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Green, Sharon - Mind Guest.htm Page 26

by Mind Guest

  undone, but I was reminded by light-shirt that I was forbidden to touch

  myself. All seven of us, we three girls, the three golden-shirts, and

  light-shirt then left the room light-shirt leading; I was first with

  the other girls in their line positions, a golden-shirt behind each of


  Outside the room was a tent corridor with other tent rooms leading off

  it, and all of those rooms were open. Most of the rooms were empty, but

  a few of them had occupants, mostly doing things I didn't understand.

  One naked young girl in slave chains lay alone in a room on a large fur

  piece, her eyes closed, her body twisting and squirming on the fur, a

  low, constant moan coming from her throat. As I stared at her it

  suddenly came to me that her body was covered with faint welts, as

  though she'd been beaten a little before being put in there, but she

  didn't seem to be in pain from that. Her squirming said she was badly

  in need and quickly growing hotter, and the last glimpse I had of her

  showed the thin leather strip tied around her waist and one of the thin

  strips tied to it leading up from between her legs. Her wrists had been

  as free as the wrist chain let them be, but despite her being alone,

  her hands had been nowhere near her body. I didn't know if she was

  being punished or trained, and if trained, to what purpose?

  Another room had two girls in white slave ponchos being rewarded the

  way I had been rewarded, and their sobs of pleasure and relief seemed

  to take no notice of the way they were being hurt at the same time. One

  of them was bent forward by the armlock her golden-shirt held her in

  while he gave her secondary relief, and the other was bent backward by

  a tight fistful of hair in the same way I'd been held. The two girls

  behind me whimpered at the sight, but the next room held a sight that

  made them whimper even more. A pretty girl in slave green was being

  used by a dark gold-shirted guard who had dropped his pants for the

  occasion, and her moan-filled writhings were so intense that they

  reached out to me as well. It would have been a lot worse, though, if

  the sight hadn't brought up a very disturbing question: we three and

  the two girls being rewarded were given hand relief and nothing more;

  we were even being trained to beg to be touched rather than used. It

  was possible that they wanted the other two to remain virgins, but

  Bellna wasn't a virgin. The girls in green. were used normally even

  though it was still rape; what the hell did they have in mind for us?

  I could have spent a lot of time prodding at the questions I had, but

  the walk didn't talk long enough. The second room down from the guard

  and his slave was our destination, and we were led into it. The front

  of it was nothing more than a narrow corridor formed by heavy hide

  partitions making up separate, small rooms, and three older women

  stepped out of three of those rooms. All three of the women were

  beautiful, all three of them wore slave chains and green cloth ponchos,

  and all three of them immediately knelt to light-shirt.

  "Slaves, there are new slaves here for you to assist," light-shirt told

  them, giving them the same sort of pleased inspection he seemed to give

  all slave females. "Have them seen to by our return."

  "Yes, master," the three women murmured together, then rose gracefully

  to smile at us newcomers. The one on the right came over to me, touched

  my face gently with a long-fingered hand, then put her arm around my

  shoulders and led me to the right, toward the small room she'd come out

  of. She lifted the leather flap, urged me in first, followed and

  dropped the flap, then put her arms around me and hugged me.

  "Dear sister, I am so pleased for you," she said in a low, throaty

  voice, patting my back. "You have already learned to give pleasure to our masters, I see, and have clearly been given pleasure in turn. How I

  wish I had been so quick to learn! The ecstasy I was unable to receive,

  merely because of my own slowness! Ah, me. I joy that you need not wait

  as long as I."

  She patted my shoulder again and let me go, then smiled at the

  confusion she could see on my face. I was still pretending to feel what

  the Bellna presence really was feeling, and my confusion amused her.

  "I am able to know of your success through two things," she said,

  patting my cheek again. "Although you are clearly in discomfort from

  the device you wear, you are scarcely in such discomfort as the others,

  showing that you have been eased. Also have you been allowed the full

  grace and attractiveness of your chains, a further reward for one who

  has earned approval. You are now able to move and gesture as a woman,

  rather than be restrained as a child."

  "I am now-womanly?" I asked, looking down at the chains and then back

  to my new friend as though I really believed her. "I am no longer to be

  burdened with the look of a mere girl?"

  "No, you are no longer a mere girl," she laughed in good-natured

  amusement, looking me over with a lighthearted indulgence I was sure

  she didn't really feel. "It is for that reason that you must pretend to

  childlike qualities, so that you may give further pleasure to our

  masters-and thereby reach your ultimate reward the sooner."

  "I cannot understand what you speak of," I protested in Bellnainnocence,

  but I was very much afraid that I did understand. "For what

  reason must I pretend to childishness, and what ultimate reward do you

  speak of?"

