Shifter Legacies Special Edition: Books 1-2

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Shifter Legacies Special Edition: Books 1-2 Page 71

by Mark E. Cooper

  “Not a problem. Will Charles do?”

  “Perfect. I was hoping you would offer.”

  Stephen smiled good-naturedly. “Yes, you and he do get along well. Where do you want him to meet you?”

  David glanced at Barrows who was watching suspiciously. “Never mind. I’ll give Charles the directions privately.”

  Stephen nodded and beckoned to one of his bodyguards. “Charles, go with David. You will take his orders.”

  “Yes, Stephen.” Charles followed David outside. “Limo or four-by-four?”

  David frowned. “Use one of the four-by-fours. I’ll need you on the road into Victorville. Pick us up at the abandoned gas station. Do you know it?”

  “I know it. When?”

  “If I find her quickly, maybe an hour. If not, it could be longer. Give me until three o’clock. If I’m not there by then, go back to the club and report to Stephen. I don’t want you risking the sun for me.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  David smiled at the lie. “Thanks.”

  Charles nodded and went to get the car.

  Farris and Zelus waited impatiently for David to make the Change, their eyes fixed on him awaiting the command to hunt. Lawrence and Geoffrey were impressive in full wolf form. They were strong and in their primes. Zelus was already alpha of his own pack, but Farris had chosen not to go that route. Lawrence had explained that neither of them felt the need to lead a pack. They were satisfied with being David’s second, which was unusual in any shifter. Their beasts tended to push them into confrontations in an effort to assert dominance.

  David was grateful that Farris felt at ease with the situation. Lawrence had been with him from the beginning, and was one of his best friends.

  Are you ready?

  David took a deep breath. “Let’s make this a fast one.”

  You are sure?

  David tensed and nodded jerkily.

  In a savage rush of heat and blinding pain, Mist triggered the Change. It was a vicious explosion of muscle tearing agony, and it was over in seconds, but for all of that, it was more shocking and painful than the more leisurely process. David’s scream was still echoing in the air when Mist appeared fully formed in his place. He shook himself and panted away some of the excess heat the Change caused.

  Farris and Zelus were watching him with their tails between their legs in sympathy. They knew how much a fast Change hurt, and how strong one had to be to endure it.

  Mist looked into their eyes and said, “Let us hunt.”

  * * *

  Smoke yelped as her enemy bit her leg. She kicked and scrambled free, but she was hurt. Blood slicked her fur in a dozen places and she was tiring. How many had she fought now? A dozen, two dozen? It didn’t matter. She would go down fighting. It was not in her nature to give up.

  She watched her enemy stalk arrogantly toward her. She was a cunning fighter this one. The others had caused her only a little difficulty in comparison. She edged back, turning to keep her bad leg away from those jaws. Already it felt much better, but it was not yet completely well.

  “I will kill you.”

  Smoke was sure that was her intention. “I’ll not let you.”

  “I give you no choice. You won’t take my place.”

  “I don’t want your place.”

  “Fool. You expect me to believe that?”

  Smoke made a feint for her enemy’s throat, but her jaws snapped closed on her ruff at the last moment. With a heave born of desperation, she threw herself to the ground, dragging the other bitch down with her, but she lost her grip when they landed and had to roll clear. They scrambled back to their feet, neither of them gaining an advantage. They were both bleeding now.

  “I don’t care what you believe.” She circled her opponent. Her leg felt much better than it had, and her confidence improved. “I don’t know what pack you think I want to join.”

  “Fool. You aim far above yourself. The Alley Dogs will not have you, and Raymond is mine.”

  Anger rumbled in her throat at the insult. “You should rename your pack Smelly Dogs!”

  She leapt upon the Alley Dog’s back tearing and clawing at her for all she was worth. She bit her neck and shoulders, but was thrown clear again. She landed on her feet ready for a charge, and managed to fend the Alley Dog off when it came, but it was a close thing. She came away from the brief but ferocious encounter with her face smarting, and blood running into her left eye. She shook her head ignoring the blood flying through the air. They equalled each other in size and strength… but not in cleverness, she decided.

