Retribution of Sins

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Retribution of Sins Page 22

by J. L. McCoy

  “You’d be surprised,” I said, leaning against the wall, towel drying the ends of my hair. “He had this massive compound and guards out the ass. We had one hell of a time getting him.”

  “I’m so glad you did. That means you’ll be home soon, right?”

  “Actually, no,” I explained gently. “I got a call from Dean a few hours ago asking for my help. Some pack master came in and kidnapped a few women he’d been protecting. He’s calling in a favor, and I can’t tell him no. Not after he’s helped us all those times without batting an eye. I miss you more than anything, but I’ve got to do this for him.”

  “I’ll help,” he said, and when I went to argue, he put his proverbial foot down and repeated himself. “I said I’ll help. It’s not only you that owes Dean. He rescued the love of my life from that shack in East Austin. I owe him a debt as well.”

  “You really know how to make a girl swoon, Archer Rhys,” I cooed, butterflies settling in my lower abdomen. Oh, how I loved that man of mine.

  “I’m going to make you do a lot more than that when I get you back in my bed, Skye Morrison,” he promised, and I swore my heart skipped a beat at the admission. “So tell me, why are you calling from an unknown number? What happened to your phone?”

  “Hagan shot it. Ricochet bullet, actually. I don’t think he’s too broken up about it though seeing as how I destroyed his phone when you called him at the beginning of this whole Stanus fiasco.”

  “I’ll have Gunnar purchase new phones for you two. Try to make these last longer than a month this time.”

  “Hey, have you seen my life? No promises, mister, but I’ll try,” I agreed, laughing.

  “Fuck, I miss you,” he admitted, sounding a bit sad.

  “I miss you too, Archer, but I’ll be home soon. I’ll call you when I’m back at the airport in Austin and you can meet me at Dean’s.”

  “Sounds good. I love you, Skye.”

  “I love you too, handsome.”

  After ending the call, I sat there staring at the home screen for a few minutes. My brain was occupied with everything Archer. I missed him more than words could convey and couldn’t wait to be back in his arms. This trip had been the longest we’d been away from each other and, while I will admit that occasional distance was healthy in a relationship, being away too long was somewhat excruciating.

  Taking a deep breath, I dialed up Dean. Now that Stanus was secured, I could get the lowdown on what had happened with him and his pack.

  “Cruz,” he answered on the fourth ring.

  “Hey, Dean. It’s Skye.”

  “Dammit, toots, it’s good to hear from you,” he said, relief painting his gruff voice. “I’m not going to lie, I was pretty worried about you. What in the hell are you doing in Finland?”

  “I’m actually on my way back to the States right now,” I said, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear while I finger brushed my long hair. “I went after that asshole who kidnapped Nikki.”

  “Please tell me you caught that no good piece of shit,” he growled, anger and rage practically vibrating through the phone.

  “The piece of shit has been caught,” I reported gladly. “I’m taking him back to the leader of the Dark Ones to stand trial.”

  “Bullshit,” he barked. “I want a piece of that asshole first!”

  “No can do, Dic,” I said, somewhat soothingly. “Atticus Frost called dibs. Just know he’s most likely going to be tortured within an inch of his life before he meets the final death.” I thought back to my father’s trial and shivered. Atticus sure liked his torture. And how.

  Growling with displeasure, he first sighed then acquiesced. “It had better be extreme torture.”

  “I don’t think you really have to worry about that. Atticus is pissed, and let’s just say I’ve witnessed a small taste of what he can do to a prisoner.”

  “It had better be ugly, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “It will be,” I promised. “So tell me, what happened? How did your friends get taken?”

  “The girls were on their way home from a full moon run when their car was run off the road. I found a letter from their old pack master in the car detailing how he’d taken them and how we weren’t to come looking. Fuck him and fuck his letter. I want my girls back. They are family now. Poor Primo is beside himself right now. It’s taking every ounce of authority I have to keep him in Austin. He wants Jojo back something bad.”

