Grounded By Love

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Grounded By Love Page 23

by Lily Thomas

  Sleeping on a chair these past nights hadn’t allowed her much rest. Which was probably a good thing, since she had to watch over a man who was critically injured.

  "It will be nice to sleep in a bed once again." She said dreamily, as they entered his chamber. As she flopped down onto his bed, he walked over to his wardrobe and opened it.

  "The seamstress finished all of your dresses, if you would enjoy taking a glance over them, before I make the payment."

  Claira stood and walked over to take a look at the dresses hanging inside the wardrobe. They were all so stunning, better than she could’ve ever imagined.

  "She did such a lovely job. Thank you so much for allowing me to get this many." She beamed up at him, as she ran her fingers over the silky fabrics. Never before had she owned so many dresses, especially of such quality.

  “With my healing, I fear these might get ruined.” She hadn’t thought about that before.

  “I have already thought of that.” He pointed to a couple more dresses. “That is why I had her make a couple simple wool dresses for you. I realize you might not always have time to change before healing, but I will just replace any that get stained.”

  “I don’t know what to say, I’m just glad you’re helping me to form a relationship with these other giants.”

  “Thank you is always a good place to start.”

  Smiling she nodded her agreement, “Of course. Thank you for your generosity.”

  She turned back to the dresses, while Kaeldar backed away from the wardrobe allowing her to get a better view of the colorful display.

  This was the first time she was able to de-stress and relax. She was fairly confident the rock giant warrior would to make it now, since she had seen him over the worst part. Unless he relapsed, he was in the clear, but she thought it unlikely he would, for he was strong and resilient.

  "I can't wait to wear one of these." They were simple, but still elegant, and they were all her own, because Kaeldar was such a generous man.

  Walking over to him she wrapped her arms around his neck and stretched her body up against his own. He could be a ruthless warrior, but he also was a thoughtful man. It was a confusing mix, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it all.

  "Thank you for the dresses. It will be nice to wear a dress again instead of these boys clothing you have loaned me."

  Kaeldar switched topics. "Will you be going back to tend to the warrior in the morning?"

  "Yes. I think he should be all right until then, and I really need to get some rest in a bed or I won't be able to stay awake for another day."

  She watched his dark eyes. Was that love in them that she could see or was it just her imagination? She could just be seeing what she wanted, rather than the truth.

  "I heard from the guards I’ve posted by his room that the warrior is looking much better. I thought you might like to know the rock giants have been talking about you and your skills with healing. You appear to be rising in their opinions."

  "I do enjoy hearing that. It gives me hope, perhaps, someday I will be accepted here." She couldn’t delude herself though, there was little to no life for her here. She was clinging onto a false hope. The king and queen were still against her, and none of this would be over until they also accepted her.

  "Don't go too far now." He teased her, as his strong arms wrapped around her tiny waist. His hands massaged Claira's lower back, easing the tension from the knots in her muscles. Leaning down he planted a soft kiss against her lips.

  She moaned, as he gently brushed his lips against hers, causing goosebumps to spread over her skin.

  Claira let her heart soar, as she allowed Kaeldar to cup her buttocks and lift her against his groin. Her legs wrapped around his waist, as he carried her over to the bed. He sat down, with her legs moving to straddle his hips.

  As he leaned back onto the bed, she came down with him, never pausing in their passionate kissing. Her hands came up to play with his thick charcoal hair, as his hands ran down the back of her legs to squeeze the inside of her thighs.

  Claira gave a little squeal, as his fingers hit a ticklish spot.

  Rising up on her knees she smack his chest playfully. "Don't tickle me."

  "No tickling?"


  Before she was even able to blink, he flipped her onto her back and placed his hands beside her head, trapping her underneath him.

  "You won't be needing these now that I’ve bought those dresses for you." He said, as his hands came up to her throat and grabbed the shirt she was wearing.

  "What do you mean by that?" She asked, right before he ripped the shirt off of her body. "Kaeldar!” She burst out.

  He growled down at her, as his eyes zeroed in on her taunt pink nipples.

  "I love this sight." His hands made their way to her pants, untying the strings with confidence. He slid off her pants, stepped back onto the floor, and began to strip for her.

  She gave him a naughty smile, as her eyes skimmed over every single part of flesh he exposed to her gaze. When he was fully undressed, he slipped back onto the bed to lie down beside her. He plucked a rosy nipple with two of his fingertips, as he leaned in for yet another kiss.

  Pulling her close he ran a hand down her side, as he pulled her up and on top of him. She let out a gasp, but he didn't give her any time to protest. He slid into her softness with one swift movement, his hips rising as his hands moved her hips down to enter her completely.

  Claira loved the feel of him filling her with his solid length. It made her feel special and desired. He was a man she could dream about all night and all day.

  Her nails dug into the skin on his shoulders, as she moved her hips to his rapid rythym. Panting his name she came around his throbbing length, as Kaeldar groaned and arched his back. He gave a few final thrusts into her warm sheath, until he finally shot his seed deep inside her.

  Collapsing on his chest she heaved in a couple deep steadying breaths.

