’s personal quarters.

  “If you must know, you are meeting a guest. Someone I think you will like.”

  “The Comin prisoner? Why the dress-up then? That scum does not deserve our finest,” MacDonald grumbled.

  “No, not the Comin. Someone more important by far.” Alex glowed as she thought about this guest.

  McLaran the Younger asked, “Does this have something to do with my father’s journey and his mysterious return in the dead of night?”

  Alex mumbled incoherently, not wanting to give up the secret just yet.

  “It does! Who did he find? He will not speak of it at all. That is most unusual. Usually, he cannot keep a secret at all.”

  “Well…” Alex stuttered.

  “What are you hiding? Does this have something to do with your trek to the Comin world? What did you do, bring back a woman?” All three boys laughed, and continued the teasing as they elbowed each other.

  Alex couldn’t find her tongue, and she felt heat crept up her cheeks.

  “You did, you cad. What is she like? And how could you even look at a Comin?” MacDonald prodded. Alex ignored him. They reached the entrance to the eastern solar and the Seneschal’s offices. Alex placed her hand on the entrance scanner.

  The shield parted, and she led them upstairs, heading directly for the personal quarters. By the time they stood outside the double oak doors, Alex was nervous. This was very important to her. They seemed to notice how Alex was reacting and settled down. Alex felt them stepping back, allowing her to lead. They really are the best of friends. She appreciated their efforts to keep their teasing to a minimum.

  Alex dropped the brass knocker three times before swinging the door open. Entering the formal space, Alex called, “Seneschal, we are here.”

  “Please come upstairs,” Merilyn called down from the upper floor.

  By the time the four made it to the second level, Merilyn stood before a low table and had their meal laid out. A bright fire blazed in the hearth, and pillows were scattered about the room. Lauren was nowhere to be seen however, and Alex’s anxiety rose another notch.

  McLaran bowed to Merilyn. “Your Grace. We thank you for your invitation and are most pleased to share this meal with you.”

  “Oh, stop.” Though Merilyn’s tone was crisp, Alex noticed color dust her pale cheeks.

  Alex turned to the three, to Robert McLaran, her compass and conscious, to Tavish MacDonald, her strength. and to Angus Newkirk, her wisdom and skeptic. “You are my longest and truest friends. We have survived much together and have always been there for each. I understand that you are reserving your trust because of my journey to the Comin world, but you know it had to be done as it was. If all four of us were missing from the Keep, it would have been noticed. This could not happen. I formally apologize for my secrecy.” Alex bowed deeply to her friends. “It was not meant as a slight to you, but rather a necessary action for the future of our world. I ask that you trust me once more this evening.”

  They each clasped forearms in turn, save for Newkirk, who merely nodded. “Of course, Alexandra. But I ask that you be forthright in return, for I see a change in your eyes. Something has happened that has cast a taint over you. Your eyes are touched with a foreign essence.”

  Merilyn stepped up, placing a hand on Angus’ forearm. “You are correct, my lad. You understand the gravity of this night. Alexandra has found her other half and soulmate.”

  Alex grinned at Merilyn’s statement. She couldn’t help it.

  Newkirk nodded. “I do truly believe she
has. But I will reserve judgment until I have met the lass. I must see that the bond is true, and not the casting of a spell or charm.”

  “I would expect no less from you.” Merilyn chuckled. “Alexandra, please go get her, before she frets herself into an emotional state and we have another psi-energy episode.”

  Dismissed, Alex bound up the spiral stairs.

  Lauren stared at herself in the mirror. She worried that her jeans were not adequate attire for this evening. But Merilyn had assured her otherwise.

  Alex called, “Come on, Lauren. The guests are here, and I am hungry.”

  “I’m ready.” Lauren came around the half wall and stopped short. “I knew it! Merilyn said I wouldn't have to dress up, but look at you. Dressed to the nines! I look like something rejected from a jumble sale.”

  “You do not. If I had not insisted on formal attire, the boys would have been the rejects.” Alex tilted her head. “And what is a jumble sale?”