  “I need to personally hand over Stanus to Atticus, but once I do, I’ll head straight to your shop, okay?”

  “How long do you think it’ll take?”

  “Less than twenty-four hours, and I’m all yours, big guy,” I promised.

  “Good. I’ll round up the cavalry.”

  “How’s Nikki doing? Can I talk to her?”

  Dean groaned and was quiet for a few heartbeats. I was starting to worry when he finally spoke up. “Listen, toots. Something happened during our full moon run, and I don’t want you to get too upset. I’m handling it. I promise.”

  “I swear to God, Dean, if something else happened to Nikki—”

  “She’s okay,” he said quickly, trying to placate me. “Just a little banged up.”

  “Elucidate,” I said staccato, sharply annunciating each syllable. I felt my fangs pinch my gums as they threatened to deploy. I was angry as hell and impatient to boot. Bad combination for a vampire.

  “During the full moon run, she left the camp and ran into the woods looking for me. Instead of finding me, she found a jealous packmate who tried to kill her.”

  “What the fuck?” I yelled, startling Corvus. “What happened?”

  “She’s okay,” he repeated again, his voice soft in an attempt to calm me, but I wasn’t having any of it.

  “Talk, Dean. Now!”

  “She’s got a broken nose and a cracked rib. She’s bruised up, but her pain is being managed, and she is being looked after closely by a medical professional in my pack.”

  “Who did it?” I demanded. “Who touched her? I want them, Dean.”

  “Easy, Skye,” he said, attempting to calm me again. “They are being taken care of. I promise. She will not get away with this.”

  “Let me talk to her. I need to talk to Nikki. Put her on, Dean,” I commanded, my heart beating faster as rage took ahold of me. My eyes flickered pitch black, and I knew I would not be able to calm down until I heard her voice.

  “Okay, just take it easy,” he whispered. “I don’t want you scaring her. You in protective mode is terrifying, doll, so take a deep breath.”

  Doing as I was told, I calmed down a smidgeon, but not enough to alleviate the worry housed deep in my gut.

  After a few moments and some jostling with the phone, I heard the sweetest sound in the entire world. “Skye? Is that you?”

  “Nikki,” I breathed out in a relieved whoosh of air. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? I heard gunfire and God only knows what else and you’re asking about me? cupcake, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’ve got your priorities screwed. Are you okay? That’s what I’m dying to know.”

  “I’m fine,” I chuckled, leaning heavily on the wall in relief. That was my Nikki all right, no-nonsense and to the point. Man, I’d missed my best friend. “I’m perfectly fine. Now tell me about you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay, just pretty bruised up. Roxy tried her best to kill me.”

  “Roxy is her name?” I asked, mentally taking notes for when I went to Dean’s house. I was going to demand to see her and possibly kick her ass for fucking with my heart like that.

  “Yeah. She’s a real bitch, cupcake.”

  “Literally.” We both said in unison and laughed together.

  “Man, I’ve missed you so much, Nik,” I admitted, tears springing to my black eyes. “I’m so, so sorry for everything that’s happened. I should have told you a long time ago that I became a vampire, but I didn’t know how to tell you. I also didn’t want to bring you into the crazi
ness that has become my life.”

  “We are soul sisters, Skye. We made a promise to each other long ago that we would always be truthful with one another. We both made mistakes recently, but we can start fresh now. I just can’t wait to see you. I’m dying to hug your neck!”

  I cried then. Full-on ugly cried. Snot, tears, the works. My heart felt like it finally found the piece that had been ripped out, and I was more than elated to have it back.

  “Stop crying,” she sniffled. “You’re making me cry, dammit.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. “I’m just so happy. I thought I’d lost you for good, Nik. I honestly thought I’d lost you forever.”

  Nikki sniffled again and hiccupped. “I’m so sorry I punched you. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “It’s okay,” I chuckled, tears still slowly trickling down my face. “I hardly felt it.”

  “Bitch.” She laughed heartily, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. “So Dean tells me you’re some kind of kickass vampire. Care to fill me in?”

