Dope Boys and the Women that Love 'Em

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Dope Boys and the Women that Love 'Em Page 5

by Tiece

  “I see you’ve made yourself at home.” She casually smiled. “You usually wait in the Foyer for me to come down.”

  “I know, but I needed a drink.” He said, not at all in the mood for watching Amara make her grand entrance down a flight of stairs barely dressed.

  She walked over by the bar as Malcolm admired her beauty. She barely dressed around the house, normally wearing a silk robe tied in the front to cover her matching light attire underneath it. And to add flavor to her interesting, yet sexy look she wore expensive heels and a hairpiece or wig that always matched her colorful silk robes.

  She turned to face him while holding a glass of Crown Royal on the rocks in her hand. Her ensemble was a pretty yellow this time and he couldn’t believe how good a yellow wig could look on somebody; on her. It definitely made her tan smooth skin glow as she made her way over in front of him.

  She rubbed her hand down his neatly trimmed full beard and smiled at him. Her seductive stare was starting to make him feel some type of way. For years, their relationship was strictly business and anything outside of that was already settled.

  Malcolm cleared his throat. “Why am I here today Amara? I wasn’t supposed to come visit you for another two weeks.” He said swallowing some more of his drink.

  Amara smiled, walking away from him. Her hips swayed from side to side in the yellow robe which stopped right under her ass. She sat down on a posh white leather chair across from him and crossed her legs.

  “How have you been Malcolm?” She asked kindly shaking her glass as the sound of the ice cubes clinked together.

  “I’ve been good.” He answered.

  “Are you sure that you’ve been good?”

  “Yes Amara.” He said again, but this time more direct.

  Amara sipped from her drink and stared at him. She uncrossed her legs then stood up to pace a little. “Please enlighten me on your trip to Miami then.” She stated as her yellow Marc Jacobs open toe platform heels clicked on the porcelain Mosaic floor tile. He was speechless as she gracefully made her way over to him.

  “I love your shades.” She said as she removed them. She leaned down in his face. Malcolm sat quietly feeling a little intimidated by such a powerful stare. She leaned back up, sipping from her drink. “You’re looking like money and very handsome in your True Religion gear.”

  “Thanks,” he finally spoke.

  “I’m just wondering how is it that you’re able to dress so fly, ride so bad ass, and walk around with knots of money in your pocket.” She made her way back over to the white leather chair and sat down. “Help me out a little. How is it that you’re living in a big house and able to splurge on vacations and shopping sprees for you and your lady? Come on Malcolm; tell me how all of that is possible?” She asked, this time expecting a response.

  “You make it possible.” He whispered looking away.

  “Look at me and say that again.” She insisted.

  “You make it possible Amara.” He said this time facing her.

  “That’s right Malcolm. I make it all possible. That’s why I couldn’t understand why you took a trip to Florida to meet with a different connect behind my back.” Her voice was soft, but firm and a bit saddened by his betrayal. “You know how I feel about you. We share a unique bond that no one can come between.”

  “I know,” Malcolm said feeling bad and confused at the same time.

  “How long have we been working together?” She asked as if she was leading up to something.

  “We’ve been working together since I was twenty-two years old.”

  “That’s right and I was twenty then. I’d already been trained very well to do my job precisely as I was told and I picked you on my own because I saw something in you from the moment we met. I’ll never forget the night I walked up to you. You were sitting at the bar inside of Red Lobster waiting for your order.” She said.

  Malcolm cut in. “And you walked up to me wearing a purple strapless Coogi jumper with the matching purple heels.” He grinned, reflecting back. “I must say that I’d never saw any woman who could rock a short purple wig like that. You were stunning”

  “The color was lavender,” she corrected him with a surprising smile.

  “He grinned. “I thought you were walking up to get my number or let a brother know that he was fly, but instead you come to me with a proposition.”

  Amara nodded. “A proposition that would make you a very rich man if you just followed my lead,” she reminded him.

  “And, besides a minor setback in the beginning, I’ve always followed your lead.” He said.

  “Up until recently,” she disappointedly expressed. “Malcolm, you of all people should know that I have ears and eyes in the streets that report back to me. I know who the rats are, where the low-life’s live, and how to stay a few steps ahead of the stick-up boys. I even tell you when it’s time to lay low. All these years your name has never been in the streets and that’s because my job is to keep you safe and out of trouble, so we can keep our business transactions running smoothly.” She said as she stood up. Malcolm gazed at her sexy 5’5 silhouette as she made her way back to the bar.

  She fixed another drink as he sat quietly not knowing if he should say something or not. Never had Amara mentioned anything concerning their history of knowing one another. But then again, he had never tried to underhandedly go behind her back and get work from another connect.

  “I’m sure that over the years you’ve had feelings like I was holding you back by giving you only what I wanted you to have, but all of that was for a reason. I was teaching you responsibility. Now it took you long enough to grasp it with all your mini vacations here and there, your spending sprees on women and let’s not forget about your nice toys,” she said thinking about the dirt bikes and money he’d invested in his race cars. “But nothing made me happier than when you and your homeboy started that lawn care service and started investing in equipment and trailers. Ain’t nothing like having something to show for the money you’re making.”

