The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 27

by Jason Chapman

  Frederick nodded. ‘Quite brilliant, I read your paper in a science journal.’

  ‘Unfortunately Professor it landed me in a lot of trouble with members of the scientific community in Russia.’

  ‘I remember Igor Lakatos was an outspoken opponent of your work.’ Frederick said.

  Anna felt a surge of anger at the mention of Lakatos. ‘It was because of Lakatos that I ended up in.’ Anna paused. ‘Stalin’s aviary.’

  Frederick surveyed his surroundings. ‘I hope Agent Cones has regained consciousness and is looking for us.’

  ‘Don’t worry Professor I have a feeling that most of the KGB will be scouring the streets.’ Frederick looked up at a clock on the wall, unsure whether to decide if that was a good thing.

  Chapter 104

  Israeli Embassy – Berlin – 2:29pm

  Cones looked up at the embassy building wondering if what he was doing was a good idea. After being untied he had instructed Colonel Konev to drive him to the Embassy. With no back up this was the only idea Cones could come up with which could have a positive outcome.

  Colonel Konev was stood beside the American. ‘Are you sure your contact will be able to help us?’

  ‘I have had dealings with her in the past. She’s no love for the Nazis I’ll give you that.’

  Konev nodded. ‘Lead on Agent Cones.’

  Sarah Alexander looked up as the door to her office opened. A surge of anger welled up from within. She stood up and walked towards Cones before striking him hard across the face. Konev burst into laughter. ‘I see you are a ladies man Agent Cones.’

  ‘What the hell was that for?’

  ‘For leaving me in Amsterdam.’ Sarah replied.

  ‘You got your man didn’t you.’

  ‘Yes, but that’s not the point, you left me in an awkward position it took a lot of diplomatic strings to get me out.’

  ‘Hey I wasn’t too happy leaving you there either.’ Cones said. ‘But I knew you had the means to pull yourself out of there and I had more important matters to chase up.’

  Sarah returned to her desk and sat down. ‘What do you want?’ She barked, glancing at Konev.

  ‘I need a favour.’ Cones said.

  ‘A favour, the great Frank Cones needing a favour from me.’

  ‘Cut the crap Sarah we need your help in finding someone.’

  Sarah leant back in her chair. ‘And who exactly are you looking for?’

  Konev stepped forward. ‘A man by the name of Rudolph Heinemann.’

  ‘Rudolph Heinemann!’ Sarah said. ‘That is a big fish, even for you Agent Cones.’

  ‘Can you help us find him or not?’ Konev asked.

  Sarah looked at him. ‘And you are?’

  ‘I am Colonel Yuri Konev and I am not used to being questioned by a woman.’ He said in a defiant tone.

  ‘And why should I help you?’ Sarah said glaring at Konev.

  ‘If you help us then we will give you Heinemann.’

  Sarah smiled broadly. ‘And what makes you think Heinemann is important to us?’

  ‘He is wanted Nazi war criminal.’

  Sarah nodded. ‘I’m well aware of who he is Colonel, but you realise there are worse people on the loose, Eichmann and Mengele being amongst them.’

  ‘Sarah, we need to find this man, he is holding the colonel’s daughter and a friend of mine.’ Cones said.

  ‘What is this about exactly?’ Sarah asked. ‘Has this anything to do with our last encounter?’

  ‘I can’t say.’ Cones replied. ‘But I do know that you will help us.’

  Sarah stared at the American for a few seconds before picking up a telephone. ‘Hello Simon.’ Sarah greeted smiling. ‘Do you have time to come down to my office?’ ‘She nodded. ‘Bring the Heinemann file with you.’

  A few minutes later a man appeared in the doorway of Sarah’s office. ‘May I present Simon Wiesenthal our lead researcher. Simon has helped track down some very prominent war criminals over the last few years.’

  Wiesenthal stepped into Sarah’s office and sat down.

  ‘These two men are looking for Rudolph Heinemann.’

  Wiesenthal nodded. ‘One of the most wanted war criminals in Russia.’

  ‘I encountered him earlier today.’ Cones said rubbing his head. ‘He has taken two of our people.’