  "Perhaps it would be best if I were to explain all things to you," she

  mused, one slim finger tapping her lips as she considered the idea.

  "Yes, I shall give you what explanations you require, yet must I

  minister to you the while. Should the necessary be left undone when the

  masters return, we will both be punished. Come here."

  She gestured me over to the back of the tiny room, where buckets of

  water, piles of soft clothes, jars and bottles and all sorts of

  paraphernalia stood. When we got there she stopped and reached out to

  the poncho I wore, beginning to tug it off me.

  "I must see to the freshening of your body," she explained, having more

  trouble undressing me than light-shirt had had with the blonde slave.

  She would have had an easier time of it if she'd been bigger, but she

  was the biggest of the three who had been waiting for us and she still

  didn't make my height. My golden-shirt had called me "little slave" and

  other ickiness of the same sort, all despite the fact that the names

  didn't fit. I might not have had his shoulder width, but he didn't have

  more than a couple of inches on me.

  "You must be clean and sweet-smelling, else our masters will not be

  pleased," she said, taking the worn, sweat-stained poncho away. She

  stopped to look closely at my now bare body, then smiled a sweet smile

  of remembrance. "How well I recall my own time of beginning," she

  sighed, glorying in the memory. "My body was as young and innocent as

  yours, and when I was given reward by our masters, I imagined the

  pleasure to be the most a woman was capable of experiencing. How

olishly, happily wrong I was! Are you unbroached?"

  "No," I answered, already blushing as I was expected to do. "Myengagement

  was formally announced and consummated."

  "Swiftly and with singular lack of skill," she nodded, clearly

  dismissing the point. "Your first experience would be even greater if

  you had not been opened, yet will you nevertheless find it

  unforgettable. Kneel down and I will remove the device from you, and then you may relieve yourself."

  Bellna was awed by the beautiful older woman and would have obeyed

  without question, so I had no choice but to do the same. Once I was on

  my knees she unknotted the leather both front and back, drew out the

  device more slowly than I liked, then directed me to the more distant

  bucket that was half full of water. I let Bellna's distress keep the

  blush on my skin, but I didn't let her repugnance keep me from using

  that bucket every way I could. The woman bustled around in a graceful

  way until I'd finished, and then she directed me to the other bucket.

  "I will speak as I bathe you, and you have naught to do save listen,"

  she said, gesturing that I was to kneel again. She knelt too, right

  near me, and I decided it was time for a legitimate question.

  "For what reason am I not to freshen my own body?" I asked, watching as

  she took a soft, clean cloth from the pile and dipped it in a bucket of

  clean water.

  "In future you will be required to do so," she answered, paying

  attention to squeezing out the cloth. "For this one time I am commanded

  to bathe you, and we may not question the will of masters. Lean a bit

  more toward me."

  I leaned toward her, and had my face, neck and ears washed; with that

  done she wet the cloth again and smiled her lovely smile.

  "You are among those who are incredibly fortunate, sister and child of

  chin," she murmured, moving the cloth over me. "Not many are chosen for

  our lot, for we are those who are allowed the blessings of ecstasy.

  Merely by obeying without question and thinking of no other thing than

  giving pleasure, we are given ecstasy beyond the knowledge of any other

  woman. Our masters will punish failure, yet even with punishment do

  they bring us to our ultimate goal. You must strive ever harder to he

  perfect in your obedience, for in such a way will reward be constantly

  yours. And when you are at last allowed the ultimate ecstasy, you will

  know that you must continue striving so that it will he yours forever.

  "Earlier we spoke of pretending to childishness, and you were unable to

  understand the need for this. The answer lies in pleasing our masters,

  of course, for this is the sole road to our ultimate goal. Our masters

  are pleased to be given service by the very young and innocent,

  therefore do we perform the acts which please them. When you are

  permitted to beg for a thing, do so as though you were a small girl

  asking a thing of her father. You are even permitted to pout and

  wheedle to some extent. Do so, and your rewards will be richer beyond

  even your own expectations, and will quickly lead to your ultimate


  "The ultimate reward! Ah, how I wish you might truly know of it before

  it is given you! Although you have experienced the presence of a man

  within you, the ultimate reward is so far beyond that small, abortive

  experience that there is no comparison. You will be used as a slave,

  will know yourself a slave, and will know that no free woman will

  experience the ecstasy that you do. You must be fully a slave before

  this is given you, therefore must you strive with all your might to

  achieve perfect obedience and the giving of pleasure. I am filled with

  great joy that you have already come so far along the road, and will

  surely advance even more rapidly now. Lie on your belly now so that I

  may wash the back of you."