  “Oh well, they get me as is, no time to change.” I can feel her excitement. I won’t keep her waiting. Lauren turned toward the stairs. “And a jumble sale is when someone cleans out their closet, and puts everything they don't want any more up for sale. Don’t you clean out your closet?”

  “I do not think I have a closet.”

  Laughing, Lauren headed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom. Standing around the fire were three figures in full Highland regalia. They wore kilt of bright tartan, each patterned differently. Knee-high socks of pure white were held in place by tasseled garters. Furred sporrans were slung low over their narrow hips. Dirks belted at their sides. A tartan sash crossed their broad chests, held in place with a flashing golden pin—a stag, a gryphon, a dragon.

  “Oh my,” Lauren whispered.

  McLaran bowed and touched his forehead in greeting. “M’Lady, it is an honor to meet the one that steals Her Majesty’s heart.”

  “She has no more stolen my heart than I could steal hers.” Hurt, Lauren spun on her heel to scowl at Alex, but Alex grinned down at her. “What she has taken is a half of my soul to meld with hers. As I have half of hers.”

  “You say the nicest things.” Lauren smiled, feeling a blush warm her cheeks.

  Before they could get lost in each other and forget the others in the room, Merilyn stepped up and took Lauren by the hand. “Let me introduce you to these three ruffians.”

  Lauren felt Alex step back to allow Merilyn to smooth the way with Alex’s friends. Always the diplomat, Merilyn stopped before MacDonald. “Tavish MacDonald, may I present a'Mhaighdeann Lauren Beckwith, healing technician and nexus traveler. She has come from a universe away, with a knowledge that may save our world and in the process found her soulmate.”

  MacDonald smiled down at Lauren. “Welcome and thank you for all you did for Alexandra. She is always getting into trouble that she cannot get herself out of without help. Thank you for being there for her.”

  Laughing, Lauren smiled. “You are welcome Tavish, but I’m learning that she saved me as well.”

  Turning to the next one Merilyn repeated her introduction to McLaran. Lauren eyed the younger McLaran. “I’ve met your father and would know his son anywhere. You are his spitting image. Please thank your father again for bringing me back safely, and for trusting me when he could’ve shot me and asked questions later.” McLaran bowed his head and placed a hand over hers as it rested on his forearm.

  Lauren, her courage found, stepped up to Newkirk. “And you must be the stalwart Newkirk. Alex shared much about your exploits on our journey to Fuar Ćala.” She bowed her head.

  Tipping her head up with a finger and looking deeply into her eyes, Newkirk said, “It is to you that I owe thanks. You saved our leader and my lifelong friend. I am honored to make your acquaintance and to call you friend as well.” Lauren felt his gaze brush her soul. He really is a skeptic.

  MacDonald suddenly broke in. “Let us eat. I am starved!”

  Merilyn huffed from where she stood next to Alex. “Oh, MacDonald, is your stomach ever full?”

  “Never, it is a beast that cannot be satisfied.”

  Merilyn laughed with the others. “Well then, do not let us stand between your stomach and food. Let us eat.”

  “Did I hear dinner is ready?” Ice charged down the stairs with Snow on her heels.

  “You did, but I think you’ll have competition this evening.” Lauren ruffled Ice’s fur behind her ears, as Snow leaned against her other leg. She bent down to pet her as well.

  If the three had any remaining reservations, Lauren’s actions with Ice and Snow dispelled them, because when Lauren looked up once more, all three smiled warmly at her.

  “You can hear the companions?” A bit of awe crept into McLaran’s voice.

  “She converses with all of us. I do not know why you cannot.” Snow gave an indignant huff.

  Lauren turned to McLaran. “It seems I can talk to all of Alex’s companions as well as Gríobhtha.”

  “That is impossible. Gríobhtha speaks only with my father. I have tried to speak with him, but I get nothing.”

  Alex gave Lauren a one-armed hug. “Lauren does speak with all the companions, though we are not sure how. We think that Ice established the mindspeech link when she brought Lauren across the nexus.”

  Newkirk rubbed his chin. “This is really unheard of. The companion bond is always limited to just the bondmates. I will need to research this more.”