  Wiesenthal looked at Cones and Konev. ‘Russia and America working together!’ He said with surprise.

  ‘He has my daughter and I am most eager to get her back safely.’ Konev said.

  Wiesenthal opened the file he had brought with him. ‘We have been keeping tabs on him, hoping that he might lead us to more prominent Nazi officials who escaped justice after the war. Unfortunately he is a clever man. He currently goes under the name Alfred Skinner and runs an export business outside of the city.’

  ‘Exporting what exactly.’ Cones asked.

  ‘Various goods and foodstuffs mainly to South America.’ Wiesenthal replied we tried to catch him in the act a few years ago trying to export stolen art out of Germany to Argentina. When we seized one of his trucks it contained nothing of value. Heinemann is too clever to get caught.’

  ‘As I recall the Nazis reshaped Berlin during their time in power to include a series of access tunnels under the city.’ Cones said, remembering an incident that took place several years earlier.

  ‘Yes but some of these tunnels have been sealed.’ Wiesenthal said.

  ‘Perhaps there are still more tunnels you have yet to find.’ Cones remarked. Sarah nodded. ‘We also believe this is the case.’

  ‘Where is this export company exactly?’ Konev asked.

  Wiesenthal looked through the file he had brought with him. About sixty miles east of here.

  ‘I’m surprised the Russians haven’t stumbled on to it.’

  Konev got to his feet. ‘You will give us the location of this business.’

  Wiesenthal scribbled down the address on a piece of paper and handed it to Konev.

  Cones also stood looking at Sarah. ‘Thank you.’

  Sarah stood. ‘Oh no, you don’t get off that easily Agent Cones I’m coming with you.’

  Konev glared at her.

  ‘Colonel Heinemann is a wanted Nazi war criminal, he could be the key in helping us track down others. I’m coming with you to make sure this man doesn’t escape. Besides isn’t your priority the safe return of your daughter.’

  Konev eventually nodded and turned to head out of the door.

  Chapter 105


  Frederick stared at the clock on the wall almost willing time to stand still. It had been three hours since they were placed in the small office. No one had come in or out.

  Anna stared at the door and the guard who was still stood rigid. She wrestled with the ropes and slowly they began to loosen.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Getting out of here.’

  ‘You could have untied us earlier.’ Frederick said.

  Anna pulled a hand free. ‘Quiet Professor!’ She ordered pulling her other hand free. Anna then untied her feet and stood quietly.

  Frederick wrestled with his ropes but was unable to free himself as easily as Dr Vilenko.

  Anna picked up a piece of rope and crept toward the door. Frederick craned his neck but was unable to see what was going on.

  Anna reached for the door handle and turned it quietly. Then with lightning speed she yanked the door open and lassoed the rope around the guard’s neck. The guard struggled trying desperately to reach for his sidearm. Anna pulled him back into the office. The guard thrashed about trying to release the rope from around his neck. But eventually his strength began to fail and his body went limp. Anna walked over to Frederick and untied him.

  Frederick turned and looked at the body of the guard. ‘Was that necessary?’

  Anna knelt down and removed the dead man’s sidearm. ‘What would you have had me do Professor, seduce him?’ She pointed at the SS insignia
on his uniform. ‘A Fourth Reich operative, no better than the scum that preceded him during the war.’ Anna cocked the gun.

  ‘Why wait so long before untying yourself?’ ‘Time enough for my father to track us down.’

  ‘Your father?’ Frederick said.

  ‘Colonel Yuri Konev.’

  ‘Fantastic!’ Frederick rolled his eyes at the mention of Konev’s name.

  Anna and Frederick stood in the doorway looking out. The office was overlooking the warehouse floor. Two trucks were parked below. Several men were unloading the trucks, taking what appeared to be works of art and other items.

  ‘Stolen artefacts.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Follow me!’ Anna instructed.

  They both made their way along a metal walkway which ran the length of the warehouse. Frederick and Anna reached a flight of stairs leading down to the ground level. A man was walking up the stairs. He made eye contact with Anna but was unable to say anything. Anna punched him in the throat and the man dropped like a stone clasping his neck fighting for breath. Anna grabbed a knife he had strapped to his side, driving it into his neck. Blood splattered onto her face.

