The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 32

by Jason Chapman

  ‘Thank you Mr President.’ Frederick replied.

  ‘Agent Cones.’ Eisenhower stated turning to Cones. ‘From what I’ve heard about you over the years you’ve done an outstanding job.’

  ‘Thank you sir.’

  Eisenhower sat down behind a large writing desk. ‘It seems gentlemen that there are people that want me dead. And we’re not just talking about the Fourth Reich.’

  Frederick and Cones exchanged glances.

  ‘Last week I tried to get access to the Groom Lake facility but was denied. It was only until I threatened to send troops in that Majestic allowed me to visit the site. Jacob Barnes wants to freeze me out. I fear events this morning may have been part of a plan to break away from government control. Jacob Barnes and Majestic want full control over all materials recovered at Roswell and other crash sites. They want to keep any information from all future Presidents.’

  ‘Forgive me Mr President but we are part of Majestic.’ Frederick said. ‘We have to report our findings back to them.’

  Eisenhower nodded. ‘I know but I also know that the both of you have your doubts.’

  ‘What is it you want us to do exactly?’ Cones asked.

  ‘Your cooperation Agent Cones.’ A voice came from behind.

  Frederick and Cones both turned around.

  Vincent Rothschild was stood out of view as they entered the room.

  Frederick looked back at Eisenhower. ‘You are part of the Order.’

  ‘No.’ Eisenhower replied. ‘Although I do know of its existence. Benjamin Franklin was a member and advised some of my predecessors.’

  ‘As I have told you in the past Professor everything happens for a reason. Which is why I revealed myself to Agent Cones last night.’

  ‘We want you to be our men on the inside.’ Eisenhower revealed. ‘All you need to do is continue your role in Majestic and keep us in the loop.’

  Frederick nodded.

  ‘I’m fully aware what Jacob Barnes is capable of, it will take time to bring him down.’ Eisenhower stood up. ‘I’m afraid my time is limited Gentlemen I have to head back to the United States.’

  Two security men entered the office, Frederick and Cones were escorted out.

  Chapter 127

  Luxemburg Grande Hotel – Geneva – 5:57pm

  Akon Khan sat in his hotel room staring out of the window. He had been made aware of some sort of commotion earlier that day. He had also seen both Agent Cones and Professor Frederick together in the past 48 hours. He had made a phone call earlier that day and was told to remain in his hotel until contacted. A knock on his hotel room door jolted Khan from his train of thought.

  A man stepped into the room.

  Kahn bowed. ‘I am honoured by your presence master.’

  ‘Events are about to unfold Akon Kahn, the prophecy will come to pass.’

  Khan nodded. ‘It is why I have contacted you. I have seen both Professor Frederick and Agent Cones together.’

  ‘We are putting a plan into motion that will accelerate our objective.’

  ‘The Collective is on hand to assist you in any way it can.’

  ‘You have been loyal servants to our cause Brother Khan, your allegiance will be rewarded.’

  ‘Thank you master.’ Khan bowed.

  Chapter 128

  Red Death

  Cambridge – England – 12:45pm

  Wednesday 7th March 1956

  Frederick glared at the door of the lecture hall. He hated it when someone disturbed him in the middle of a lecture. All his students looked towards the door as Professor Chester Osborne entered the room walking briskly up to Frederick.

  ‘There are some people here to see you.’ Osborne said with a sarcastic tone.

  Frederick looked towards the partly open door and spotted General Stacy and Morris Stanford in the hallway outside. He nodded and then left the lecture hall.

  ‘We’re sorry to pull you out Ralph.’ Stanford sounded apologetic. ‘But something has come up.’

  ‘Approximately 12 hours ago a large explosion was reported in a remote region of Germany.’ Stacy continued. ‘Details are sketchy at best but early reports suggest a significant amount of damage has been caused to a mountain side and sightings of a huge mushroom cloud have been reported.’

  ‘Where exactly in Germany?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘In the Hochwanner mountain region on the Austrian border.’ Stanford replied. ‘It’s a very remote region hundreds of miles from any large populated area.’

