Charlotte's Mail Order Husband (New Montana Brides series)

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Charlotte's Mail Order Husband (New Montana Brides series) Page 7

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  “Carter,” Carrie said, “Thank you.”

  Case shook his hand. “You will be back tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I’ll be out in the morning, “ Carter said.

  “Carter… Doctor, thank you. For everything.” She stood and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

  The tears in her eyes were not tears of self-pity. They were tears of hope.


  The Road To Recovery

  Lottie sat by the bedside, leaving only when necessary. She ate lunch for the first time since Zebulon was hurt. Late in the afternoon, she heard a scratchy voice say her name, “Lottie…”

  She raised up and saw both his eyes were open and looking at her. His head was beaded with sweat. She touched it and found it blessedly cool. “Carrie” she called out. “Can you come in here?”

  Carrie came hurrying into the room, followed closely by Case. “What is it?” she asked.

  “I think his fever’s broken. Feel his forehead,” Lottie said.

  Carrie laid her hand on the sweaty skin. “You’re right. Thank God.”

  Lottie had her face buried in the valley between his shoulders and chin. “Welcome back, Darling. I thought I was going to lose you.”

  Three days later...

  Whit had the wagon by the back door of the Lazy J Ranch house. Case had put their things in the wagon. The doctor had given the okay for him to move about. They were going home again.

  “Zebulon, I’m going to check on the wood for the stove and fireplace,” Lottie said.

  She was back in a few minutes. “Apparently, Whit had someone split some. We’ve got plenty for the time being.

  “You go sit down. I don’t want you to overdo it. I’ll fix us some lunch,” Lottie said.

  He heard her say, from the kitchen, “Well, would you look at that.

  “What is it?” Zebulon asked.

  “It looks like the cook fixed lunch for us.” There are some pork chops, beans and potatoes, and tomatoes in here. The work’s all done. I’ll get you a plate.”

  After they ate, Zebulon said, “We haven’t even seen the furniture yet. Let’s check it out. Most of what he had ordered had been delivered by the drayage company. “It’s beautiful.” Lottie said. “In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would live in anything so fine. Thank you, Zebulon. Thank you for making a home for me.”

  “Let’s look at the bedroom,” he said. “I was hoping this would be delivered before I brought you home. I guess Whit saw to setting it up.”

  “Zebulon, this is so incredible I can’t believe it. It must have cost a fortune. I’ve never seen anything as nice. Pinch me to make sure I’m awake.”

  “Where?” he asked.

  “Where what?”

  “Where should I pinch you?”

  “You behave. You know Carter said to take it easy.”

  He sat on the bed and patted the bed beside him. “I need to tell you something. I took gold out of Last Chance Gulch every day for over two and a half years. A lot of gold. Then I sold the claim. We own the ranch free and clear. It’s making a profit. We, notice I said we, have a fortune. I don’t have to work, but I like to, and when I work, I work hard.

  “I wanted a wife I could be proud of, and now I have one. I wanted a nice home, one I could bring my wife to, and now I have that.

  “Lottie, I want us to have a nice life. And we will. I have some very good friends; you’ve met them, and now they’re your friends. One thing I don’t have… yet, is a son. All of this means nothing if there’s no one to leave it to.”

  “I’ll give you a son, Zebulon. I’ll give you a daughter too. You’ve given me more already than any girl can hope to have, and I thank you for it. I will be a good wife to you. I will,” she said with a conviction.

  “I know you will, baby,” he said. “Now, let’s see what else was done in our absence.”

  “Wait. I have a confession to make. I’m so ashamed of this, but you deserve to know. When you were shot, and lay there, with me not knowing whether you would live or die, I doubted you and us. I didn’t think I could live in a place where such violence could happen. I had made up my mind to go back to Baltimore. I told Carrie about it. She was really upset and disappointed in me. After Carter operated on you the second time, he came out to talk to me. He told me about the war, and all he had seen.

  “He lived next door to Elizabeth and her husband, who had been killed in the war.

  “When he came home, he found his wife had died of smallpox. He closed his practice and came out here intending to mine for gold. Instead, he contracted with the Army in their campaign against the Sioux.

  “When he came back, Elizabeth wouldn’t come out here, so he went back to Maryland to get her. What I’ve seen pales in comparison to what they’ve experienced.