  “Once a technician, always a technician. You can research all you want. I am sure Lauren would help, as well as Ice and Snow.”

  Ice grumped. “Why do I have to participate? All I want is dinner!” And she moved to survey the spread laid out on the table.

  “We get first dibs.” Lauren went to grab Ice’s ruff, but she bolted away. “I am hungry now and must eat.” Ice bared her teeth and growled.

  The boys stepped back, but Lauren laughed. “Oh really, tough girl? And who is going to stop me from stopping you?” Lauren placed her hands on her hips and glared at Ice.

  Alex stepped up to the table. “Let us eat before we all starve. Seneschal, you first.”

  Once the others had access to the table, Ice relented and waited her turn. The meal passed with good conversation and shared stories of past exploits. Lauren shared some of her research ideas, and a lively discussion developed as she and Newkirk debated various ideas. The trust between the five grew.

  Merilyn smiled. I know a bloc is forming on the Council that will be difficult for others to breach. This could prove useful and needed, if the Hebrideans again rise to challenge Alexandra.

  Lauren glanced at her. “I can hear your thoughts, Merilyn. Please, let's enjoy the evening, and leave the political machinations for tomorrow. Okay?”

  “It is impolite to listen in on others thoughts, Lauren.”

  “If you wouldn’t shout, I wouldn’t be able to hear you.” Lauren watched Merilyn frown. Lauren laughed at her consternation.

  Relaxing after their meal, Alex shared the desire to allow Lauren out of the solar to stretch her legs and get some exercise.

  Newkirk blanched. “This could be dangerous! We do not know who is plotting against you, and if Lauren was discovered, it would spell disaster.”

  “I recognize that, but it is not fair to Lauren to keep her cooped up here all the time. And she is correct that she will need to use the archives, and perhaps even meet with our healing technicians if she is to continue her research.”

  “The only way I can see this happening, is if we all go out together and probably at night. We will need the companions as well and perhaps Gríobhtha. And if he is to come, then my father would need to be involved as well,” McLaran said.

  Merilyn jumped into the conversation. “I agree. Your father will need to be involved, but if we are to do this, how do we add Lauren to the group without having too many? I would not be expected to go out at night for a gallop.”

  “True, an additional member to our group would be suspicious and raise quest
ion with the guards.”

  Newkirk tapped his lips with a fingertip and speculated, “What if we dress Lauren as one of us? Then the number would be correct. And a nighttime gallop would not be questioned. And if she is to use the archives, then it must be me she goes out as.”

  Lauren smiled as the boys came to same solution she and Alex had. The evening ended with an agreement that they would meet again for dinner tomorrow, and Merilyn would invite McLaran the Elder as well. At that meal a final plan would be agreed to that would allow Lauren freedom away from the solar and an opportunity to review the archives.

  Chapter Fifteen

  IN THE SECOND WEEK after they met with the boys, the healing technicians informed the Seneschal that the Comin prisoner was well enough to be interrogated. Merilyn called McLaran the Elder to her office and together they outlined what they would ask: how the Comin came to Terra, what they were after, what was happening on the Comin Homeworld, specifics about his patrol, any information about the bioweapon. They also discussed how the questioning would be done.

  Certain Terrans were adept at entering a prisoner’s mind and extracting the information they wanted, but this action carried a great risk to the prisoner’s life and the mind technician’s sanity. They decided to have Alex’s companions—human and animal—prepared to listen in. It is possible that the information would leak out during questioning and one of them might hear it. Lauren would listen with them; especially on those questions pertaining to the bioweapon and the attack on the Homeworld. Both agreed that Lauren’s mindspeaking abilities were extremely strong but untrained and she would need to refrain from mindspeaking directly. Alex would remain shielded. They did not want her harmed if the prisoner was able to project using a mind-weapon.

  They prepared a room off the main hall for the interrogation. It was painted black except for a white chair sitting in the middle of the room within a circle of illumination. Alex’s companions guarded the prisoner while he was transferred from the Healers Hall. He walked blindfolded and shackled. Guards were posted to keep everyone out of the hall. Merilyn and McLaran the Elder waited in the shadows of the room for their arrival.


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