  “You’re right.” He agreed with a nod of his head.

  “I will never steer you in the wrong direction. From day one, I’ve always told you that riding with me will take you a long way. Have I let you down yet?”

  “No,” he responded.

  Amara let out a deep breath then smiled. “And I won’t, but we can’t go on doing business together without me asking you something first.” Malcolm listened carefully. “Do you wanna continue to ride with me? Mind you, you can jump ship right now. Your debts are clear with me and it’s obvious that you’re becoming your own man. So if you want out here’s your chance.”

  Malcolm didn’t take long at all to answer. “You have been good to me and I would be a fool to wanna get off your team. I mean hell, I’m well on my way to becoming a very rich man.” He said feeling good about saving nearly two hundred and sixty thousand dollars already and that didn’t include the money he’d taken with him to Miami. “And, I know I haven’t said that I’m sorry about taking that trip, but I was honestly being greedy and really wished I would’ve spoken with you first.”

  Amara smiled, feeling good about his response, but she wasn’t done with him yet. “Well you definitely should’ve called to tell me about this sweet lick you ran up on, because then I could’ve told you that I was the one setting your homeboy up.” She said turning up the rest of her drink like it was water.

  Malcolm frowned as the words slowly replayed in his head. “Say what now?”

  Amara stood her position. “I said that if you would’ve called to tell me about this sweet little lick then I could’ve saved you a trip.”

  Malcolm was shocked. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course I’m serious. I don’t even play that much with my kid.” She almost coldly stated. Malcolm was really confused now.

  “I’ve left you speechless I see, but don’t be because I always do everything that I’m told and setting Russell up was one of those things.” She confesse

  “Why would you do something like that? We took our ladies on that trip, Amara!” He angrily stated. “They put a gun up to Diamond’s head! I mean damn, what were you hoping to gain?” He asked scratching his head.

  “Another loyal member on my team,” she nonchalantly stated.

  Malcolm shook his head in disbelief. “Damn Amara, you are one of the cruelest women I know.” He said thinking about the depths Amara would go through to recruit a nigga or to keep a nigga on her team.

  “Look Malcolm, I lost a key worker a few months back and I had orders to find someone that could take his place ASAP. I didn’t wanna go back out and recruit somebody new. I’ve been working with my guys for a number of years now. I don’t have time to school no young wanna-be thug or some washed up has been, let alone keep tabs on their every move to keep them safe and out of trouble so the heat never comes back this way. I just need someone who can step right in and keep this business running smoothly.”

  “And what makes you think that Russell is going to be down with this?” Malcolm curiously asked. “We have a pact that I hardly doubt he’ll break. That’s why he has had his own connect all these years and I’ve had you.”

  “Well, his connect is gone. I’ve made sure of that. Why do you think that Travis wanted him to hold off so bad? He was doing precisely as he was told by his boss. That’s the only way you’re going to get somewhere in this business.” She said while looking Malcolm directly in his eyes. “So what’s it gonna be? You can bow out gracefully and I’ll still recruit your boy or you can talk him into coming aboard and we continue to make this money.”

  Malcolm took in a deep breath then let it out. Amara had given him way too much in so little time that it had his head spinning. He thought about his lifestyle and how quickly that could change if he backed out now. Plus, Amara had too much pull for him to even do it like that. He’d be washed up in no time.

  “I’ll talk to him.” He finally stated.

  “I thought you’d see it my way.” She said with an unnerving smile.

  Malcolm stood up to leave. Amara had really done a number on him and all he wanted to do was get the hell out of her house.

  “Mommy, can I take my new IPad with me,” a small voice asked as the child entered the room. Amara turned to face her son.

  “Marco, what I tell you about interrupting me when I’m handling business?” She asked.

  “Our business is done.” Malcolm said brushing by Amara to see the slick headed, small fellow standing there as a big smile came across the little one’s face.

  “Daddy,” he called out. Malcolm immediately picked him up then hugged and kissed him.

  “And why didn’t you tell me that he was here?” he asked.

  “Because you didn’t ask,” she quickly stated. “Plus, you were coming here first anyway. So there was no need to call you.”

  Malcolm stared at his lil mini me. “Hey son,” he said giving his six year old another kiss on the forehead again.

  “Hey Daddy,” Marco responded, hugging his father around the neck. They shared a very close bond and it showed in the affection that they showed each other.

  “How long you been here, guy?”

  “Not long, Grandma dropped me off.” He lightly responded then Amara took over.

  “He just got here about an hour before you did. Mama had some things to do.” She informed him.

  “I see,” Malcolm said. “Well, we’ll be on our way now.” He put Marco down. “Go get your things, son.”

  Marco left the room and Amara followed Malcolm out in the foyer. “So we’re good?” She asked knowing that she could be a bit much to deal with at times.

  “We have no choice but to be,” Malcolm responded as Marco made his way back into the foyer pulling his little Archie Alien travel buddies luggage on wheels.

  “Give me kiss,” Amara said. Marco kissed her on the lips then she walked them to the door.

