Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze Page 8

by Sa'id Salaam

  Killa stepped out of the house and came face to face with his son.

  Chapter 16

  “Dad?” Sun blinked, trying to make sense of why his father was here. He figured it out when the sweet scent of the woman whose house it was wafted into his nose. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m sure it’s not what it looks like,” Killa assured him.

  “It looks like you just had sex with my teacher!” Sun shot back, sounding wounded.

  “Oh well, I guess it is what it looks like then,” his father chuckled. “Oh, wait, did you have like a crush on her or something?”

  “CRUSH? More like I been crushing that since the semester started. I can’t believe you!” Sun whined and stomped back to his truck.

  “Don’t be mad at me!” Killa called after him. “If you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at her for all of your brothers and sisters she just swallowed!”

  “Is everything okay?” Miss Rowland opened the door and asked. Killa turned and stared at her breasts as if they’d spoken. “Care for seconds?”

  “Technically, it would be sixths, but yes,” he said and stepped back inside. Her bedroom was way too far to walk to so they fucked in the foyer. Since he was way up inside of her, decided to pry for a little information. “Sup with Supa Fly? The principal?”

  “Mmm, Mr. Edwards? Mmm,” she replied as she slowly rode and wiggled on his dick. “With his…mmm…crooked…mmm…ass.”

  “Crooked?” he pried and gripped her ass. “How so?”

  That good dick in her eased the way for her to tell all she knew. She knew plenty since the principal was skimming money left and right. Most notably, he’d created a fake contracting company and gave it the contract to fix the school’s faulty electrical wiring.

  “So, he’s to blame for that girl dying,” he surmised.

  “Yeah, I guess he is. Somebody should report his ass!” she growled. The growling increased with her strokes until she came once again.

  Killa got another nut of his own then got dressed to leave. He planned on reporting the principal the first chance he got. Only he wasn’t telling the cops, he was telling Shyne.


  “Sup, yo,” Killa greeted his son when they met in the kitchen the next morning. Sun just nodded his ‘sup’ and continued shoveling cereal into his mouth. “Word, it’s like that?”

  “We cool,” Sun said dryly and kept right on eating. “We ain’t gon’ fall out a bi- um.”

  “Bitch. I didn’t know you was hitting that but she did. She’s a bitch and what did your mother teach you about bitches?” Pops demanded.

  “My mother said bitches ain’t shit so find a lady,” Sun said loud and proud. Many people remember Yolo as a lovely little lunatic but to Sun and Shyne, she was just mommy.

  “What language!” Christi said, sticking her fingers in her ears as she came into the kitchen. She was all smiles and laughs after hearing about Herbert’s demise on the news. His death had breathed new life into the woman.

  “My bad, sis,” Sun said then turned back to his father. “You can keep that thing we was talkin’ ‘bout.”

  “What thing?” Shyne’s nosey ass asked as she breezed into the kitchen.

  “Nothing,” her father told her and then went back him, “Nah, we can share.”

  “Can we go to the range?” Shyne asked in her daddy’s little girl voice. It had always worked before and of course, it worked again today.

  “Sure. You guys get ready,” he said and went upstairs to get ready himself. A half an hour later, he, Sun, and Asad were still waiting for the little diva to get dressed. She finally came down a half an hour later.


  The family shot a variety of guns while at the range. The shooting turned competitive when Sun called his father out. He was not ready and got spanked pretty badly.

  “Cool!” Asad cheered when Killa shot a smiley face into the face on the target sheet.

  “We need one of these for the house. You know, for protection,” Shyne said when it came time to return the rented guns to the counter.

  “Yeah, better make it two,” Sun nodded in agreement with her.

  “Protection, huh?” Killa pretended to ponder. He even scratched his chin as if he were really tossing the idea around. “Nah, but I will get you both one of those.”

  “A stun gun! What we supposed to do with a stun gun?” Shyne protested.

  “Um, stun people,’ Killa laughed. “These things aren’t toys! If someone happened to be in a puddle or…a shower…they would get electrocuted!”

