Solving for Nic (Self Made Men...Southern Style Book 2)

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Solving for Nic (Self Made Men...Southern Style Book 2) Page 7

by Lexxi Callahan

  Lizzie met his gaze head-on and set her party girl persona to stun. She held out her hand for him and went for it. She’d finally asked him to dance first. It would be the last time she indulged herself. She was not a damned blip on anyone’s radar, but after tonight, he would be one on hers.

  The second his fingers curled around hers, she wavered. Electric shock sizzled down her hand to her arm and right straight through her. Panic slicked along her nerve endings and she hoped her vacant smile was in place. She couldn’t feel her skin so she wasn’t sure.

  This might not have been the best idea.

  Warmth radiated off him. Her bones softened as she leaned into him, letting him control their movements. The rest of the dancers faded away. A familiar lethargy pulled her into a strange slow motion. He smelled so good. Felt so familiar. An ache started deep inside her.

  Definitely a mistake but how could anything that felt so wonderful be a mistake?

  The slow song ended and the band broke into a much faster more modern song. He didn’t release her. Relieved, she let go and lost herself in the music, the beat, and the proximity to him. Now, as Nic's fingers slid over her, scorching her through the dress and keeping her in a constant state of motion, Lizzie forgot she had a plan. Everything slid right out of her mind. He spread through her system like pure alcohol. He spun her around and pulled her back. His hands flattened against her stomach tightening her hips against his. Lizzie stretched and swayed to the music. When his mouth brushed against her shoulder, tasting her, she nearly went supernova right in the middle of the dance floor.

  They lasted two more songs before he clamped his hand around hers and walked her out of the crowd. He didn’t speak. Neither did she. There was nothing to say. He didn’t lead her to the open bar. Instead they walked straight out of the ballroom and down a few steps to a lounge where some grand opening guests had gathered for a more subdued atmosphere.

  The cooler air in the lounge helped clear her head but she was floating from dancing, the loud music and being so close to him. The contact between their hands kept the combustion going and Lizzie was pretty sure she would have followed him straight into a volcano just to cool off. He found an empty booth in the back, ordered a bottle of wine, then turned his full attention back to her.

  “What have you been up to lately?”

  He was too close to her in the booth, making it difficult to breathe. She managed not to jump out of her skin when his arm went around her, resting against the back of the booth, but she couldn't look at him, not unless she wanted to asphyxiate. She laughed to cover her breathlessness. “Really?”

  His eyebrows lifted. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Did he ask a question? She blinked, the weight of her head becoming harder and harder to sustain. There was something she was supposed to be doing, but she couldn’t remember what it was. Kissing him, maybe? No. It sounded like a great idea but she was pretty sure that wasn't her plan. “This and that.”

  Nic had the most beautiful mouth she'd ever seen. Lizzie blinked and pretended she hadn't been staring. His thigh brushed against her as he eased around until he was almost in front of her. Her weight sank back against the booth and her bones started to melt again. He blocked out the rest of the world as she could barely keep her head up.

  She forced herself to face him, then wished she hadn’t. The apex predator staring back at her wasn’t hungry. He was furious.

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard. If he was a predator, she was prey. She was not as upset as she should’ve been. A wildly inappropriate sizzle started deep inside her.

  “Yeah. Oh.” His smile was not nice. “You owe me breakfast.”

  The tone of his voice didn’t reflect the anger rolling off him. He had it under control. She shivered, wondering how she would survive the anger she could feel rushing out of him. She was in way over her head. When the backs of his fingers stroked slowly down the inside of her arm, she didn't care anymore. It was such a simple touch, a light caress, but it felt like electricity scalding down her arm.

  “Your skin is so soft.” The words were low and smoky, and sending her deeper into a drugged state she had no idea how to deal with. Not that she wanted to deal with it.

  “Nic, I…”

  Their wine arrived. He released her and waved off the server. He poured two glasses and handed her one. Cold and crisp, the wine was delicious.

