by Coach Nick
In the last chapters, you’ve learned how to control many aspects of your life, last how to control your state of mind. Now it’s time to use them in the “real world.”
The “Real World.”
If you are cleverly applying what I’m teaching you, you’ll be able to use your goal as the fuel you need in the process of translating your thoughts into reality.
Think about what makes you feel alive, so you can start to conceive your plan and then write it down.
Why do you have to write it down? Because I am about to teach you the easiest way to take advantage of the best strategy to become successful in business.
What is this strategy? Well, I have discovered this while studying the habits, of the most successful people who have ever lived. What I have found out is that almost all the successful people have “religiously” followed three steps - which I already introduced -:
1) Desire
2) Faith
3) Persistence
At this point, you already master them at a right level. You became calmer, which allows you to listen to your intuition. So you may already know what you desire to achieve and what you would like to do for years to come: this is the desire.
Faith is an effect of strong desire. If you want something bad enough and you want to get it no matter what, faith that sooner or later you’ll get it will be your companion. When you get momentum, you start to enjoy the process, the person you are becoming. You’re no more starving to get the outcome. When you are starving for it, you are living in an impatient state of mind – highly counterproductive -.
But how to develop a faith which will automatically make you persistent? When you develop this quality, you dramatically minimize the necessary amount of time to achieve your goal!
But what if you don’t have it? If you cannot catch it? Well, in that case, the secret strategy I’ve learned from the most successful people, is the “Autosuggestion.” The best way to get maximum results out of it is to write down your plan and read it every day.
To believe and to have faith have been the essential ingredient the higher achievers have had along their roads to the top. It unconsciously starts to give a form to your thoughts.
These ingredients also give you a very high vibe life. When you believe unconditionally in your dream, it makes you feel alive and is a magnet for joy and love.
Deprive a man of his dreams, and you will see how meaningless, full of hate and colorless his life will become. A man without ambitions will try to destroy other people’s dreams.
What are the traps that are keeping most of the people away from dreaming and loving? Where does it all start? With a doubt. Yes, a vast number of individuals suffer from a problem called self-doubt, which leads to fear and then to total depression/inability to take actions.
A Dream-Killer Called Hesitation.
But how to prevent self-doubt to start? The answer is hidden in this simple word, hesitation. I am sure that many of you have great ideas, but instead of naturally expressing these thoughts, you hesitate. And when you hesitate your brain receive a stress signal, which will be translated into fear, because your brain is designed to protect you from what it perceives as dangerous. Your brain wants to keep you alive. So it will make you fearful to keep away from a particular action, but this is preventing you from realizing your dreams.
So how to avoid this to happen? Take the steps you have to improve your life before your brain stops you.
Most of the time that fear stops you, you are not risking your life, but your subconscious mind doesn’t understand it. The solution is just to take action, starting from waking up early, as soon as you wake-up count to 3 and stand up. Go for your day and your goals, don’t look back. You will notice that this rule applies to all the little things you have to do during the day.
When you want to do something, don’t wait for you brain inner dialogue to start. JUST DO IT!
If you have an excellent idea at a work meeting, say it. Just say it.
If you want to do something ridiculous when you are with friends, just do that.
Taking this kind of actions on a regular basis is what will wake you up and raise your vibration, beyond your imagination. Do this, and you will soon find out, how you allowed self-doubt to ruin your life. You’ll feel alive as never before.
The Autosuggestion – Bring Your Focus at The Next Level.
Why is it so important to write down your plan and to read it over and over again? The reason is that this process activates the process of “autosuggestion,” which, unless you were already born very confident that your dream was meant to become real, is what you have to go through.
Les Brown, the second most influential motivational speaker in the world, once said: <
Another important benefit of writing your plan down is that your subconscious mind start to create ideas to get there and your conscious mind perceives those in the form of intuitions. And so it happens when you read this plan every day because it increases your focus and belief in your goal. You will become less susceptible to other people’s judgments. So you will less likely submit to hesitation. Indeed the most common reason why people hesitate is that they are afraid of others’ opinion, which is for sure not something that can put your life in danger in today’s society. People judgment is an imaginary fear, very far from being a real threat. So I repeat act before your brain gets in the way.
To write a plan down in a detailed way means that you close your eyes, you go into the future, you live your new life for the first time. Then you open your eyes, write it down. Then conquer it. You make it real little action after little action.
Now that you know how to get into the momentum, it’s time to live in it.
