Battle: BWWM Dystopian Interracial Sci-Fi Romance (Betwixt Chocolate Book 2)

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Battle: BWWM Dystopian Interracial Sci-Fi Romance (Betwixt Chocolate Book 2) Page 4

by Tamara Black


  By that evening, we had a plan put together. Besides Ree, Cricket and myself, twelve others agreed to help, including nine men and three women. We had to act before any reinforcements from House Ballmore arrived. I had doubts the idea would work, but I kept them to myself. As I stood by a small fire in a metal barrel, warming my hands, Ree walked over.

  “How’s everyone holding up?” I asked.

  “They’re worried, but everyone agrees it’s our best chance.”

  I nodded my head. “If they don’t have too many guards, we should be able to pull it off.”

  “Don’t sound so sure,” she teased.

  “I’m just worried,” I admitted.

  “I know. Leading is a lot of responsibility.”

  Cricket walked over and said, “Ready leave now?”

  “Yeah, we should get going.”

  Just under a dozen of the really old or really young stayed behind as the rest of us crept out of the back of the building. Cricket scouted ahead, letting us know with whistles when it was clear to move. Ree and I were in the middle of the group, ready to head to the front or back as needed. We only had a few stun-sticks, but we’d made a few slings and collected a bunch of rocks for ammunition.

  A faint sliver of a moon hung above us as we walked from one dark alley to another. My heart beat faster the closer we got to the factory-city. When the brick and stone walls were in view, we stopped and waited for the signal from Cricket. His job was to take out the single guard in the tower near the main gate. Once that was accomplished, he would slip over the wall and open the wooden barrier from the inside.

  That was the how the plan was supposed to go. A few minutes after we arrived, an alarm rang out, piercing the quiet of the night. I ran forward, waving my arm for the others to follow. If Cricket didn’t have the gate open, we had ropes and grappling hooks to try to make it over the walls. Not all of us would make it, but we only needed a few of our dozen to get to the other side and overpower the remaining people from House Ballmore.

  “Let’s do this!” Ree yelled, motivating me as well as the others.

  When I reached the gate, it still wasn’t open. I turned to Ree.

  “Stay here with half the group. I’m going to get that gate open.”

  She nodded. Cricket was still nowhere to be seen as the bell continued to ring out. I threw a grappling hook up and over the wall. Five young men with me did the same. As I climbed the rope, my feet scaling the wall, I hoped we didn’t meet too much resistance on the other side. When I finally reached the top, I switched the grappling hook to the other side and slid down the rope as fast as I could.

  No guards were in sight until I hit the ground. Cricket rounded a corner and sprinted across a courtyard toward us. What the hell was he doing so far in? I wondered briefly then jumped into action. With a mighty yell, I took off toward the three men chasing him. The others with me followed. When we reached the men from House Ballmore, I struck the first one with my stun-stick set on high. He cried out and dropped to the ground.

  Morale was high as we made quick work of the three men.

  “What happened?” I asked Cricket.

  “No time,” he answered. “Gate needs open.”

  He dashed toward the gate. I followed after him. We threw off the board keeping it shut and opened it. Ree and the others rushed in just as a half dozen other men from House Ballmore emerged from the barracks across the courtyard. I got out my sling and loaded it up, the others doing the same. A moment later, a shower of stones hit the men, causing them to stop in their tracks.

  “We got this!” Ree yelled, running forward.

  I sighed, wishing she would listen to me more sometimes, but I loved her and wanted to protect her. The others followed suit as I ran after Ree and toward the men. Just then, another group of armored men emerged from a different building. I changed my course, hoping Ree would be okay on her own for a moment or two. She was strong as hell. Chaos erupted in the courtyard as we fought them to the last man.

  After giving them a beating, the last two surrendered. They dropped their weapons and raised their arms. While a few of the others watched them, I looked around the courtyard for Ree. She was no where to be seen, but I heard a scream coming from a nearby warehouse. I took off toward the sound without stopping to think twice. The first door I came across was locked, so I traveled down some to look in a window.

  Inside, I saw Ree and her brother Adam circling each other. Bars on the window prevented me from breaking the glass and getting inside. Part of me wanted to run around the building to find another way in, but I also wanted to make sure she was okay. Maybe I can distract him? I wondered to myself as I stared at the two standing on the concrete floor.

  Adam pulled a sword out and held it high. Ree got into a defensive position with a stun-stick, but it didn’t look good at all. Bleak! I screamed in my mind then took off around the building to find another way in. With every step, all I could think about was her getting hurt. I stopped at another window and looked in. To my surprise, Ree had taken the sword from him. As I watched, she ran the point into his chest.

