Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2) Page 6

by Brie Paisley

  “Well when you put it that way, it does sound a bit ridiculous. It’s not that I don’t like getting flowers. It’s just sort of pointless because, like I said before, they die too fast.” Shrugging, I add, “It’s just a waste of money.”

  He puckers his lips out, and I quickly look away. I can’t get caught staring at his lips. Because they’re not in any way begging me to kiss them. Just … not going there. “I get what you’re sayin’, but my mama always said givin’ a pretty lady flowers is a way to be a gentleman.” We stop now that we’ve reached what I’m assuming is his truck and he adds, “And my mama raised me to be a fine gentleman.” Turning my head to hide my grin, he opens the door for me. Before I climb inside his monster of a truck, he grabs my hand, and his touch alone stops me. “You look very beautiful tonight.”

  Sucking in a breath, I’m lost for words for a moment. It’s his touch alone that makes my whole body warm. What is it about him that makes me feel this way? And damn, he’s pulling all the stops out with this so called friendly date. “Th … thank you.” I bite my lip and hope it’s dark enough out that he can’t see my blush. He’s reduced me to stuttering. I’m grateful no one else is here to witness this. And maybe I did take my time getting ready for him, but I’ll never tell him this. I wanted to dress simple yet I also wanted him to notice me. Which is why I struggled for a good ten minutes to fit my ass into my favorite pair of jeans. The only problem with doing so, I hadn’t realized how much the washing machine shrunk them so now I’m supporting a muffin top because they’re way too small. Thank goodness I just bought a long and flowy tank that worked well with my jeans. It covers up all my frumpy parts. But regardless if he knew or not that I wanted him to notice me, he did and in my eyes that counts.

  “You’re welcome, Savannah.” Oh holy hell. The way my name rolls off his tongue makes my legs feel weak. It should be illegal for him to be able to do that with just my name. All the other times he’s said my name, it’s always been playful and with sassy in front of it. Now it’s just my name. No playfulness, no sassy with it, and damn I like the way it sounds. “Are you alright there, small fry?”

  Coming back down to Earth, I frown as I say, “There’s nothing small about me.” I’ve never really had a problem with my weight per say, but I know I’m a lot thicker than other women. But I’ve come to realize my curves are a part of me, and I’m learning to accept them and love them. Caden helps me get inside his truck, and he mumbles something I don’t quite catch. It sounded like he said something about liking what I’m putting out, but I can’t be sure.

  Once he’s inside the truck, he starts it up and looks at me with the biggest grin on his face. I can’t help but let out a small laugh because he does look so adorable. “Ready?”

  “I guess so. No turning back now.”

  “You’re right. You’re mine for the night, Savannah.”

  There he goes again saying my name like that. Why does it sound so good coming from those lips? “You can just call me Savvy. All my friends do.” He turns away hearing the word friends, and I quickly add, “It’s not like I can get out of this truck by myself anyway. So I’m sort of stuck.”

  “My truck is a beast. Ol’ Betsy is a fine truck.”

  Letting out a laugh, I ask, “You named your truck?”

  “Hell yes, I did. You can’t live in the south and not have a name for your truck.”

  “I’m from Florida, and I’ve never met anyone that had a name for their vehicle.”

  “Well,” he starts then begins to back out of the parking lot. He pulls onto the main road before saying, “You haven’t been in Mississippi long enough to learn the ways of real and true southerners.” Shaking my head, I turn and stare out the window. Honestly he could be right but then again I don’t know much about Mississippians. All the guys I knew back in Florida were the preppy type, and they were way to snobby to have names for their expensive BMWs. Turning my head back to Caden when I feel a warm hand touch mine, I suck in a breath as he says, “Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll teach you everythin’ you need to know.”

  Don’t think about his hand on mine. Don’t. Dare. Think. About. It. Oh fuck. His hand hasn’t moved, and why is it he seems so unaffected by it? That warm sensation I felt before is back in full force, and I swear the air in the truck is getting thicker. Swallowing hard, I try to find something to say, but all the words I’ve ever learned have suddenly left me. I have to question why his touch or why him? He’s a mystery. A dangerous and very attractive mystery. Getting a hold of myself, I pull my hand away from his, and I don’t miss the way his smile fades as I do so. “I won’t be around long enough to learn much, but I’ll take in all I can.”

