by Coach Nick
Now time to read the second chapter.
What Defines People’s Character?
Men and women are equal in the embryonal state and very similar during their first years of life. The difference in their sexuality is developed by the presence of the balls in men, which make him stronger than the girl. But during childhood, this difference is almost inexistent. Any habit developed at this age can change a man brain forever. How does typically nature operate? The strongest is the dominant one, and the weaker is naturally submissive. Have you ever seen any gazelle hunting a lion? No! There is no way it could ever happen unless the lion is grown up in a different environment. If the lion is raised by humans and since when he is a little puppy every time he does something they don’t like he got punished. Do you think the lion will rebel when he grows up? Nope, because that would be the only reality, he knows. He will believe that life’s like that and he will have to be submissive to humans. He will never understand his true nature, he will feel frustrated and in trouble for all his life, but he won’t catch his real nature. He won’t develop the same muscular system that would make him one of the strongest creatures on the planet.
Now let’s say that the same lion would is raised by humans, but loving ones. He will grow up as a very affectionate lion. Of course, he will feel much better in this case, even if he will still not understand his real nature. He’ll be a giant domestic animal.
“Now I’ve proven that what defines a living creature is the environment where he/she is raised. The difference between humans and other species is that humans can change. They have rationality, which can be used to create new habits that will erase the old ones. In chapter 4 we’ll see how to modify the habits of the body, which means to replace acid cells with other ones more alkaline and responsive, which is the base to create a healthy and muscular/energetic body. In chapter 5 we will focus on creating new mind’s habits, new stories about yourself and your life. And finally in chapter 6 and 7, we will use your new inner strengths to create new habits in business and relationships, this is the ultimate step you got to do, to achieve the life of your dreams -.” This demonstrates that women are naturally submissive to men. Why? Because in their nature they seek the stronger male. A woman will prefer a man force at her service, which means used to protect her instead of against her.
It doesn’t matter if a woman is strong because she practices kickboxing or anything else. Women will always respond to her nature.
To be an attractive male, you need to be strong. How to become strong? Of course training hard and persistently. But before you start your training you need to know where to find the energy you need to do it. In chapter 3 we are going to see the secret to get an enormous source energy. Anybody can do it.
First of all, I want to take you in another state of mind, that will help you to get started.
The Spartans – A Real Men’s Example.
Let’s talk about the Spartans. What about this community made of incredibly strong men? When new children were born, their life used to start in an unusual way. The weaker ones were left to die because they would be not useful and an obstacle for stronger ones. At age seven they were taken away from their families and trained to become vigorous and fearless warriors. There was no guarantee they would be alive after the training. They obviously lived in an entirely different state of mind than what we do. Their training was about preparing them to fight against heartless warriors. No reason to hide behind false hope. When you were born in Sparta, you had to get ready to become a true man.
Do you think any of these warriors was a “little bit too fat”? Anyone of them had a high cholesterol problem? Ahah. Think again! They were very muscular and vigorous men. Do you think any girl would friendzone or criticize one of them? Think again! Do you think they would let a girl emasculate them, as it happens today? No girls were extremely fascinated by their power and center.
But what happens when a man doesn’t develop these qualities, and he has no muscles and no will-power? Well, this kind of males is a joke and girls laugh at them. Why? The reason is girls are disgusted by weak men. They won’t admit it with ease unless you know how to ask them the right questions.
Would a girl ever feel disgusted by a Spartan warrior? No! Women are extremely fascinated by strong men. A real man laughs in the face of death’s fear. Would you?
Ever watched 300 – the movie -: it tells about Leonida, king of Sparta and his personal troop’s legend. Serse, the Persian king, wanted the submission of Greece and Sparta. Serse’s army was made up of 40.000 men, a lot more than the whole Spartan army. For religious reasons, by the way, the Spartan army could not get involved in a war in that particular period of the year. So King Leonida took a decision, to face that monstrously large army with his personal troop. Fucking YES!!! 300 energetic and ambitious men went against 40.000. Why? Only a simple reason. Real MEN don’t submit. They don’t cowardly accept submission to save their lives.
They stood up in front of an invincible warrior to protect their women, children and their community. Do you think a woman or anybody could ever disrespect these men?
The Beta Boys.
Instead, what happen nowadays? Guys are raised like little pussies. Women can’t trust their inner force and cannot do anything, but friendzone them. The thing is easy, either you are a real man, or you are not. If you are not, you’ll be only a friend to girls.
Detach From The Ego.
I found that the first thing you have to do to become an alpha is to accept your weakness. Do it properly. Let a woman dominate you. Talk to a girlfriend and tell her that you want her to help you to become a true gentleman. Then ask her if she can treat you as her slave. If you say it in a confident way to the right girl, she will be down for it. Give her total power and focus on making her happy. Ignore your desire for revenge despites how disrespectful she may be to you. This situation is training that will model your character, making it easier for you to become an emphatic dominant male. Indeed, an alpha male has a high tolerance for other people mistakes. If you don’t do this first step, you will become a negative alpha male. In future, you will tend to use your strengths to dominate others, which is not what a leader does.
