Grounded By Love

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Grounded By Love Page 11

by Lily Thomas

  Although understandable, it terrified her to the core. Her flesh prickled, as she felt so many stares directed her way. She was half tempted to ask Kaeldar to take her back to the tent, but she knew he wouldn’t be amused if he had to retrace his steps. It had been her decision to join along.

  Now she knew, at least, that it wasn't any better walking around with Kaeldar than just sitting in the tent twiddling her thumbs.

  Claira was so engrossed in the stares directed at her that she face planted into Kaeldar's back, when he suddenly stopped in front of her.

  She raised a hand to feel her nose. She felt like she could have broken it, had she been walking any faster, his back was so rock hard. A frown turned down her lips, and she peaked out from behind him to see why he stopped so suddenly.

  A brightly lit campfire greeted her eyes.

  Turning to her he took her arm within his strong grip and led her over to the fire, to take a seat before it.

  Claira sank to her bottom, legs crossed, and she let out a long exhale of breath. She made sure there was barely any space between where Kaeldar had taken a seat and where she was seated.

  Her skin again crawled, as she felt the weight of the rock giants' gazes on her. They had to be curious why Kaeldar had her. As food was passed around, their eyes slowly left her. Now it was her turn to watch them as they talked, drank, and ate.

  Eventually, a jar of something was passed around. Kaeldar took a deep swallow of whatever it was, and then held it up before her.

  “Would you like some?” He asked.

  Claira lifted her shoulders in a shrug. She didn't even know what was inside the jar, so how would she know if she wanted some?

  As he handed it over to her, he cautioned her. “Take only a little at first, it is strong.”

  She eyed him, as she tipped her head back and took a swig of the liquid.

  Liquid fire!

  Sputtering, she handed him the jar. Coughing she tried to catch her breath. Her throat felt like it was burning. She couldn't help but wince and let the tears pool in her eyes.

  “Strong?” She croaked out of her poor throat, a hand clutching it. It was a demon contained in a bottle.

  If that was supposed to be some sort of ale, then it was stronger than anything she’d ever tried. It would clean wounds like nothing else she knew of. It would be painful, but it would do the job.

  Kaeldar passed it to another rock giant sitting beside the fire.

  “Thank you.”

  A hearty laugh escaped him. “I said take a small amount. It's what you get for being greedy.”

  She frowned at him, but could see the glint of merriment in his eyes. “It wasn’t like you warned me. It sounded more like a challenge.”

  He smirked, while he shook his head.

  The jar made another round, and when Kaeldar offered it to her, she took it. Every eye was resting on her, and she didn’t want to appear weak. It might be a strong drink, but she had to start impressing them somehow.

  A few scoffs could be heard from around the camp, as she accepted the jar. She knew they must have seen her first encounter with the liquid. She scowled. They had no faith in her. Taking a deep swig, she scrunched her face, as it burned down her throat.

  “Might want to watch that, your pretty lips might get stuck that way.”

  Her pretty lips? Claira's mouth dropped open, and she turned to him in shock, the burn forgotten. Before she could say anything, he handed her a rabbit leg.

  Glad for the distraction, she took it from him. She needed something else in her stomach other than their liquid fire. She was already feeling the effects of the strong alcohol.

  The juice dripped down her arm, as she held it aloft and dug in. Even if the rock giants intimidated her, at least they knew how to roast meat over a fire. She took a second piece, as night fell, and the large campfire became the only source of light.

  Claira was actually starting to feel a little comfortable. She’d had several swigs of the jar. Every time a jar ran out, they always seemed to have another on hand.

  The rock giants didn’t appear to care about her presence anymore either. They were having too much fun play fighting and joking around.

  But eventually the attention turned back to her, as a rock giant warrior rose from the other side of the fire and headed her way. Claira thought he’d just pass by, since Kaeldar was sitting next to her.

  As she glanced up from her position, the rock giant stopped beside her. His large hand landed on her shoulder, and he pulled her up. She was like a piece of soft clay in his hand. She feared moving because she could end up dislocating her shoulder with the strength he was applying. So she held still, while her heart stuttered in her chest.

  His gravelly voice penetrated the night air, as he spoke to the still sitting Kaeldar.

  She was amazed. Kaeldar looked unconcerned about the current situation she was in. Although their language consisted of growls and low sounds, she thought he sounded too calm when he eventually spoke to the rock giant who was holding her by the shoulder.

  The rock giant slurred something back at Kaeldar. Clearly, he’d been taking some sips from the jar of liquid fire as well.

  Her pulse spiked through her body, as adrenaline rushed through her. She felt his hand clamp tighter on her shoulder. At this rate, he was going to cut off blood flow to her arm.

  Kaeldar growled back deeply and rose within the blink of an eye. He might be a well-built man, but he was faster than she would’ve ever guessed.

  Either the giant who was holding her was dimwitted or too intoxicated to realize he was pissing Kaeldar off. She could read the displeasure within those dark depths of his eyes.

  She almost felt like telling the rock giant he should back down before it was too late.

