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Remnant Page 25

by Michael Clements

  James kissed her forehead as he embraced her again. “Okay,” he said. “I trust you. I'm here for you.”


  Her injured boy did not cry or scream, only winced and cringed. Mercy didn't go to James with this matter. Jayden was not mortally or critically wounded, and what he needed as much as medical treatment was emotional care. When his attacker had thrown him to the ground, Jayden's lip had been cut open by a tooth. The cut was not deep; it did not split his lip apart. Mercy simply handled it by wetting a cloth and keeping pressure on the cut for a while.

  Still alive, she repeated over and over. The boy had run headfirst toward the threat, believing himself to be a hero; an action she never imagined anyone would do. She admired his heart and his passion, but hoped to tame his impulse before it got him killed. Impulse had claimed the life of someone she loved already, and she would be damned if she'd let it happen again. Still alive.

  “I know it's tempting to be the hero,” she told him. “Everyone wants to be a hero. What you have to remember though, is that sometimes there's nothing we can do.”

  “We were all going to die. I had to do something.”

  “They would have killed you. Do you understand that? Never run away from me again. It's my job to keep you safe, but I don't want to have to lock you in a cage to do that.”

  “They don't even have any cages here,” Jayden snarked.

  Mercy smiled, but tried to look serious. “You know what I mean.” She removed her hand from his lip and saw that the bleeding had stopped. “That should be fine for now. Don't pick at it and try not to stretch the skin. Otherwise, it'll bleed again.”

  “I know! I'm not stupid.”

  Mercy stood, catching a glance of the street through the windows. Then she looked at Jayden with her hands relaxed on her hips. “Okay. I need to find you some food. I think I should eat too. The scouts aren't leaving until tonight, though.”

  “We have to wait until later? How come you never have any food? We always had food in the other place.”

  The other place. It was even more disturbing than the first time Jayden had spoken well of the people he came from. It was inconceivable he could be sympathetic to people who tried to brutally murder him. The worst kind of scum, in her mind, and Jayden displayed again that he wished he was among them. Kids favor certain aspects of different things, she reminded herself. That doesn't mean he favored them as a group.

  “How did they have so much food?” she dared to ask, regretting the question as soon as it came from her mouth.

  “Everybody carried a little bit.”

  “I know. Where did you get it from, though?”

  Jayden looked at the floor. “From... places.” She knew he did not mean to be annoyingly vague. She chose not to press the subject; it was one she felt guilty to initiate in the first place.

  “The scouts will leave in a few hours. Can you wait that long to eat?”

  “No.” His answer was stated as an obvious fact.

  Mercy nodded, then thought for a moment. “All right. I'll see if anyone's willing to spare us some.”

  “Who?” asked Jayden.

  “I don't know. We'll have to see. I doubt anyone would be willing, but we'll see.” She took her coat from the counter, and after putting it on, dressed Jayden in his. “First I'll check with the few friends I have here. That should do it.”

  They left at once, walking toward the north wing where Glen resided. She kept Jayden very close, fearing how others would react upon the sight of him. After two knocks, they patiently waited at the door. “Mercy! What brings you here?” Glen seemed genuinely delighted to see them.

  “Begging, unfortunately. Jayden hasn't eaten for a while.”

  “Won't you be with the scouts tonight?” he asked, concerned.

  Mercy nodded. “Yes, but... He'd like to eat now. I don't blame him.”

  Glen chuckled. “Neither do I. You need to eat too, Mercy. I'd be more than happy to help you both, but I don't have anything to spare. I used the last of it just an hour ago. If we had picked up anything on the last trip, I would have something.”

  Mercy's heart sank. “So would I.” She looked at Jayden, who appeared more angered than saddened. “Well, I'll see you tonight, Glen. Take care.”

  “You're coming with us?” he asked, and Mercy affirmed. “Who will be watching him?”

  “I was going to ask James and Candace. If they're not willing, or just not able to, then I probably can't go. Who else would be willing to babysit?”

