Dakota's Discipline [Portraits of Submission 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations

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Dakota's Discipline [Portraits of Submission 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations Page 7

by Tara Rose

  “We’ll know more when His Majesty has a chance to speak with this sorcerer,” said Bramwell. “For now, I think it’s best if you try to rest a bit more.”

  Bramwell was always trying to get people to sleep or eat. “We’ll leave your room now,” said Kelton, “so you can return to sleep like your princes wish.” He didn’t mean to sound so commanding, but she was theirs now. She needed to learn to act that way in front of servants.

  “Are you two coming back to bed?”

  Both the look on her face and her tone of voice confused him. What did the girl really want? To be with them, or to return to her home?

  “In a while,” he said, as gently as possible. Now that he was awake, if he stayed here his cock would betray him and he’d make love to her again, but first, he and Bramwell had some things to decide.

  She lay back down and he left the room, then motioned for the others to leave. Once they were in the sitting room, Kelton turned his attentions first toward River. “My concern tonight was the fact that you two and the guards left the suite unattended.”

  “Forgive us, Highness. We were gone but a few moments and thought you both were asleep.”

  “A few moments is all it takes. Chelsea was taken while her three princes slept in the next rooms.”

  “It will not happen again, Sire.”

  “See that it does not. Do you have any reason to believe His Majesty will need to speak with us about this new development tonight?”

  “No, Sire.”

  “Then we’ll ring if we need anything. Please make sure the guards stay at their post.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  After their valets left, Kelton frowned at the look on Bramwell’s face. “Are you upset with me or with them?”

  “Was it necessary to be so harsh with River?”

  “Yes, it was. Dakota was left alone and there were no guards outside our suite. The threat inside this castle isn’t gone yet. Our king has asked us not to leave these women alone at any time.”

  “You’re right, but what of this new development…”

  Bramwell’s voice trailed off, and Kelton knew where his thoughts had gone. “She was merely reacting to the news. Consider that she’d woken from a sound sleep, and try to put yourself in her place.”

  Bramwell narrowed his eyes. “You’re not upset at what she said?”

  “A little, but I’m trying to remember she’s only been here for a few hours.”

  “Everything we did with her makes it seem much longer.”

  “I agree, but we must give her time and space if necessary. We can’t force her feelings for us. They will develop if they are meant to.”

  “What you say is true. How are we to deal with this? I mean, do you want us each to have time alone with her, or should we allow her to choose whether that occurs?”

  “I think we’re giving her too much leeway in allowing her such a choice.”

  Bramwell frowned. “Why do you say that?”

  Kelton leaned forward. “We chose her. She belongs to us. What we say is law.”

  “You also just said we can’t force her feelings for us.”

  “Who’s talking about feelings? I’m talking about having sex with her.”

  Bramwell cut his gaze toward the closed door to Dakota’s room. “Don’t you care if she likes you at all? Don’t you want her to love you one day?”

  Of course he did, but Kelton wasn’t ready to admit that yet. He’d admitted to being in love once and it had cost him dearly. She’d been a peasant, and so had been forbidden to him as a descendant of Reginald. Granted, he’d only been sixteen, but at the time he’d been smitten.

  “Where did you go just now?”

  “Thinking of something a long time ago.”

  Bramwell gave him a sympathetic look. “Venus had a string of men a mile long after her. You were one of dozens. She played you.”

  “I know that now.” It was true, but the experience had left a hole in Kelton’s heart that no woman since had filled. Would that woman be Dakota, or would she return to her world if that became a possibility?

  “Are you going to tell Dakota about Venus?”

  “I have no idea.” Kelton didn’t want to talk about it right now. “You said we had to talk about Dakota. Is this your concern? Whether or not we make love to her separately or together?”

  Bramwell glared at him. “What’s going on with you? Are you deliberately being antagonistic or has something else got your balls in a vise?”

  Kelton sighed. “You’re right, my friend. Forgive me.”

  “No forgiveness necessary. Talk to me. What’s bothering you so much?”

  Kelton leaned back and closed his eyes. It was cold in the room with only his robe for a covering. He wanted to be back in Dakota’s bed with his arms and legs wrapped around her lush, curvy body. He wanted to put her over his knee and spank her again. She had really responded to that, and just the thought of doing it made his cock hard again to the point of pain.

  “The look on her face when Houston told us about the sorcerer.”

  “I felt the same way as you.”

  Kelton opened his eyes and glanced at his friend. “She got under your skin already, too, didn’t she?”

  Bramwell nodded.

  Kelton closed his eyes again and chuckled softly. “Venus was too old for me, but she was a siren. She called to me. Do you understand what I mean?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “She was only twenty-three and had already bewitched half the village, if rumors were to be believed. I had no business going near her.”

  “Regardless, I do understand, Kelton. In some ways, she reminds me of Dakota. Similar coloring, and a zest for life.”

  Kelton opened his eyes again. “Dakota does exhibit that, doesn’t she? She’s more passionate in her lovemaking than any woman I’ve ever had. Far more so.”

  “I agree, but I don’t want to compete for her affections or for her body. You may not agree, but I think if we make love to her, we should do it together.”