  “Electrocuted?” Shyne asked.

  Her father filled them in on the principal’s embezzlement that had ultimately cost Ella her life. Shyne immediately started planning to murder him and knew just the way to get even doing it. Killa smiled inwardly as he watched his daughter drift in a murderous daydream.

  A smile spread across her pretty face when she came out of it. “Yeah, get it!”

  “Get two!” Sun said, wanting in on whatever his sister was plotting. The twins drew near as their father made the purchase.

  “Daddy be giving us all kinds of ideas and don’t even know it,” Shyne whispered.

  “He’s so green,” Sun snickered. “If he only knew.” But the truth was, if Sun and Shyne only knew.

  “Dead man walking,” Shyne growling as Principal Supa Fly walked by in a new pair of gator boots with gold tips. “Gold is an excellent conductor, you know.”

  “I do. Let’s get him,” Sun suggested eagerly. He didn’t wait for her reply to put their plan into motion. He pulled the fire alarm while Shyne slipped into a janitor’s closet.

  “Flame on!” Shyne giggled as she flicked the lighter. The rags soaked in cleaning supplies quickly went up in flames.

  “Evacuate in an orderly fashion!” Mr. Edwards instructed as he clapped his hands and pointed. Being the principal meant he had to be the last one out of the school in a fire drill–sort of like the captain of a ship.

  The smoke indicated this was no drill so the students and the staff quickly exited the building. The only ones left when the overhead sprinklers cut on were a man in gator boots and a set of twins in rubber rain boots.

  “Hey! You two! What are you waiting on?” the principal barked. It could go down in history as the bark before the spark.

  “You,” Shyne said, flashing a smile as he stepped into a puddle. She raised the stun gun and fired the two barbs into his chest.

  Meanwhile, Sun had stepped out and also fired his own stun gun into his back. Eye contact between the twins triggered them to pull the triggers that sent a thousand volts of current into the body they were attached to.

  Mr. Edwards seized in place as the electricity made him do the Harlem Shake. His Jheri Curl sizzled and caught fire from the oils and activator in it. He stopped doing his dance when his black heart stopped.

  Sun and Shyne quickly disconnected the electric wires from the dead man. They shared a high-five and then retreated from the building like everyone else.


  “Oh…my…goodness!” Christi exclaimed at the morbid news reported the principal’s death. She was shocked but everyone else in the room wore satisfied smirks on their faces.

  “That’s the same thing that happened to Ella,” Sun said almost defiantly.

  “Karma is a bitch,” Killa tossed out even though he didn’t believe in it.

  “So is payback,” Shyne mumbled under a smile, confirming to their father that they were indeed behind it. Killing bad guys had actually become the family’s business.

  Once the nightly news came to a depressing end, the family prepared to end their day. For Christi and Shyne, it meant baths and bed. However, for Sun and Killa, it meant tits and ass.

  “Call it in the air,” Killa called out and flipped a coin.

  “Heads!” Sun called, hoping for some head before getting some tail. His father caught the quarter and flipped it onto the back of his fee hand.

  “She’s all
yours,” he conceded when it landed on heads. He went on up to bed while his son went off to bed his teacher.

  Chapter 17

  “I can’t believe we’re seniors! Can you believe we’re seniors?” Bryonna screamed when Shyne pulled into the school parking lot. It was the first day of their last year at the rundown school. The new principal hadn’t fixed shit, either. There were still floods, power outages and a host of other problems.

  “I can’t believe Sun is,” Shyne replied as her brother sped by with a cheerleader in his truck.

  “I can’t believe he likes that girl!” Bryonna spat, sounding more than a little jealous. It was a silly statement since the girl was gorgeous, but Shyne knew that her friend had a hopeless crush on her brother.

  “Well, she’s definitely his type,” Shyne huffed when the girl’s head disappeared from view. “Nasty!”

  “I can’t believe he doesn’t have ten kids by now,” Bryonna sighed. She knew that she couldn’t compete with his other girls because she wasn’t doing what they did.

