Love's unending legacy (Love Comes Softly #5)

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Love's unending legacy (Love Comes Softly #5) Page 19

by Janette Oke

  "Belinda May. I like it," said Clark. "Suits her just fine."

  "I like it, too," Marty said. "An' now iffen her proud pa would just bring her on over here, I'd kinda like to git another look at our daughter."

  Clark reluctantly laid the tiny baby down beside Marty again, then leaned over to kiss them both.

  Doc cleared his throat.

  "Well, seein' as I won't be needed here anymore tonight, I guess I'll just be headin' on home to my bed. I suspect that everyone in this house has had enough excitement for one night. Bed's a good place for all of you. 'Sides, this here new mama could do with a good rest."

  They all agreed. "See ya a little later," Clark promised Marty and turned to usher all of them from her room.

  "Yer not gonna head off fer home without a little coffee to warm ya up," he informed the doc.

  "I'll make some," volunteered Ellie. "I need to busy myself with somethin' ordinary to unwind before going back to bed anyway."

  "Coffee won't be necessary. Ya already got out the teapot an' more hot water a singin' on the stove. I'll just have me a cup of tea."

  Ellie took charge in the kitchen. She was glad to be back to doing something so familiar. Looking back over the night hours she had just experienced, she decided that even though she had been frightened almost beyond herself, it had been exciting, too.


  To assist in the arrival of a new little life was an experience not given to many. Now that she was sure her mother and sister were just fine, she could relax and maybe even treasure the memory. One thing she was sure of: It was a night she would never forget.



  The next day the household awakened early, in spite of the lack of sleep the night before. There was too much excitement in the air for anyone to be able to sleep very long. Besides, the wee Belinda awoke to insist on an early breakfast, and not being used to the cries of a new baby in the house, the whole family got up with her.

  Ellie hurried across the yard over to Kate and Clare's with the good news. The commotion of the night before had failed to waken them. They immediately headed for the big house with Ellie.

  Kate was the first to reach Marty's bed. Little Belinda had just finished her nursing, had her diaper changed by her pa, and was snuggled down beside her mother again for a much-deserved nap. It was hard work being born, and she had some resting to do.

  Kate stood gazing at the baby, her eyes filled with love and tears.

  "She's beautiful, Ma," she whispered. "Just beautiful."

  "Ya want to hold her?" asked Marty, seeing the longing in Kate's eyes.

  "May I?"


  "But she's sleepin'."

  "She's got all day to sleep. 'Sides, she likely won't even waken anyway."


  Kate picked the wee baby up carefully. "Oh," she squealed, "she's so tiny." She turned to show the little bundle to Clare. "Look here, Belinda May, this is yer big brother. Yer wonderful big brother. Yer gonna be so proud of 'im."

  Clare reached out a big hand to the tiny one. Marty could see tears form in his eyes, but he blinked them away. "Hi there, ya little punkin," Clare greeted the baby. "Yer a pretty little thing ... fer a newborn."

  "She's beautiful," argued Kate.

  Clare laughed. "Give her a few days ... but then, my ma always had pretty babies."

  At length, the baby had been inspected and fussed over enough for the present. Their attention turned back to Marty.

  "An' how are you, Ma?"

  "Fine. I feel just fine. But then, I had me such good doctorin'." All eyes turned back to Ellie.

  "I'm proud of ya, little sister," Clare said, tousling her hair. "But why didn't ya come fer some help?"

  "There wasn't time. Not even time to think, let alone ... but Mama was great. I woulda never been able to do it without her careful instructions. I had me no idea--"

  "You were wonderful," said Marty, "never flustered or nothin'." "Till afterward," Ellie said, laughing. "Then I just seemed to fall apart."

  They all laughed together.

  "Well, at least," added Clark, "ya waited till after it was all over. Ya didn't go collapsin' when yer ma needed ya."

  They left the room together. It was agreed that Clare would ride on over and take the news of the safe arrival of Belinda to Arnie and Nandry and Ma Graham. Ellie was going to saddle the other horse and go see Lane. Clark would take the team and go to town to get telegrams off to Missie, Clae, and Luke. Kate volunteered to stay close beside Marty. They all scattered in various directions, anxious to share the good news.