  Smoke turned and ran.

  The Alley Dog yelped in surprise and gave chase.

  Smoke forced herself to keep running while she concentrated on the change she desperately needed to survive. She thought of Jonas, how he had towered over Chris full of menace and power. That’s what she needed now. She was strong, but only alphas had such control over the Change. There was no time for doubts or hesitation. She concentrated on the way Jonas had looked when Chris first met him, but he was coyote not wolf.

  Nothing happened.

  The memory of Ryder’s half-wolf form came to her rescue. A wave of heat flooded her body and she began to shift shape. The pain was a spur to speed, but her changed body betrayed her at the last. Her legs lost their rhythm as muscles and flesh stretched and reformed in mid-flight. She howled and tumbled into a pain-filled heap, but the Change was complete. She pushed painfully to her feet and turned just in time to bury her newly clawed hands in the Alley Dog’s chest.

  The Alley Dog screamed in shock.

  It wasn’t a wolf’s howl. It was a child’s scream of anguish loud enough to shock into stillness everyone within miles, but Smoke was beyond caring about stealth. The pain of her desperate change had yet to fade as she drove her claws deep, reaching for her enemy’s heart. Her hand closed around it and she squeezed. The Alley Dog stiffened and jerked trying desperately to live. Smoke ripped the Alley Dog’s heart out and let her carcass fall.

  Smoke towered over her enemy’s fallen body and howled in triumph. “Aaarooooh! Aaarooooh!”

  She licked the blood from the still steaming heart in her fist. It was all the sweeter for being that of her enemy. She was so hungry that she felt hollow inside… she cocked her head and listened intently. Someone was coming. Quickly losing interest in the face of a new threat, she dropped the heart and crouched beside the slowly cooling carcass. It had changed back to the form of a woman. She studied the face, oddly cheered when she did not recognise it. The grey eyes, clouded with death, stared at her accusingly. She looked away and turned her attention back to the game.

  There was more than one of them this time. She was strong, but three at once was pushing it. Keeping low, she ran in a crouch away from where she sensed the enemy came, and straight into a trap. She reared back, trying to avoid the claws she was sure were coming, but the wolf just watched her calmly.

  “Do you know me?” he asked, his head cocked quizzically.

  Smoke’s eyes narrowed. He was a fine and strong-looking male, but not in the least ready for a fight. He was calm, and somehow familiar.

  “You still smell nice… Farris is it?”

  “I am Farris,” he agreed. “Those behind you are Mist and Zelus. We are here to help you.”

  She turned to find a pair of wolves watching her. Fine looking males, all. “How can you help me? Will you fight by my side?”

  Mist trotted forward. “We will lead you away to safety. We have a car waiting for us.”

  “I go to the base.”

  “You must not do that.”

  Smoke growled. “Don’t tell me what I must do. I came here for Tina. I’m not leaving without her.”

  “It’s too late. She left with Loco.”

  Smoke snarled and clawed the ground in frustration. “I will follow them.”

  “It’s too late I said!” Mist said, angry with her rebellion. “They left right after you Changed. They’re long go

  “Long gone,” Zelus agreed, “but not forever. You will see Pederson again. I guarantee you that.”

  Smoke stilled. “Why?”

  “You killed his mate back there. You didn’t know?”

  “No. She tried to kill me. She was afraid I wanted to take her place.”

  Zelus slumped to the ground and scratched an itch behind his ear. “You won. Her place is now yours if you want to claim it. Do you?”

  “No. The Alley Dogs will never be my pack, and Pederson will answer for what he did to Tina.”

  “Loco bit her, not Pederson.”

  “Then Loco will answer,” Smoke said, but she doubted Pederson would stand by and let her have Loco. She would have to fight him too, and any in his pack that stood with him. “I will come with you… for now.”

  “Good decision,” Mist said satisfaction evident in his body language. “Change back to your wolf form and follow me.”