  “Chile, please! I don’t want ten baby mamas I gotta burn up…I mean, beat up,” his sister said, correcting herself. She hit her remote locks and led the way into the school.

  The girls hit the office to get their twelfth grade schedules.

  “Aww, shoot!” Bryonna griped when she saw her class assignments. “I got that creepy Mr. Mallory for first period. I don’t wanna have to deal with that man right after breakfast.

  “Just ignore him. That’s what I did. And don’t fall for the extra credit bull he’s promoting,” Shyne warned. She’d spared the man last year by switching classes but needed it to graduate herself.

  “If he tries that crap with me, I’ll make sure that he never teaches again,” Bryonna vowed out loud.

  Meanwhile, Shyne made an inward vow to herself. If he tried that crap with either of them, she would make sure he never breathed again.


  “Very nice. Good job,” Mr. Mallory exclaimed, looking down Bryonna’s shirt instead of at her project.

  “It’s not in my bra!” she spat and pulled away. It was bad enough that she was struggling in the class but his creepy come-ons made things even worse.

  “No, I suppose it’s not. You know, I can give you an extra credit assignment that will give you an A+ for the semester,” he offered. All the teachers gossiped enough for him to know that she needed a scholarship to attend college. He planned to use that as bait to get her home.

  Mr. Mallory graded Bryonna’s test, quizzes and assignments on a curve. A curve that led directly to his home. By mid-terms, the girl was desperate enough to listen to what he had to say. The decision weighed heavily on her mind.

  “What?” Shyne demanded across the lunch room table. She made sure to bark at Bryonna so she wouldn’t try to hold out.

  “If I fail chemistry, I’m not going to get a scholarship. If I don’t get a scholarship, I can’t go to college. If I don’t go to college, I’ll be stuck here in Wyandanch. If I’m stuck here in Wyandanch, I’ll end up a baby mama on WIC, welfare and weed!

  “Um…” Shyne replied and took a minute to process it all. She flipped the words around, added and then subtracted them until she came up with an answer. “Mr. Mallory! What did he say?”

  “All he wants is for me to dance. Not even naked. Just twerking. The same stuff we be doing at your house,” she whined.

  “Yeah, but we be in my room with the door closed!” Shyne shot back. “You know what? Don’t even worry about that class or Mr. Mallory’s nasty ass!”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You got a scholarship, your mom left you money and your dad got your back! What I got? Who gone look out for me?” she yelled and broke down.

  “Sun and Shyne, that’s who!”


  “Sup, yo?” Sun asked when he caught up with his sister at home. He sensed her distress the moment he walked in. Shyne had her murder mami face on, so he knew something was up.

  “Somebody messing with my girl!” she spat hotly.

  “Who?” Sun asked, ready to whoop whoever’s name came out of her mouth.

  “With all the thots and hoochies in school, why he wanna go after the good girls? Why he wanna corrupt chicks with morals? I mean, who does that?” Shyne said, stringing her brother along.

  “WHO?” Sun demanded as he followed the string. Her anger slowly transferred to her brother. “WHO?”

  “Mr. Mallory, the chemistry teacher. Gon’ tell her that if she twerk for him, he’ll give her an A and a letter of referral. He tried me with the same spiel last year,” she said, sealing the deal.

  The last statement was literally the final nail in his coffin. She knew it, too, and stifled a smile.


  “We need a plan,” Shyne suggested as she trailed the teacher.

  “Yeah, plan,” Sun muttered from the passenger’s seat. They’d followed Mr. Mallory from the school out to the nearby town of Deer Park. “Plans are good.”

  The teacher pulled into the driveway of a well-kept ranch style house. He was totally oblivious to the danger in his rearview mirror. Shyne crept slowly by to memorize the address and check the surroundings. However, her impatient brother had other plans.

  “Let me out!” Sun demanded. He popped the passenger’s door and began getting out while the car was still moving, so Shyne had no choice but to hit the brakes.

  “I come from a land down under, you better run, better take cover,” Mr. Mallory continued singing along to the song playing on the radio as he walked towards his front door. He was so into singing the song that he didn’t even hear Sun rushing towards him with the .40 cal in his hand.