  “It’s probably easier if I show you in person. I’ve got some awesome new party tricks.”

  “You always were the life of the party,” she said, sniffling again. “When will you be here?”

  “Less than twenty-four hours, Nik. Be prepared to receive the biggest, longest, most awkward hug in the history of hugs. I’m not even kidding.”

  “Ditto, girl.”

  “I’ll see you soon, okay? Can you put Dean back on the phone?”

  “See you soon,” she said before handing the phone off.

  “I haven’t seen her smile that wide since before all this mess happened to her,” he commented softly, something tender in his voice that I’d never heard before.

  “I’m stupid happy right now, Dean.” I sniffled, wiping my cheeks with my right palm. “Listen, I’m calling Jameson, and he is going to heal Nikki. I haven’t mentioned it to her, so I’ll let you break the news. I want to erase what Roxy did to her. Can you meet Jameson at your bar?”

  “Sure thing. Have him call me when he’s on his way over. We’re here now and will be here for a few more hours.”

  “Great, thanks, Dean. Hug my girl for me, please.”

  “Already on it, toots. Be safe, okay?”

  “Already on it,” I answered softly before ending the call.

  I quickly dialed Jameson’s number and explained the situation. He said he’d get over to Tricky Dic’s within the hour. Promising him a favor owed, I gave him my most genuine thanks, told him I missed him, and ended the call.

  Just then Hagan exited the bathroom, all clean and smelling fresh. He took in my tearstained face and red eyes and shook his head. “I guess you and the human are back to painting each other’s nails again?”

  “And doing each other’s hair,” I said, cocking a brow as I smiled up at him.

  He returned my smile and slung his arm around my shoulder, escorting me back to the front of the plane.

  Twelve hours later, we landed at JFK airport, and I was beyond glad to be home. I would have kissed the ground had it not been totally gross. Corvus secured the limo for us, and as soon as it arrived, I hurriedly grabbed Stanus from his seat on the plane and shoved him in the door.

  Hagan stayed behind to call Archer’s pilot and crew and get the plane ready for us to leave as soon as I was back from delivering Stanus.

  I made sure to lock and load my boot gun, completely prepared should we meet any resistance from Stanus or his lackeys along the way. Thankfully, the ride from the airport to Atticus’s colony was uneventful, and for that I was immensely glad. I’d had enough of Stanus and the trouble he’d brought to mine and Nikki’s life to last me a lifetime.

  Once we arrived at the parking garage, Corvus assisted me with Stanus. For the first time since I drained him, he was trying to put up a fight.

  “No,” he managed to groan as he feebly kicked his legs, trying to make purchase on the concrete to stop our forward momentum. “Please... no.”

  “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, asshole,” I stated plainly, unaffected by his pleas.

  Corvus actually laughed at Stanus’s attempt to get away. It was pretty pathetic, I had to admit. Had I not drained him, I’m sure he would have been fighting us like a soaking wet hellcat hopped up on bath salts.

  “He’s... going to... kill me,” Stanus whispered.

  “Father is going to do much more than that,” Corvus said, chuckling. “Killing you straight away would be a kindness, and I doubt he’s feeling generous toward you right now.”

  The elevator doors opened, and we were escorted deep down into the underground colony by security. The men took in Stanus’s weak form then looked at Corvus. Corvus shook his head and pointed to me.

  “She did it, not me,” he said, his voice full of humor.

  The guards appraised me then and saw me in a new light. Almost like I was one of them. I frowned and shook my head. “It was a simple case of hunger, nothing more.”

  I didn’t want them thinking I was like them, a Dark One, savage and heartless. Truth was, when my eyes turned black and rage overtook me, I was much worse. But I didn’t want them knowing that.

  Once the elevator doors opened, we came to the security checkpoint and my weapons were taken from me. I knew the drill but was still displeased. I didn’t like being without my dagger. The scan was much less invasive this time, and for that I was glad. They scrutinized Stanus, though, but found no weapons on him. I’d dispatched him of his gun in the panic room, and Hagan searched him once he was handcuffed, finding nothing then.