So let your revenge feeling go and embrace the sense of being at your friend’s mercy. Enjoy it!
SLOWLY – or better when it’s the right time - bring the situation in the direction of realizing all your deepest fetishes and fantasies with her.
You have to apply two rules to this process:
1) Don’t give her money to do it – make her a gift if you want, to show her how thankful you are for helping you to discover yourself.
2) YOU say stop and when you do the game finish, no matter what.
This experience will help you to become more relaxed and to analyze people. You’ll understand that sometimes when somebody is rude to you, this is because of fears or barrier that he/she has within. If you go beyond the appearance, you may discover a wonderful person.
If you answer to rudeness being rude, you are perpetuating an endless, negative circle. Break it! Your action will positively reflect on your life.
Just be respectful to everyone you meet – of course, there is a limit, but when someone is disrespectful to you, and you answer with a smile, you’ll surprise him/her with your strength and confidence, making this person keen to go around to spread force and positivity as you did.
If you can let go of any person’s rudeness, you will have to handle a lot less of it at the end of the day. This quality will make you able to have a loving and understanding relationship with a lady.
Now let’s uncover the source to get the incredible energy you have to have, to get major results in your life. We are going to talk about the first step to becoming healthy, balanced, attractive and finally successful.
In the previous section, we have analyzed why you developed an attraction towards dom
inant women, and you committed to taking the first significant step on the road to becoming an alpha. Now we are going to see how to go from weak and beta boy to vigorous and attractive alpha.
Your Brain is Plastic, Learn How to Shape it.
To have the energy, you need to shift your life you have to know something important. If you waste this resource, you cannot even believe any change is possible. There is a simple secret, and nobody’s talking about it.
Stay with me; I’ll explain what I mean.
We’ll start from the easiest subject; then we’ll gradually escalate to deeper ones. Porn-induced lack of masculinity: pixels are destroying many men chances to have sexual intercourses with real women for various reasons.
The Destructive Habits.
First self-destructive habit: Watching porn.
Is this a ritual of yours? Well, you have to stop it right now. Here’s why. This creates a vicious circle which is tough to escape – you can have sexual pleasure at home with few clicks of a mouse, and this will satisfy you. So you’ll never get out there to find a real girl -.
As proven by the studies posted on “Your Brain on Porn” this behavior will train your brain to be stimulated by pixels, and you will notice a lack of desire in real life. This will destroy your self-confidence because you will no longer be excited to go out with friends, to flirt with girls so that it will kill your sexual and social life. You will become less confident – many men nowadays developed a “porn-induced erectile dysfunction” - and more prone to porn.
Another problem you will notice is the appearance of new deviances and fetishes which you had not before. Many men lament that they start to find trans-genders attractive. Some start to fantasize about other men. Probably not your case, but porn is like a dark tunnel which leads you to the road of perversion, and the more often you masturbate, the stronger will be the stimulus you need and the more perverted you will be. This freak is called “porn-induced fetish.”
Second self-destructive habit: Femdom Porn.
What makes the problem even worst is the fact that you are masturbating to femdom. Either you are watching videos, reading stories or chatting with dominant girls, you are damaging yourself!
In this case, you are getting off to degradations and humiliations. You are creating new synapses which will translate in low self-esteem. The good news is that you are building this prison. You are the prisoner and the guard, so you can leave the prison whenever YOU WANT. If you don’t become a centered man, the guard will always keep your other part imprisoned and frustrated.
If you don’t take the decision to leave findom and femdom behind you will lose the ability to get aroused by cute average girls behavior. You will crave more humiliations and degradations. Pay attention before you dedicate more of your time to an activity that will destroy your chances of having a happy life with a loving woman.
Third self-destructive habit: Masturbation.
What happens when you masturbate? Is this healthy as we have been taught?
Masturbation in itself has three big problems.
1) The first one you will probably develop, as a compulsive masturbator, is that you will gradually put more pressure on your penis with your hand. It’s called “Death Grip,” which will make your penis smaller and increase the chances to develop an erectile dysfunction.
2) The Second one is the feeling of emptiness. It’s like if every time you ejaculate you are squirting out your soul. This action will drain the energies the universe gifted to you, to make an amazing artwork of your life. Compulsive masturbation also brings with itself an inability to live the moment and the pleasures of life. This disgrace will not only make much harder to work on your goals, but also to build satisfying relationships.
If you reward yourself with such a great pleasure more times per day, you will become less prone to stand out there for what really matters. When you abstain from sexual pleasure for a long period indeed, you start to effort to take effective decisions and put a higher effort in the little actions towards your goals. Why does it happen? The reason is that you want a reward. Indeed if you decide to avoid touching your penis, you will have to find other ways to produce excitement and endorphins to bring you the needed happiness. You will have to work to get satisfaction, by training, focusing on business or committing to finding the most caring and beautiful girl.
