The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 17

by Jason Chapman

  ‘Forgive me, may I present Doctor Anna Vilenko of the Russian science academy.’ The man introduced.

  Frederick glared at the woman, he was positive it was the woman he had encountered while on assignment with Agent Cones.

  Anna smiled at Frederick maintaining a calm gesture. She held out her hand. ‘Professor Frederick, I have read your work, and have based my research around some of your theories.’

  Frederick was now on his back heel. ‘Um... oh I see.’ He struggled to find anything appropriate to say. ‘I’m so sorry I thought you were somebody else.’

  ‘If you’ll step this way Doctor Vilenko.’ The man invited. ‘I will escort you to your meeting.’

  The man and woman walked by leaving an embarrassed Frederick. As she passed him by Frederick caught scent of her perfume and for a brief moment he found himself back in Paris locked in a passionate embrace with the flame haired woman.

  Chapter 65

  Stuttgart – 11:34pm

  Thursday 25th May 1955

  Anna Vilenko looked down the deserted street and noted a lone figure striding towards her. ‘Doctor Vilenko.’ The man called out.

  Anna felt nervous as the man approached. She gripped her gun firmly in her trench coat pocket ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice.

  The man stopped a few feet in front of her. ‘Your handler speaks very highly of you.’

  Anna nodded. ‘Do you have instructions for me?’

  ‘You are to follow a scientist to Munich tomorrow.’ The man held out a photograph. ‘His name is Ralph Frederick.’

  Anna’s heart quickened at the mention of his name. ‘I encountered him today. He recognised me from an earlier assignment.’

  ‘You will follow him to his destination then you are to take Einstein’s unfinished formula.’ The man paused. ‘Then you are to kill him.’

  Anna looked up from the photograph.

  ‘Do you understand your mission?’ The man asked.

  Anna nodded slowly. ‘I will carry out my duty comrade.’ She said.

  The man turned and walked off back down the street.

  Munich Train Station – 11:56am

  Friday 26th May 1955

  Frederick’s stomach churned as he sat looking out of the window at the passing landscape. This was his first task for the Order of Galileo. Professor Wilks had set out early and briefly spoke to Frederick at breakfast. He seemed excited about linking up with some of Europe’s top astronomers to discuss the latest breakthroughs and discoveries.

  As the train pulled into the station Frederick scanned the platform. Two Russian soldiers were stopping people to check their ID papers. He gently patted his breast pocket to check the papers Rothschild had supplied him with were still there.

  Frederick made his way through the throng of people leaving the train. Despite being under the watchful eye of the Soviet Union Munich was a thriving city.

  Further on down the platform Anna Vilenko stepped down from the train carriage. She caught sight of her target as he walked towards the ticket office of the train station. Two Russian soldiers approached and eyed Anna as she hurried down the platform. She had no time for two lowly foot soldiers who probably would have spent several minutes scrutinising her papers. She produced her KGB badge and held it up as one of the soldiers stepped into her path and put up his hand. ‘Out of my way!’ She ordered.

  The two men didn’t hesitate on seeing her badge they stood to attention and saluted as the attractive red haired woman passed by.

  Chapter 66

  ‘Papers please!’ A loud voice ordered.

  Frederick froze for a moment but not too long to arouse suspicion. He turned to face a large man in a Russian army uniform.

  ‘Papers!’ the man ordered holding out his hand.

  Frederick smiled briefly and reached into his inside pocket. He handed over the documents to the guard.

  A few dozen yards away Anna watched Frederick as he stood to attention waiting for the soldier to finish. Her mission was clearly etched into her mind, grab what it was that the British physicist was to collect then kill him. But doubt plagued her thoughts. She remembered the night in Paris when she kissed him. Something had awakened inside of her she had not felt in years, a passion she thought had been lost with the death of her husband in the battle for Stalingrad.

  Frederick felt as if his heart was about to burst through his chest. The soldier seemed to be taking forever to examine his papers. The man glanced at Frederick a few times, then eventually handed his papers back to him, walking off without as much as a thank you. Frederick looked around the street and spotted a line of cabs.

  Anna Vilenko jumped into a vehicle directly behind the one that Frederick had just hired. ‘Follow that car!’ She ordered flashing her ID badge.

  The car journey took several minutes, with each passing second Frederick became more anxious. His encounter at the train station with the Russian soldier had shaken him. He had heard many stories about British diplomats caught for spying.

  ‘You must not lose them!’ Anna ordered.

  The cab driver glanced in his rear view mirror at the red haired woman. He pushed the accelerator harder.

  Frederick got out of the can and looked up at the impressive seventeenth century building that he was about to enter. He was expecting a rundown apartment block. He climbed the steps and entered the building.

  Anna ran across the street and ran up the steps stopping at the door for a moment to allow the scientist enough time to reach the bottom of a flight of stairs. She slipped through the building’s main entrance. At first glance the building did not look like an average apartment block, more like a hotel foyer. A number of people were sat on sofas reading newspapers or chatting. No one glanced up to see the attractive red head who had just entered. Anna spotted her target ascending a grand staircase.