  ‘We are assembling a team to head out there and investigate what happened. You and Agent Cones are to spearhead the operation.’ Stacy revealed. ‘During the war it was rumoured that the Nazis had a secret base in that area, but because of its remote location no one travelled out to that region to investigate the claims. We’ve already flown over the area where the explosion was reported. Our intelligence revealed extensive damage to a region in the area. We need to move on this Professor if there is some kind of installation in that area, we are going to need boots on the ground to secure it.’

  ‘We believe that the Russians may try and mobilize troops.’ Stanford said. ‘Time is imperative, a plane is waiting at Mildenhall to take you to Austria where we already have a team standing by.’

  ‘If there are no roads in that region how do you propose we get there?’ Frederick asked.

  Stanford and Stacy glanced at each other.

  Chapter 129

  Austrian/German border – 10:06am

  Thursday 8th March 1956

  Frederick looked at Agent Cones who adjusted the harness of his parachute.

  Captain Rodney Crewe sat opposite Frederick and leaned over. ‘How long since your last jump Professor?’

  ‘Not since the war.’ Frederick shouted over the din of the aircraft’s engines. ‘I did basic training with the parachute regiment.’

  ‘How many have you done?’

  ‘Including this one, three.’ Frederick said.

  Crewe smiled at him. ‘You’ll be fine, all you need to remember is to pull your ripcord after you’ve jumped out of the plane.’

  Frederick tried to put on a brave face but inside his stomach was turning summersaults.

  General Stacy appeared from the cockpit making his way to where Frederick was sat. ‘We’re almost at the drop zone. We have a contingent of soldiers currently trekking to the area, but it will take over 24 hours to reach you. There will be a few specialists from Majestic heading out there shortly. I’ll be leading that group, should be there within 48 hours. Your job will be to assess the area and try and figure out what happened.’

  ‘Ok we’re approaching the drop zone.’ The co-pilot shouted from the cockpit.

  Frederick felt a sudden urge to vomit.

  Crewe hauled himself to his feet and clambered over to the door of the aircraft. A rush of air sucked the breath out of Frederick as the door was opened. Everyone stood and checked their parachutes.

  ‘You ok Professor!’ Cones screamed over the noise.

  ‘What the hell do you think!’ Frederick yelled back.

  ‘Ok this is it, go! go! go!’ Crewe yelled before hurling himself out of the door.

  The nine other soldiers lined up and moved forward. One by one they flung themselves from the aircraft.

  Cones glanced back at Frederick and smiled. ‘See you one the ground Professor!’

  Frederick could barely nod as he watched Cones dive through the doorway.

  ‘It’s now or never Professor!’ Stacy shouted.

  Frederick moved towards the doorway and looked out. He marvelled at the snow-capped mountains in the distance and for a fleeting moment thought of Elizabeth and the children. Then summoning all his strength Frederick launched himself into the abyss.

  The landing was a lot smoother than he expected. Frederick drifted down and landed in the soft snow.

  Cones had already gathered his parachute and trudged over to Frederick. Who lay on his back struggling to release himself. ‘I
t’s just like riding a bike Professor.’ He laughed.

  After a few minutes Frederick and Cones joined the ten other men. He had already met Captain Rodney Crewe a few years back during a mission in the Scottish Highlands.

  ‘Our objective is a few miles north of here towards the German border.’ Crewe said pointing towards a row of snow-capped peaks. ‘It shouldn’t take more than a few hours to reach the location. Ok let’s get on our way.’ He ordered.

  The sun shone down on the mountain side as the group of men made their way through a narrow valley. After three hours of trekking the group arrived at a cliff edge.

  ‘This isn’t a natural part of the landscape.’ Frederick said as he approached the edge. ‘It looks like some kind of landslide.’

  ‘Jesus!’ Cones exclaimed.

  ‘It looks as if something has just scooped the side of the mountain out.’ Crewe said.

  ‘Look!’ one of the soldiers shouted.