  I flattened out face down as she asked, glad that I had absolute

  control over my expression. The propaganda she'd fed me made me want to

  look around for a shovel or hip boots, but the. part about pretending

  to be a child made me want to throw up. Those sadists calling

  themselves masters liked the idea of messing around with little girls, but they also wanted women's bodies. Catch a girl young enough, train

  her to continue acting like a child, and when her body matures make

  sure that her mind doesn't. Perpetual little girls to tickle the

  perverted pleasure of so called men, helped along in their training by

  female slaves ordered to act the part of mother figures. That was what

  that bathing routine was all about, a young girl being told the facts

  of life by a helpful, sympathetic, approving mother who has already

  gone through the same herself and wants nothing less for her beloved

  daughter. More conditioning of a particularly vicious sort, the sort

  that took advantage of peoples' basic natures. I despised those slavers

  for what they were doing, but all they would see was that I was going

  along with it. Maybe, if I got very lucky, one or two of them would try

  getting in my way when I was ready to leave that place.

  The propaganda lecture went on as long as the washing did, and all of

  me was washed except my hair. My scalp was rubbed with a cloth and then

  allowed to dry, and while it was doing so some of those bottles and

  jars were used. The bottles held unscented body lotions, unscented so

  that the odors of desire coming from me would be clear to "our" masters

  and add to their pleasure. I was nothing if not ardently eager to get

  on with pleasing everyone in sight, but the contents of one of the jars

  put a strain on the authenticity of my eagerness. I was told it was a

  salve designed to ease the irritation in my private parts caused by the

  device and all the handling I'd had, and that part of it wasn't a lie.

  The salve did ease me, but a little gentle rubbing by the woman after

  it was put on me showed that the salve was also a sensitizer, designed

  to make my flesh even more sensitive to caresses than it had been. I

  was made to bend over on my knees so that my bottom could be taken care

  of, and it was all I could do to follow instructions with the trust of

  innocence. Bellna wouldn't have known what the salve was doing so I

  couldn't know; I just had to bend over and take it. After that my hair

  was brushed out, and then I was told I could rest until the masters

  came for me. I lay down on the spot indicated and closed my eyes, but

  the woman knew damned well I wouldn't rest. I'd been faintly aroused

  again, but all I could do about it was wait for the man who could

  choose to make it go away-if he was pleased enough to do so.

  A good twenty or twenty-five minutes passed before anyone showed up,

  during which time the salve took my faint arousal and slowly increased

  it to squirming level. Every minute that passed made Bellna more and

  more anxious, a clear indication of what my own actions had to be. I

  was being forced to think of nothing but the arrival of the masters,

  and also what I could do to please them enough to ease me. Everything

  done in that place was an aspect of conditioning, a conditioning that

probably have broken down even my defenses if it had been kept up

  long enough. Some people, like me, are trained to take high levels of

  pain, but no one, trained or not, can avoid being affected by constant

  positive and negative reinforcement of the pleasure reflex. The human

  mind is made to resist pain whenever it can, but pleasure? Hell, that's

  what we're built to try for!

  When my golden-shirt finally showed up, the woman went to her knees to

  him and I wasn't far behind her. I made a real production out of it,

  sitting up fast in relief, ready to blurt out my need, suddenly seeing

  what my "mother" was doing, then quickly doing the same. My eagerness

  to please had been increased as much as they'd wanted it to be, and the

  indulgent smile on my golden-shirt's face was covering a good deal of


  "How refreshed and lovely you look, little slave," he said, stopping a

  few steps into the room. "Rise to your feet so that I might see all of you."

  The blush covering me as I stood up made him chuckle, and that

  naturally increased Bellna's blush output. Having her there was

  becoming handier and handier; I can blush on demand, but not from head

  to foot. I turned slowly at his gesture, making an inexperienced stab

  at moving as gracefully as the woman had, and when I turned to face him

  again there was real amusement in his expression.

  "Your eagerness pleases me, slave," he said, and so help me my body

  reacted to that verbal stroking in a way that was horrifying. "Go and

  fetch your device now, and I will reinsert it."

  Morale dropped down to the floor at that, but I felt no urge to argue

  him out of his decision. Instead I hurried over to where the woman had

  put the device and quickly brought it to him, desperate to do

  everything he asked and please him again. If he wasn't pleased I

  wouldn't be rewarded, so I had to do all I could to please him. The

  reactions and straight line logic were all Bellna's, who would have

  been three-quarters of the way into full slavery if she'd really been

  there. I handed over the device with a small and fear-filled pout, and

  my golden-shirt chuckled even more.

  "You dislike this device and yet you obey," he said with such obvious

  approval that Bellna nearly purred. "Your obedience will be remembered.


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