  “Not too sweet?” He set his glass aside, turning toward her in the booth.

  “Perfect.” She sounded breathless and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She drank the wine too quickly and almost dropped the wine glass when he tried to refill it.

  “Relax.” His voice was husky and warm and tingling over her skin like static electricity.

  “How?” She whimpered, wondering if she was going to come right out of her skin.

  He was too close. She couldn’t think.

  “Close your eyes,” he suggested.

  “Not a chance.” She gasped out the last word when his hand moved over her knee and between her legs. His fingers burned the sensitive skin of her inner thighs as they pressed in, easing her legs apart.

  His smile turned devastating then. “You’re burning up, aren’t you?”

  She scooted back in the booth, making it easier for his palm to press against her inner thigh. His thumb teased over the damp lace. “Nic…wait…”

  “Don’t move,” he whispered against her mouth before claiming it with his own.

  Her head fell back as the kiss deepened. His taste rushed through her system, imprinting itself on every part of her. She couldn’t get enough. Never wanted it to end.

  “You left me.” The words grazed across her lips, as his teeth nipped and pulled her bottom lip. “I should punish you.”

  If what his fingers were doing was his idea of punishment, Lizzie decided she would be bad for the rest of her life. She gasped, no longer caring they were in a public place.

  “I panicked.” She whimpered when his fingers pushed the lace aside and there was nothing stopping him from sliding deep inside her. He stopped when her words sank in. “I woke up and panicked. Kind of like I’m about to do right now.”

  Something strange flickered in his eyes and his face softened into a more familiar version of him. He eased his hand back, his palm soothing down her thighs until her legs stopped shaking.

  “I’m sorry.” She traced her fingers along his shadowed jawline. He leaned into the caress, his eyes fluttering shut as he ducked his chin. She felt him shudder, but he was covering her hand with his. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  He cleared his throat, his voice raspy and not unaffected by what had almost happened. “I should have called you.” The words were low and filled with self-recriminations, not criticism for her.

  She nodded. “I wanted you to call.”

  She’d been devastated when he hadn’t and furious with herself for being devastated. That was not who Lizzie thought she was. She was logical not irrational. That night with Nic had been more than her first time, it had made her question everything about herself and all the things she told herself she wanted but for once logic and numbers were no help in understanding what was happening to her.

  He topped off their wine glasses, emptying the bottle. “We can make it up to each other. I have a place in the Keys. Spend the week with me.”

  “Seriously?” The invitation was the last thing she’d expected.

  “There’s a boat and a pool and if it gets too quiet, I’ll take you shopping.”

  Take her shopping? Who did Nic think she was?

  He kissed her again. His mouth moved slowly over hers, grazing tender flesh with his teeth then soothing her with his tongue. Long fingers wrapped around the back of her head and held her there. He lifted those golden, jungle animal eyes. “Spend a week with me and let Rogan and Angie have some time alone.” His hand stroked down her cheek until his thumb pressed along her bottom lip.

  Oh, that’s who he thought she was. Maybe
her performance had been too good. Now she was Angie’s problem and Nic wanted to get her out of the way. It stung, but she couldn’t blame him. Nic had never seen her in the real world. They’d met at parties and family functions.

  She relaxed back in the booth, her eyes closing as he tasted the soft skin below her ear. Hot chills slid over her, shutting down her brain. Not thinking was perfect. Everything fell away. Hatton. School. Angie and Rogan.

  She wanted to go with him. Wanted to spend more time with him. Wanted to forget all the pressure and problems and live in the now. What would a few days hurt?

  “Will there be more kissing?” She flicked the tip of her tongue against his thumb.

  He raised his head, eyes meeting hers. “Definitely. Lots of kissing.”

  “And you have a boat?”

  “Fishing trawler but plenty of places for you to tan. My house sits right out on the water. You’ll love it. Take a chance, bella. It’s paradise, I promise you.”

  Paradise? Perfect. “Sounds like fun. Give me fifteen minutes to grab my stuff.”

  “As long as you don’t change your mind.”