  Kaeldar's hand reached for his sword, yet another warning to the rock giant to back away and sleep off his drink.

  Looking between the two warriors she was able to see they were reading each other, silently. It was down to which one would make the first move or which would back down first.

  Whatever the rock giant read in Kaeldar’s eyes made him abruptly let go of Claira. Rolling her shoulder, she darted over to stand beside Kaeldar, but he stepped towards the other giant and growled in his face.

  Then Kaeldar shocked her by grabbing her arm and dragging her behind him as he led the way back through camp.

  As they entered the tent she asked, “What did he want?” She had a few guesses, but was hoping she was wrong.

  Instead of answering her, he started to strip off his clothing, one article at a time.

  “Kaeldar, tell me what he wanted with me.” Claira folded her arms across her chest. “I have the right to know. It is, after all, my safety.”

  “He wanted to take you to his bed.”

  She sucked in a breath. “That wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought he just wanted to hurt or kill me.” She felt ill. Intercourse wasn’t something she wanted entering any of the rock giants' minds, but it had, and she felt terrified by that knowledge.

  Kaeldar came over and wrapped his arms around her. One of his hands brought her head to lie against his bare chest.

  “You may be a human, Claira, but you are a female among many males who have not had company for a long time. At this point, they could care less if you are human or giant.” He continued, when she stayed quiet. “I won't let anything happen to you, you can trust me on that one.”

  She nodded against his chest. She was sure he would do his best to keep her safe, but would it actually be enough? There was still the little fact she didn’t know him all that well. He was a man who’d also been without a woman for a while.

  Then again, she was the one eyeballing him every second she got.

  “Well, thank you for standing up to him for me.” Claira drew away from his arms. She didn't need to be comforted anymore. Distance was key. She needed to keep everything professional between them.

  Kaeldar grunted, as he continued to get un
dressed for the night.

  One moment he was comforting her and the next he seemed distant, and it made her worry that he might grow bored of her. Maybe she shouldn’t put anymore distance between them, if he was already doing it for her.

  Claira wasn't sure she had the courage to sleep next to him, while he wasn’t injured and in need of her help. She just stood there and watched, as he took off his pants. Then she turned away, a blush rising to heat her cheeks. It was hard to believe she was a healer, when the thought of a naked man made her feel so shy and uncertain.

  After she heard the fur covers rustle, she turned back to find Kaeldar resting under them. Taking a deep breath, she headed over to the furs. She needed to get some sleep as well, and she didn't plan on sleeping on the ground without any furs.

  She slipped between the covers, with her clothing on. Claira had no desire to show off her body to him. A barrier between them would keep any wandering hands to themselves.

  As soon as her head hit the soft fur, she fell fast asleep. The day had taken a lot out of her, and she was ready for a good night's rest.

  Kaeldar felt Claira climb under the covers, and then heard her instantly fall asleep. Some rest would do her good. She was bound to have some more draining days ahead of her, with being the only female among so many restless males.

  She was also different, in an interesting way. He could see her attracting a lot of attention, with her wheat hair and sea green eyes. There was no way they could ignore her, when she stuck out like a sore thumb. Only problem was that she stuck out like a beautiful sore thumb.

  Kaeldar would be surprised if he was the only one in camp having to suppress a boner, when she was around.

  He had to protect her better. He thought having her by his side would deter any of the men from making a move, but that had been proven wrong. The warrior still thought Kaeldar wouldn't object, and he’d thought wrong.

  They almost came to blows over her tonight.

  He had to lay a clearer claim on Claira, even though he was sure she wasn't going to like it. He had a promise to fulfill.

  The rock giant from this night wouldn’t be the last to approach her, so Kaeldar had to make sure that none would dare try again. There was no way he could be with her all day and all night. If someone wished her ill, they would find an opportunity to get her and that freaked him out.

  He was willing to admit he feared for her life. She was his responsibility now, and he took it seriously. He wasn’t the kind of man to go back on his promises. He had too much honor instilled within him.

  Chapter 12

  The tent was lit up with the morning sunlight, when Claira woke. She felt like it was way too soon to be waking up, and she wanted more time under the warm furs, but reality came rushing back to her.

  She was in a tent set up within a rock giant camp. Her eyes cracked open to see she was alone. Raising her arms above her head she gave a stretch and a noisy yawn.

  “Glad to hear you’re awake.” Kaeldar's voice came from somewhere within the tent.

  She froze, and then lifted her chin to look behind her. There he was, dressed, and ready for the day. A frown formed on her face. He’d been so quiet. She hadn't even guessed he was still inside the tent with her.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “A few hours now. Thought I would let you rest.”

  “Thank you. I was in dire need of some sleep.”

  “I’ll be back soon. Don't leave the tent. Understand?”

  Claira nodded. After last night, there was no way she was going to leave the tent without Kaeldar beside her. Even with him beside her, she was nervous to go out.

  “If you need me, I won't be too far away.” With that last statement, he left the tent.

  Sitting up she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Sounds came from outside the tent, lots of growling and deep voices. A shiver ran up over her spine. Claira shook her head and rose from under the covers, pushing them off.