  “Are you ready to continue our tour?” she asked.

  I don’t think I’m up to climbing the stairs yet. I’ll save that for later.

  Wednesday afternoon, Lottie was standing on the front porch pondering a location for flowers when she saw a cloud of dust on the horizon. Then a carriage appeared, drawn by two large, brown horses. When it got closer, she could make out Carrie and Case Jamison. She went down the steps to meet them.

  “Welcome”, she said, “You are our first visitors. It’s good to see you. How have you been?”

  Case grinned. “Great. Is Zebulon around? I have some news to tell him.”

  “I think he’s in the corral with Whit and the boys. Go on around. You will hear them. They’ve been yelling a lot.

  “How about you Carrie?”

  “I’m good,” Carrie said. “Really good. We just came from seeing Carter.”

  “Is there anything wrong? Are you sick?”

  Carrie said, “Nothing’s wrong, and I’m only sick in the morning. I’m with child. We told Letty and Jack and now you.”

  “I’m so happy for you. I want so much to be a mother, and Zebulon built such a large house because he wants a large family. Here I am out here talking, I’m forgetting my manners; come inside. You’ll be the first to see what Zebulon has done, besides the ranch hands, I mean. It pales when compared to your news, but come on in.” She took Carrie’s hand and led her into the newly furnished parlor.

  “Lottie, it’s absolutely beautiful. I mean the furniture is perfect. Wait until Case sees this. He’s going to want to replace ours.”

  Lottie led her down the hall to their bedroom. “Isn’t this out of this world?”

  “It is incredible. And that big bed. You could have some fun in that.” She giggled. “Isn’t that terrible of me?”

  “Not at all. And you can have some fun in it.”

  “Good for you. It’s an embarrassing subject for some, but not for me. I enjoy it.”

  “I’m beginning to,” Lottie said, her cheeks turning crimson. “Would you like some tea or lemonade?”

  “I’d love some tea.”

  Case and Zebulon walked in the back door. “Did Carrie tell you the news?” Zebulon asked.

  “Yes, she did.” She walked over to Case, and hugged him. “Congratulations, Case.”

  “Thank you,” he said.

  Two months later…

  In bed, after a particularly intense session of lovemaking, Lottie raised her head from where it had been resting on Zebulon’s chest, and said, “I wanted it to happen, and it did. I have fallen in love with you, Zebulon. With all of my heart, I love you, You are the kindest, most considerate, and thoughtful person I have ever met. And I love you. I can’t believe I was even thinking about leaving.

  “Aww, Honey, that makes me so happy. I think I fell when I took your hand as you stepped from the stagecoach.

  They had walked to the kitchen. “Zebulon, I want you to give me a baby,” she said.

  “I’ll do my best,” he said, and took her down the hall to that large bedroom, the one with the big bed. He turned her to face away from him, and unhooked the loops on her dress, then lifted it over her he
ad. Then slowly, layer by layer, he removed all of her clothes, then he removed his. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he said.

  “And I’m all yours,” she said. “Make love to me, Zebulon. Make long, slow love to me. Give me a baby, Zebulon.”

  He did.

  Four months later…

  Zebulon came into the warm kitchen, rubbing his hands. “It’s getting pretty chilly out there,” he said. “You don’t look so good Honey. Don’t you feel well?”

  “I’m fine. In fact, we’re fine.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think I’m going to make half your dream come true. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a baby. Carrie says I even have the expectant mother walk,”

  “You’re not teasing me are you?”

  “I would never tease you about something like this,” she said.

  He took two steps, lifted her off the floor and swung her around.. “Oops, I guess I should not be doing that. It’s wonderful. I’m going to be a papa. Ole Zebulon is going to be a papa. Come give me a big, wet, sloppy kiss.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” she said and walked into his open arms. The kiss was long, and soon deepened. It led to another, and another, and then it led to, well you know…


  After a normal, full term pregnancy, Doctor Carter Palmer delivered Lottie and Zebulon’s eight pounds-six ounce baby boy, whom they named Hiram. Both mother and son did well. The father proudly passed out the finest cigars Silas Farmer was able to order.

