The unspoken Rule

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The unspoken Rule Page 2

by June Whitfield

  I managed to stay away from Jake the whole day, including lunch. That is, until math class. I sat in my seat, knowing he would have to sit next to me for the whole two periods. My body stiffened when I heard him plop in his chair, sighing.

  I didn't look at him. If I did, I would only stare. And that would've been weird.

  So I kept my gaze from him. I felt horrible for being so rude to him. But it was running through my mind at the time. He had asked me what was wrong, as if we were friends or something. Were we friends? I didn't even know the answer to that one.

  "Maria." He spoke to me softly. "Please look at me."

  I wavered with the idea of ignoring him. In the end, I managed to turn my head towards him.

  He continued. "You were right, I don't know you. Well, at least, not as well as I'd like to."

  I brought my gaze up to his, and saw no humor in them. No 'Just kidding!' or anything. He was sincere. And it touched me.

  "Jake, it was wrong of me-"

  He held up a hand. "No, it wasn't. You were correct, so I'd like to learn more about you."


  "This weekend. You and me. Modern Warfare 2. Discussions and snacks. Sounds okay to you?"

  I nodded and gave him a small smile. "That sounds nice."

  And maybe, just maybe, I'd learn more about him to

  Chapter 5: Root Beer and Talks

  "What time should I pick you up?" My mom asked me as we pulled into Laura's driveway.

  "Um, a few hours."

  "Alright, see you then sweetie."

  I gave her a false smile then turned my face, my features returning to their nervous state. I wasn't sure how these discussions were going to go with Jake.

  I guess I sat there contemplating what could happen to be longer than I should've.

  "Are you going to go inside? It's only Laura's house, Maria." My mom told me.

  "Oh, right."

  I cleared my throat, thrusting open the sedan's door. Slamming it behind me, I walked up to the door. Why was I so nervous? The thick wooden door stood before me, intimidating. It was the only thing separating Jake and I. I took a deep breath and managed to bring my fist down upon the wood.

  I glanced around the porch, really wanting to run away and forget this whole thing. I looked down their driveway and saw that my mother had already left. I had told her that I was just hanging out with Laura, like I normally do.


  What had Jake told Laura? That we were 'learning more about each other'? If that didn't sound suspicious or unusual, then I didn't know what did. I hoped with all my might that this wouldn't be awkward. But of course, I knew it would be, no matter what.

  A sound behind me indicated that the door had opened. Laura was standing there, waiting for me to come inside.

  "Hey Maria."

  "Hi Laura." I didn't know what else to say.

  "Jake said that you guys had a big math test to study for?"

  Wow, he wasn't that bad of a liar, then.

  "Uh, yeah. It's a, uh... big part of our grade." I ended the comment with an exaggerated smile.

  "Right. He's down in the basement."

  She waltzed away from me. So far, so good. I found my feet taking me across the living room to the top of the basement stairs. They seemed to stretch farther than they used to. My heart rattled in my chest, making me feel more uneasy.

  I'll be fine, I tried to assure myself. It's just video games. And snacks! I love food! And what else did he say? Oh, yeah, there's that little part about conversations. This was what I was dreading the most. I wanted to know more about him, but maybe not so much the other way around.

  My leaden feet took me down the flight of stairs, to my fear. I approached the couch, seeing Jake sitting on it, facing the TV. The TV was turned on, and he was playing video games.

  He turned around before I even said anything.

  "Hey Maria." He held my gaze, which gave me some comfort. His blonde locks were smooth and shiny like normal. He was wearing some jeans and a blue t-shirt, showing his corded arms.

  "Hey Jake."

  I sat on the seat next to him. He silently handed me a controller.

  "How are you?" He looked at me; his blue eyes clear as day.

  "I'm fine. And you?"

  "Really good. I've been looking forward to this all day."

  I gave him a small smile, and he returned the action. Together we played some video games, and I was able to still beat him, despite my state.

  "So..." He trailed as he pulled on the trigger. "What classes are you taking?"

  That was a reasonable question, I figured. "They're all Honors, and I'm taking gym and psychology."

  "All honors? And psychology? Man, you're more of a genius that I thought." He winked at me.

  I gave him a nervous laugh.

  "Any...boyfriends or anything?" He asked nonchalantly.

  My eyes became saucers. This was a little personal, no matter who was asking the question.

  "Um, no."

  His orbs flickered to mine.

  Was that relief I saw in them? Surely it wasn't. It had to be my imagination.

  "What about you?" I countered.

  "I have a girlfriend, Cynthia."