  Passing by the Leigh Mall, he stops at a red light as he turns to me. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m just passing through,” I respond with a shrug. His eyes dart out to his window, and I glance away because for some reason I don’t like that he won’t meet my eyes anymore. For the rest of the way to wherever we’re going, Caden is silent. Not knowing what to say, I don’t try to start a conversation either. I feel as though I did something wrong, but I have no idea what it is. Deciding not to dwell on it, I let out a sigh as I take in everything around me as Caden drives. After we pass by Sonic, a little shopping area, and a gas station, I turn to Caden. “Where are we going by the way?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t really like surprises.”

  “Aren’t you just a bowl of fun,” he says sarcastically. “I promise you’ll like it.”

  “I don’t know. I hardly know you, and you’re a cop. What if this is all just a ploy to take me in or something.”

  He chuckles softly, and I really wish I suddenly didn’t want to hear him laugh like that again. “I must be goin’ through an awful lot of trouble to take you to jail.”

  Oh right. Because of the flowers. “I’m just saying.” I huff trying to play it off.

  “Are you always this uptight?”

  “Do you always call your dates uptight?”

  “Only you, small fry.”

  Shaking my head, I cross my arms. “Whatever. Don’t tell me then.”

  “Now hold on to your britches.” Frowning, I turn to him as he adds, “We’re almost there.” He takes a right by KFC, and for a moment I think we’re going to the movies that’s located on the left side of the road. Instead, he keeps going straight but only for a few more seconds.

  He turns to the first left, and I sit up straighter in the seat. “Falcon Lair? Are you taking me to your place?”

  “The name is lame as fuck. I liked it much better when it was called Northern Heights, but I just live here.” Glancing around the area, there are apartments everywhere. They’re stacked on top of each other, and the higher ones are connected with a deck attaching more apartments on each side. The apartment’s office is on the left, and I notice a gate beside it. I assume it’s for a pool, and I like the layout of the apartments. It seems smaller than the others I’ve seen around town, but it seems homey. “It’s not much, but my brother and I like it.”

  “Oh you live with your brother?” Caden has mentioned having brothers before, but he hasn’t given me many details about his family. I haven’t asked either.

  Caden pulls into a parking spot and cuts the engine as he answers me. “Yeah, but he’s not here.” Taking the keys out of the ignition, he grins before saying, “I sort of bribed him into givin’ me the apartment for tonight.”

  “You had to bribe him?”

  He shrugs as he states, “If you knew my brothers like I do, you’d totally understand.”

  “I’m almost scared to ask what you told him you’d do,” I say while laughing.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  Laughing some more, Caden turns facing the apartments. He seems lost in thought, and I wonder what he’s thinking about. I do like the dynamic he and his brother seem to have, and it does make me curious to know more about him and his famil
y. We sit in silence for a few more moments before I break it. “So uh … are we going to spend our date inside your truck all night or what?”

  “We could, but,” he stops to glance my way and the way he’s looking at me, well, let’s just say it’s hot. His blue eyes seem to darken, and I lick my lips as I feel the sexual tension thicken. “I should feed you.”

  “Yeah,” I huff out. “I’m starving.” He nods and quickly jumps out his truck.

  Before I can open the door myself, Caden appears and does it for me. “Milady,” he says as he holds out a hand for me. Smirking, I hold in a giggle as I take his hand. Caden helps me out of his massive truck, and I have to remind myself to breathe. I don’t like he has this weird effect on me. I don’t like that I want him to keep holding onto my hand. As soon as I’m out of his truck, instead of doing what my body is demanding I do, I take my hand out of his. It’s better this way. If I let myself get involved with him, I just know someone will get hurt.

  When he grins at me, I feel as if he knows what I’m thinking. Thankfully he doesn’t say anything, and I follow him as we make our way inside his apartment. “How long have you lived here?” I ask as we walk upstairs before stopping at the door.

  “Since I was nineteen. My brother and I wanted some space from our parents, and we’ve been here ever since.”

