Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2) Page 12

by Brie Paisley

“Simmer down, small fry.”

  “I’m just saying. The difference between you two is pretty clear.” I noticed it immediately when Cason turned around. It’s the eyes that give them away. Any person paying attention would see that. Now that I’m thinking about it more, Cason has a faint scar on his right eyebrow.

  He smiles, flashing me his perfect pearly whites, before saying, “Yeah, but you would be surprised at how many women look past those differences. All they see is a hot guy, a good lay, and nothin’ else.”

  Having to glance away at his statement, I try not to let it show how much it really does bother me. How many women has done this to him? It bothers me not only because it’s clearly happened more than once, but at how many women has he been with. I may not have a twin or a sibling for that matter, but I imagine it would hurt if people couldn’t tell us apart or assumed we were the same person. And I also get everyone has a past, so I try to forget about him admitting he’s been with multiple women. Turning back to him, I softly say, “I’m sorry, Caden.”

  His gaze never leaves mine as he stands tall, and uses his hands to spread my thighs as he steps in between them. “Don’t be sorry, small fry.” Swallowing hard, I keep my eyes on his and try not to think about his hands on me. On my freaking thighs, and oh so close to the place where I really need him to touch me. “I might not have needed to use the test on you, and believe me it was a complete coincidence it happened because I know you’re not like those other chicks. I was goin’ to tell you about Cason. Today in fact. You just beat me to it. I actually had a whole day planned out for the three of us.”

  “So you’re saying you didn’t plan this? It just happened?” I need him to say it again just to put my mind at ease. I don’t think Caden is the type of man to manipulate a situation like this.

  “I promise you, Savannah. It just happened.” He caresses my face with one hand as the other rests on my waist. “You’re the only woman who has ever passed the test. Even when we didn’t set it that way. You surprised me yet again, small fry.”

  “I guess this means I’m pretty special huh?”

  Caden moves closer, so he’s inches away from my lips as he says huskily, “No. It makes you fuckin’ perfect.” I don’t even get a chance to suck in a breath before he takes my lips. This kiss feels different than our other ones. This kiss isn’t tender, sweet, or even gentle. Caden kisses me like he needs me and is trying to show me how much I mean to him. It’s passionate, fast, but the intensity of his kiss urges me on. Kissing him back with just as much need, passion, and hunger I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. Wrapping my legs around him, I don’t even care that I’m trying to see if he’s just as turned on as I am. Caden’s kiss always brings my desire for him out more than I thought was there to begin with, and now it’s no different. I want him to put out this fire he’s started that seems to be consuming my very being.

  His hand moves up from my waist and my stomach quivers feeling his hot palm on my bare skin. He deepens our kiss as his other hand moves to my hair and angles my head just the way he wants me. Moving one hand down from his neck, I run it down and under his arm to hold onto him by his back. Touching the hardness of his back, the feel of his grip on my hair tighten and hearing his groan, I clench my thighs tighter around him seeking the friction I so desperately need. He willingly complies, as if he knows what I want, and grinds his hips forward. His cock hits my clit perfectly, and I roll my hips to meet his again. When he pulls back, I see how much he wants me, and it makes my stomach dip. “I want you, Caden.”

  He smirks then nips at my bottom lip before sucking the slight sting away. “How bad do you want me, small fry?” He asks as he moves to kiss my neck.

  Leaning my head back to give him better access, I close my eyes as I relish in the feel of his lips on my sensitive skin. “I could tell you,” I breathe out. “But I want you to feel how much I want you.”

  My eyes snap open as he leaves my neck, and I hope I didn’t go overboard. “That was bold, small fry.”

  “Yeah, I know. Shit happens when you kiss me so just go with it.”

  “Shit happens?” he asks as if he doesn’t already know.

  “Yes, shit. Well not literal shit. You know what I mean.”

  He grins widely, and I suck in a harsh breath as his hand under my shirt moves right under my bra. “Tell me, Savannah. What’s this shit you speak of?”

  Arching my back as his thumb rubs across my nipple through my bra, it takes me a minute before I can answer him. I swear I can’t decide what I like more. His mouth or his touch. “Let’s just say, I’m going to have to change panties if you keep on.”