  I ran to the back of the warehouse and ran up a ramp to an open door. In the distance, I could see Ree standing over Adam. She had a look of horror on her face as I stopped in front of her. The sword, still bloody, hung at her left side as she stared at her brother’s body. I reached out and took the handle out of her hand. After dropping the sword to the floor with a clang, I took her hands in mine.

  “Are you okay? I saw what happened. You had to do it.”

  She nodded, slowly, still in shock. I led her away, one hand still in mine. Cricket and the others rushed in, but I waved them away.

  “Secure the walls,” I said.

  They obeyed. Once they left, I took her to a desk and chair in an office at the front of the building. No tears or any other emotion were displayed on her poker face, which concerned me. If I had just killed someone in my family, no matter how evil, it would have a dramatic effect on me. All I could think about was what she was going through. In that moment, I realized I loved her with all my heart and soul.

  “Just take a minute,” I said softly as she sat limp in a chair.

  “He wouldn’t stop,” she said.

  “It’s okay. You were protecting yourself. He was a bad man.”

  “But he was my brother.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

  “It’s okay to cry.”

  She glared at me. “I’m fine.”

  “I just meant…”

  “I know. I’m sorry. This is a lot to process.”

  Not caring it was the worst moment possible, I got down on one knee in front of her.

  “From what I’ve read of the history books, before arranged marriages, men got on one knee to propose to the women they loved.”

  Her eyes stared into mine.

  “I know it’s a bad time,” I continued, “But I want to tell you something. Life is too short to hold it in any longer.” I paused. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she cried, wrapping her hands around me.

  As we hugged, a faint glimmer of hope began to glow brightly deep inside me.

  “Come with me. I need to do something,” she said, pulling back.

  I stood up. “What?”

  Without saying a word, she walked back out to where her brother laid on the concrete floor, stained red with blood. I watched as she bent down and took a signet ring off his left hand. She stood back up and grabbed the pouch at her side. A moment later, she had her signet ring in her palm as well. We both stared at them. They represented her old family, her previous life. She sighed as she put them both into the pouch.

  “Let’s go help,” she said.

  “You should rest. You’ve been through a lot.”

  “No, I couldn’t rest now if I wanted to. I want to help.”

  I nodded in understanding. We were both so similar in many ways. A million thoughts ran through my mind as we walked back out
side to find Cricket and figure out what to do with the dozen prisoners we’d captured instead of killing outright. Deep inside, I had a hunch they would join us in our quest to liberate the world and make it a better place once again. At least that was my hope.



  A week later, I stood in our shared living quarters and watched Ree finish packing clothes into a bag. After we secured the factory-city and resumed production, we decided to try to find Chang. If he had a cure for the addiction to chocolate, we could really change the world in a major way. Even without a guarantee he was still alive and would give us the knowledge, we had to try.

  “We’ll get some chocolate for the trip before we go,” I said.

  She stopped packing. “I can’t believe I went all those years without realizing the truth.”

  “Now you know.”

  “Yeah. Sadly.”

  The fact she was addicted to chocolate weighed on me heavily, but all we could do was move forward and try to come up with a solution for everyone. Once we found the cure, the entire world would be changed. Power structures would be disrupted, allowing for a more free and democratic system to rise up. I walked around the bed to where she was standing.

  “You’re looking good today,” I said.

  She smiled and rolled her eyes. “We have to get some sleep tonight.”

  “I’d give up sleep for the rest of my life for a few hours with you tonight. There’s no telling what is going to happen to us on the open road.”

  “Way to get me excited about the trip,” she said.

  “I’m just being honest, Ree. You can stay here if you want. The people would love it, I’m sure.”

  “No, I want to be with you.”

  I took another step forward and put my arm around her waist. We made eye contact. Unable to resist, I leaned forward and kissed her full, red lips. The fate of the world rested in my hands, but all I could think about was her beautiful black body. At one time forbidden, it filled my dreams day and night. Her curves were perfect. Even better, her mind was sharp and sensitive at the same time.

  She slipped her hands around me and rubbed my back as we kissed. I loved her soft lips, the taste of her flesh. Blood began rushing between my legs. I pulled away, looking into her eyes again. Her breasts pressed against my chest as we stared at each other. The rest of the world faded away.

  “Take me,” she said, stripping off my clothes.