  “I don't need a babysitter!” shrieked Jayden. “I'm twelve years old, I'm not two!”

  “Jayden, calm down. You're not a baby, I know. But you haven't had the best behavior lately. Remember when you ran off and almost got yourself killed?”

  Glen was blunt. “I'll watch him if no one else will.”

  Mercy looked at him affectionately. “That's sweet, but you need to eat too. James gets food from Isaac because he has an important job here. He doesn't need to scout. If you stay behind to watch Jayden, how will you eat?”

  “I scavenge with the others every single night. I can survive one day without.”

  Mercy smiled. “I'll let you know, Glen. Thank you for offering.” With that, they said their goodbyes for now, then Mercy brought Jayden over to the first floor in the east wing where she expected to find James. I hope he's not out treating someone, she thought, praying not to have to kill time with Candace again.

  Candace was the one to answer. First thing Mercy did was ask if James was present and to her relief Candace called, “James, it's Mercy again!”

  When James came to the door, Mercy could not help but think, He always looks so happy, and she envied that. “Hey!” James greeted. “You have Jayden with you. How are you, bud?” Jayden shrugged. James appeared offended by the response. “What brings you here, Mercy?”

  “We were hoping you have some food to spare. Just a bite for right now.”

  “You don't have any left? What about the mission tonight?”

  Mercy hesitated. “I never really had any food. There wasn't a mission last night, and the night before that we were ambushed before we could collect anything.”

  James' eyes filled with pity. “I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, Candace and I just used up the last of our stash. Jayden had a bite while he was with us, though. Wish we had given some to you while we could.”

  Mercy actually grew a little angry from her frustration. She was not upset that she would have to go even longer without sustenance, for everyone else had difficulty finding food those days. She was upset that despite the universal dire situation, she was the only one unable to find any food at all. She only desired a little, like everyone else had. James asked her if she was okay, sensing her feelings. “I'm fine, thanks. Can I ask another favor of you?”

  James paused, making a thinking face. “You would like us to watch Jayden again?” he said jokingly trying to guess.

  Mercy let out a smile. “Yes, please.”

  “Seriously?” screamed Jayden.

  “It's just for now,” reassured Mercy.

  “Shut up! I hate you. I hate both of you!” Despite his rage, Jayden stomped into James' apartment, passed Candace, and into a corner to pout.

  Neither of them made a deal of it. James sighed before stating, “Jayden should be fine. He likes Candace, so... He should calm down before long.” He glanced through a window at the sky for a moment. “How long do you need me to watch him?” he asked politely.

  “If no one who is willing can spare us anything, then I'll leave with the scouts tonight. So, late tonight at most.”

  James nodded and agreed to it. They said their farewells and Mercy started walking toward a suite she never previously thought of visiting. This man was also on the first floor but in the north wing. Mercy believed him to be a good person, despite her standing with him.

  The man answered the door with a pause at the sight of her. He forced a “Hi.”

  “Hi Kent,” s
he softly said. Since the time he ratted her out to Isaac, she kept partial watch on him, just to avoid running into him and thus causing further trouble. That was how she learned where he lived. It wasn't far from James. “I know I'm not … your favorite, but I need something.”

  “What could you possibly need from me that you couldn't get from anyone else?”

  Mercy tensed up. “Jayden, my son...” she began, doubting her use of the word 'son.' “He hasn't eaten in a while, and I don't want him to have to wait until later tonight.”

  “You're begging, then?”

  He's provoking a reaction from me, she was convinced. “We just need a bite, that's all.”

  “'We?' I thought it was for your son.”

  She chose to ignore that. “I swear I won't ask you or anyone again. I'll go with the scouts every night, and as long as there is food to find, I will be fine.”

  “See, this is why Isaac forbade children. I don't know why the hell he made an exception with you. If you're ever short on food again, all you have to do is beg for it, and maybe promise some personal favors if it doesn't work. Having a child doesn't free you from responsibility.”

