Lincoln Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 4

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Lincoln Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 4 Page 6

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  “Is this some sort of joke you’re playing on me? Cause I gotta tell you, I don’t think it’s very funny.” No answer…of course, he hadn’t really expected one.

  He walked back to Diamond, pulled a rope from the saddle, returned to loop it around the cow’s neck then walked back to the horse, and mounted. He had Diamond back up. The cow still didn’t budge, she just kept bawling. He surmised her legs had to be stuck in the mud of the pond. Lincoln tipped his head down and muttered under his breath. He tried again. This time she stood, but quickly lay back down.

  Cursing his luck today, Linc dismounted and walked toward the cow, stopping at the edge of the mud, he stared at her. She seemed to be breathing very hard. He sighed and reached for his cell phone. He knew what he had to do even though he wasn’t happy about it…he called Roni. He explained the situation and she told him she was on her way. He mounted Diamond again, and rode back to the barn as quickly as he could to saddle a horse for her. He sure hoped she knew how to ride because she was going to have to check the cow over.

  Twenty minutes later, Roni drove up in her van and parked alongside the barn. Linc stood by the corral with two horses saddled. He was grateful she was wearing jeans. Carrying her medicine bag, she walked confidently toward him. He suddenly couldn’t catch his breath, and it had nothing to do with the heat. It was this beautiful woman stopping to stand in front of him.

  “Can you ride, Roni? The cow’s out in the pasture.”

  “Yes, I can ride. I am a country girl, remember?” She smiled at him.

  “I remember. I was just wondering if you did.” Linc vaulted onto the saddle. She handed him her bag then put her foot in a stirrup, grabbed the horse’s mane and swung her leg up and over the saddle. She looked at him smugly. He handed her the bag back, before leading her in the direction of the pond, and the stuck cow.

  “Has she been stuck since last night? Is that why you called me in the middle of the night?”

  Linc didn’t look at her. He couldn’t, he was too embarrassed so he just shook his head. She didn’t say anything more. He knew she had to be confused about that phone call, but he wasn’t going to admit he was drunk.

  Once they got to the pasture, he led her over to the pond. The cow seemed to be in even more distress. Lincoln watched as Roni walked to the edge of the pond, crouched down and stared at the cow.

  “She’s been struggling a while. She’s out of breath.” She glanced up at him. “We need to get her out of here.” Roni tried to stand up just then but lost her footing, and fell into the pond next to the cow. When the cow calmly walked out of the pond, Roni glared up at him like it was his fault. It was all he could do not to laugh but he wasn’t winning.

  She pointed a finger at him. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Lincoln Cole.”

  He tipped his head down to gain his composure, and then walked to the edge of the pond.

  “Here, take my hand.” He put his hand out to her.

  Roni reached for his hand but instead of letting him pull her up and out, she tugged hard, and pulled him into the pond. Linc went under the water. He came up sputtering.

  He raised an eyebrow as he stared at her. “You do know this means war?”

  Roni shook her head. “A real gentleman wouldn’t do what you’re thinking about doing.”

  He grinned. “Where did you ever get the idea that I’m a gentleman, Roni?”

  “Remember the cow,” she said, laughing.

  Linc nodded. “I’m trying, but you started this. Besides, the cow is fine now.” He jerked his chin in the direction the cow had taken. She was calmly chewing on grass.

  “I thought she was in such distress. She tricked us both,” Roni said as she finally got her footing and tried to move away from him.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back into the water. He laughed when she let out a squeal.

  “Lincoln Cole, you’re asking for it,” she yelled.

  Linc turned her in his arms to face him. “I’ve been asking for it for years.”

  He couldn’t stop his gaze from falling to her lips. He groaned when she ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

  “I’m engaged,” she whispered leaning in, or was that his imagination.

  “I’m trying to remember that too,” he said as he dipped his head. His lips captured hers in a deep kiss. He’d wanted this for far too long to take his time. She moaned when his tongue entered her mouth, and touched hers. He tasted her thoroughly, while he sucked on her tongue.

  VERONICA BLINKED QUICKLY. The touch of his lips had shocked her to her very core, and his tongue…he tasted so good. What in the hell are you doing, Veronica? You’re engaged to be married!

  “I know,” she muttered against his mouth, breaking the kiss.

  “What?” Lincoln blinked at her.

  “Nothing, I-I…never mind.” She pulled away from him and walked to where the cow was grazing. “She seems fine. Just a little worn out is all. I’m glad you found her when you did. It’s going to be hot today.”

  Lord help her, she was rambling.

  “I have them checked every day. I got a late start due to a damn headache.”

  “Is it gone now?”

  His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “Yes,” he growled.

  She frowned. “Sorry I asked.”

  “Are you? Because I have to tell you, you’re the reason I had a damn headache.”

  “Me? How would I give you a headache?”

  “Because I got frickin’ drunk last night!”

  She shook her head. “You’re not making any sense. If you got drunk and subsequently got a headache, that’s called a hangover.” She clenched her hands into fists as she stared at him.

  “I was drinking because of you,” he shouted and ran his fingers through his damp hair.

  She gasped. “So you were drunk when you called me last night.”