  I nodded. Of course I knew about Cynthia and the way she kissed Jake. Whether he knew that or not, I hadn't the slightest clue.

  "You want some snacks?"

  He paused the game and sat down the controller, standing up.


  We meandered into the kitchen, Jake leading the way. He opened a cupboard and grabbed some backs of chips and some sodas.

  "Do you like root beer?" He asked, holding some cans up.

  "Yeah." I told him with a smile. Root beer was my absolute favorite.

  I grabbed a can and we headed back downstairs. Jake plopped on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. He snapped open the tab, and took a drink.

  "I never took you as the type to play video games."

  "I get that a lot."

  He looked at me amused. "Really?"

  "Yeah. That and that I'm really smart. People usually only talk to me to ask the answers for homework, or for help."

  "Oh, that's sad that they're like that. I hope you know that I wouldn't do that to you."

  I crossed my legs underneath me, and grabbed some chips. "Really?"

  "Yeah. You're suppose to interact with people, not just when you need a favor."

  I couldn't of agreed more with his logic.

  "Okay, favorites." He told me sitting up. He sat facing me, in my proximity.


  "Iron Man."






  "The Hunger Games."

  "Video game?"

  "Too many to count."

  My answer earned a laugh from Jake. After recovering, he smiled.

  "I like your answers."

  Confused, I scrunched up my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

  "You gave answers that most other girls wouldn't. I like it, that means you're unique."

  I grinned, appreciating his compliment. It meant a lot to me.


  "You ready to get owned?" He gave me his familiar smirk.

  I smirked back. "You mean, are you ready to get owned?"

  Jake chuckled, sending his whole body into motion. "We have to do this more often."

  He took the words right out of my mouth.

  Chapter 6: Basketball and Wesley

  I was over at Jake's again, claiming we were 'working' on our math project. Unfortunately, he was starting to get better at these video games. Soon, he'd catch up to me.

  "Aha! Killed you again!" His satisfaction was woven in his words.

  I shook my head, seeing his happiness. The game ended, posting our results.

  "OH YEAH!" He fist pumped the air, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh at his crazy antics. />
  He had beaten me. By only one kill. One.

  "You got lucky." I told him, raining on his parade.

  "Did not. Luck only counts in the lottery!" He was still victory dancing, pleased with finally beating me at something.

  His phone beeped in his pocket, so he momentarily stopped his happy dance. He whipped out his cellphone.

  "Hello?" He asked. He sat back down on the couch.

  "Hey babe." His face lit up as he spoke to his girlfriend.


  "No, I'm-what? No!" He seemed to become frustrated by what Cynthia was saying. I wondered if I should leave the room to give him some privacy, but I decided against it. If he didn't want me to hear the conversation, then he would've left already.

  "Cynthia, please. No, that's a lie! I love you!" He was standing up, running his hands through his hair.

  "Please Cynthia. Listen to me. I would never cheat on you."

  "Don't you dare do this to me when I haven't done anything!" He told her, exasperated.

  "Fine, bye."

  He closed his cellphone shut, looking glum. His face was still red from shouting.

  "Are you alright?" I asked him, concerned.

  He sat next to me and sighed. "Yeah. Actually, I'm a lot better now." He smiled.

  I had no idea what the call was about, but clearly, he thought it was for the better. But something kept nagging on the back of my mind. Why would he smile after getting mad at his girlfriend? I hoped he'd tell me when he felt like explaining. He never did tell me what the call was about that day, so it made me curious.

  The following school day was boring as usual. I was putting my things in my locker so I could head to lunch. After I did, I went to the lunchroom and waited in line.

  "Hey Maria."

  I whirled towards the voice behind me in line. It was Wesley. He was dressed up today for the basketball game later tonight. His green eyes were glittering, and his slightly orange hair trimmed nicely.

  "Hi Wesley." I had a small crush on Wesley for as long as I could remember. He had a perfect smile, and stunning looks. Not to mention muscles covering his lean body.

  "You going to the game tonight?" He asked me casually.

  We moved up a few feet in the line.

  "I was thinking about it, yeah." Which was a lie. I had never gone to one of our high school's basketball games before. I guess technically I did think about going, but not really. What I really wanted to do this Friday night was catch up on some sleep and maybe go see a movie.

  He gave me a heart-stopping grin. I about melted at the sight of his perfect features when he smiled. "You should go, it'd be cool if you went." He told me.