  She wandered around the perimeter of the tent, twiddling her thumbs yet again. It seemed something she was going to do a lot, while she was with Kaeldar.

  As the minutes passed by her eyes landed on the trunk. She found herself wanting to take another look. There might be something in there, which she could use to keep her mind occupied.

  She was sure Kaeldar was going to take a while longer and boring to death was not in her agenda for today.

  She approached the wooden trunk, lifted the lid, and took a peek inside. Swords and daggers greeted her eager eyes.

  There were a lot of them, so nothing to entertain her mind with. Some looked nice, others looked like they had seen better days. She closed the lid softly. Weapons weren't in her area of interest, as a healer.

  Just as she started to pace around the tent again, Kaeldar stepped through the flap. A brown leather bag was in one of his hands, and he tossed it to her. It went sailing through the air, and she barely reacted fast enough to catch it.

  Opening it she found some dried meat. Not exactly what she would think of to eat in the morning, but it would do. Taking a piece, she chewed on it. “So, where did you go?” Claira asked over her mouthful.

  “I was finding out when this camp was due to move and where they were going.”

  Claira raised an eyebrow at him, as she picked another piece of dried meat to chew on.

  “They’re getting ready to leave right now, and it appears we will be moving along the border.” Kaeldar explained to her.

  “Will we be leaving with them?” Claira asked, praying the answer would be a no.

  “We will be traveling with them.” Kaeldar confirmed.

  She hoped she wouldn’t have to be around all these rock giants for too much longer. Taking one last piece of meat out of the bag she tossed it back to Kaeldar.

  As she munched, Kaeldar led her out of the tent. Their horses were already tacked up and ready for them, and there was a new horse waiting as well. A rock giant horse, and it was about twice the size of a human horse.

  Claira let out a low whistle. Seeing giant horses from a distance wasn't the same as seeing one up close.

  She patted her horse on his soft pink nose and was glad he was still doing alright. He seemed comfortable with all the rock giants around, and Claira was jealous of his state of mind.

  The rock giants moved around the camp, paying her no mind, which she was thankful for. They were efficient, as they packed up the camp around them. She would’ve thought it would take them hours to get a camp this size ready to move, but it didn't. By the time she and Kaeldar were ready so was the rest of the camp.

  Kaeldar mounted up and offered his hand down to her.

  A frown formed on her face. “What about the other two horses?” She asked him.

  “The other horses will ride at the back and be used as pack horses. A human horse isn’t built with a giant in mind. Years of breeding have made ours so large and strong.”

  She wasn't keen on the idea of her horse being by himself. He’d been her only friend for several years.

  “You can ride at the back of the army with your horse, but I will remain at the front.”

  She wasn't keen at being too far away from Kaeldar, after what she’d gone through. Claira gave one last pout of her lips, but slipped her small hand into his larger one. The idea of riding alone was not high on her list.

  “Promise the horses will be fine?” She asked, as he swung her up before him.

  “They will both be fine. Rock giants don't tend to eat horses.”

  “Tend to?” She asked, alarm spiking through her.

  A smile broke across his face, and she realized he was just pulling her leg.

  “Not funny.” Claira moped, as she gave him a playful smack on the arm.

  She faced forward, as one of Kaeldar's arms snaked around her waist, bringing her snuggly against his body. It made her feel comfortable and safe, like no one and nothing would be able to touch her.

  Soon they were well on their way, with Kaeldar u
p near the front of the army, while her horses were taken to the back.

  They traveled for a full day and a little into the night, before the rock giants made another camp. She had tried to sleep or entertain herself with the scenery, but she had little to no success.

  The rock giant army amazed her by how organized they were. War seemed like a lifestyle choice. If she stayed with them, she felt like she might always have her hands full with healing. That is, if they trusted her enough to let her lay her hands on them.

  Kaeldar dismounted from behind her. “Would you like to come down or stay up there, while I set up the tent.”

  “I'll come down.”

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her down. This time he didn't slide her down his body, and she was thankful for that. She didn’t need him flooding her senses.

  Claira didn’t understand why her mind kept fleeing her, when he was around. This was the first time a man had been able to make her forget herself, but he wasn’t a normal man. He was a pure warrior, as well as a giant.

  She watched, as Kaeldar untied the tent from the back of the horse and went to set it up. He had it up within minutes, when she would’ve taken a day or two to get it set up.

  “If this isn't your tent, then where is the rock giant sleeping who you took it from?” Claira asked, since this tent had already been set up when they arrived at the last camp.

  “He is sharing with another warrior in the camp.”

  “Must be nice being a commander, with the lower ranks giving you their supplies.” Claira commented.

  “It has its advantages.” He winked at her.

  “I bet it does.”

  “I doubt you want to be spending time in a cramped tent with me.”

  That was true. She was bound to spend most of her time in the tent, and the bigger the better.

  “What will we be doing next?” She asked Kaeldar, hoping some food would be involved. Her stomach growled its agreement up at her.


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