  I stole a kiss in between that and taking off hers. Naked as the day we were born, our bodies pressed together. My hands roamed over her smooth, silky skin as my hard cock poked between her legs. We moved to the bed, lying on our sides. She reached down and gripped me tightly. As we kissed, she tugged at me. The weight of the world was lifted if even just for a second or two. My kisses moved to her neck then to her breasts. I nibbled at one of her dark nipples playfully. They got even harder.

  She put her hands on my head and pushed me down as she rolled over on her back. By the time my kisses were peppering her stomach, her legs were spread. I spied my prize, but, not knowing when we would have time to make love again, I wanted the moment to last. As I moved between her legs and kissed her inner thighs, she sighed. I reached up with one hand and massaged her breast as I moved closer to her slit.

  My broad, flat tongue finally made contact with her sensitive flesh. She ran her fingers through my hair, pushing my face into her wetness. I moved my mouth - lips and tongue - massaging every inch of her exposed flesh. The taste turned me on even more. Once she was worked up really nice, begging for more, I crawled up her body, prepared to deliver.

  I guided my rock hard rod into her warm, tight hole. She groaned as I pushed it all the way in, holding myself up with my arms. Her hands grabbed my ass, pulling me as she arched her backs. I filled her completely. The sensation was the best experience in my life - topping even my first few times eating chocolate. We made eye contact as I moved in and out.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered.

  Our bodies began to move on their own, finding just the right groove. The mood changed as the problems of the world floated away. All I could concentrate on was entering her over and over again. As the friction built up, I moved to my elbows, my chest pressing against her breasts. We were two souls with one body. I got lost in the sound of her breathing, so quick and labored the closer we got to orgasm.

  She came first, crying out as she clenched her muscles around me. I continued pushing in and out a few more times before my body stiffened and I grunted. My seed shot deep inside of her. When I stopped, finally, I pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. We both took a moment to catch our breath and enjoy the moment. Reality came crashing back down quickly, but for just a few seconds, we were able to relax.

  “That was amazing,” she said. “I never knew…”

  “It could be so good?”

  “Yeah. My brother always told me your people…”

  “Stop,” I said, rolling over on my side. “We’re all one people now, okay.”

  “I know, I was just telling you what he said before.”

  “The people are going to look to us as leaders.”

  “Look up to you maybe, but not me.”

  “No, I think you’re wrong. They love us as a team because we’re different colors. We are the future of humanity.”

  “I don’t want to worry about all that right now,” she said. “I’m going to wash up.”

  I got out of bed with her. After we cleaned up, we laid in bed next to each other. She fell asleep first. The sound of her breathing became more and more regular. I thought about turning to see her face, but I didn’t want to wake her up. Even with my eyes closed, I couldn’t turn my mind off. All I could think about was our journey to find a way to break the addiction to chocolate. The trip would be full of danger.

  Should I leave before she wakes up in the morning? I wondered to myself. She would hate me, but she would be safer. Then again, maybe she would be safer with me. An hour or so later, I finally fell asleep. My dreams included adventures in strange worlds with Ree at my side. Once we completed our next quest, we might actually be able to settle down and grow old together. It’s what I desired most in the world.

  Stay tuned. Book two of the Betwixt Chocolate series is COMING SOON!

  Never Pay Full Price Again

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  Did you enjoy this title? If so, please take a moment for a review! This holds true even if you thought it could have been better. Let me know what you liked or didn’t like, and it will help me become a better writer. I really appreciate those who take the time to give me a review. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. God is Love.



  Is Love More Powerful Than Language?


  Accidental Attraction: BWWM Interracial Romance Novella

  An accidental pregnancy turns to interracial romance!


  Thick Black Snake: BMWW Interracial Romance

  His Name is Snake. He Wants to Be King of the Streets.


  Chiraq Lullaby: BWWM Urban Interracial Romance

  Can Leah Escape the Chiraq Lullaby?



  Secret Billionaire and the Accidenta
l Pregnancy

  White Drama: A Sexy BWWM Christmas Romance Fantasy

  Stepbrother of Another Color: BWWM Interracial Romance

  Bringing Love Back: BWWM Interracial Romance

  More Than Friends: BWWM Interracial Romance

  Snowed In With Love: BWWM Interracial Romance


  Seriously. Thanks.


  Tamara Black was born on the East Side of Cleveland, Ohio in the 1980s. She has been a writer since a very early age. As a single mother, her two children mean the world to her. She loves to read romance as well as write it. You can find out more about her at Thanks!




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