  Grabbing onto his arm as he cups my breast in one hand, he kisses my neck again and nips at my earlobe. “That’s not good enough, Savannah. Tell me how wet you are for me.”

  “Caden, please.” God, he’s making me freaking beg now?

  “Please what?”

  And he’s playing dumb too? “Stop teasing me.”

  “I like makin’ you beg and squirm though,” he says huskily, and I really don’t know how much more of this I can take. My legs begin to shake with how tightly they are wrapped around him, but I don’t dare loosen my grip. Moving my hips against him, he pushes into me, and I let out a moan. Deciding I’ve had enough of this teasing bullshit, I grab his hand in my hair and bring it down to the spot I’m literally aching to be touched at. Caden takes my lips again but, thankfully, doesn’t move his hand away. My free hand grips tightly on the counter as he begins to slowly caress me through my shorts, and I rotate my hips up to move with him. When he pulls away, he gazes into my eyes as he takes his hand away from my needy pussy. Before I can protest, he pushes his hand down into the top of my cotton shorts. Grateful I wore clothing that actually works for this, he slips that hand down into my panties, and when those fingers gently slide down in between my lips, I bite the inside of my cheek as I push my hips forward urging him to move faster. His harsh breathing is the only thing I hear until he says, “Goddamn, Savannah. You weren’t lyin’. You’re fuckin’ soaked.”

  Those skillful fingers begin to move up and down barely putting a damper in my desire. I need so much more than this delicate touching. “Caden, please. I need you.”

  “I know, small fry.” My face flushes as he cups my breast and at the same time, he slowly slides a finger inside me. Letting out a moan, I let my eyes close as I let the pleasure roll through me. Soon one finger isn’t cutting it, but he must sense when I’m ready for more. Taking a second finger, he adds it with the first and begins to slowly fuck me with them. I’m already so close the edge from all his fucking teasing, and the lack of sex. All it’ll take is a few more deep thrusts, and a touch on my clit before I completely let go.

  “Caden? There’s a change of plans—”

  Hearing Cason’s voice, Caden jumps away from me, and I quickly jump off the counter. My face flames with embarrassment, and there’s no way I can look up. Glancing down at the floor, I hear Caden say, “Dude, what the fuck? Way to cock-block me.”

  Unable to stop myself, I laugh loudly as I say, “He totally just cock-blocked you.” Feeling eyes on me, I glance up seeing Caden looking at me with a grin on his face. Thinking about it for a second, I ask, “Aren’t twins supposed to have this bond thing? Like you know what the other is thinking?”

  “This is so fuckin’ awkward,” Cason says with a monotone voice.

  “We do have that bond, but it seems,” Caden starts then stares at his twin. “This dick bag never uses it.”

  Biting my lip to hold back another laugh, Cason deadpans, “Well maybe I didn’t want to know you were gettin’ freaky on our kitchen counter.”

  “Oh and walkin’ in without announcin’ you were back in the apartment was so much better,” Caden snaps back.

  They stare each other down before it hits me. “Wait a second. If Cason cock-blocked you, didn’t he cock-block me too? Well not that I have a cock. Vagina blocked?”

  “I don’t
think that sounds right,” Caden says as he frowns.

  “Cunt blocked? Vagina slammed?”

  “I like cunt blocked. That’s a good one, small fry.”

  “I would really like it if y’all would stop talkin’ about vaginas around me.”

  Glancing over to Cason, I snort seeing he looks uncomfortable. “What’s wrong, Cason? Never talked about vaginas before?”

  Cason flips me the bird, but I see the corner of his mouth twitching. “Not that I mind talkin’ about vaginas,” Caden interrupts. “But I’d like to know what plans you were talkin’ about was changed.”

  Leaning into Caden as he slips an arm around my shoulder, I don’t even think anything about it at first. But then I catch Cason’s gaze, and something flashes in his deep blue eyes. Glancing away, I reason with myself that it means nothing but my stomach feels like it’s in knots now. “Mama called while y’all were … busy. She said Caleb’s flight is landin’ early, so you need to go get him. I would go, but I have to head to the gym.” Hearing the disappointment in Cason’s voice, I look up to see him rubbing the back of his neck. “This whole no assistant thing is such a pain in the ass.”