  Smoke lay hidden in the scrub with Mist at the side of the road while Farris scouted the abandoned gas station. The tumbled down building seemed deserted from this distance, but they were taking no chances. She hadn’t had to fight since joining Mist and his brothers, but that wasn’t the same as being safe. They had been pursued—closely pursued on occasion—but Mist’s cleverness had seen them through each time. She had enjoyed the merry chase they had led the hunters on, but she had to admit she was glad now that it was almost over. Running with other wolves was like having her own pack; it was a fine feeling, but it was one that would not last. She was alone and had to remember that. Mist and Lephmann were inseparable, just as Chris was inseparable from her. When Mist Changed, she would have to deal with Lephmann—a man she knew wanted to use her for his own ends. She dared not get too comfortable with him or those he ruled. It was a shame. Farris would have made a fine mate, and although she knew Chris would disagree, Lawrence would have been good for her.

  Mist suddenly stood. “Here they come.”

  Smoke watched the manthing—a shiny black SUV—approach along the road. She recognised Lawrence in the passenger seat, but not the driver. They stopped and Lawrence climbed out opposite her hiding place. He opened the tailgate and gestured urgently.

  Mist looked down at her. “You go first. Zelus and I will cover you.”

  Smoke rose smoothly to her feet and dashed for the safety of the SUV. She leapt in the back and turned to watch Mist and Zelus. Mist trotted toward her while Zelus stood between him and the danger prowling the desert. Mist joined her in the back and Lawrence slammed the tailgate closed. Only then did Zelus Change and join Lawrence up front.

  “We should Change.” Not waiting for an answer, Mist triggered the Change.

  Smoke considered the situation, not sure she wanted to make the Change just yet. While she hesitated, the car did a U-turn and accelerated quickly along the road back toward the city. She turned on the spot a few times, slumped down, and rested her head on her paws. She had much to consider, and anyway, following Lephmann’s orders didn’t sit well with her. She decided to Change when they reached the city and its sometimes-overwhelming stink of manthings. She was more than happy to let Chris deal with that. She wondered what Chris would do when she realised Tina was still with Loco. A rumble of anger worked its way up from her chest just thinking about it.

  “Suit yourself.” Lephmann settled himself more comfortably and turned to Geoffrey. “Damage assessment?”

  “Nothing much. She only killed one of them and Jonas will clean that up. She’ll have to watch her back with the Alley Dogs from now on, but that was already true. So will you for taking her side.”

  Lephmann pursed his lips. “I doubt my stock could get any lower where Pederson is concerned.”

  Lawrence snorted. “Want a bet? Our problems with Pederson were purely business, but now its personal. He didn’t love her, but she was still his mate and alpha to his pack. He can’t let it go, David. You know that.”

  Smoke closed her eyes, but she listened intently as Lephmann debated with his friends. He seemed to think the problem would blow over. She knew it wouldn’t, especially not when he learned what she was going to do to Loco.

  The lack of movement woke her. She had been dreaming that she was a wolf running through a desert landscape pursued by a faceless enemy...

  Chris opened her eyes and groaned. Everything hurt. She looked around and found she was lying naked in the back of a car covered only by an itchy blanket. She clutched it tightly to her chest and sat up. Her joints popped audibly and she stifled another groan. She could hear voices outside. Before she could investigate, a shadow eclipsed the window and the tailgate opened.

  “She’s awake,” Geoffrey said to someone out of view. He offered her his hand. “You’re safe, Chris.”

  She didn’t take it. “Where are we?”

  “Lost Souls. You can come out now. You’re safe.”

  Safe? She shook her head wearily. What was safe in this crazy world? “My clothes?”

  “Come inside and I’ll find you some.”

  Geoffrey stepped back to give her room, and she climbed out of the car. They were in the alley behind Lost Souls where tonight’s journey had begun. Lawrence was standing next to an open door to the club. He was already dressed in a mis-matched jacket and trousers, but his feet were still bare. Geoffrey was naked and obviously didn’t care who noticed. She averted her eyes and noticed the sky was getting lighter. The night was almost over. Geoffrey watched as she checked out her surroundings. He seemed to expect her to say something, but she didn’t know what. He shrugged at her silence and went for the door. He whispered something to Lawrence then entered the club, leaving her to follow.