  Frederick had to look away.

  ‘Come on!’ Anna ordered.

  Both Frederick and Anna reached the warehouse floor and hurried to find cover behind two large packing crates. All of a sudden one of the men spotted the body on the stairway and started to shout. More armed men poured into the warehouse and fanned out. Anna looked at one of the trucks. ‘That’s our way out of here.’

  Frederick’s heart was pounding. From his viewpoint it looked impossible to reach the truck.

  ‘There are too many men, we’ll be cut down before we get within ten yards of that vehicle.’

  ‘Do you have a better idea Professor?’ Anna asked.

  Frederick looked about and spotted a corridor leading away from the warehouse floor.

  ‘There could be a back entrance out of this building.’

  Anna nodded and peered out from behind the packing crate. An armed guard was walking towards their position. ‘Shit!’ She seethed.

  The soldier was almost upon them. Anna closed her eyes briefly to calm herself. Then she stepped out in the guard’s path. She smiled at him concealing her weapon. The man also broke out into a smile caught off guard by the beauty of the woman who stood before him. Without warning Anna raised her gun and fired, hitting the guard squarely between the eyes. Before the man crumpled to the floor Anna grabbed the machine gun he was holding. With lightning speed she jumped from behind the storage crate.

  Chapter 106

  Cones stared out across the landscape at the warehouse. An airfield lay behind the building. ‘You sure this is the right place? It looks deserted.’

  Sarah Alexander peered through binoculars for a few seconds and then handed them to Cones. ‘That’s the idea. Heinemann likes to keep a low profile. But we know he uses this airfield to smuggle goods and people out of Germany.’

  Colonel Konev also looked through binoculars. He had managed to muster at least twenty Spetsnaz shock troops who were poised to storm the warehouse.

  Cones crawled over to where the Colonel was crouched. ‘What are you waiting for?’

  ‘Patients Agent Cones.’ Konev said calmly.

  All of a sudden machine gunfire crackled across the landscape, Konev smiled. ‘That’s my girl.’ He held up his hand and signalled towards the warehouse. ‘GO!’

  Two of the guards dropped to the floor in a crimson mist as Anna spewed machinegun fire across the warehouse floor. Other occupants scattered finding what cover they could. She looked at Frederick. ‘Come on!’

  Frederick sprinted across the floor towards the corridor. A guard appeared but was cut down by Anna. She grabbed his machine gun and then turned to Frederick handing him the gun.

  ‘Take this.’

  Frederick reluctantly took it off her.

  ‘Watch out!’

  Frederick turned to see three guards running towards them. Anna let off a burst of machinegun fire. The noise was deafening. All of a sudden an alarm echoed through the building. From outside the sound of more gunfire could be heard, Anna smiled. ‘Papa.’ She looked at Frederick. ‘We have to find Gruber and Heinemann, they cannot be allowed to leave this warehouse.’

  Frederick nodded.

  They continued down the corridor then turned a corner. A guard was ready to greet them with a volley of gunfire. Anna instinctively dropped to her knees and fired back. The guard crumpled to the floor as gunfire caught him in the leg. Anna fired again and the guard slumped face down.

  Spetsnaz troops poured into the building firing in all directions. ‘Kill anyone you find!’ Konev ordered.

  ‘Wait, you cannot do that.’ Sarah argued. ‘These men will have vital information regarding other Nazis.’

  Konev looked at her. ‘Right now my main concern is my daughter.’

  Cones was already sprinting towards a corridor. The body of a guard lay on the floor. Cones slowed up and peered down the corridor. Three more bodies littered the floor. Cautiously Cones headed down the corridor.

  Frederick could hear a new noise, the sound of an aeroplane’s engine starting up. ‘Looks like they’re getting ready to leave the sinking ship.’

  From further on down the corridor voices could be heard. Anna and Frederick inched towards a doorway. Gruber suddenly appeared carrying a briefcase.

  ‘Stop!’ Anna called out pointing her gun at the German scientist.

  Heinemann also appeared and looked towards where Anna and Frederick were standing. He raised his gun. ‘You will come with us Dr Vilenko.’