  What nerve! She kept calm, though it required all her strength to accomplish. “Having a child is a responsibility. And I'm not using Jayden to avoid working. I just told you that I've agreed to scout every night. I am only asking this favor just this one time.”

  “That's what desperate people always say. It's always just one more time.”

  Mercy became sick of him and walked away. He stopped her, though. “Wait, Mercy.” She deeply inhaled, desperately attempting to contain her anger, but she stopped and turned to face him. “I apologize. It's just, food is rare now. People are killing for it. I don't think you're attempting to pull anything.”

  “Why accuse me of it, then?”

  “I wasn't. It's what people might be accusing you of behind your back.”

  “I don't care. I'm trying to do right by Jayden. Let people gossip if they have to.”

  Kent was stern. “You should care, if they're encouraging Isaac to throw you and Jayden out. He might listen to them eventually.”

  “Are you one of them?”

  Kent looked offended. “You don't trust me.”

  “Why should I? You tried to get me kicked out already. You're rude to me when I only ask for help to feed my child.”

  “It was the right thing to do. Don't blame me for that. This shelter is the closest thing to order we have now. Someone has to be consistent, even if Isaac won't.”

  Mercy sighed. “I don't have time for this, Kent. I need to-”

  Screams echoed through the halls. It was of a child; a boy. Mercy feared the worst. Jayden was screaming “let me go” repeatedly. Mercy ran as fast as she could. In the far wing, she heard Jayden's screams and flailing originating from an apartment she did not recognize. The front door was open. By the time Mercy could peek in, Jayden was against the wall and James was standing next to a stranger in front of him.

  “What's going on?” she asked frantically.

  “He's stealing from me!” said the resident who lived there; an older man around Glen's age.

  Mercy went straight to Jayden, who was holding a can of food up high, threatening to use it as a weapon. It did not faze her. Jayden swung the can down at her belly but she reflexively dropped her arms down to shield herself. “Jayden!” she screamed. “We will have food tonight. I already told you. Now stop this stupid behavior!”

  Jayden appeared as shocked as she felt. I'm losing it, she admitted. Jayden lowered his head and started whimpering. She fiercely grabbed Jayden by the arm and started pulling him out of the apartment, without minding James or the resident. The last thing she wanted was to endure criticism for how she was handling the situation.

  “Mercy,” called James, but she did not stop.

  Several residents had stepped out of their apartments to witness the commotion, and Mercy could feel scorn from every one of them when she went by. She hated herself for how hard she squeezed Jayden's arm, but reminded herself it was necessary. Why does he act like this? As she finally made it back to her apartment, she began to question if Jayden's behavior was her doing.

  “Leave him in there,” said Daniel's voice. She did not see anybody standing next to the door frame, though in hindsight realized she did see a figure of some kind. “We need to talk,” he added.

  Mercy angrily opened her apartment door. “Go!” she screamed at Jayden. He slowly walked inside and Mercy closed the door behind him. “What?”

  “You have to go,” Daniel said plainly. “You blew your one chance to-”

  “I don't know what's wrong with him. He's aggressive and he has no discipline.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Not my problem. Sorry.”

  Mercy's mood was already compromised. She could sense something from Daniel and now did not care to speak subtly or politely to him, despite his authority. It was a game, and she knew it as fact. “Fine,” she said. “What do you want?”

  “What are you willing to give?” he grinned.

  “Not my dignity,” she shot back.

  Daniel retorted without pause to think. “Then you'll die in the streets; both of you.” He started to walk away. “You have five minutes to leave.”

  Mercy spoke before she could stop herself. “Wait! I'll...” She knew she must, so she continued before hesitating too long. “I'll give you what you want, just this once. Please, don't leave us to die out there.”

  Daniel grinned. “I'll be back at dawn. You'll be better with food in your system. But I'll be here in the morning even if you go without.” He won easily, like he made a living of it.