  “Give the lady a prize.”

  “No need to be a prick about it, Lincoln. What did I have to do with your drinking to excess?”

  He stepped toward her making her take a step back. “Because I want you and you’re engaged…to that dentist.”

  Veronica gasped. “Lincoln…”

  “No. Don’t say it.” He spun away from her.

  “Say what?”

  He turned around to face her. “That you love him and you’re going to marry him. I know all that.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything. Thank you for your help.” He strolled away from her and mounted his horse.

  She mounted her horse too, and rode back, trailing behind him feeling confused about everything that had just happened—really confused.

  When they arrived at the barn, she dismounted and started to lead the horse into the barn but Lincoln took the reins from her without a word. He led the horses into the barn without a backward glance. She took a deep breath, let it out, shook her head in dismay, and then climbed into the driver’s seat of the van. She stared at the open door to the barn, half-hoping he’d reappear, but he didn’t.

  As she drove down the road, she couldn’t help but think about that kiss, and in turn, wanted nothing more than to turn around and go back to him. She had no idea what would have happened between them if she had, but so wanted to find out. He made her feel things no man ever had—especially, not Cameron. It was so unfair to Cameron to feel this way about another man when she was engaged to him, but Lincoln made her hot with desire with just a glance. He was the sexiest man she’d ever met and even when he was a teenager, he’d made her hormones skyrocket.

  Damn it!

  Wanting him wasn’t a smart thing to do but she couldn’t help herself. She wanted his touch, his kiss, and his body. Her insides trembled as she thought of what it would be like to have him in her bed, and making love with her. She was going to be in a lot of trouble if she didn’t get a handle on her feelings. She knew she had a decision to make about Cameron, and her fu

  FROM INSIDE THE BARN, Linc watched her walk away.

  God damn it! He took his hat off and threw it across the barn. He put his hands on his hips and stared at the floor.

  Probably for the best anyway. She’s engaged and you’ve never been the kind of man to fool with another man’s woman.

  But damn it, he’d wanted her for years. It just wasn’t fair. He walked over to a pile of hay bales, sat down on one, and then lay back. He put his arm over his eyes. He had to face facts. He was never going to have her. That dentist was going to have his Roni.

  Linc swore aloud. If only Doc hadn’t had her take over his practice then eventually Linc would have gotten over her. Oh, yeah, right. It’s been over ten years and you’re still not over her. What’s going to change?

  He stood and headed toward the house, picking up his hat on the way. He needed a shower and to get out of his wet clothes. Linc entered the house and then the mudroom. He thought about kissing her and wondered what would have happened between them if she weren’t engaged to that guy. If it had been up to him, he’d have her in the shower with him. He’d love to soap up that gorgeous body and hold her close. Shit! Now his cock was coming to attention. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any other woman. For years, she’d been his fantasy. He grunted. All she did was leave him hard and aching.

  Just like you’ve been for years any time you thought of her.

  In the years since she’d been gone, he’d had his share of women but he’d never wanted to settle down with any of them. None of them had ever compared to Roni. None of them ever would. He shook his head. He couldn’t touch her again like that. She belonged to another man. A man she was going to marry and until she took that big diamond off her finger, it was hands off.

  It seemed like a cold shower was in order.

  VERONICA WAS SO TIRED when she got home but all she could do was wonder what Lincoln was doing. She picked up her cell phone, headed straight to her bedroom, and then into the bathroom. She needed to clean up. Maybe then, she’d feel better. She made a face in the mirror. She seriously doubted it.

  Ooh! She wanted to scream.

  She stripped as the tub filled up with hot, steamy water. After sinking into the tub, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. When her phone rang, she looked at the caller ID half hoping but was immediately disappointed.

  Cameron. She groaned.

  “Hi, Cameron, how was your day?” She wasn’t in the mood to talk to him right now.

  “My beautiful Veronica. My day was good. How was yours? You must’ve been busy. I’ve called a few times but no answer.” Cameron laughed. Veronica wanted to drop the phone in the tub for an excuse not to talk to him

  “Yes, I’ve been very busy,” she said with pride.

  His sigh came across the line. “You really plan on staying there, don’t you? You really love it.”

  Veronica gritted her teeth. “I told you that before. I love this job and I love having my own hospital. Why can’t you believe me?”

  “I was hoping you’d want to come back to Phoenix. Now what are we going to do about this?” Before she could answer, he went on. “I guess, for a while, we’ll have to have a long distance relationship. It might not be too bad. You know what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder.”

  Veronica wanted to tell him that it wasn’t true. She hadn’t seen him in weeks and she wasn’t any fonder of him, if anything, she was less fond of him. It was because of Lincoln, she knew that. She’d always wanted Lincoln. Maybe she could just go to bed with him and that would get him out of her system. She snorted, and then coughed to cover it up. She had to get off the phone before she said something she’d regret.

  “I don’t think a long distance relationship is a good idea.” Silence. “Cameron?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m here. We’ll talk about this soon. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you, babe.” He hung up not waiting for her reply.