  Frederick stared over the cliff edge at what looked like a cave entrance. Metal girders could clearly be seen at the entrance to the cave.

  ‘It’s hard to believe that this has been here for the last ten years without anyone knowing about it.’ Cones said.

  ‘Well they do now.’ Crewe replied looking around. He pointed at what appeared to be a trail leading down the mountainside. ‘There, we’ll head down this goat trail, it should bring us out on top of the entrance.’

  It took another 90 minutes to descend to the opening. As they approached the cave entrance the group was caught off guard by sporadic gunfire. Frederick and the others dived behind a large boulder which looked as if it had been displaced by the landslide. Cones clutched his machine gun and peered out from behind the rock. More gunfire ricocheted off the surrounding rocks, splinters became like needles. Frederick instinctively covered his face.

  ‘Looks like they were ready for us.’ Crewe said assessing the situation. ‘If we move then they’ll cut us down.’

  ‘What do you suggest?’ Cones said looking at the SAS officer.

  ‘Diplomacy.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Good luck with that Professor.’ Cones answered.

  ‘Think about it, this is a secret research facility in the middle of nowhere, no one knows about it. Which means we’re the first to make it out here.’

  ‘Your point Professor!’ Crewe said impatiently.

  ‘I think they were expecting someone else. If this is a Fourth Reich installation then we pretend to be German.’

  Crewe and Cones exchanged glances.

  ‘I speak German.’ Cones revealed. ‘Well sort of, I know a few phrases I learnt during the war.’ Frederick nodded.

  Cones slowly stepped from behind the boulder with his arms in the air. ‘Hold your fire!’ He shouted in German. ‘We are here to help.’ Even from that distance Cones could see the figure lower his gun. The rest of the group came out of hiding and marched towards the opening.

  A man in a white lab coat stood gripping a machine gun watching as the group approached.

  ‘Thank god.’ He said in German.

  Crewe and his men raised their weapons and pointed them at the scientist.

  ‘Actually pal, we’re not who you think we are.’ Cones said grinning at the man.

  A soldier quickly stepped forward and disarmed the scientist who stared at Cones.

  ‘You are American!’ He gasped.

  ‘And British.’ Frederick revealed.

  ‘I don’t understand.’ The scientist said. ‘You were defeated, Germany won the war.’

  ‘Germany won the war.’ Frederick replied with a bemused expression. ‘I think you’re very much mistaken.’

  The man shook his head. ‘No you were defeated, we developed the fission bomb and delivered it to London. The Americans withdrew from Europe.’

  ‘I’m sorry but you’ve been fed lies.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Exactly how long have you been here?’ Cones asked.

  The scientist thought for a moment. ‘Eleven years.’

  ‘Eleven years! And you have had no contact with the outside world.’ Frederick stated. ‘What exactly have you been doing all this time?’

  ‘I have my orders, I’m an not to discuss anything with anyone else except for our project leader.’

  ‘Look pal, you have been fed on a diet of bullshit for the past eleven years.’ Cones said.

  ‘Who told you Germany won the war?’ Crewe asked.

  ‘Our Project leader.’ The scientist revealed. ‘Hans Kammler.’

  Cones shrugged. ‘Never heard of him.’

  ‘Are you telling me that you have not been outside of this facility in eleven years? What about family and friends?’

  ‘We volunteered for this project.’ The scientist replied. ‘We sacrificed our personal lives for the glory of the Third Reich.’

  Frederick surveyed the damage that had been caused by the explosion. ‘What has happened here?’

  The scientist remained silent.

  Cones stepped up to him. ‘Look around you, it’s over. Now unless you have a cyanide pill in the back of your mouth somewhere I suggest you listen to us. The war ended ten years ago, we won, you guys lost. So you may as well tell us everything, reinforcements are on their way.’

  The man took a deep breath. ‘There was a cataclysmic explosion.’

  ‘We can see that.’ Cones said looking around.

  ‘The containment chamber ruptured and a chain reaction occurred.’

