The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 13

by Jason Chapman

  ‘All of us in this room Professor have one thing in common. We all know the truth about beings from another world. Most of the people here represent most of the world’s religions.’

  ‘I would have thought knowledge of life beyond our planet is a taboo subject for religion.’

  Barnes nodded. ‘Which is why the major religions send out people to scour the planet looking for artefacts that might upset the balance.’

  ‘Surely even the major religions know that time is running out for them. When disclosure does happen people will want to know why religion has never mentioned beings from another world.’

  ‘Believe me when I say this Professor, by the time disclosure concerning life beyond our planet does happen the likes of me and you will have been dead a few decades.’

  ‘Until then secrets are kept.’

  Barnes nodded. ‘The world is already changing Professor. Science is disproving religion every day and will continue to do so until the day comes when everyone will know the truth.’

  At that moment a man entered the room and walked up to the table. Everyone stopped talking and formed a circle around the man. Good evening gentlemen and welcome.’ He looked down at the table. ‘I’m sure most of you are eager to get one with proceedings.’ The man grabbed the white sheet and pulled.

  ‘Good grief!’ A man said aloud as he stared at the corpse.

  ‘This was found during an archaeological dig in Brazil. We believe this fellow has been in the ground for over two thousand years.’

  Frederick stared at the creature on the table.

  ‘The bidding starts at five hundred thousand pounds.’ The auctioneer said.

  Akon Kahn raised his hand.

  ‘Five fifty.’

  Portis raised his hand.

  ‘Six hundred thousand.’

  Frederick glanced at Barnes wondering when he was going to bid.

  ‘Six fifty.’ The auctioneer called out.

  Portis raised his hand again. ‘Seven hundred thousand pounds.’

  Again Frederick looked at Barnes who remained still.

  ‘Seven fifty, eight hundred, the bidding now stands at eight hundred thousand pounds. Do I hear eight fifty.’ The auctioneer glanced around making brief eye contact with Frederick.

  Kahn nodded.

  ‘Eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds gentlemen.’

  Portis raised his hand again glancing at Kahn.

  ‘Nine hundred thousand do I hear nine fifty?’

  Kahn nodded.

  ‘Nine hundred and fifty thousand pounds!’ The auctioneer called out. ‘Nine hundred and fifty thousand pounds gentlemen.’

  Everyone looked on.

  ‘Nine hundred and fifty thousand going once, twice.’

  ‘One million pounds!’ Jacob Barnes called out.

  Gasps went up around the room.

  ‘One million pounds from Mr Barnes.’

  Kahn raised his hand.

  ‘One point one million pounds.’

  Barnes nodded.

  ‘One point two million.’ The auctioneer made eye contact with Portis who seemed to hesitate before nodding.

  ‘One point three million!’

  Barnes nodded again.

  ‘One point four million.’ The Auctioneer looked at Kahn who took a deep breath before shaking his head. He then looked at Portis who nodded.

  ‘One point five million gentlemen.’

  Frederick felt a surge of excitement course though his veins. His experience of auction were always dull affairs. He looked at Barnes who was staring at Portis opposite.

  Barnes nodded.

  ‘One point six million!’

  Whispers started to reverberate around the room as people wondered how high the price would go.

  Once again Portis nodded

  ‘One point seven million!’ The auctioneer called out.

  ‘Two million!’ Barnes replied.

  Gasps from the assembled crowd.

  ‘Two million pounds.’ The auctioneer announced fixing a stare on Portis. ‘I have two million pounds.’

  Portis remained still.

  ‘Two million pounds gentlemen do I hear more?’

  A wall of silence greeted the auctioneer.

  Portis eventually capitulated shaking his head.

  ‘Two million pounds going once, going twice, sold to Mr Jacob Barnes.’

  The assembled crowd applauded Jacob Barnes. The room began to empty. Two men started to pack the body into a wooden box.

  Portis and Kahn walked by Frederick and Barnes without saying a word.

  The auctioneer approached. ‘Congratulations Mr Barnes.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Barnes said politely. ‘I have a van waiting outside.’