  Marty gained her strength back rapidly, in spite of her many visitors. The new baby was a good baby, demanding only a minimum of attention, much to the chagrin of the household. There were many pairs of willing arms that would have been more than happy to hold and fuss over her more, but she was content to be fed and changed and then tucked in once more to her bed for another nap. As the days passed by, she began to spend more time awake. Even then, she did not cry except when she was hungry. She didn't need to. There was usually someone there to hold her anyway. Clark was spending more and more time in the house on the wintry days.

  "Little girl," Marty overheard him say to the baby, "I sure am glad ya chose to arrive in the winter when a body can be in, 'stead of at plowin' time." Marty smiled to herself. Never had Clark had more time to enjoy one of his babies.

  Daily Marty felt her previous vigor return to her body. She was feeling much more like her old self and gradually took on the household duties. She felt Ellie's questioning eyes on her at times, but as Ellie could see for herself, Marty was happiest when busy. And when Marty assured her she truly had the strength and was not merely pushing herself, Ellie did not protest. Marty told her to spend some time planning for her upcoming wedding. Ellie had been collecting and preparing the things she would need for her own house.

  Marty helped with the preparations, too. In the quiet of the long evenings, she pieced quilts and hemmed tea towels. Pillowcases were embroidered and rugs hooked. Marty quite enjoyed being involved and, before long, was nearly as excited as Ellie about the coming event. It didn't make her as sad as it had when she first knew the inevitable was coming and Ellie would be leaving home. Especially with Belinda sleeping contentedly in her bed or rocking in her pa's arms.


  A package came from Luke. To my new little sister, the note read. Bet you are really something special. I've been waiting for you for a long, long time. I finally am a big brother. We're going to love one another. I can hardly wait to see you. I'll be home just as soon as I can. In the meantime, take good care of Mother. She's someone pretty special, too. Love, Luke.

  Marty wiped her eyes as she handed the letter to Clark. Then she kissed the tiny Belinda and showed her the packaged gift. "From yer big brother," she said. "Big brother Luke. Ya wanta see what he sent?" The baby did not respond with as much as the flick of a tiny eyelash, so taken was she with sucking her fist, but Marty opened the package anyway. It was a pair of baby shoes. Marty had never seen them so small or so dainty. "Well, look at thet," she said, holding the shoes out to Clark and Ellie. "Did ya ever see anythin' like it?"

  Ellie squealed with delight. "Oh, aren't they darlin'?"

  Clark grinned and reached out to take one of the bits of leather in his hand.

  "Most senseless thing I ever saw," he said. "But yer right--they are 'bout the cutest thing, too."

  Clae also sent a letter and a package. Hers was more practical than Luke's had been--and almost as pretty. It was a little hand-sewn gown. Marty knew that Clae had not had time for all of the fancy stitching since receiving the word of the baby's birth. Her note explained it. I took a chance that it would be a girl, she said. It was our turn. If it had been a boy, I'd have sent him something else-- though I still hadn't figured out what--because he never would have been comfortable in all this ribbon and lace.

  In a later ma
il, a parcel came from Missie. Marty lifted out a carefully wrapped pale pink sweater. I know that I sent something before for the new little sister, but I just couldn't resist doing something special just for her now that we know who she is. I've stayed up nights hurrying to get this done. I hope she gets it before she is already too big for


  it. It comes with love to Auntie Belinda from her nephews Nathan and Josiah, and her niece Melissa Joy.

  Marty was sure she had never seen a girl more excited about her wedding day than Ellie. Eyes glowing and cheeks flushed, she slipped into her wedding gown, her hands fairly trembling. "Oh, Mama," she said, "I can scarce believe thet it is finally happenin'! It seems I've waited so long."

  "But it hasn't been long," Marty reminded her. "Not long at all. It's only been a couple of months since ya made yer plans." "Well, it seems half of forever," insisted Ellie.