  He was surprised when she met him downstairs. He took her carryall bag in one hand and her arm in his other. She let him lead her outside to the rental waiting in valet parking and within minutes they were headed south.

  She was so quiet Nic expected to see her sleeping when he darted a quick glance at her. She surprised him when she smiled. What was it about her that set his blood on fire? He’d dated some of the most beautiful women in the world but none had had him in a state of constant frustration. His whole body ached. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel again and he tried to focus on driving.

  She wasn’t his type. Nic preferred tall, elegant women who knew the score. Despite the streaks of mascara at the end, he'd done no real damage to them. They recovered. They all did.

  Would Lizzie recover if he let himself get too close to her? Would he break her if he took what he wanted until he didn’t want it anymore?

  Yes. He knew it as sure as he was breathing. There was a vulnerability there she went to great lengths to hide. He suspected most people never spotted it but he could see it clearly. It sang to him like a damned siren, firing up some primitive protective instinct in him. He hated to admit it but he understood why she’d taken off.

  He groaned in protest as the source of his anger melted away along with his excuse to do what he wanted next. He should have called her. No, he should have gone after her instead of letting jaded assumptions ruin one of the best experiences of his life. Now he had a second chance to get this clawing hunger out of his system. He’d take things slower this time. No need to rush. This time he wouldn’t scare her away.

  Chapter Six

  Lizzie opened her eyes, unsure where she was at first. She was lying on her stomach against incredibly soft sheets that smelled like the ocean. She could hear the ocean too, and the air smelled like salt. There was a bell sounding in the distance.

  The Keys.

  She was in the Florida Keys. With Nic.

  Lizzie straightened and pushed her hair off her face. She vaguely remembered arriving last night. He'd carried her inside, unzipped her dress and pulled it over her head. When she’d expected him to kiss her, he’d put her in bed, the soft sheets seductively cool against her hot skin. She didn’t remember much after that.

  Paper fluttered behind a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. Welcome to Paradise was scrawled carelessly across it in sharp black strokes. She dragged her hand down her face. What the hell had she been thinking? Or drinking?

  Sheer white curtains billowed in the warm breeze let in by the open doors. She took a deep breath, knowing there wasn’t an escape route this time. She swallowed down the panic. The curtains danced. Seagulls echoed in the distance.

  Maybe it was paradise.

  Lizzie grabbed the orange juice and the two painkillers sitting next to the glass. He thought of everything.

  She found her dress draped over a chair, with her shoes and carry all next to it. She stared at it for a minute, a tendril of concern floating through her murky brain. Something was missing. She sipped the juice and sighed. She’d figure it out later. She finished the juice as she walked into an open kitchen that would make Jen sob.

  When he’d said he had a house in the Keys, she’d pictured a charming cottage painted bright yellow with a thatched roof. She glanced around the open floor plan. The furniture could have been recovered from a British Colonial tree house. She stepped towards the long bank of glass doors along the back wall. Outside, a swimming pool masqueraded as a rain forest lake with a waterfall splashing at one end.

  Beyond the pool, a long pier stretched out into the blue-green water. Nic jumped down from the huge fishing boat floating at the end of the pier. Dressed in a faded pair of cargo shorts that rode dangerously low on lean hips, he had a handful of fishing rods. She couldn’t decide which was more scandalous. Nic fishing or Nic in shorts and a faded denim button-up shirt that he hadn’t bothered to button up. She forgot the question when he stripped off his shirt and she got a good look at all those long lean muscles. The dark hair covering his spectacular chest made Lizzie’s palms itch.

  He was, in a word, perfect.

  Fascinated, she watched him bait the hooks and cast lines out into the water. He dropped down to sit on an ice chest. Lizzie’s head tilted to the side as she watched him. He didn’t move other than to make small adjustments on the fishing line.

  Nic Maretti.


  Not what she expected at all.

  She turned away from the window and headed back to the lavish master bedroom. She quickly made up the bed then walked through to the bathroom. The huge whirlpool tub beckoned but she pushed away the urge for a long hot bubble bath. Maybe later.