  The auctioneer walked away.

  ‘Well I must say it’s been a most productive evening.’ Barnes said. ‘Come on Professor I will take you back to your hotel.’

  Akon Khan stared at Frederick as he talked to other members of the group. He then turned and headed for the exit.

  A few minutes later Frederick and Barnes were riding in a car following the van with the body.

  Frederick’s curiosity got the better of him. ‘What do you plan to do with the artefact?’

  ‘It will be taken back to the United States for study.’

  ‘You mean you’re going to cut it up and see what makes it tick.’

  ‘These creatures are valuable to modern day medical science Professor. We believe that their DNA could bring in a new age regarding medicine. All kinds of breakthroughs will be made using their biological matter. I know you may not approve but it’s better than what the Nazis did during the war.’

  ‘It all depends which standpoint you are looking from ours or theirs.’ Frederick said.

  The car suddenly braked without warning. Frederick held out his hand to stop himself slamming into the front seat. Up ahead the path of the van had been blocked by two cars.

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ Barnes exclaimed.

  Another car drew up behind Frederick’s car. The passenger door was suddenly wrenched open.

  ‘Out of the fucking car now!’ A voice demanded.

  The two men in the van were thrown to the floor. Several men had emerged from the cars armed with hand guns.

  Frederick was pulled from the car.

  ‘What’s going on, I demand to know!’ Jacob Barnes shouted as he was dragged from the car.

  ‘Shut your fucking mouth Yank.’

  ‘Do you know who I am!?’ Jacob Barnes screamed at the man.

  ‘I don’t give a shit.’ The man replied revealing a thick cockney accent.

  ‘Look we don’t want any trouble.’ Frederick said. ‘Just take our wallets and be on your way.

  The man walked up to Frederick. ‘Listen you fucking toffee nosed bastard I’ll take whatever I want.’ The man lashed out and punched Frederick squarely on the nose.

  Frederick felt his nose explode and was knocked backwards.

  ‘Professor!’ Barnes called out.

  The man blocked Barnes’ path. ‘One more word from you Yank and I fucking shoot you right now.’

  All the men then retreated back to their cars. The man who punched Frederick shot out the tires of the remaining car.

  Frederick picked himself up off the floor and watched as the three cars and van sped away.

  ‘Shit!’ Barnes cursed looking on as the van sped away. ‘Go and find a telephone and get a message to Roscoe Hillenkotter.’

  Frederick held a handkerchief up to his nose.

  ‘Are you ok Professor?’

  Frederick nodded. ‘Just about.’

  Barnes looked down the road in the direction of the fleeing vehicles. He cursed again at the top of his voice.

  Chapter 51

  Porta Nigra – Tier – Germany – 12:00pm

  Monday 4th April 1955

  Akon Kahn entered the chamber where seven other men waited. ‘Bothers, thank you for coming. I’m afraid the time of the prophecy
is upon us.’

  The other men exchanged glances. ‘Are you sure?’ One of them asked.

  ‘I have recently encountered Professor Frederick.’

  ‘This means nothing.’ Another member of the group said. ‘It could be just a mere coincidence.’

  ‘And what of Agent Cones?’

  Khan shook his head. ‘Agent Frank Cones was not present.’

  ‘Should we alert the Dark Ones?’

  Khan nodded. ‘I will travel to Ethiopia and tell them the news.’

  ‘The Dark Ones have not been seen for centuries what makes you think they are still there?’ A sceptical member said.

  ‘The Dark Ones still reside in the holy place.’ Khan stated. ‘I have seen this for myself.’

  ‘What, you deliberately went behind our backs.’

  ‘This collective was founded on a promise. The Dark Ones will rise and take their rightful place as rulers over mankind. It is true they haven’t been seen for centuries. Which is why I made the quest to the holy place.’

  The fact that you encountered Professor Frederick still doesn’t prove the prophecy will come to pass. When you finally encounter Agent Cones then are we to take action. You do not need to go to the holy place. The Dark Ones are not to be disturbed until the chain of events we have foreseen are in motion.’