  Mercy clenched her fist. She saw two residents from a nearby apartment had watched the encounter, then merely returned to their home quietly. Which option is worse? she had to ask herself. Returning to her apartment, feeling drowsy, she lit a candle and saw that Jayden was already asleep. Carrying the candle with her, feeling her alertness fading, she dragged herself over to Jayden and checked to make sure he was warm enough. She had her task firmly noted in her mind as she walked into the living room.


  Next she knew, a cold chill was blowing against her face, waking her. Mercy opened her eyes, seeing her front door swinging open, and she was on the couch. Aside from that, her first thought was if Daniel had come in and already had his way with her. The door then stopped swinging open... Someone just came in.

  Her mind pondered how long she had been out. She could not even remember sitting down. She jumped up and checked the apartment for an intruder. I'll be ambushed any moment now, she thought, but did not feel fear. Jayden was the priority, and she stumbled her way to his bed.

  He was not there.

  “Jayden!” she called in her weak voice. There was no response. She stumbled through the rest of the apartment looking through what few objects could hide him, still to no avail.

  He was gone. Either Jayden fled, or someone took him.

  “JAYDEN!” she repeatedly screamed, though her voice was weak. Mercy searched every inch of the halls that she could, calling for him. The hour was late, and no residents were out of their apartments. It did not matter. They could throw Mercy and Jayden out themselves after this for all she cared. “Jayden!” Her voice nearly gave out entirely.

  As she leaned against the walls to stand, she stumbled upon a familiar sight. After her last call, she heard rustling coming from the apartment directly across the hall. Its door was open, and she saw Jayden sprint out, attempting to hold several cans of food in his arms. He had only made it three steps in the hall before all but one of the cans fell through his grip.

  Mercy ran after him, keeping up with him only until they had reached the bottom of the stairs. Though he ran out of sight, she knew he was headed for the courtyard.

  “Open it! Hurry!” she heard Jayden scream at the gatekeeper.

  “No!” Mercy screamed. “Jayden, come back! You need to sto
p this!”

  “You need to leave me alone. I don't like you. I don't like this place!”

  Mercy stumbled toward him with loving arms raised. “Please, Jayden. I'm sorry I fell asleep. I didn't even know-”

  The moment Mercy touched him, he threw a punch at her belly as hard as he could. “SHUT UP!” he screamed. The guard at the gate only watched as Jayden screamed again, proceeding to beat Mercy with his can of food. Mercy cried and raised her arms to shield herself, but he was stronger than her.

  She heard footsteps stop right next to her, then suddenly Jayden was no longer on top of her, but his screams grew. She looked up and saw Ethan, who threw the boy to the ground like throwing out an old chair. “Open the damn gate,” he growled at the guard. Now Mercy was trying to crawl toward Jayden to protect him from Ethan, but she could not lift herself. For every punch Jayden threw, Ethan threw one back. In only a moment, Jayden was debilitated, writhing in pain on the ground. He could not even scream anymore. His face was swelling and bruised.

  Mercy watched in horror as Ethan then lifted Jayden by the neck with one arm, carried him to the opened gate, and threw him out into the street. She heard footsteps behind her. Cameron was approaching behind Ethan. As Jayden lifted himself up and stumbled away with his arms covering his injured areas, Cameron followed behind. Ethan returned to the courtyard and the guard closed the gate behind him.

  Gone. It was all she could think anymore. He's gone. Mercy dropped herself down as tears began to flood down her cheeks. I lost Jayden too...


  The city was more restless than usual. He was thankful that Rachel was able to hold some of her own weight as he helped support her. More dangerous than sneaking in a kid, he thought. With the night so cold and dark, Seth relied more on his ears than his eyes to see his surroundings. Rachel's heavy panting hindered this some, but not greatly.

  “I saw something,” someone said nearby. Seth hid them behind some brush without wasting a moment to think. “I don't know, man,” the voice seemed to respond to someone. “Looked like a couple, holding hands or something.”


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