  “Maybe if you weren’t such a grumpy old man they wouldn’t keep quittin’ on you,” Caden claims.

  “That last one was not my fault. She had no clue how to file properly.”

  “Says the guy with a serious case of OCD.”

  Grinning at their banter, I wish I had something like this growing up. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. “I’m not arguin’ about this with you.”

  “I’m not arguin’ either. Just statin’ facts, grumpy.”

  Cason lets out an exasperated sigh before saying, “Just be at the airport in a few hours.” He turns to leave before turning back. “Mama also wants you to bring Clark with you.” Something passes between the two, and I think it’s their twin bond at work. “She’s worried about him.”

  Glancing from Cason to Caden, it’s clear they’re both worried about their brother. “Yeah, we’re all worried about him.”

  Hearing the concern in Caden’s voice makes my stomach clench. “Is he alright?”

  Caden smiles down at me and places a tender kiss on my forehead. “He will be, small fry. I’ll tell you all about it later okay?” Nodding, I think nothing of it when I actually look forward to spending more time with him.

  Cason’s phone begins to ring, and I look at him as he loudly cusses. “I’ve got to head out. Catch you later?”

  His question is directed to his twin, but when he glances at me, I half wonder if he’s asking me the same thing. “We do live together remember, pumpkin?” Cason says nothing as he turns to leave. “Hey, Cas?” Cason stops, and Caden asks, “Do you want a new and improved assistant?”

  “Why? Do you know of anyone?”

  Caden brings me closer, and I frown wondering what he’s up to. “I sure do. Small fry needs a job.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “You told me you quit your other job, and Cason needs help. It’s perfect fit.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want it to be weird or anything. Plus you’re already doing enough for me as it is, and I can’t keep putting you out.”

  “Oh hush that pretty mouth,” Caden commands. Looking to Cason, he asks, “What do you say, bro? You okay with this?”

  Cason and I glance at each other as he thinks it over. “Do you know how to file and be organized?”

  Raising an eyebrow, I shrug saying, “Not really, but how hard can it be?”

  “Alright then. I’ll give it a try, but just so you know, I like shit done a certain way.”

  “No kidding,” I mutter, but I think Caden hears me.

  “It’ll be fine, small fry. Cason is just all talk. Under that hard exterior, he’s just a big and cuddly teddy bear.”

  Nervously laughing, I somewhat agree. “Yeah. Whatever you say.”

  “I’ll be waitin’ in the truck then,” Cason calls out as he walks out of the apartment.

  “Well that went swell,” I say while walking toward Caden’s room to quickly change into work appropriate clothes.

  Caden follows behind me, and I turn to him when he claims, “It’ll be fine. Cason is just … how do I put this?” He looks up at the ceiling before adding, “Different. You’ll see what I mean.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Hey,” he softly says as he pulls me to him. “You’ll do great. And when I get back from pickin’ up Caleb, you can tell me all about your first day.”

  Smiling up at him, he’s very sweet considering the train wreck I’ve been lately. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For the new job. For letting me stay here. For just being … you.”

  Using his hand to caress my face, he smiles, and it makes my stomach flutter. “I told you, small fry. I’d do anythin’ for you.” Before I get a chance to say anything back, he huskily says, “And be ready to finish what we started earlier when I get back.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I can’t find the words to respond. He takes it as his cue to leave, but not before giving me a quick peck on my lips. Watching him walk out of his room, my heart beats rapidly in my chest thinking about his promise. I won’t lie, I’m totally looking forward to finishing what we started.

  Turning to Cason, he has a frown on his face, and I wonder if it’s always there. Trying to make this car ride less awkward, I attempt to make conversation. “So you own your own gym?”


  Oh-kay. That was an epic fail. Trying again, I ask, “Does Caden co-own it with you?”


  “You’re not much of a talker are you?”


  Huffing out a breath, I pick up my phone to send Caden a text. Plus I need something to distract me from Cason, who by the way, is glaring at me.

  Me: So your brother hates me.

  I smile when I see Caden’s name pop up on my screen. I should probably change it just to Caden, but I actually like the name he added to my phone.