  Frederick studied the piece of paper Rothschild had given him. He looked at the number on the apartment door to make sure they matched. He knocked and waited for someone to answer.

  Further on down the corridor Anna watched as her target was invited in. She then hurried down the corridor reaching the door he had just entered. To her surprise Anna found that the door was unlocked. Gently she pushed the door open and slipped inside.

  Frederick glared at the notebook he had just been given. As he turned page after page he took in what Einstein was trying to achieve. ‘This is incredible!’ He gasped. ‘If I’m reading this correctly then it will change the world of physics radically.’

  Unfortunately for Frederick the occupant of the flat was an unremarkable woman who had little grasp of science. Frederick found himself wondering why Einstein would entrust such a person with what could turn out to be the theory of everything.

  ‘You must go!’ The woman said abruptly.

  Frederick looked at her for a moment before deciding he had outworn his Welcome. ‘Thank you.’ He said before turning and coming face to face with the red haired woman.

  Anna pointed her gun at Frederick and reached out with her other hand. ‘The diary Professor.’ She demanded.

  Frederick glared back at the woman. ‘Do you realise what this is?’ He said.

  ‘I do, which is why my superiors are anxious to obtain it. Now please hand it over.’

  ‘No.’ Frederick said shaking his head.

  Anna could hear the orders she had been given screaming in her mind. But she could not will herself to pull the trigger.

  ‘Your superiors have no interest in furthering the knowledge of mankind.’

  ‘Exactly what I was going to say about you Professor, now please hand over the diary.’

  ‘You know I cannot do that.’

  Anna’s hand began to tremble as she pointed the gun at Frederick. No matter how loudly her conscience screamed at her, she could not pull the trigger. All of a sudden she heard a noise behind. But before she could turn a large hand grabbed her gun. Anna was shoved forward, stumbling.

  Frederick found himself ru
shing forward to stop Dr Vilenko from landing in a heap on the floor.

  Stood in the doorway was Carlos Banderas. ‘Well, what a gathering we have here.’ He said grinning. ‘One of Cambridge’s finest and one of Russia’s top minds.’

  Banderas was accompanied by three men who pointed guns at Frederick and the others. One of them stepped forward and snatched the diary out of Frederick’s hand.

  ‘Is this how the Brotherhood of the Holy See conducts business now? By spying and stealing.’

  Banderas laughed out loud. ‘My dear Professor Frederick, how you view the world in black and white. What makes you think that I am part of the Brotherhood?’

  Frederick couldn’t summon an answer.

  ‘Who the hell are you?’ Anna demanded to know.

  ‘Let’s just say I’m someone that operates outside of the mainstream.’

  ‘Who do you represent?’ Anna asked.

  ‘I do not represent anyone Doctor Vilenko, I am what you call a freelancer. Working for whoever will pay the most.’ He held up Einstein’s diary. ‘And I can assure you that there are people who will pay a lot more money than your governments for this.’ Banderas turned and headed out of the door.

  Two of the men remained for several seconds before backing away, keeping a close eye on Anna.

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘Well Doctor Vilenko it would seem that you will leave empty handed.’

  Anna glanced back at Frederick. ‘We’ll see Professor.’ She said heading towards the entrance.

  Frederick found himself exhilarated as he watched the Russian vanish from sight. Without looking back he gave chase.

  Anna pursued her quarry down a long corridor.

  One of the men turned and fired his gun. Anna dropped to the floor as a bullet whistled over her head.

  Frederick stopped dead in his tracks on hearing the gunshot. He cautiously peered around a corner spotting Dr Vilenko jumping to her feet.

  When she arrived at the top of the grand staircase Anna caught sight of Banderas heading out the main door. There were more people in the Foyer than a few minutes ago. Three Russian soldiers had entered the building, but had not paid any attention to Banderas and his accomplices. Anna shouted at the three soldiers from the top of the stairs, pointing towards the entrance.

  By the time the soldiers looked towards the entrance two of the men had opened fire. Two of the soldiers were slain instantly while the third was hit in the leg. Blood sprayed out across the polished floor. The soldier managed to return fire, hitting one of the men squarely in the chest. The remaining assailant had disappeared out of the door. People in the foyer ducked behind anything that would give them ample cover.

  Anna sprinted towards the main entrance. As she passed the dead body of Banderas’ man she scooped up the gun which had fallen out of his hand.

  Frederick arrived at the top of the staircase and surveyed the carnage. Russian troops began to pour into the building. Frederick felt trapped, what tuned out to be a simple errand had turned into something more sinister.

  Anna watched as Banderas’ car sped away. She cursed before heading back into the building. The Cambridge Professor was standing at the top of the grand staircase. Two soldiers approached her. She produced her KGB badge and pointed at the Englishman. ‘Arrest him!’

  Chapter 67

  Frederick blinked as the hood was removed. He looked about and saw that he was in what appeared to be an apartment. A Russian soldier stood guard.

  Anna stared at Frederick. She wrestled with her conscience and wondered why she could not bring herself to kill him. She had made a phone call an hour earlier and briefed her superiors on events that had transpired. They had ordered her to take the Professor to a safe house and wait for officials to pick him up and take him back to Moscow for interrogation. Anna felt frustrated, she wanted to interrogate him. She looked at the clock on the wall and made up her mind.