  Two armed men suddenly appeared behind Frederick pointing their machineguns at Anna. ‘You will come with us or you will die here.’

  Anna knelt and placed her gun on the floor. Heinemann didn’t see the gun that Frederick was holding.

  ‘Professor down!’ The familiar voice of Frank Cones shouted.

  Frederick dropped instantly, as a volley of machinegun fire spewed over his head.

  The two guards were flung against the wall from the force of gunfire. Heinemann yelped as he was caught in the arm. Gruber was already heading down the corridor towards an open door.

  The aeroplane taxied onto the runway. Heinemann clutched his arm and hurried down the corridor. But instead of following Gruber he disappeared into another side office.

  Anna jumped to her feet leaving her gun. She appeared at the entrance to the office. A guard pointed a gun at her and fired. Anna found herself being pushed out of the way. She tumbled to the floor and caught sight of Frederick who raised the gun he was holding.

  The last time Frederick fired a gun was basic training at the outbreak of the war. He squeezed off one round hitting the guard in the stomach.

  Anna looked up at the man who had just saved her life.

  Frederick dropped the gun and then looked at Anna. He walked over to her holding out his hand. ‘Are you ok?’

  Anna got to her feet, for a few moments they locked eyes on each other. Frederick felt an overwhelming urge to kiss Dr Vilenko.

  Cones coughed politely. ‘When you two lovebirds are finished.’ He said smiling.

  Anna let go of Frederick’s hand.

  Konev appeared flanked by two Spetsnaz troops.

  ‘Papa!’ Anna called out, running up to her father, flinging her arms around him.

  Sarah Alexander appeared. ‘What happened to Heinemann?’

  Frederick surveyed the small office he had run into. Apart from the dead soldier Heinemann was nowhere to be seen.

  Outside an aircraft could be heard taking off.

  Chapter 107

  After about half an hour of searching the building and rounding up survivors Frederick and the others gathered in the office which Anna and Frederick had been held captive.

  Sarah Alexander shook her head. ‘This is a mess, Heinemann will know we are on to him. He will go to ground now.’ She looked at Konev. ‘What do you plan to do with
the ‘survivors?

  ‘They will be taken back to Russia for interrogation.’

  ‘And then left to rot in a Siberian hell hole.’ Cones added.

  Konev looked at him. ‘You are welcome to join them Agent Cones.’

  ‘Enough!’ Anna said loudly. ‘Papa, Gruber claimed that the bulk of the Nazi regime survived. He said, we are everywhere, America, Britain, Russia.’

  Sarah nodded. ‘Nuremberg was nothing more than a show trial. There are still people at large who were responsible for the death of thousands. Men like Joseph Mengele.’ She looked at Cones. ‘And Victor Klaus. Many of the men who bankrolled Hitler remain and still have power both here and abroad.’

  ‘If the Nazis are still active and have infiltrated the highest levels of Government then we must be cautious.’ Frederick said.

  Konev nodded. ‘Agreed.’

  A Spetsnaz soldier entered the office and informed Konev that the survivors had been herded onto a truck and were ready to be shipped out.

  ‘Looks like this little venture is over ladies and gentlemen.’ Konev announced walking towards the door. He turned to Frederick. ‘My daughter tells me that you saved her life.’

  Frederick felt a rush of blood to his cheeks.

  ‘I am in your debt Professor, which is why I am letting you and your friends go.’

  ‘That’s very generous of you colonel.’ Frederick replied, trying to mask his sarcasm.

  Anna walked up to Frederick and kissed him on the side of the cheek. ‘Thank you for coming to my rescue.’

  Cones grinned from ear to ear as he watched Anna leave the room.

  ‘What?’ Frederick said noting the expression on his face.

  ‘You know she likes you right Professor.’

  ‘I happen to be a happily married man.’ Frederick said trying to scrub the image of Paris from his mind.

  Cones put his hands up and laughed. ‘Ok whatever you say Professor.’

  Frederick walked out of the room.

  Sarah turned to Cones. ‘And what about us Agent Cones?’ She said smiling at him. Cones took a deep breath. ‘We’ll see each other again.’ He scooped her up and kissed her passionately.


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