  Khan bowed to the leader of the group. ‘As you wish.’

  Chapter 52

  A fond farewell

  10 Downing Street – London – 11:28am

  Thursday 14th April 1955

  Frederick knocked loudly on the door and waited to be beckoned in. Winston Churchill briefly smiled as Frederick entered the room.

  ‘Sit down please Ralph.’ Churchill said.

  Frederick sat wondering why Churchill had called him by his first name.

  Churchill stared at Frederick for several seconds before speaking. ‘I don’t know any other way I can put this Ralph but I am stepping down as Prime Minster.’

  A feeling of dread enveloped Frederick as he thought about the consequences. ‘I see.’

  ‘I know this must come as a shock to you and I wish I had more time to prepare you for the journey ahead.’ Churchill got to his feet and walked towards a large window that looked out onto the garden behind the Prime Minister’s residence.

  ‘May I ask why you are resigning Prime Minister?’

  ‘Apart from my health I also have many enemies Ralph amongst them this Jacob Barnes.’

  ‘Jacob Barnes!’ Frederick remarked. ‘Surely he is no threat to you.’

  ‘Jacob Barnes has powerful allies on both sides of the Atlantic and I have few allies left I can trust. This is why I have called you here today.’ Frederick nodded slowly.

  ‘I have recently found out that Jacob Barnes is fixated on destroying you, until now I have stood in his way.’

  ‘Destroy me.’ Frederick said. ‘I cannot think why he would want to do that.’

  Churchill turned back towards Frederick and shrugged. ‘The few allies I have left in Washington tell me that your encounters with this Janus have something to do with it but beyond that they are clueless.’

  Frederick took a deep breath remembering the night Jacob Barnes walked in on him and Janus.

  Churchill sat back down. ‘I am sorry this is happening Ralph I thought I had a few years left in me.’ Churchill coughed. ‘But it seems the passage of time has finally caught up. I can’t even enjoy a good cigar anymore without coughing up my stomach.’

  ‘Barnes has disbanded the Angel Committee.’ Frederick said mournfully. ‘Most of its members have been put out to pasture.’

  ‘And the rest of you are now under the watchful eyes of Majestic and Jacob Barnes. It seems the Americans need us still. My guess is that Britain now stands as a last line of defence against the Soviet Union. Eisenhower wants to start moving the H Bomb to American bases in the UK.’

  ‘Well things will certainly become more interesting when you are gone. May I ask who’s replacing you?’

  ‘My foreign secretary Anthony Eden.’ Churchill revealed. ‘Although he has no knowledge of The Angel Committee. That knowledge is now out of the hands of any future prime minister. And from what I have heard Majestic are attempting to do the same the other side of the Atlantic. They want to separate from any government ties so that they can operate independently. If they are successful then they will be unstoppable.’ Churchill stared at Frederick. ‘I am starting to regret calling you into my office nearly three years ago.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘Prime Minister if you had just left me in Cambridge then I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The things I have seen these past few years has liberated me from the bonds that often restricts science from expanding. Now I know we live in a world where anything is possible. If Jacob Barnes wants to destroy me then I say let him try. I made Malcolm a promise last year after his death to carry on to see this through and that’s exactly what I intend to do.’

  Churchill smiled. ‘Thank you Ralph I am glad to see that you still have plenty of fight left in you.’

  Frederick nodded stiffly. ‘Jacob Barnes isn’t the only one with allies.’

  At that moment there was a knock on the door and Churchill’s personal secretary entered the room. ‘Sorry to bother you Prime Minister but you asked me to remind you about your midday meeting with Her Majesty.’ Frederick got to his feet.

  Churchill offered his hand. ‘Good luck Professor Frederick.’

  Chapter 53

  Technical Plans

  London – Whitehall – 11:34am

  Monday 18th April 1955

  Frederick smiled as he shook his friend’s hand. ‘Archie it’s good to see you.’

  Archie Watson smiled back. ‘I didn’t think we’d be meeting up so soon Ralph.’