  “I’ll see you and your friend in two weeks?” She stated as if she was asking, but clearly, she wasn’t. “I expect you to have things squared away by then.” Malcolm didn’t respond as he exited the house holding Marco’s hand.

  “Oh and um,” she said holding up one finger. “There is this certain matter we need to discuss concerning your lady.” He didn’t even want to think about what she had just said. He was just dreading the moment that he would have to ask Russell to break a pact that they’d held intact for years, but having to keep the reason why that pact had to be broken was even worse.

  Malcolm sat inside his truck after getting Marco strapped in. It was sad to say it, but his son was probably going to be beneficial in keeping a closer tab on Amara. He definitely had to try his best to stay a few steps ahead of her now, but with a woman of her resources that would be almost impossible. Amara had a helping hand in everything surrounding him, but she never did anything unless it benefited her in some kind of way. Glimpsing back at his son as he drove out of the gate was proof of that.

  He frowned as the unpleasant thought of her mentioning Diamond also stuck in his head. Amara was the reason why they were together and unfortunately would probably be the cause of their separation. She always kept to her word about keeping him safe and out of trouble, but at what price? She was surely running things and was certainly up to no good, it was just a damn shame that he was going to have to wait at least two weeks to find out.

  Chapter 9

  Russell stepped inside his house carrying the morning newspaper. He entered the kitchen, sitting the paper down on the countertop and looked over at his beautiful wife.

  “Breakfast,” he said causing her to look back at him.

  She smiled, playfully rolling her neck while scrambling the eggs. “Yes, I’m cooking breakfast.” Russell walked over and stood behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her softly on the back of her neck.

  “I love you,” he whispered, just wanting to reassure her that the ecstasy they’d shared through the night wasn’t in vein.

  “I know you do,” she responded. “I love you too.” Her mind vividly raced with thoughts of how good he was at making her forgive him for his fuck up’s while making her feel bad about ever coming down so hard on him. The throbbing sensation between her thighs also reminded her of why she could never leave such a man.

  “Which made you feel better; your lil venting shopping spree or the way I caressed that pussy last night?” He arrogantly teased while sitting down on the bar stool with his elbows resting on the counter. She shrugged her shoulders as she turned off the stove. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Supposed to mean that I don’t know,” she sarcastically responded. She knew that she loved Russell and that she’d probably never leave him, but she didn’t have to stroke his ego to make him feel like he was the man. He smiled knowing that shopping only eased her lil venting spree however, making love to her mind and stroking places other nigga’s couldn’t possibly reach was always the reason she’d forgive him.

  “You know what time it is,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  “You know I love shopping too.” She reminded him. “Speaking of shopping, I spent two grand out of my account yesterday and I’d like that money back today.” She pretty much insisted since this had been the routine for the past six years.

  Russell instantly frowned. “You spent two grand Tammy?”

  “Yeah, what’s the problem?” She nonchalantly asked while sitting his breakfast in front of him.

  “I told you not to spend any money yesterday and you come back in here with shopping bags as if you didn’t hear a word I’d said.”

  “I didn’t,” she firmly responded.

  “You know I took a hard hit on that trip to Miami and all I asked you to do was not spend any money. What was so hard about that? It ain’t like you need a damn thang.” He irritably stated.

  “I didn’t hear you asking any questions last night about me shopping or was it because your hot dick ass was horny?” S
he snapped.

  “Don’t start that shit,” he calmly stated, already knowing where this conversation would lead.

  “No, how dare you make me feel the way you did and then act as if nothing happened. Don’t come in here getting on my ass about shopping when you’ve had no problem with it in the past. Hell, you’re the reason why I get those urges to splurge. If you would’ve kept your dick in one household then we would’ve never had those problems anyway.”

  “I knew that you were gonna start that shit up,” he uttered, attempting to bite a slice of bacon.

  “Damn right,” she stated. “You sittin’ here acting like you don’t know when my shopping sprees started or why I spend money. If spending money fulfills my needs of staying with your ass and putting up with your shit then you should be happy with that. My black ass could’ve been gone.”

  “So you saying you’ve only stuck around because of the money?” He asked sitting his bacon back down on his plate.

  “Don’t do me, Russell. You know why the fuck I’ve stayed around. I don’t know what needy ass bitches you’ve stuck your dick in, but you know I’m cut from a different cloth. If nothing else, I’m muthafuckin’ loyal to your ass and have never cheated.”

  “So you say,” he interjected. “We’ve been together over thirteen years and you mean to tell me that you’ve never fucked around, not even the three times you left me?”

  “Where the fuck are you going with this?” She angrily asked.

  “Hell, I know I wasn’t your first, but tell me that my dick is the only dick that has ever been inside you since we’ve been together? In thirteen years of you calling me a dog, a whore, a liar, and-“

  “A cheating son of a bitch,” she cut in.

  “Don’t patronize me,” he stated. “Am I the only man?”

  She dropped her head hating to admit it. “You know the answer to that. Even when I left you and had moved in with my mama for those six months I was still faithful.” She shook her head. “My father even told me to move on and let this relationship go.”

  “How can your father tell you what to do when he’s sittin’ on his ass letting your mama take care of him,” he snapped.


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