  She clutched her blanket tighter. She needed something to wear and a ride home. Her keys, John’s badge, her boomer… everything was in her coat, but it was lying discarded on the floor of the hangar.

  The hangar…

  Like an explosion in her head, the memories of what she had done swept her away. She stumbled and leaned against the wall next to the door. She remembered the fear and terror of the Change, and the blinding anger she had felt upon learning that Tina had been infected. Most of all, she remembered her exultation when she gripped her enemy’s heart and ripped it still beating from her chest.

  Lord and Lady, she had killed that woman without a moment’s thought or hesitation, but worse than that, she had enjoyed it and would do it again given the opportunity. The taste of her enemy’s blood and the smell of her fear had been intoxicating. Tears started in her eyes when she realised she would have eaten her victim’s heart if there had been time.

  She doubled over and heaved and retched until there was nothing left to bring up but bile, and still she heaved. Lawrence rubbed her back and comforted her as she shook from the force of her reaction.

  “Its okay, it’s okay. The first time is always the worst,” Lawrence said, stroking her hair from her face.

  She wanted to knock his hand away, but she needed the comfort of another’s touch. “I killed her. I killed her and I don’t even know her name! I have to turn myself in. I… I killed her and…”

  “You’re not turning yourself in. Smoke did what she had to do to survive, and Jonas will clean up. No one will blame you, Chris, don’t worry about that.”

  “But I killed her. I’m a murderer.”

  Lawrence gripped her shoulders and forced her to face him. “No you’re not. Listen to me… listen!” He punctuated his command by shaking her roughly. He stared into her bewildered eyes. “This is your world now, Chris. You have got to learn to live in it. We deal with this sort of thing all the time. We don’t go to the police, Chris. You should know by now they don’t care what we do to each other. As long as we keep it low key and off the streets, they’re happy.”

  She shook her head in denial. “I cared.”

  “If that’s so, then you were one in a hundred that did. You’re not turning yourself in. You were defending yourself, and that’s how everyone that matters w
ill see it.”

  “But Pederson, what about Pederson?”

  Lawrence grimaced. “If only half of what I’ve heard about him and his mate is true, you actually did him a favour, but he’ll lose the respect of his pack if he doesn’t come after you. The Alley Dogs are your enemy now, but there are other packs. You need to find one willing to support you against them.”

  She nodded, but she didn’t want anything to do with joining a pack. All she wanted to do was be a detective, but they wouldn’t let her. All she knew how to be had been denied her. What was left?


  “I want to go home,” she said plaintively, her voice breaking as she tried to hold back her sobs, “t-take me home… s-someone take me home!”

  Lawrence bit his lip and nodded. “Clothes first, Chris. Come on.” He put a protective arm around her shoulders, and led her inside the club and up to Tansey’s office. He walked her to the couch and made her sit. “Stay there. Don’t move. Give me five minutes to find something for you to put on.”

  Chris slumped on the couch staring at her blood-caked hands in silence. The stain had dried black and reached almost to her right elbow. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut trying to blot it out, but that only made it worse. She saw again how easily her claws penetrated the wolf’s chest, felt the heat of her enemy’s blood, and the frantic fluttering of her heart as her hand closed around it. She gasped in horror and her eyes flew open.

  It was a good fight.

  “Your last. I’ll never let you out again.”

  What will you do when you find Loco, and what about Ryder and Pederson?

  “I’ll think of something. I’ll never let you out. Never.”

  Smoke howled with laughter and Chris cringed. It filled her head until she felt sure she would go mad. She clamped her hands over her ears, but of course it made no difference. Smoke was inside her, inside her and waiting to kill again.

  “Here,” Lawrence said, offering some clothes.

  She jumped; she hadn’t heard him enter. She ignored Smoke’s derision and whispered opinion of her ability to look after herself. No matter what Smoke said, no matter how she said it, she would not be fooled into the Change again.


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