  I grabbed a slice of pizza and a water bottle. He, Wesley, the guy I had been crushing on, thought it'd be cool if I went to the game tonight? I felt like screaming like a little girl. I couldn't believe this was happening! This only happens in movies and books, right?

  I returned his grin, hoping it didn't look too over the top. "I think I'll go, then." I swiped my card at the register, still looking at Wesley.

  "Sweet, I'll see you there, then."

  "For sure."

  We went our separate ways, sitting at different lunch tables. I think I had a permanent smile on my face the whole day.

  I returned home from school, getting a call from Jake.

  "Hello?" I asked.

  "Hey Maria." He replied, sounding...relieved? Why would he sound relieved? I shook off the questions.

  "What's up?" I inquired, rummaging through the fridge for something to snack on.

  "Well, there's a basketball game tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to go."

  "Sure." I told him, thinking of Wesley. "That sounds like fun."

  "I'll meet you at the ticket booth, alright?"

  "Okay, see you then."


  I ended the call, wondering what I had gotten myself into. Wesley wanted me to go, and now so did Jake. I had agreed to both guys now. Woops! Cue nervous laugh. Well, I'd just be sure to hang out with them both equally. Wesley would be playing anyways, during the game. I'd see him after. During the game, I'd sit with Jake.

  Problem solved, right?

  Wrong, horribly wrong. I approached the ticket booth, trying to speak over the din of the crowd.

  "One ticket please." The man handed me the ticket and I tried to find Jake. I felt a warm hand on my wrist, and I tried to jerk out of it, scared. I looked up to see Jake loosening his grip on me, smiling.

  "Ready?" He asked me, leading me into the court.

  I nodded, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear my answer.

  We found seats in the middle section, perfect for seeing the game. We had arrived just before the game began.

  Our team skipped out onto the court, trying to get the crowd fired up. They clapped, getting us to cheer louder. Since I was close to the floor, I could actually make out everyone playing.

  37 is now my favorite number, I told myself. The player in the number 37 jersey turned towards me. He smiled and winked at me. Wesley.

  My cheeks blushed. He looked good in our school's scarlet and gold colors.

  Jake noticed my reddening face. He looked back at Wesley, with a look of disapproval.

  "Who is that kid?" He questioned, leaning close to me so I could hear him.

  "Wesley." I told him confidently.

  "I don't like the way he acts around you." He stated.

  "Since when are you my body guard?" I teased.

  "Since now."

  I rolled my eyes, not liking how suddenly protective he was acting towards me. A single whistle blew out, signaling the start of the game. Our team was good, very good.

  "I'm open, I'm open!" Wesley yelled, wiping sweat off his brow.

  One of our players faked left, then dribbled it up the court then passed it to Wesley. And their team was no match for him. He sprinted up to the basket and swish! Nothing but net.

  Our team high-fived each other, glad for the basket.

  A little while later, and our school won, creaming the other team. Jake and I jumped up at our final basket, the buzzer ringing loud. The people in the stands were cheering and clapping, glad that our school had won. People started to file out of the bleachers, returning to their homes.

  I told Jake I wanted to wait until Wesley changed to congratulate him. He reluctantly agreed.

  Jake stepped out of the locker room and I descended the bleachers, trying not to trip down them.

  "Hey." He told me as he saw me.

  "Hey," I smiled. "You did great!"

  "Thanks." His fire colored hair clung to his forehead, wet from the shower. He had changed back into his formal clothing, complete with a tie and dress shoes. Yep, I'm definitely liking this rule about dressing up for basketball games.

  "Hey," He continued, leaning in closer to me. His tone was soft. "Some of the guys are heading to B-Dubs after this to celebrate. We're allowed to bring a friend. You wanna come?"

  I stood dumb-founded before Wesley. He was asking me to a restaurant with him? It wasn't like a date, was it? Someone cleared their throat behind me, reminding me of Jake's presence. I had completely forgotten he was still here. He stood a few feet away, impatient. I turned my back towards Wesley, trying to send Jake a silent message to leave. I jerked my head towards the door. He shook his head no, crossing his arms.

  I faced Wesley again. "I'd love to."


  We headed out of the gymnasium and headed to the parking lot. As we passed Jake, I stuck my tongue out at him while Wesley wasn't looking. Melancholy flashed across his face, making me feel bad. Why should I feel bad? I had liked him while he made out with his girlfriend, so why couldn't I hang out with a guy my own age? This was a free country, after all.

  Wesley led me to his awaiting Lexus. It was sleek and silver, the perfect car. He held the door open for me, to my surprise. I loved it when guys were traditional by having manners around ladies.


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