The imperative is to take constant action towards your dreams by going through all the fears when they present themselves. The more scary things you do, the more you know yourself, and the more you will get turned on. You will suddenly understand that fear is a block, which prevents you from reaching your full greatness. Surpass fear and discover that the most exciting things in life are the unknown and the adventure.
To turn your fire on is my goal. When it happens, you will understand it by yourself. It’s a sensation you have forgotten. It’s like to find your home’s road after being lost for decades. It’s like to be a child again, but with more experience. It’s where the real life starts.
In this state of mind - body, and spirit – even to take the toughest steps towards your goal becomes comfortable and pleasing. All we said to make a lot more sense when you’re on the path of something you love. If you don’t know what you want to do yet, keep looking. The answer is hiding behind your biggest fears . and in the proper use of focus -. That’s where you’ll find the person you want to be.
What to Write Down in Your Plan?
Well for sure this is up to you.. anyway just to give you an idea: describe your day, from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you fall asleep at night.
What’s the blanket like? Is it soft? Does it smell nice? What’s its color?
Who’s sleeping next to you? Do you love this person?
What’s for breakfast? Is it a healthy or an unhealthy meal?
Is your house beautiful? Describe it!
Large or small windows? A lot or just a bit of sunlight? Or maybe you don’t have a house? Are you homeless? That’s some people goal!
How do you feel about your life, Relaxed or Stressed? Are you
happy with what you CREATED or not?
Do you work or have passive incomes? Do you like your job? Do you like colleagues? The boss? What about your friends? Do you like your social life?
Are you an unsuccessful complainer or a fulfilled achiever?
How often you kiss your girlfriend’s skin? Do you like her smell?
Do you have kids? How many? Are they blond?
Do you exercise? How many days per week, 3 or 5? At morning or night? Where?
Do you have your gym or you go to a public one?
How is your body? Are people jealous that you still look 25 years old?
Are you happy that the day you were reading this chapter you decided to write the plan down, as coach Nick suggested, and to commit to a radical shift?
Is your girlfriend/wife all over you? Do you have the James Bond charm or you’re still a little beta boy?
Don’t miss anything, write down all the thoughts that come to your mind and you truly desire to make a reality.
You will have to believe in it every day, even when it’s difficult. Grab your life by the collar and bring it EXACTLY where you want it to be. One day you’ll get there if you DECIDE to commit to it.
Where to keep the plan you have written? Next to your bed. Read it as you wake up and before you fall asleep - make it a ritual – it’ll increase your focus, and gradually change your state of mind and your life because you’ll start to ask yourself better quality questions!
Feed Your Mind With High-Quality Conversations.
How to understand if a conversation about business is worth it with a particular person? Look at what he or she achieved! Is a conversation about love worth it with a person? Look at the quality of his marriage!
Always keep on going. Progress is the key to fulfillment. You don’t want to feel like you are not improving. Even with a scarcity of results. Do it for the outcome, don’t focus on it, but on your progress. Otherwise impatience – which is a state of mind - will get control over your life. Progress is more important than the outcome. Because when you acquire a higher value, you are capable of giving more. And when you give more you earn more.
The focus is the key to communicating with the subconscious mind. The part of us which confers or deny to any individual, success. The majority of people don’t know how to use it and 90% of them, end up auto-sabotaging themselves.
I repeat: unless you were born with a strong belief you would have to convince yourself.
When your vibes are fixed at a high frequency, you automatically do the work, welcome the problem – solve them –, feel fulfilled, get successful.
Remember: the final step to raise your vibration to the ultimate level and get turned on by life is to face your fears and get rid of them calmly.
Get on the field with this attitude, and you will find the people destined to follow you. They’ll believe in you and your goals, even before they can see the results. Your belief, intensity and energy will fuel you and others – this concept is the perfect explanation of the influence a positive alpha man has on others -. And you never know when the person that will bring the needed innovation will come to lead your company straight to the next level.
These concepts are setting up for yourself a life very far from the “Bored Kingdom” where most of the people live. Watching television, worrying about your health and arguing with the naysayers are not productive activities, and a person like you knows it.
Do you even realize the difference between yourself and average people at this point? They are no more match for you. Complains, lack of direction, lack of decision, lack of persistence is where they live – a person lives in his states of mind -. These words have way too low vibrations for the new you. You have dreams and the abilities to make them real. Go for it!