  Anna approached Frederick. ‘So Professor Frederick, why don’t we start with telling me who you work for?’

  ‘I don’t work for anyone?’ Frederick replied.

  ‘So you just happened to be in the vicinity visiting that woman who just happened to hand over Einstein’s diary.’

  ‘That’s right.’ Frederick nodded.

  Anna smiled at Frederick. ‘Professor what do you think is going to happen to you?’

  Frederick fought to stay calm, but he knew that his resolve would run out. He glanced at the clock on the wall, suddenly realising that no one knew where he was. His thoughts turned to Elizabeth and his children.

  The door to the apartment opened abruptly and four men marched in.

  ‘This man is to be transferred back to Moscow immediately. We will extract information from him.’

  I am still interrogating him.’ Anna protested. ‘That is no concern of ours.’ The man replied. A man stepped forward and grabbed Anna.

  ‘I will tell my father about this, I will personally see to it you spend time in Siberia.’

  Frederick was hauled to his feet and frog marched out of the building. Two cars were waiting outside. Frederick and Anna were bundled into one of the waiting cars.

  ‘Professor Frederick.’ Victor Rothschild greeted. ‘It is good to see you were unharmed by your experience.’

  ‘What is going on here?’ Anna demanded to know.

  Rothschild looked at her. He indicated to the men who had shown up at the safe house. ‘You will be driven back to your hotel.’

  At first Frederick felt a wave of relief flood over him, followed by anger. ‘I don’t understand, you have been following me the whole time I was in Munich.’

  ‘I can understand your frustration Professor, but Einstein requested personally that you pick up the diary.’

  ‘Which is now in the hands of this Carlos Banderas.’ Frederick pointed out.

  ‘An unfortunate turn of events.’ Rothschild replied.

  ‘He said that he was a freelancer working for whoever paid the most money.’

  Rothschild nodded. ‘We are aware of Cardinal Banderas’ activities but can never track down his clients. He keeps things close to his chest.’

  ‘Thanks for coming to my rescue.’

  ‘You were never in any real danger Professor, the Order looks after its own. You will be returned safe and sound to your hotel before anyone suspects you are missing.’

  Chapter 68

  The conglomerate


  Monday 29th May 1955

  Cardinal Banderas placed the diary on the table in front of Bill Mirren. Four other men were present in the room.

  ‘Why would a group of newspaper editors be interested in Einstein’s unfinished formula?’

  Bill Mirren picked up the diary. ‘For future generations Cardinal.’

  ‘But you’re not scientists, how can you possibly benefit from this?’

  ‘You’re right we’re not scientists, but all of us in this room recognise that knowledge is power. Money can buy you powerful knowledge.’ Mirren looked at the diary. ‘Besides if scientists were to get their hands on this then it would be destroyed. Many leading scientists have built their work around Einstein’s theory of relativity. This has the power to change the laws of physics. When the time is right this diary and Einstein’s unfinished equation will finds its way into the world so that future generations can complete it.’ ‘Mirren inhaled. ‘We’ll all be dead and buried by then.’

  Banderas turned and left the room.

  Chapter 69

  Safe House

  Undisclosed location

  Wednesday 8th June 1955

  Frederick blinked as the blindfold was removed. He looked around to see several students standing around the body of the creature that had been stolen from Jacob Barnes a few months earlier. An hour before he had arrived at the mystery location Frederick had been contacted by William Chambers with instructions to put on the blindfold and get into a car.

  William Chambers stepped forward. ‘Hello Professor.’<
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  Frederick stared at the body. ‘So it was you who set up that robbery.’ He said.

  Chambers nodded.

  Frederick looked at each student. ‘You know Jacob Barnes is working hard to find out who those men were who stole this.’ He said indicating to the body. ‘He is a very determined man and a powerful one.’

  Chambers smiled. ‘So are we Professor. Jacob Barnes will never know who it was that stole this. Which is why we had to take precautions with the blindfold and the length of time since the robbery. We know you are trustworthy Professor, but we also know that Jacob Barnes will leave no stone unturned in order to find this. The men who took this away have melted back into the background and cannot be traced. By the way I’m sorry one of them hit you, but we had to make it look as real as possible.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘What do you plan to do with this?’

  ‘It will be moved to a more permanent location which my grandfather established just before his death.’

  Frederick’s thoughts dwelled on Malcolm Chambers.

  ‘The young men you see here Professor are the future of The Angel Committee. We are aware that for the time being the committee is under the watchful eye of Majestic. But in time we will take back control. And in time Professor we want you to head the new Angel Committee.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘I don’t what to say.’

  ‘For now our goal is to collect artefacts like this and store them away.’ Chambers explained. ‘We are also collecting information regarding UFO sightings up and down the country and throughout the commonwealth. When the time is right we will reveal ourselves, but we realise this could be many years down the line. You will probably be a lot older than you are now.’

  Frederick smiled. ‘Well you can’t keep me to long, as you say Majestic is keeping a close eye on committee members.’

  Chambers stepped up to Frederick and placed the blindfold back over his eyes.


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