  Kelton nodded slowly. “I do agree. That makes the most sense. Otherwise we’ll be left wondering whether she said something to one of us that she didn’t say to the other. We’ll drive ourselves crazy speculating whether she prefers one of us in bed over the other. I don’t want there to be such animosity or doubt between us. We’ve been friends a long time.”

  Bramwell leaned across the space between them and shook Kelton’s hand. “Then consider it done. Now, what do we do about the sorcerer’s claims?”

  “Nothing, until we can substantiate them. Why borrow trouble?”

  “Agreed.” Bramwell stood and stretched. His robe opened partially, and Kelton wasn’t surprised to see his dick was just as erect. Dakota had them both under her spell already. “I’m going back to bed.”

  Kelton stood. “To wake her up?”

  “No. She will need her strength built up. We should let her sleep until morning.”

  He sighed loudly. “Fine. You’re right. If I need to pull on my own cock, I’ll leave the room.”

  Bramwell chuckled. “I would appreciate that.”

  Kelton smiled. He and Bramwell had been friends a long time and they didn’t always agree, but they were usually able to see each other’s point of view. Once they were in Dakota’s room, Kelton shed his robe and lay down next to her. She was asleep again, and although it was so tempting to wake her up, he had to agree with Bramwell that getting enough sleep was important right now. The women who crossed over were always very tired for several days afterward, and he preferred his partners in bed to be fresh and awake.

  You’ll never have another partner in bed except Dakota.

  That thought had him even more wide-awake than he’d been earlier. They’d chosen her for life. He’d never have sex with anyone else again. Bramwell turned off the lights in the room and shed his robe, and then he crawled next to Dakota on the opposite side.

  Kelton frowned into the darkness as he listened to her sof
tly breathe. Not making love to any other woman besides Dakota was just fine with him. In fact, it was perfect. He only hoped she decided to stay with them if the sorcerer really did hold the secret for sending her back. He also hoped she would like them one day. Maybe she’d even love them. A man could dream, after all.

  Because Kelton knew it would be difficult not to give this girl his heart. He knew it as surely as he knew his own name.

  Chapter Nine

  Dakota woke and thought she’d fallen asleep in front of her computer again until she realized she was in a very comfortable bed that was not her own. When every erotic memory from last night came rushing back, she sat up and smiled. The room was empty, but she smelled food and coffee wafting from close by. Thank God! At least they were civilized enough here to know what people should have for breakfast.

  She crawled out of bed and caught sight of a note written in a flowing script on the nightstand.

  I hope you slept well. Your maid, Penelope, has laid out a very pretty robe and shift for you to wear. Please join us in the sitting room when you have put them on. Don’t bother cleaning up just yet. Prince Bramwell and I will be joining you for that activity, as well as many others, after we’ve eaten. Your prince, Kelton.

  Dakota grinned like a lovesick teen. She glanced around and spotted the shift and robe Kelton had mentioned on the same chair where the men had tossed their clothes last night. She must have slept deeply not to have heard people in here laying out clothes and writing notes.

  She went into the bathroom and examined all the hair and skincare products in jars and bottles. Everything was labeled, so she did a quick wash of her face and groin area, and then brushed her teeth with an item that closely resembled the toothbrushes she knew. She even found floss. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here, after all?

  Homesickness tried to worm its way in again as she searched for facial moisturizer, and she struggled not to think about it. She walked back into her bedroom and stopped as she remembered waking up to find both princes and their valets in the room. Houston had just finished telling them about a sorcerer in another kingdom who knew the secrets of the paintings, including a way to send the women from her world back home.

  As she pulled the shift over her head and shrugged on the very pretty lace-trimmed robe, she recalled the looks on Bramwell’s and Kelton’s faces when she’d asked further questions about the sorcerer. They’d looked like she had just slapped them after she’d asked if it was really possible for her to return home.

  Dakota sat in the chair and put her head in her hands. She was so damn confused. Last night couldn’t fairly be called the culmination of every fantasy she’d ever had, only because it had been so much more than that.

  She’d never met men like Kelton or Bramwell. They were handsome and charming, but they were also such incredibly skilled lovers. She’d never come that many times in one week let alone one night. They were larger than life. True fairy tale princes. All that was missing was the white horse.

  Every inch of her body was sore, including her ass cheeks, which had bruises on them this morning. But it was a sweet ache because it brought with it the memories of their kisses, the touch of their hands, and the exquisite feel of their dicks inside her.

  What must they think of her this morning? She had to make this right somehow. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. Didn’t she want to go back home, if that were possible? How could she want to stay here? Sure, last night she’d accepted it because they’d told her she had no choice. But once she’d heard Houston’s story, she no longer felt that way. Or did she?

  Dakota sighed in frustration and strolled toward the door that led to the sitting room. She opened it, and both men smiled at her. Her heart gave an odd lurch at the look of them in elaborate robes and pajama bottoms. It was such a normal scene. They both rose as she entered the room, and didn’t take their seats again until she had, between their chairs, around a table laden with food.

  “Did you sleep well?” asked Bramwell.