  “That really doesn’t tell me much since I have no idea how old you are,” I claim as he unlocks the door and he turns back to me.

  His eyes narrow for a moment before he says, “What’s with the twenty-one questions?”

  “I thought this is what people do on dates. You know? Talk. Get to know one another?” Letting out a nervous laugh, I add, “I mean I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on a date, but I’m sure this is how things go.” Damn. Now I’m even second guessing myself.

  Caden lets out a loud laugh, and I glance around him wondering what’s so funny. “I’m just fuckin’ with you. Damn you’re gullible. And to answer your question, I’m thirty-one.”

  Trying not to look shocked at our age difference, I sarcastically say, “I see being a smart ass is just another one of your charming traits.”

  “You’ll learn to love me.”

  “Doubtful,” I mumble, but I’m pretty sure he heard me anyway. He flashes me a cheeky grin before turning to walk inside his apartment. Following behind him, I’m really beginning to think he’s not exactly what I thought. It could be just how he is, and he likes to joke around, but I hope he knows I’m going to give it right back. I’ve never been the type of girl to let shit roll off my shoulders easily. I was taught to stick up for myself, and speak my mind. Honestly I hope Caden knows I’m not a pushover or someone he can play with. He better be glad he has his good looks going for him.

  “It’s not much,” he starts as he turns on the lights. “But it’s home.”

  Looking around his small apartment, I can see why he’s stayed here for so long. The living room has two couches against the wall. One is in front of the flat screen TV, and the other is on the left side of the wall by the two windows with a coffee table sitting in front of them. To my right, I can see a small dining room with a small round table. The kitchen is also on my right with an open wall theme. I assume the three rooms toward the back of his apartment is the bedrooms and a bathroom. “It’s cozy.” No doubt two men live here. The place screams man cave. Glancing back to Caden, he stares at me like he’s waiting for something. “What’s with the tea light candles?” They’re sitting on the coffee table, and a few are sitting on the opening in the wall that looks into the kitchen. Walking over to pick one up, it feels warm, as if he left them on for a while.

  “Oh those. Funny story, I don’t do real candles anymore, but I wanted to do somethin’ romantic.”

  Frowning, I turn around holding the tea light in my hand, I ask, “You don’t like candles? Have a bad experience or something?”

  “You could say that. Let’s just say, candles are so overrated.”

  Laughing, I can only imagine what happened to him. Setting the light back down on the coffee table, I let out a small laugh as I say, “I agree. Can you imagine the kinky fucks out there that like to be burned by the wax?” His eyes widen as I add, “Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a bit of kink, but getting wax poured on you? That’s just … weird.”

  Caden begins to rub his chest as he claims, “Fuckin’ weirdos out there. Thank sweet baby Jesus you’re not one.” He winks at me, and I can feel my face flush. “Come on, Sassy Savannah. Let me show you the ways of the cookin’ master.”

  “Now this I have to see,” I call after him and quickly follow him into the kitchen. Noticing what all he has laid out on the counter, I snap my head up. “You’re making me pancakes?”

  Putting his hands together, he says, “Here’s the thing, and I’m not proud of this but …” He looks away for a moment, and I can’t help but smile. “I’ve never cooked pancakes before, and you said they were your favorite, and well I have to give you your favorite food on a first date.” He turns to grab something out of the fridge before turning back around. “Just so we’re clear, all the other dates we have will include other people cookin’ for us.”

  Admiring his honesty, I smile and shake my head at that last part. “Who said we’re going on any more dates?”

  “I’m fairly certain after you’ve had my virgin pancakes, you’ll either want to go out again to make up for a horrible dinner, or you’ll love them so much you’ll be beggin’ me to cook them again. Win, win.”

  “You’re very confident, aren’t you?”

  Opening the fridge, Caden pulls out a beer and holds it up asking me if I want one. Nodding, he hands it to me as he says, “You know, I have this thing where shit sounds good in my head, but when it actually comes out, it doesn’t sound as good.”

  “You have that problem too?”

  He chuckles, a sound I really enjoy hearing, as he opens a drawer. Handing me a bottle opener, I pop the top off my beer and hand it back to him. “It’s good to know I’m not alone in my crazy world I call life.”