  "Half of forever," repeated Marty "Yes, I s'pose so." She gazed at her lovely daughter, wanting to hold this moment in her memory for all time. Ellie's gown, white with tiny blue flowers and ruffles at the neck and sleeves, had been carefully and lovingly sewn by mother and daughter together. How blue her eyes are, thought Marty Almost exactly the same cornflower blue as those flowers. ...

  The wedding would be in the little community church, with a dinner following at the Davis farm. Because of the time of year and the fact that none of the entertaining could be located in the yard, only the family and special friends were invited to the dinner. Even so, Marty would be hard put to accommodate them all.

  Willie's brother's family, the LaHayes, had already taken the stage to catch the train going west. They seemed almost as excited about the plans for their new home as Ellie was about her wedding day. Although simple furniture had been left behind for Lane to be comfortable as a bachelor, Lane and Ellie had done some shopping on their own and bought a few more pieces. Ellie had hung curtains and scattered rugs and put her dishes in the cupboards. She was finally convinced that Marty was fully capable of caring for herself and the baby, so Ellie would not need to venture over every day to do the tasks for her. She looked forward to being a housewife rather than a housekeeper.


  "Wear a warm coat," Marty reminded her daughter. "Thet sun ain't near as warm as it looks."

  Who could worry about a coat on such a day? Ellie's expression said. But later she admitted she was glad she had listened to Marty, for indeed the sun was not as warm as it looked, and a cold wind was blowing. Ellie wondered if her carefully groomed hair would be all windblown on the ride to the church.

  Clark guided the team of blacks. They were feeling frisky after the long winter of little use, and it took a good horseman to hold them back. Marty was not worried. She had complete confidence in Clark's ability to manage the horses. She held her wee daughter closely against her, making sure Belinda wasn't wrapped so tightly that she would be short of good air to breathe.

  It was good to be out in the open and in the brisk air again. Marty wanted to pretend that she could smell spring coming, but in fact she could not. The air was still heavy with winter. But it won't be long, Marty promised herself. Any day now and we will be feeling it.

  Marty could hear another team close behind them and turned to wave to Clare and Kate. Their horses seemed just as eager as Clark's, and Marty couldn't help but imagine what would result if the two menfolk were just to let them go.

  When they pulled in to the churchyard, a crowd had already gathered. Impatient teams were tied up to the hitching rails, stomping and champing at the bits. A few were feeding, but most of them ignored the hay that had been dropped before them. They had been eating all winter. Now they simply wished to put an end to their confinement. Marty was sure she knew just how they felt.

  Clark helped her carefully down from the high seat and steadied her on her feet before leaving to tie the horses.

  Ellie was already on the ground, smoothing her hair and, for the first time, looking a little nervous.

  "Ya look just fine," Marty assured her. "Let's go in so ya can get out of thet coat."


  They walked the few steps to the church door and stepped inside. The congregation was already seated. Heads turned. Marty could feel many eyes upon them and sensed many smiles. They all seemed to blur before her. She handed Belinda to Kate, who had also entered, and reached to help Ellie with her coat. The gown was not badly wrinkled from the weight of the coat, but Marty spent some time carefully smoothing out the skirt.

  "Is my hair all right?" whispered Ellie.

  "Just fine. Just fine," answered Marty and brushed at it a bit just to assure the girl.

  "I'm so nervous, Mama. I didn't think I would be, but I am." "Everyone is," Marty whispered back. "It's just part of the ceremony."

  Ellie tried to smile at Marty's little joke, but the smile was wobbly and a little crooked.

  "Wish Pa would come," she whispered again.

  "He'll be here," Marty assured her.

  For the moment, Marty had forgotten all about her small daughter, so absorbed was she in the one who stood before her, fearful yet anxious to become a bride. But when she did remember the baby, she turned to look at Kate holding her. Kate stood silently back a pace, holding the tiny Belinda and unwrapping her many blankets. She was rewarded with a fleeting smile, and she hugged the wee baby close.

  "Oh, Ma, it's the first time she has smiled for me," she exulted in a whisper to Marty. For just a moment the two women looked at each other, and a lump caught in Marty's throat. She knew Clare and Kate's baby would have been smiling now. Smiling and recognizing her ma and pa. But Kate's gaze with obvious love and care for the little one held no shadow, though her heart must have still been tender over their loss.