  Security took charge of Stanus then and escorted us through the winding stone tunnels to Atticus’s main throne room. The last time I’d seen this room was when I met my father for the first time. It brought back memories of that night and made me feel betrayed and stupid all over again. I still couldn’t believe I’d ever trusted the load of crap he spoon-fed me that night.

  “Miss Morrison.” Atticus got up from his throne as we walked in. “You’ve brought me a gift! How very thoughtful of you.”

  I watched as the guards roughly threw Stanus to the ground in front of Atticus, and I frowned at the way he was being so callously treated. Yes, he was a traitor to his kind and yes he kidnapped and tortured Nikki, but I was still expecting a smidgeon of tact from them. I felt very conflicted in my heart and did my best not to look at Stanus again. He was no longer my problem, damn my stupid sense of morality.

  “Father,” Corvus greeted, bowing to him.

  “You two have pleased me greatly.” He smiled as he took in Stanus, rubbing his hands together like he a starving man in front of a freshly cooked Thanksgiving spread.

  “Is my father still alive?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Atticus answered, seemingly offended by the question.

  “Good. And he will stay alive, correct? I’ve done my job.”

  “Miss Morrison,” he admonished. “Ye of little faith. I am a man of my word. You delivered Stanus and I will deliver to you your father’s life and the promise that he will be incarcerated for five hundred years.”

  I blanched then. A five-hundred-year prison term was outrageous, and I couldn’t imagine being kept in captivity for that long. But my father did try to overthrow his leadership, and I knew I should be glad that he granted me Lucian’s life at all. Regardless, I never wanted to see him again and figured a five-hundred-year sentence was a good start to that.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say.

  “Should you ever change your mind and wish him dead, I will gladly carry out the previous sentence,” he said with barely suppressed glee. “I am but a phone call away.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I stated plainly, then asked the question I most wanted to know. “Now that I’ve delivered Stanus, are we square? You’re not going to call me out of the blue one day and expect me to work for you again, are you?”

  “Not so fast, kitten,” Corvus purre
d, then tsked. “You owe me a favor, remember? Should I ever need assistance, I will most definitely be calling it in.”

  “Dammit,” I hissed under my breath as I squeezed my eyes shut. I’d forgotten all about that. Corvus said I owed him after he talked Atticus into letting me see my father before his trial.

  Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I nodded tightly. “One favor owed,” I conceded, trying to hide my deep displeasure.

  “Aww, kitten, don’t look so glum,” Corvus teased. “You know you enjoyed working with me these last two weeks. I for one enjoyed our little excursions.”

  “You speak as if we just went on vacation together.” I shook my head exasperatedly. “As if. No part of hunting down Stanus Octavius was fun for me. Not one single part. I worked my ass off to find that man and did it for another man who despises my very existence. Why did I do it? I couldn’t fucking tell you. So to say I’m over this whole thing would be a massive understatement, Corvus. No offense.”

  “None taken,” he said, amused as always by my pissy moods. I really hated that about him, his good looks and excellent bone structure be damned.

  “Lemon, Corvus,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Lemon.”

  Corvus broke out in full-on belly laughter then, and I crossed my arms under my chest, my lips pursed tight.

  “What’s this about fruit?” Atticus asked, confused, as he glanced back and forth between us.

  With tears in his eyes, Corvus answered. “She wishes me to suck it, Father.”

  Taken aback, Atticus’s head pivoted to me. “How disturbing. Why would you ever want him to do such a thing?”

  “It’s a saying,” I explained, shaking my head again. “You know what, never mind. It’s a long story and one I fortunately don’t have the time for.”

  “Do you have some place better to be?” Atticus asked, waving his hand, practically offended.

  “Actually, there is something rather important I have to take care of back in Texas,” I stated neutrally, trying my best not to offend him any more than I probably just did. “I really should be going. Thank you very much for your generosity, sir.”


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