  She dropped her carryall on the vanity and dug out her tooth brush and lime green bikini. While brushing her teeth, she spotted a stack of beach towels with another bathing suit on top. Holding the toothbrush in her mouth with her teeth, she moved across the room to examine the suit. The black suit was her size and looked vaguely familiar. It wouldn’t hurt to try it on.

  The bikini fit perfectly. Déjà vu teased at the corners of her mind as she picked up the matching sarong and scarf. She loved the tiny shells and charms dangling from the gauzy fabric. She knotted the sarong around her waist. The shells and metal charms jingled as she moved.

  She’d seen this bathing suit before. She’d pinned it on one of her Pinterest boards when she’d been snowed in last winter and dreaming of the beach. She went to get her phone to check her Pinterest app then realized what was missing. The beaded bag that had her cell phone, her ID, ATM card and pretty much her whole life in it was not there.

  The jingle of metal alerted Nic to Lizzie’s approach. Relief swept over him as he realized he’d been holding his breath to see if she’d wear the bikini Pam had had delivered to the house. If she put it on, it meant she wasn’t regretting coming with him.

  He turned when she called his name and tried to keep his jaw from slamming into the dock. The cute was all gone, replaced by a siren with creamy skin shimmering with sunscreen. The sarong revealed one shapely leg. Her toenails were painted a cherry red and Nic loved cherries. His mouth went dry and his hand clenched the fishing rod so he wouldn’t throw it down, then throw her down on the dock and see if she tasted as good as she looked.

  Her tentative expression stopped him. She wasn’t blushing but she was definitely not meeting his eyes. He could tell she had about a million things she wanted to say but didn’t know where to start. A shy siren? That made Nic burn hotter.

  “Good morning.”

  Her tentative smile brightened. “Hey.”

  “You ready for some breakfast?”

  She shrugged. “You mean lunch?”

  “Brunch. Do you like eggs?” He pushed to his feet and set the rod and reel aside.

  “Yeah.” Her answer was too breathy and
her eyes still dazed. “But there’s something you should know.”

  He stopped in front of her, having every intention of walking her back up to the house. “Sounds dire?”

  Color brushed her cheek. “I’m hopeless in the kitchen. I burn water.”

  A curl broke loose from the scarf she’d wrapped around her hair. Nic pushed the curl back without thinking. She stretched on her tiptoes, her hands pressing into his chest. The skin at the small of her back was like satin, still slick from the sunscreen. He kissed her without thinking. She tasted faintly of cinnamon and he couldn’t get enough. When he could drag his mouth away, her eyes flickered open. “Good morning.”

  He fought another smile, but slowly lost the battle. “I did promise you kissing,” he reminded her, pleased as her face dissolved into laughter at his mock-serious tone.

  “You always keep your promises?”

  “I’m terrible at promises, Lizzie, but I’m not expecting any trouble keeping this one.”

  His hand curved around her waist, turning her to walk back up the pier. She leaned into him but he resisted the urge to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to bed. Instead, he stopped at the pool knowing if she went inside with him, he’d never get brunch started.

  “Get some sun. I’ll make breakfast.” He steered her toward the lounge chairs.

  “Oh, but you said I owed you breakfast.”

  “I meant staying for breakfast,” he amended. Proving again his lizard brain was in full command, Nic turned her away from him and untied the string bow at the back of her neck.

  “Nic.” His name trembled in protest on her breath as she covered herself to stop the bikini top from falling away.

  “The patio is protected.” His fingers slid down the soft sides of her breasts left exposed by her hands, down her rib cage then back up. She swayed in his arms and he felt her tremble again. Her response was more intoxicating than his favorite scotch. “No one can see.”

  He held his breath as he untied the string across her back. “Can I have this?” He whispered against her neck, pressing his mouth to the hot skin below her ear. Her head tilted slightly to the side, giving him better access to the vulnerable curve of her neck.


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