  "That felt amazing." She whispered against his sweat moistened chest.

  "Truly." He whispered against her hair.

  Lifting herself up on her hands she smiled, as she rolled off of him to cuddle beside him. Once she was all snuggled in his nice strong arms, they both slowly drifted into sleep, while Kaeldar stroked her hair.

  A few days later, she found herself, once again, sitting beside the giant warrior tending to his wound. The wound wasn't an irate color anymore, and she felt comfortable saying he would be fine. There was no more worry about him relapsing.

  Looking over at a table she gazed at the lovely lavender flowers she’d been given by the rock giant's wife. It had been a touching offer, and it raised her hopes about winning over the rock giant population. Her healing skills might just come in handy, after all. It was definitely a movement in the right direction. Sure, the woman hadn't said anything other than thank you, but again it was something.

  It made Claira accept Kaeldar's offer of setting up her own healer's practice. She wouldn’t be leaving, until her life was endangered or Kaeldar got bored of her. She’d made her decision. She would see what existed between them.

  The sick tended to see the light, when someone helped them to recover. She had high hopes of them seeing she wasn't the devil, and just someone trying to find a spot to live her life. She would be more than willing to make rock giant friends for she had absolutely no problem with it.

  "Here we are." Kaeldar said. "You can, now, open your eyes."

  Claira lowered her hands only to have them come back up to cover her mouth. "Oh, my word!" She gasped, as her eyes popped wide.

  He had fixed up a room for her with cabinets and all sorts of powdered plants, dried plants, oils, and a little bit of equipment. A smile broke out over her face.

  "This is so wonderful!" She exclaimed. "So extremely wonderful." She spun in a circle her hands still clasped to her mouth. "Do you think anyone will actually come though?"

  He nodded his head. "As news spreads, I’m sure m
ore will show up for healing."

  She had some doubts about anyone coming, but Kaeldar seemed pretty sure of it.

  The rock giant she’d recently healed hadn't known he was going to be cared for by a human woman, and he probably wouldn't have chosen Claira to help save his life, if he’d been conscious. Why would any of the others want her help? But she enjoyed his enthusiasm.

  "Well, either way, thank you. Even if no one ever shows, it was the thought that counts."

  He guided her back out of the room. "Let's join the meal, and then you can come back to organize the supplies. I’m sure I didn’t set it up the way you would like."

  "Sounds fine by me."

  Strangley enough, rock giants did start to slowly trickle through her care. Her hopes were raised that she might have a chance at winning all of these people over.

  So far, she’d treated mostly women. It seemed as though they were more willing to accept her, then she’d previously thought. It was a start, and that was all that mattered to her.

  Claira had also received many more gifts from them as payment, and it delighted her to no end. Clearly, they thought her healing to be good enough to bring her gifts as a thank you.

  After a few more days passed, her clientele grew to be a mix of both men and women. Claira was pleasantly surprised by the turnout. But as more people came, she was able to tell Kaeldar's parents were less than thrilled of her apparent success.

  Clearly, they hadn't thought she’d be able to impress anyone. Then she pulled healing from out of her sleeve. They didn’t seem to think it was such a blessing, if the glares she received were any indication of their feelings.

  If she were able, she would’ve loved to get along with his parents. She could see it would all be a dream, never to come true. There was no way she’d be able to please them, unless of course she decided to leave their land.

  But she wasn't about to give up her place by Kaeldar's side. That is unless Kaeldar gave her signs that everything between them was over. Which he kept renewing her hope that nothing was over, not yet, at least.

  She felt as though she was poking a dangerous animal, and she was terrified his parents would eventually bite. It was all just a matter of time.

  "How has it been going? I feel as though I haven't been able to see you as much lately." Kaeldar's voice broke through the silence of her healer’s room.

  Turning she found him leaning against the doorway. "I've been kept busy by the amount of rock giants coming by." Then she added, "To my complete surprise."

  "I realize it was my idea, but the number of people who have come to see you has astonished even me. I must admit, I’m getting slightly jealous, since I haven't seen you in a while."

  She gave a twinkle of a laugh. "Surely not."

  He gave a deep growl. "I need you."

  Before she had a moment to blink, he was right in front of her. His strong hands wrapped around her waist, he lifted her onto one of the tables, and started to kiss her neck.

  "What are you doing?" She giggled, as he kissed his way up her neck and to her lips. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slyly working its way into her mouth, as their tongues danced together.

  Her hands wound their way into Kaeldar's silky black hair, as her legs spread to allow him to scoot in between them. Her legs entwined themselves around his lean hips, and his hands came down to clasp her buttocks, scooting her closer to his groin.

  She gasped, breaking the kiss, as she felt his hard member.

  "Kaeldar." She tisked in a naughty voice, knowing very well nothing would stand in his way of getting between her thighs, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

  A frustrated growl came up his throat, as he chastised her. "Don't."

  She leaned back in, to rekindle the kiss. The growls he made caused shivers of pleasure to wash over her skin. This was something she wouldn't ever get enough of.

  He flipped up her skirts, surprising her as he untied his trousers, his cock springing forth.