  Jumping on the counter, I realize the kitchen is a lot narrower now that we’re both in here. “Look at it this way,” I begin then take a sip of the beer. “Life would be very boring without us.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” We clink the tips of our beer bottles and our eyes lock for a moment as we both take a drink. Taking a big gulp this time, I glance away as he lowers his bottle from his lips. Snapping my head back up when I hear him clap his hands together, he loudly states, “Alright, let’s burn some shit.”

  “I don’t think that’s how it goes,” I pipe back.

  “Oh I know. Okay,” he says then gives me his full attention. “I’m goin’ to be honest here.” Raising my eyebrows, I wait for him to finish. “I might have never used this stove before.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “As a cucumber.”

  “I thought the saying was cool as a cucumber?”

  “You say tomato, I say tomahto. Same thing.”

  Unable to hold back my laughter, I set my beer beside me as I cover my mouth. Caden watches me with a smile, and once I get control over myself, I hop down. “How about this? I’ll help you and show you the ropes. Then next time you want to impress a chick, you’ll at least know the basics.”

  “Show me the ways of cookin’, small fry.”

  Shaking my head, I wonder how in the hell he’s managed to go for so long without learning how to cook for himself. “I have to ask, how is it you’ve never learned to cook before?”

  “If you must know, I have a secret weapon.”

  Gazing at him, I think about it for a moment before I ask, “Your brother right?”

  “Winner, winner chicken dinner.”

  “What do I win?”

  Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to ask him since now he’s looking at my lips, and I’m looking at his. His tongue slowly licks his bottom lip as he sucks in a deep breath, and for a second, I think he
’s going to kiss me. My stomach flutters thinking of what that kiss would be like, and what it would feel like. But he surprises me when he steps back and raises his pinky finger to his mouth as he says in a high-pitched voice, “One million dollars.”

  Smiling widely, I snap back with, “Groovy baby.” He laughs with me, and for the first time in a very long time, I forgot why I’m really here. I forget what my ultimate goal is, and for once I don’t mind forgetting.

  Before I realize what’s happening, Caden takes my hand in his and twirls me around. He stands close behind me as I face the stove as he whispers in my ear, “I like hearin’ you laugh.”

  The pounding of my heart in my ears makes me think twice about what he said, and when his hands begin to roam down to my waist, my entire body heats up. He’s so close all I can feel is him. All I can smell is him. Swallowing hard, I have to open my mouth to take in a deep breath. He’s making it so hard to stay calm and act as though he’s not affecting me. Warning bells begin to go off in my head, but my heart, the damn traitor, is beating so fast telling me to let go for once. It’s tempting to just give into Caden and lean back into his touch, but I can’t. Closing my eyes, I clench my jaw for a moment before I take his hands off me. “Alright, Mr. Grabby Hands. We have a meal to cook. You wouldn’t like to see me when I’m starving.”

  Instantly I feel a chill as he moves away, and I’m glad my back is to him. I don’t think I could look at him in the eyes. That moment felt way too intimate. It felt way too good to be in his arms. I hear him sigh loudly before he asks, “What about some tunes? Then you tell me what I need to do.”

  Nodding, I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he leaves the kitchen. Grabbing the box of Bisquick Instant Pancake Mix, I read over the directions just to have something to do. Soon Water Under the Bridge by Adele begins to play, and I glance up seeing Caden staring back at me. He doesn’t say a word as he makes his way back into the kitchen, but as I listen to the lyrics of the song, I wonder if he’s trying to tell me something. Deciding to let it go, I ask him where his pots and pans are. We work in sync, which is another thing I have to remind myself that doesn’t mean anything. I begin to make the pancake batter, and I explain every step to Caden. He never interrupts, only asking a question here and there. What I notice the most is how freaking small his kitchen is yet again. It seems every chance he gets, he touches me. First it was my arm, then a light brush on my hand, and now he’s moved on to grabbing my hips to scoot me over. And every single time he lays a hand on me, my body reacts. It seems I can’t help myself, and by the time we’re finished cooking, I’m actually craving his light touches.


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