  MONDAY WAS A LITTLE slow at the hospital. Of course, it would be now that she had another vet available. Just a few patients scheduled, so when Lincoln called and told Veronica he needed her, she told Patsy she’d be back as soon as possible and headed to his ranch. He didn’t say what was wrong, but she went without questioning him. Steering into his drive, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Just the thought of seeing him got her excited.

  She parked the van by the barn, climbed out, and started walking toward the open barn door, when she heard him call her name from his house. She turned to look at him standing in the kitchen door. He moved away from the door, leaving it open for her. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw him sitting on a stool at the center island. He had his hand up to the front of his left shoulder holding a blood soaked cloth to it. She set her bag down and quickly moved to his side.

  “Lincoln, what did you do? That’s a lot of blood.” She pushed his hands away so she could examine his wound. He hissed in a breath when she removed the cloth. He had a deep gash in the shape of an arch, like something possibly made by a horse hoof. She gazed into his eyes and she could see the pain there.

  “Nothing serious…just got kicked is all.”

  “That’s all?” Veronica couldn’t believe this man’s bravado. “You need to get to a hospital and have it stitched.”

  He shook his head. “That’s why I called you. You can stitch me.” She couldn’t believe she’d heard him right.

  “I’m a vet, not a medical doctor. Come on, I’ll take you.” She tried to pull him up but it was like trying to move a truck. He wasn’t budging.

  “I don’t like hospitals. I trust you, Roni.” He looked at her. “Please.”

  Veronica sighed. She reached into her bag and got a syringe and stitching thread out. She hesitated. This just wasn’t right. She could lose her license doing this. She put everything back in the bag and put her hands on her hips glaring at him.

  “No. Either you let me get you to the hospital or you bleed to death.”

  “Bleed to death?” Lincoln’s face paled.

  Veronica tried not to smile. “Okay, not literally but I’m not stitching you, and that’s that.”

  Lincoln started swearing. “I hate hospitals. I’d had more than enough of them when Dad was dying of cancer. The smell, the sounds, it all makes me sick.” Veronica continued to stare at him. “Son of a bitch,” he suddenly roared. “All right, I’ll go. But I don’t understand why you can’t do it.”

  Lincoln got off the stool and headed out the door.

  Veronica put her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter from bubbling out. Big baby, she thought as she followed him out the door.

  When they arrived at the emergency room, a nurse took one look at Lincoln’s shoulder and ushered him into a room. Veronica followed. He sat on the bed and the nurse told him to take his shirt off so she could clean the wound then the doctor would come in, and stitch it. Lincoln let out a deep breath and started unbuttoning his shirt. He was having trouble so Veronica stepped forward and started doing it for him. When she glanced up from the buttons, his gaze captured hers.

  “I’ve thought about you doing this, Roni. Taking my clothes off, I mean,” his voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I’m not taking your clothes off, just your shirt,” she muttered as she felt heat warm her cheeks.

  “You act like you’re still a virgin. I’m sure you’ve taken off your boyfriend’s shirt many times.”

  “Yes, I have. But I never enjoyed it as much as this.”

  Lincoln sucked in a breath as she continued to remove his shirt. She ran her hands over his pecs as she pushed it back toward his shoulders.

  “You have an amazing chest, Lincoln. All this muscle and this tattoo, it is so sexy,” she murmured as her fingers followed the tattoo of a vine on his left pec before tracing her fingers along the trail of hair that arrowed from his belly button to disappear into his jeans. “Do you work out?”

  She heard him groan and bit back a smile.

  “Some, but it’s mostly from working the ranch,” he murmured.

  “You’re so sexy…”

  “That’s a hell of a thing to say to a man who wants…”

  The nurse came in just then, interrupting him. He swore under his breath. Veronica took a seat in a chair while the nurse cleaned his wound. She was very pretty and had no problem flirting with Lincoln even with Veronica sitting there. How did she know they weren’t a couple? She mentally shrugged. Some women just didn’t care.

  LINC ALMOST FELL OFF the bed when Roni announced that unbuttoning her fiancé’s shirt had never been as enjoyable as unbuttoning his, and that she thought he was sexy. Fuck! Why’d she say something like that?

  He glanced over at her to discover her watching him. He closed his eyes as the nurse worked on his wound. Was she playing games with him? Was this some way of proving to him that she wasn’t afraid of him like she said she’d been when she was a teen? Whatever it was, it wasn’t funny. The last thing he needed was a woman who teased with no follow through or worse, promised him more than she could give, and then left…like his mother.

  “A man who wants to…what, Lincoln?” Roni stepped close to him as soon as the nurse left the room.

  “Have you. You should know that by now, Roni. I’ve always wanted you…even after you shot me down. I want to feel myself buried deep inside you. All I have to do is think about you and I get hard. I hate it.” Linc looked away from her.

  “Why do you hate it?” She lightly touched his arm.

  “Because I can’t have you…you’re engaged. I shouldn’t have kissed you either. Although it was only one kiss, it felt like someone had punched me in the gut.” He shook his head. “It won’t happen again.”

  The doctor came in then, Roni returned to her seat while he gave Linc a shot to numb the wound before stitching him up. When he finished, the doctor also gave him a shot for pain, which Linc said he didn’t need.


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