3) The third one you will develop as a compulsive masturbator is a noticeable breathing.
If you edge for many hours per day, you’ll also ruin the rhythm of your breathing, because while masturbating you unconsciously contract your chest and belly.
The Revival!
So what do you have to do? What are the solutions?
There are two different opinions. The first one ideated by the community called “Your Brain on Porn,” tell you to stop watching porn, but you can masturbate.
The second one comes from the community “No-Fap” and says that you have to stop masturbating altogether.
Anyway, the rewiring period is considered to be 90 days, but it may be more or less. After the rewiring, you can start to masturbate again – not more than once per week and without porn -, but probably you’ll have a great social life and a girlfriend by then, so you won’t.
How to say if you rewired? If you used to suffer from erectile dysfunction and now you amaze girls and yourself having instant and prolonged erections. You have an incredible amount of energy, where before you used to feel always tired. You love to be social and before people used to irritate you. You easily create a deep connection with girls, and they like you. You are enjoying every step you walk, every view and any improvement process, where before you were always impatient and thinking about other things.
Of course, you will have to work too, it’s not like you stop masturbating and results are just there. It’ll give you all the energy you need to work on those things you always wanted achieve. It’ll give you the courage to dream again.
The only period you won’t like during the rewiring process is the flatline, during which you will have a very low energy’s level and not sexual activity at all. It’s during this period that your brain is rewiring faster.
On the road to become a real man: Now that you know how to keep an enormous level of energy within yourself, you are ready to use it to model your appearance and to become stronger and more balanced both physically and mentally. These qualities will help you to take the things or persons you want with the necessary decision, but never suffocating them.
Now you are on the road to becoming a complete man: women get bored with men who are predictable. And you are going to become everything but predictable: a man with a story, who took control over his destiny and kinky in bed: both dominant and submissive, unpredictable, courageous, who cultivates his passions and a positive alpha man.
Contrary being a submissive boy as you used to be, is pretty boring in girls’ eyes. Why?? Because they are fixated on their pleasure, and they often tell to themselves and others “how unlucky they are to be that way.” They are focused on tons of bullshits; they live in a state of mind which doesn’t do anything good for them. They play the victim role. They don’t have any idea about how to use focus.
If a girl starts a relationship with a masochist, she’ll soon realize the mistake she made.
The Most Famous Masochist’s Sad Wife.
Let’s take a little break and analyze what Wanda Von Sacher-Masoch expressed in her memories about her husband Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch (author of the Venus in Furs, a story about female domination), the most famous masochist ever, indeed the term masochism was named after him by the Austrian psychiatrist Richard Freiherr Krafft-Ebing. Wanda confessed about ten years of miserable life married to a man, which made her a slave to fulfill his fantasies. How? In a very
subtle way, as masochists often do. She felt and probably was powerless, financially dependent and most important trapped in a loveless marriage. Does the thing surprise me? No! The masochist is focused on himself as I already said. And she suffered all her life because a woman’s dream is to be loved and understood by her man. He was obsessed with making her take lovers, he demanded her to dress in furs, because of his strange fetish, and to whip him while he was having his tooth extracted. Yes, you read it! He was focused on his world. He was not able to understand her needs. I suppose he was not there to hug her when she felt insecure. She felt not loved and was not having fun. These are essential needs for women, and if you are attentive, your woman will love you unconditionally. Masoch’s craving for discipline, which he proceeded to demand from her. Rendered the woman who he wanted to be a disciplinarian completely powerless. And even if she didn’t like the situation, it was tough for her to escape it, because she was dependent on him under many aspects.
How from a perspective of a woman this could be a life well spent?
Now you understand why women need to test your strengths before they start a relationship with you? The reason is, they are looking for a man, which balance and strength they can trust. If you are not centered a woman cannot surrender herself to you.
The Mind – Where Your Vibrations Origin.
Now let’s carry on with the process of your development: looking forward to the perfect control over your state of mind. Something average people do not conquer. Many don’t even know it’s possible, but if you are reading this E-book, you are looking for improvement. You are not average.
Focus’ control is a super-human nowadays, it makes you calm and a problem solver. People will have no choice but to trust and rely on you. Do you remember how you used to see leaders and charismatic people?
Ever happened when you were a young boy? You and your friends hanging out and some bad boys came there and started to bully you. Most of you did not move a finger. One day a smart friend of yours happened to be hanging out with you. The bad boys came, and this particular friend had an attitude like, “I don’t want problems, but if you hurt my friends I’ll kick your ass.” What happened in that kind of occasion? The bad boys left, and he even hadn’t to move a finger, he just explained it with few words. The trick was well hidden in the vibration he was emanating. How did you use to feel when that friend was around? I bet much more relaxed than usual. That’s a leader!