  Clark and Clare entered, stamping the slush from their boots and brushing off their coats. They shrugged out of their coats and hung them on pegs by the door. Then Clark turned to Ellie.


  "Ready, little girl?" he asked softly. Ellie only nodded.

  "We'll let Kate an' Clare find 'em a seat first; then I'll sit yer mother."

  Kate and Clare moved forward to a pew near the front that had been saved for family. It was then that Marty noticed Kate still holding Belinda.

  Clark drew Marty and Ellie close and, with an arm around each of them, led them in a quiet prayer. They lifted their heads, and Ellie dabbed at her eyes with the handkerchief she carried. Marty wiped her eyes, as well, then leaned to give their next-to-last born, their Elvira Davis, one last kiss. In just a few minutes, she would become Elvira Howard, Mrs. Lane Howard. But, thought Marty thankfully, she will always be my daughter, no matter what her name.

  Clark offered Marty his arm and led her to a seat beside Kate. Marty intended to take Belinda back, but when she saw the way Kate looked at the baby, she let Belinda stay where she was. She looked to the front instead and saw a nervous Lane, his eyes fixed on the back of the church as he waited for his bride. Arnie stood beside him, and the young preacher stood before them with an open book.

  Maude Colby, Ellie's friend from town, preceded the bride down the aisle. Ellie followed, walking sedately and purposefully on her father's arm. Marty felt such a pride well up within her. Her girl would make a good wife. And Marty couldn't think of anyone she would rather share Ellie with than Lane. Her eyes filled with tears momentarily, but she quickly wiped them away and flashed Kate a little smile.

  After the ceremony and the hearty congratulations of family and friends, the wagons and buggies were loaded once again and the eager horses were allowed to run. Ellie, not in the Davis buggy now, had her proper place, tucked in closely beside Lane.

  The dinner was a festive affair. In spite of the lack of room, family and neighbors laughed and chatted and ate until they could


  eat no more. Gifts were presented to the happy bride and groom, and Ellie exclaimed over everything with a great deal of enthusiasm. Lane gave a little speech.

  "I will ever
bless the day when my boss had the good sense to order me back east to care fer a farm," Lane said amid laughter. "Tell the truth, I wasn't lookin' forward much to being' a farmer--never havin' been one. Iffen it hadn't been thet I had met Mr. an' Mrs. Davis ..." Lane stopped and corrected himself, "Ma an' Pa here ..." More laughter. "Well, iffen I hadn't met 'em an' looked forward to seein 'em again, I don't s'pose even the boss coulda made a farmer outta me. Boy, what I woulda missed!" exclaimed Lane, his eyes fastened on a blushing Ellie.

  Lane became more serious then. "I've got lots to learn yet in life. Lots to learn in the Christian walk, but I've already learned this. Iffen I let God control things, He sure can do a heap better job of it than I ever could. I just have no way of sayin' how thankful I am fer a girl like Ellie ... how lucky I am to have her fer a wife. I can't express it nohow ... but I hope to spend my lifetime a tryin' to show her how I feel."

  Marty hoped no one saw her slip from the room. She needed a little time to herself. She was happy for Ellie. She wouldn't change things for the world. She just needed a little time to get used to it, that was all.


  TWENTY-SIX Family Dinner

  Marty was having a hard time of it trying to convince daughter Ellie that her mother could truly manage without her.

  "I might need ya, dear, I might," Marty assured her. "But it ain't to wash the dishes or to git the meals. I can care fer my own house. I haven't felt better fer months. The baby is no problem, an' yer pa fusses over me more'n ever. So it's not yer hands I'm missin', helpful as they are. It's you. Just you. Yer being here and yer company an' all."

  "I miss you, too, Mama," Ellie responded, "though I must admit I'm awfully happy where I am."

  Marty touched the girl's hair in silent acknowledgment that she understood and accepted the truth of her daughter's words. "We'll come whenever ya want us to," Ellie promised. "Then come join the family fer Sunday dinner."


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