  As he started to push her forward, she put her hands on his shoulders and asked, "Here? Now? Are you sure it’s appropiate?"

  "Yes, it is, and we will do it here and now."

  She was about to open her mouth to protest, when he put a hand to her lips. "Not another word, Claira. Not unless it is you panting my name, while you clench around my cock."

  That image distracted her from any more complaints.

  "She is getting more poular with the people. What are we going to do? We need to do something, and we need to do it quickly." The queen clung to the king’s arm, her nails digging into his skin. "I don't want my only son to be with this human female any longer. We can't let it continue!"

  "I hadn't expected her to have such talent. A talent that would make our people turn a blind eye to the fact she is human." The king admitted aloud, surprising both of them for a few seconds.

  "How will you ever get rid of her? Kaeldar is having her guarded by men he knows he can trust." The queen moaned. "I just don't know why he keeps bedding that human female, since she has nothing our females don't have."

  "He isn't the only one with men faithful to him. I too have men I can use, and they will agree that she needs to go. Soon, my dear, we won’t have anything to worry about. Trust me."

  "Always." The queen whispered up at him, adoration shining brightly in her black eyes. “I just wished Kaeldar knew how poisinous this human female was for him.”

  “Perhaps he is not the right male for the kingship.”

  The queen gasped. “How can you say such a thing? He is our son, it’s his bithright to rule after you.”

  “Not if he can’t see straight. No rock giant king can have a human in his bed. If he can’t get rid of her, then he is no son of mine.”

  "Now remember to take these every morning." Claira explained to a rock giant woman and her young child, as she handed the woman a bundle of herbs. "And don't forget to check back with me in a few days."

  The woman nodded, took her child's hand, and left Claira alone in her healer's chamber.

  She smiled. Sometimes the rock giants wouldn't say a word to her other than to tell her what was wrong with them, but eventually trinkets or flowers would find their way to her, and she knew they weren't coming from Kaeldar. These things were coming from her patients, and it meant everything was going her way.

  Even if she hadn't made any friends, they were being friendlier than the villagers she’d lived with.

  Well, there had been someone who had been friendly to her back in the village. Robert. He just shouldn’t have acted like he did. His approach to everything had been wrong. There’d been so much going on in her life, she hadn't the time to think about it, but his death still weighed on her mind.

  But now that she’d had time to think about it, she didn’t blame Kaeldar. Robert signed his own death warrant, when he came after her. He should’ve left well enough alone.

  Brushing her hands down her dark emerald dress she decided she needed to keep remembering what Kaeldar was really like. He hadn’t done anything to help those villagers, instead he’d let his troops march away to a defenseless village.

  Now that she knew he was prince, she knew he had to have some power, even if it might be limited. She would be the first to admit she didn’t know much about the politics of royalty, but surely he could’ve done something.

  For now, she needed to get back to the chamber which she shared with Kaeldar.

  Kaeldar always had a guard waiting outside their chamber for when she got called away in the night, like tonight. She, of course, still had those parents of Kaeldar's who wanted her to drop dead, as soon as possible.

  The rock giants had started coming to her at all times of the day and night for remedies to their illnesses. Claira was, of course, willing to help them at any time of the day or night, because she wanted them to know she would always be there for them. She wanted them to rely on her and want her care.

  She grabbed a candle from a table near the door, and then left
the room. She couldn't wait to slip back into bed with him and have his warmth once more envelope her.

  Shaking her head she forced herself to remember she was going to put distance between them. He might be her dream man, but there were still some problems with him. He was going to rejoin the war effort as a soldier, at some point. She couldn’t live with him, if he was going out there to slaughter more people.

  After taking a few steps into the hallway, she noticed her guard was missing. He should’ve been waiting right outside the door for her, and he should’ve followed her the moment she left her healer's room.

  Confusion hit her just, as her stomach flipped, and her eyes darted around the dark castle. Perhaps he’d just decided to stretch his legs and walked farther down the corridor.

  She, slowly, made her way down the corridor, but didn't call out. Claira didn’t want to announce her presence to any wondering rock giants.

  Goosebumps raced all over her skin. She really wished her guard had been where he was supposed to be. Then she might’ve already been in bed with Kaeldar.

  Peering around a corner she still couldn’t find her guard. She would have to make her way all the way across the castle, to get to Kaeldar's chambers.

  Frowning she started to make her way there, when a sudden sharp pain coursed through her skull. The floor came crashing up to meet the side of her face, as she crumpled to the ground.

  As her vision faded, she watched two rock giant men come and stand over her. She tried to ask them for help, but all that came out was a jumble of scrambled words, as her vision blurred and darkness overcame her.

  "I don't know about this." One of the rock giants grumped to the other, as they stared down at the motionless human female. "Kaeldar will be less than pleased, when he finds out."

  "The king will have our hides, if we don’t get her out of the castle, and as far as I know, Kaeldar has yet to be crowned king." The second rock giant looked over at the first. "Now get the bag ready, Marn. We don't have time to weigh our options. We need to get her moved and quickly.”


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