  “I did, Sire. Did you both fall back to sleep after Houston’s story?” She had no clue if they’d even slept in the same bed with her after that, so she might as well address the elephant in the room. At least the servants weren’t here. She could speak freely.

  His smile faded a bit and she winced mentally. “Eventually. Kelton and I had a few things to discuss.” He piled food on a plate while Kelton poured her a cup of coffee. “You need to eat. Most women who cross over experience tiredness for a few days afterward. I want you to be at your best.”

  “Do you drink coffee?” asked Kelton.

  “Yes, I do. Thank you, both of you.” She tasted the food and sipped the coffee. “This is really delicious.” Because they were eating, she did, too, but finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to say something. “About last night and that story Houston told you…”

  They put down their forks and watched her closely, as if they weren’t sure what she was going to say. Dakota struggled to organize her thoughts. “I owe you an apology. I didn’t mean to imply I’d walk out of here right now and go home if given a chance.”

  “We wouldn’t blame you if you did,” said Bramwell, quietly. “It must be a great shock to find yourself here.”

  “To be fair, we did tell you there was no way to send you back,” said Kelton. “Until Houston told us of this sorcerer, that is what we believed. We’ve never heard differently.”

  “You’re not upset with me?”

  Bramwell took her hands. “Of course not. But we do hope you’ll choose to stay here with us, even if the rumors from that kingdom are true.”

  She stared into his eyes as indecision once again consumed her.

  “Or at least that you’ll give us a fair chance before you decide to return home, if that is possible one day.” Kelton’s voice was so sad she had to swallow against a sudden lump in her throat.

  “I don’t understand this. You two are beautiful. You kiss like nothing I’ve ever felt, and you make love like…I don’t even have words. Surely the women in this castle throw themselves at you. Explain this to me. Please. I’m very confused.”

  Bramwell pointed toward her plate. “You eat and we’ll talk.”

  Kelton winked at her. “Bramwell has this thing about everyone getting enough to eat.”

  “Why is that?”

  He averted his gaze and she wondered what that was about. “It’s in the past. Nothing for you to worry about. Eat.”

  “Yes, Sire.” She cut her gaze toward Kelton, who winked at her again, and Dakota’s appetite took a nosedive as she imagined being skin-to-skin with them once more. They made her forget her own name.

  Bramwell took a sip of coffee, and then he cleared his throat. “By way of explanation to your question, because of our bloodline and several dozen laws governing who can marry whom, who can have sex with whom, and every other private affair between two or more people, while it is our birthright to choose a woman from your world, we have very few other options. If we wish to marry and have children, it must be with a Wythmail woman, like all our men must do.”

  “Why do so many of you choose not to do that?”

  “We were raised that way,” said Kelton. “Our birthright to have sex without the responsibilities of marriage or children was taught to us from our earliest memories. Everyone told us the same thing. We are Reginald’s descendants, and as such we can do as we please. After a while, you no longer question it. You simply accept it as gospel truth.”

  She nodded several times. “I can understand that. It’s all you know.”

  “Precisely,” said Bramwell. “Because of the curse, our women cannot become pregnant unless they have sex with a man from Enfield, Many of Reginald’s descendants take to seducing servants and peasants because we can do so without fear. They also rarely turn us down. It’s a common practice and not forbidden. Neither is it encouraged, but we’re men. We have needs.”

  He looked apologetic, so she spoke quickly. “You don’t need t
o explain it to me. I wasn’t innocent before I came here. Although my experiences before last night were so tame in comparison that I might as well have been a virgin.” Heat rose to her face, so she picked up her coffee cup to hide it.

  “We’re pleased you enjoyed us so much,” said Kelton.

  “I’m pleased you both enjoyed me, Sire.”

  His gaze seemed to reach into her soul. “We did. Very much. How is your lovely ass this morning?”

  She nearly choked on the sip of coffee she’d just taken. “Um, a bit bruised, actually.”

  His molten grin sent warmth to her groin. “Good. That’s the way I want it. Get used to it. It will likely be that way for a very long time.”

  Dakota had to bite back a moan. She struggled for something to say, but once again they’d rendered her speechless. The only reason she finished her food was because Bramwell frowned at her half-empty plate. She must remember to ask him why he was so obsessed with food, but for now, she could barely remember how to eat. These two had cast a spell on her. She was certain of it now. But she didn’t mind. They were polite, funny, and charming. She’d never dated anyone like either of them. It was enough to make her believe in fairy tales.

  When they finished eating and the dishes were cleared, Kelton took her hand and led her into his room. “You have to see this tub.” He opened the door to his bathroom and she gasped. A huge, sunken tub sat in the center of the room, and above it, a domed ceiling with a stained-glass window cast prisms of light on the water below. He’d already filled it.

  “Wow. Do you both have one?”

  Bramwell shook his head. “No, but mine has a shower with three shower heads and enough room for at least six people.”

  “This is amazing.” She walked over and bent down to test the water. “It’s still warm.”

  Kelton smiled. “That’s because I told River when to fill it so it would be ready for us when we finished eating.”

  “Ah, I see. Maybe having a maid won’t be so terrible after all. Can I order her around like that?”


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