  ‘I’ll tell Liz you’re in town she’ll be eager to catch up with Joan.’

  Watson turned to the man standing beside him. ‘May I introduce my colleague Mr John Carver Meadows Frost.’

  Frederick shook Frost’s hand. ‘I have heard of you, top of your field in aircraft design I believe.’

  Frost nodded. ‘Thank you Professor Frederick, our paths have crossed, I was at the Nobel ceremony when you were awarded your prize. Very inspiring physics I must say, you’ve made my job and a lot of other aircraft designers a lot easier.’

  Frederick felt his cheeks flush.

  At that moment General Stacy entered the room followed by Agent Cones who sat down next to Frederick. ‘Good morning gentlemen.’ Stacy greeted.

  Everyone nodded in acknowledgement.

  ‘I see you’ve been introduced to Mr Frost Professor so I’ll get down to brass tacks. Mr Frost and Professor Watson have been working on a highly classified project designing revolutionary new engine designs for the US air force.’ General Stacy looked at Frost and nodded. ‘Mr Frost if you’d like to continue.’

  ‘About two weeks ago one of our chief designers Herbert Frank disappeared taking with him technical drawings relating to an aircraft I am currently designing.’

  ‘What kind of aircraft?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘It’s of an unusual design.’ Frost replied. ‘It will be a few years before a prototype is built.’ Frost reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a piece of paper which he passed to Frederick.

  ‘Good lord!’ Frederick remarked. ‘Is this what I think it is?’

  Watson nodded. ‘Given what was recovered at Roswell and from Germany after the war our engineers are looking at ways to design circular shaped aircraft.’

  ‘This particular model is nicknamed the Avrocar, after the company myself and Professor Watson are working for.’

  ‘Isn’t Avrocar Canadian?’

  ‘We now have several aircraft companies involved in the manufacturing of prototype aircraft.’ Stacy revealed. ‘We are pushing towards building a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft that can penetrate Russian airspace without being detected or shot down by missile.’

  ‘How muc
h have you shared with the Canadians. Do they know about Roswell?’

  Stacy shook his head. ‘Majestic has limited the information, so far the Canadians believe that this is a joint American project.’ Stacy paused. ‘We believe the technology that alien craft use to fly in and out of our atmosphere without being detected can be duplicated. This is something the US and British military are very interested in.’

  Frederick took a deep breath and looked at Frost. ‘The technology recovered at Roswell will take decades to figure out let alone reverse engineer.’

  ‘Nevertheless our scientists are eager to develop the first aircraft capable of penetrating Soviet airspace without being detected. If we are the first to develop this technology then it will give us the edge over the Russians. Our operatives in Moscow have discovered that they are busy developing their MIG jets to penetrate our airspace without being detected.’

  ‘What about the U2 Spy plane, isn’t that designed to penetrate Russian airspace without being detected?’ Frederick questioned.

  Stacy nodded. ‘Yes but the U2 flies at the edge of space beyond the reach of any missile. What we want now is an aircraft that can fly at lower altitudes and still be invisible to radar.’

  ‘During the closing stages of the war of the war.’ Watson continued. ‘When allied forces raided different Nazi research facilities we found some interesting projects the Nazis were working on. Some of these designs were far more advanced than our aircraft.’

  ‘We’ve been looking into some of the designs captured from the Nazis and with the aid of former German scientists.’ General Stacy said. ‘The CIA has an operation out in Nevada and is working closely with these men to construct the world’s first aircraft capable of remaining undetected by radar. They’re calling it stealth technology.’

  ‘This is just the first of many projects on the drawing board and in full swing.’ Frost said indicating at the piece of paper. ‘To design revolutionary new aircraft, to pave the way.’

  ‘Pave the way?’ Frederick said.

  ‘For space travel Professor Frederick.’ Frost replied.

  ‘A space race.’ Stacy added. ‘As well as developing the atomic bomb both America and Russia are launching rockets which have penetrated the earth’s upper atmosphere.’


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