“It’s the year 1519, Hernan Cortès with 600 Spaniards landed in the new world, the America, to be exact in Veracruz, Mexico. He was a very ambitious man and wanted to conquer the land for Spain. Faced an uphill battle: an aggressive enemy brutal disease and scarce resources. In over 600 years, conquerors with far more resources at their disposal, who attempted to colonize the Yucatan peninsula, never succeeded and Cortès was well aware of this fact. That’s why he opted for a different approach than anyone else did.
When they landed instead of going straight to the battlefield, he stayed on the beach to awaken his men’s souls. His speeches were designed to urge the spirit of adventure, glory and achievable wealth - in a territory that hoarded some of the world’s greatest treasures such as gold and silver – but ironically, just three words were so enough to change the story of the world. Cortès ordered: “BURN OUR BOATS!”.
These three words had a particular effect on the troops, they now knew that there could be only two outcomes – either die or win. And they won!”
The same strategy had been used by Alexander the great upon arrival in Persia.
In these situations you know, you either win, or you die. You have nothing to lose, you become a voracious lion and your enemies will appear as little cats in front of you!
How fully would you show up each day – at work and in life – if retreat just wasn’t an option anymore? Want to succeed? BURN THE FUCKING BOATS!!
Resourcefulness – The real Resource.
This story teaches you that the lack of resources is not the problem. If you are a resourceful person will you find the resources? Yes!
Tony Robbins in an interactive and influential seminary said: <
It’s some form of human emotion that we have learned to value less and less in our technology driven society. See:
If you are creative enough, can you get the answers? Yes or not? Yes! And creativity is a resource.
If you are committed enough, can you get the capital? Yes or not? Yes!
If you care deeply about other people, will you get people to help you? Yes or not? Yes!
Are the answers there if you are resourceful enough? Yes or not? Yes!
And in fact, when you see people who failed in business, they’ll always tell you they were missing resources.
When they really just weren’t RESOURCEFUL enough. Cause I’ve literally spent four years of my life interviewing people “from the lucky sperm club.” They all built it from scratch. These people just took no excuses. They knew they could get the resources if they were resourceful enough.
So what are the ultimate resources? Creativity, joy, love, determination, flexibility. With those things, there is nothing we can’t get. Don’t tell me you don’t have the resources.
The only limit to our impact is our creativity and caring. If you care enough and you are creative enough there is no limit. But most of us allow our mind to get in the way.
But if you do what no one else does you have a gigantic advantage. Stop to focus on the score of the game and focus on one thing you can control. How much you give every moment you are on that court. If in EVERY SINGLE moment you are on that court you are engaged in level 10 or above; then it doesn’t matter what the score’s gonna be. Cause you became more and you gave more. And in life, we don’t get to keep anything except what we become and what we give.”
Your worst experience can become your best if you decide to use it>>. That’s what I DECIDED to do with findom. At first, I was losing my money and self-respect on it. Then I decided. <>, I did it! And I found out I could help other people to get the same desire, faith, and persistence, not only to do the same but to achieve whatever they dream about in life. Today I am freeing people from this burden and getting paid to do it. I used my worst nightmar
e; I took advantage of it. How? I went beyond my fears. I studied from the best coaches in the world – investing in myself more than in my jobs - I become persistent, and I used creativity to find a way to earn from a habit that before was sucking me dry. I made it one of my main businesses.
But why have I chosen it? Because I love to help people, especially those that are living pretty much the same experiences as I did. So I asked myself, what would I do with my skills, even if that would not earn me a dime? And the answer was “I would create a way to defeat findom that everyone can apply successfully.”
The Ultimate Level - Taking Action Under Stress.
Another formidable example of success is Elon Musk. This person risked everything to save the company he believed in, from failure. The brand we are talking about is the electric car producer Tesla. Elon Musk is its chairman and major investor. After he invested almost all of his money in this project, when the first model, the Tesla Roadster was about to enter the production in 2007 some problem presented itself. Some management failures led to the fact that the actual selling price of the electric vehicle was almost twice as high as initially set up and the release of the car had to be postponed for more than a year. During the crisis Musk showed his incredible management skill: he fired everyone who stalled the project’s development, then he started to cut costs effectively, so in 2008 Roadster saw the world with a minor – less than $20.000 - increase in price.
But what will positively surprise you is the fact that he had to invest all his money - the remaining $140 million of what he had previously earned. For example, when E-Bay bought PayPal, a company he co-founded, he received $180 million - and got loans for an amount of +$50 million. He would have ended up bankrupt and in debt if the Tesla project had failed. He was receiving money from fans to pay his rent. Even if the risk was very high, he felt that it was the right thing to do, so he went through his fears.”