  “You shoulda ran and took cover,” Sun growled before firing a round into his back. The first shot ripped through his spine and dropped him. The next shot to the back of his head severed his soul from his body. The last twelve shots were just to reiterate that men are the protectors and maintainers of women.

  “Nice plan!” Shyne quipped when her brother jumped back into the passenger’s seat. She glanced in every direction as they made their escape.


  The new chemistry teacher took a purely professional interest in Bryonna. She kept her afterschool to tutor her so she would improve. She broke it down in a manner that she could relate to and got her grades up. By the end of the school year, she had scholarships and acceptance letters from schools all over the country. She wasn’t the only one.

  “I got UCLA, too,” Asad announced as the four close friends compared college acceptance letters like they were baseball cards.

  “Bet you ain’t got Spellman!” Shyne teased, showing a letter from the all-girls college in Atlanta.

  “Bet you don’t have Morehouse!” he shot back, holding up a letter from there.

  “Well, I’m going to USC,” Sun stated plainly. He had received a scholarship to play ball from a bunch of schools but he would definitely be the starting shooting guard there.

  “I’m going to Atlanta College,” Shyne declared, casting the den into silence. Asad flipped through his letters and found his acceptance letter from there, too. He had a full scholarship from Autism Speaks, as well as another for academics since he was a math wiz.

  “Atlanta College it is, then!” Bryonna cheered, holding up her letter from there as well.

  All eyes turned to Sun to see what he was going to do. Atlanta College already had a star guard which meant he would be riding the bench.

  “Guess I’ll see you guys on Christmas break then, cuz I’m going out west,” he insisted.

  There was a brief pause as if the world had stopped then the room erupted in laughter. No one believed for a second that he would leave his sister, not even him.

  “Now that that’s settled, we gotta get ready for prom,” Shyne cheered.

  Asad just shook his head at his unpleasant duty. He didn’t like music much and he hated large crowds, but Shyne got what Shyne wanted, so he would be her escort.

sp; “Do you have a date?” Sun asked Bryonna.

  “No!” she shouted hopefully then held her breath so she could say yes when he asked. The boys in school had no use for a good girl, so no one had invited her. She had planned to go with Shyne and Asad.

  “Figures!” he cracked and cracked up. He left the room still laughing at the mean joke.

  Bryonna stuck out her bottom lip and middle finger at his back.

  “He’s such a jerk!” Shyne fumed. “Makes me sick!”

  Chapter 18

  “What?” Asad finally asked when Killa kept staring at him. He was quite dapper in his tux with his long hair freshly braided and pulled into a ponytail.

  “I’m just saying,” he said like he’d said something.

  “Here she comes!” Bryonna announced as she came down the stairs ahead of Shyne. She was cute, too, in a long, flowing gown that matched the band in her hair.

  “Drama queen,” Christi laughed as she filmed her descent. Shyne waved her hand like the queen of Zumunda as she came down.

  Killa nodded in approval at the tasteful prom dress that both covered and concealed his teenaged daughter. Her natural hair was in two thick braids along her head like an Indian squaw. Both Asad and Killa noticed her glossy lips. They looked at each other and then shrugged a tacit ‘no comment.’

  “All that gloss better still be there when she come home,” Killa whispered to Asad, who just giggled. “Seriously, I mean it.”

  “Oh Lawd!” Bryonna sighed when the music began. If they thought Shyne was a diva in need of a grand entrance, Sun was even worse.

  Sun had thrown on the old school Big Daddy Kane classic ‘Smooth Operator’ as theme music to make his entrance. He danced his way down the stairs while Christi filmed it on her phone. The party was broken up when the limo honked its horn to announce its arrival.

  “You guys still need to pick up your date,” Christi reminded Sun.

  “No, I don’t. She’s already here,” he replied. All faces frowned in confusion until he extended his hand to Bryonna.

  “Aww!” Christi and Shyne sang as she accepted it and stood.

  “I still ain’t fucking,” she warned under her breath.


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