  ‘Chain reaction?’ Frederick said. ‘Perhaps it’s better if I showed you.’

  ‘Lead on.’ Cones invited.

  The scientist led Frederick and his team into the side of the mountain. The interior had been tunnelled out and an entire complex had been fashioned.’

  The men had to climb over debris that had been flung in all direction. But the cave walls remained sound. ‘Why hasn’t this place collapsed in on itself?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘We’ve been asking ourselves that question since the accident occurred.’ The scientist explained scrambling over a desk which had been flung into the air. Documents were strewn everywhere. About a dozen or so other men were milling about trying to clean up the chaos.

  The group stopped at the end of a corridor. The scientist turned and faced them. ‘The only explanation we can come up with is the strange effects the red matter produces.’

  ‘Red matter.’ Frederick said remembering what Victor Klaus had revealed in his interview.

  The scientist nodded. ‘What you are about to see will challenge your senses.’ He then gestured them to turn the corridor.

  Frederick led the way, he walked slowly around the corner and then stopped dead glaring at the sight in front of him. ‘My god!’ He gasped before taking a few more steps forward.

  Agent Cones stared at the anomaly which looked like a huge bubble approximately 300 feet in diameter.

  Frederick took another few steps forward surveying the scene in front of him. The bubble had carved out a large proportion of the mountainside. But it was what was in the bubble that disturbed Frederick. Dozens of men trapped like insects in amber, perfectly still. One man who was just inside looked as if he had just walked in to the anomaly. Equipment and even a jeep was trapped along with the men.

  The scientist pointed. ‘That is Doctor Walther Berg, he sacrificed himself to try and reach the reactor which is located at the centre of the anomaly.’

  Frederick stared at the object at the centre and instantly recognised it as a device he had been shown at Groom Lake. Shaped like a church bell the device emitted a red light from its base.’

  ‘It wasn’t supposed to function like this, the reactor powered this facility.’

  ‘Have you any theories as to what caused the accident?’ Frederick asked.

  The scientist shook his head. ‘Our lead scientist Doctor Bernard Schroder believes that our lack of understanding may have been our mistake.’ Frederick and Cones exchanged glances.

  ‘Doctor Bernard Schroder, are y
ou sure about that?’ Frederick said. The scientist nodded.

  ‘Where is he now?’ Cones demanded to know.

  ‘He is gone.’

  ‘Gone!’ Cones raised his voice.

  The scientist took a step back, wary of Cones’ growing anger. ‘As soon as the accident occurred Doctor Schroder and our project leader General Kammler left.’

  Captain Crewe walked up to Frederick glancing at the anomaly. ‘We’ve secured the entrance, I’m doubtful there aren’t any others except for survivors. It will take another several hours for reinforcements to arrive on foot.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘Thank you captain.’

  Crewe turned and walked back around the corner followed by Cones.

  Frederick looked back at the anomaly. ‘Have you any theories why they are trapped like that?’ He asked the scientist indicating to the people trapped.

  The man took out a pocket watch and walked towards the bubble stopping a few inches from the event horizon. ‘Observe.’ He then started to swing the watch on its chain until it swung into the anomaly. Ripples resonated outwards like ripples on still water after it had been disturbed.

  ‘Observe the seconds hand on the watch.’ The scientist invited.

  Frederick stepped forward and watched as the seconds hand slowly stopped.

  ‘We believe that once you enter the anomaly time stops.’ The scientist explained. ‘We only realised this after Doctor Berg became trapped.’

  ‘You say that Doctor Schroder and this General Kammler left immediately after the accident. Do you know where they went?’

  The scientist took a step back, hesitant in answering Frederick’s question.

  ‘What is your name?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Himmler, Doctor Alfred Himmler.’

  ‘Listen to me very carefully Doctor.’ Frederick said sternly. ‘Either you cooperate now, or you can cooperate under interrogation when my superiors arrive in a few hours.’ Himmler nodded. ‘Vienna.’ He replied.

  ‘And what do they plan to do?’

  Himmler took a deep breath. ‘They have the red matter.’


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