  Caden. The man of your dreams: Trust me. Cason hates everyone. Just give him a minute to warm up to you.

  Me: If you say so.

  Caden. The man of your dreams: If it helps he has more bite than anythin’. He’s really a big softy.

  Me: I don’t see that but I’ll take your word for it.

  Caden. The man of your dreams: He likes you small fry.

  Me: How do you know?

  Caden. The man of your dreams: Twin bond remember? I know things.

  Me: Right. That freaky thing you two did? You’ll have to explain that one to me.

  Caden. The man of your dreams: Later. About to leave to get Caleb. Talk soon.

  Me: Drive safe.

  Caden. The man of your dreams: Always small fry.

  Feeling a bit better about being alone with Cason, I set my phone down and stare out the window. Noticing we’re headed north, I wonder if we’ll arrive soon. I mean it’s not too bad being alone with Cason. It’s just the silence is starting to get a bit awkward. I’m not sure what to say to him to break the ice, but I have a feeling he’s always like this.

  Sitting up straighter when I see the sign to Cason’s gym, he slowly pulls into the parking lot in the back. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I reach for the door handle. “It’s Savannah right?”

  His deep monotone voice stops me from getting out, and I turn towards him. “Yeah, but you can call me Savvy. All my friends do.”

  “Alright, Savvy,” he says with a little bite to his voice. Remembering what Caden said, I try not to let it bother me that he seems to not like me very much. For some reason, I really want him to like me. Not because I have any sort of feelings for him, just because this is Caden’s twin. If Cason doesn’t come around, well, things are definitely going to be weird. Since I’m staying with him and Caden, not because I have feelings for Caden. Keep telling yourself that. “I have to ask. What are your intentions with my tw

  “My intentions?” I ask slowly to make sure I understand him. When he nods, I ask, “What is this? An interrogation? You know like when dads sit the boyfriend down to ask, ‘why are you with my daughter and if you hurt her, I know how to use a shotgun’. Are we really going to have that type of conversation?” Was it such a good idea to be such a smart ass? Probably not, but then again I’m not going to let Cason run all over me. He might be my new boss soon, but I’m not a freaking doormat.

  Holding my breath, I wait for him to respond and I’m nervous of how he will. I don’t know Cason at all so his reaction might be bad. When the corner of his mouth twitches, I let go of the breath I was holding. “I can see why he likes you so much.”

  “We’re still talking about Caden right?” At his blank stare, I snort. “I know who you’re referring to. I’m not stupid.”


  Narrowing my eyes, I ask, “Do you always give women the third degree like this when it comes to him?”

  Rubbing his forehead, he lets out a sigh. “Honestly no. But …” He looks up, and his voice suddenly becomes softer and gentler. “He’s different with you.”

  “Different how?” I’m instantly curious.

  “Just … different.”

  “Oh-kay. Vague much?”

  Rolling his eyes, he takes the key out of the truck before saying, “God you two are so much alike.”

  Hoping out of the truck, I walk up behind him. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  He looks back at me with a blank stare yet again, and I wonder if he ever smiles. “It wasn’t meant to be taken that way.”

  “Holy shit.” He frowns at my shocked expression, and I state, “I do believe we just had a conversation. Welcome to the real world, Cason. Where the sky is blue, and people actually say more than one or two words.”

  “Smart ass,” he says, but I see that twitch again.

  “Trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He doesn’t respond, but he does shake his head. Following behind him as we walk inside the gym, I get a surge of nervousness. Wondering what my new job will entail, I take a glance around the gym. It’s the same as any other gym, but Cason has a nice open layout. Treadmills line the front walls, weights are on the other side in the corner for lifting, and a huge ring is in the middle. I guess it’s for training or even boxing. I don’t really know much about gyms, but the feel of Cason’s gym is definitely laid back. Upon further inspection, I spot a huge blue mat in behind the ring, and I wonder what it’s used for. There are some other rooms on the other side of the room that say locker rooms. Stopping to check out the inspirational pictures hanging on the wall, my nerves about starting a new job disappear. Feeling someone beside me, I glance to my right seeing Cason. “This place is kick ass. What are the blue mats for?”


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