  Two years later, Lottie gave birth to seven pounds, four ounces, red haired, Mary Louise. After completing the Helena Public Schools, Mary Louise decided to attend the Saint Anne’s College for Girls in Baltimore, She lived with her Aunt Mary in Baltimore while attending Saint Anne’s.. Mary Louise would marry Prescott Walker, of Helena. They would be blessed with one child, another girl with red hair, whom they named Emma.

  Lottie and Zebulon lived to be seventy five years of age. They were joined in death, with Lottie passing two weeks after Zebulon. Their will left the Circle P jointly to Hiram and his sister, Mary Louise, with the provision it would not be sold outside of the family.

  Little Hiram would grow into a strapping, six foot tall young man. He would complete school in Helena and go on to attend Montana State University. He would take over the operation of the Circle P Ranch until his untimely death, when ownership would transfer to Mary Louise.

  IN 1874 the railroad came to Montana, and crossed land owned by the Jamison and Parsons family into Helena after acquiring right. The advent of the railroad was a boon to both ranches after they jointly built holding pens and corrals for the shipment of their cattle to market.

  The Parsons, the Palmer and Owens families remained close friends through the ages.


  About Susan Leigh Carlton

  Susan lives in a gated community just outside Tomball, a small Texas town, 26 miles northwest of Houston, with her husband, two toy poodles, Bobby and Charlie, and Lissie, the cat.

  Lottie’s Montana Millionaire Husband is her latest book to be published by Amazon. She says, “The Montana Doctor’s Bride kicks off a new series, called New Brides Of Montana, then came The Montana Rancher’s Bride, Carrie’s Montana Love, and with Charlotte’s Montana Husband the series numbers four.

  In the time setting for this book, Montana has just become a territory and is in the midst of a gold rush. There is no railroad service in all of the territory. In addition, the Indians have grown tired of the miners and settlers moving onto their lands and fight back. It is the time of what is known as Red Cloud’s War.

  Susan passed through Helena many years ago, but memories fade, and if she had a bucket list, another visit would be near the top, and in particular, the area of Yellowstone. (Author’s Note: 3% of Yellowstone National Park is in Montana.)

  She continues to monitor all of the reviews and comments. A real treasure comes from the emails from readers. She says “I revise my writing process and style accordingly. This is a learning process for me and I love every minute of it.”

  The names of all her books are on the pages following this one.

  She says, “My thanks to you readers. I appreciate your taking the time to read them. As an avid reader myself, I will read several books during the time I am writing. Our kids love to read, as does my husband. He takes his iPad with him everywhere and reads during waits for the doctor. He would take it when we go out to eat, but he knows I would do him bodily harm.

  “I would like to thank those of you who cared enough to email me about the plots and the style. For someone to have the interest and take the time to email… well it makes my day. I had an email from a gentleman who lives in the area I used as the setting for “In Search Of Love”. Since I research the geographical setting of all my books, the names of the trails, creeks and towns were familiar to him.

  Another reader emailed me a picture of her great-great grandfather after reading “The Widow Finds Love” which is based in part on my great-great-great grandmother and her 1888 trek from South Carolina to Utah.

  “Thanks again. Now I can begin research on my next effort. If you have suggestions for additional books, I would love to hear them. Email them to me or enter them as comments on the website.”


  [email protected]

  Susan’s Other Books

  Find All Of Susan's Ebooks here

  The Montana Rancher's Bride

  The Montana Doctor's Bride

  Texas Oilman's Bride

  In Search Of Love

  The Widow's Mail Order Husband

  Yankee Mail Order Bride

  Not Quite A Mail Order Bride

  Tainted Mail Order Bride ***Amazon Best Seller Book***

  Jedadiah's Mail Order Bride ***Amazon Best Seller Book***

  A Reluctant Mail Order Bride

  She Found Her Love In Washingron

  The Lonely Cowboy

  Cake and Pie Recipes From MaMaw's Kitchen

  Love On The Brazos

  Loving A Firefighter

  Loving An Airborne Ranger

  Diabetes: You Can Live With It Or Die From It

  Bobby and Charlie's Great Adventure

  Diabetes: You Can Live With It Or Die From It

  Pies From MaMaw's Kitchen

  Cakes From MaMaw's Kitchen

  Cakes and Pies From MaMaw's Kitchen

  Visit Susan’s Website

  Visit The Lonely Cowboy Saga Website




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