Connie C. Scharon - Highland Legends 02

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Connie C. Scharon - Highland Legends 02 Page 11

by Phantom Bride

  Liam pulled away. Breathing hard, he set her gently back to earth, gazing at her through the barrier that seemed forever destined to separate them. He still grasped her hands, and she noticed his huge body quivered from the passion of their kiss.

  "You are such a puzzle to me," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.

  "I am a puzzle to myself," Devon admitted. "I'll see you later." She fled from his presence, unable to bear his closeness another second.

  Liam looked after her, trying desperately to regain his self control. With a deep sigh, he strode off in the direction of the stables.

  Archie rose from his seat in the bailey when Liam walked in.

  "Thank you for telling me about Devon yesterday," Liam said.

  "I 'ave her best interest at heart."

  "Me too, tell me what you know about Fenella and Elspeth," Liam said. "It seems I've lost my prime suspect, at least for the moment. And I'm at a loss as to where to look for the murderer."

  Archie stroked his jaw thoughtfully. "'Twould be possible for Fenella to have many enemies. Oh, she fooled Laird Malcolm and Lady Devon with her sweet act, but she was a devious woman if ye ask me.”

  "Did she keep a ledger of any kind when dispensing her cures?"

  "As I recall she recorded purchases in a small black book, odd that she could read and write."

  Liam's brow wrinkled. "How do you know the color of the book?"

  "I wasna always blind, Milord. I lost my sight in the fire that killed Frazer Forbes." He tapped his head with a gnarled finger. "In here, I see the things around me as they were then. Do ye think the ledger could hold the key to the murderer?"

  "Possibly, if her killer was the same person who tried to poison the wine meant for Devon and me."

  "Mayhaps ye should first decide who the wine was meant for," Archie suggested.

  "Who else?"

  "I dinna ken, but I do know where Bryce purchased it. Take me to the market and I'll help ye find the vendor."

  As they walked through the crowd in the marketplace, Liam's mind was racing. What if the poisoned wine was for Bryce? Who could have wanted Bryce dead? The first name that entered his mind sent a shiver of dread to his heart. Had Devon tried to poison Bryce to rid herself of a potential husband? He shoved the thought aside. His meek wife couldn't commit murder. Frazer Forbes had abused her to the point of making her a prisoner in her own home, and Frazer had died in a mysterious fire....

  Liam again tried to shove the thought away, but he had heard all the rumors. There were those who thought Devon had some hand in Frazer's end. Bryce had implied it on more than one occasion.

  "Here we are," Archie declared.

  Sure enough, the old man had stopped in front of a stall full of wine and various other brews. "How do you know?" Liam asked.

  "He stinks," Archie blurted out.

  The wine vendor, who stood well within earshot, started to respond, but saw Liam and thought better of it. “Milord, how may I be of service," he purred.

  Archie cackled and Liam explained their purpose. His heart stood still while the wine merchant searched his memory. "Aye, I remember it well. I had only two bottles. I sold one to Bryce Forbes. He has a taste for fine French wine. The other bottle was purchased by Laird Malcolm," the vendor said.

  Malcolm? If Malcolm had purchased his own bottle, which bottle had he been drinking from when he was poisoned? It only became more confusing.

  After thanking the vendor, Liam asked Archie to accompany him to Fenella's cottage. The old man sat while Liam searched for the ledger in vain. An hour passed and he found nothing. Liam began to pace the floor in frustration. The floorboards creaked under his weight when he strode back and forth.

  "Laird, listen to yer steps," Archie cried.

  Liam stopped and stared at the floor. Getting down on his hands and knees, he pried up the loose floorboard. A small chest rested in the earth below. Lifting it, Liam sprung the lock and gazed with dismay at the contents. A collection of gold and jewelry filled the trunk. Resting among the loot was the small, black book.

  "What is it, Milord?" Archie asked.

  Rising Liam placed a handful of the booty in the old man's hands. "'Tis gold," Liam murmured.

  "Holy mother of God," Archie gasped. "What did Fenella do to get such wealth?"

  "My question exactly," Liam muttered. He went back and plucked the small, black book from the chest and leafed through it—the ledger. Taking it, he sifted through the remaining contents, then closed the box and replaced it in its hiding place, firmly pressing the flooring back into place.

  "Are ye leavin' the trunk here?"

  "It holds no clue to the murderer. But I found the ledger and it may be useful," Liam said, pocketing the book. "Tell no one what we've found. I'll try to question Elspeth to determine what she knows of her mother's business affairs."

  "The funeral is in an hour at the church yard."

  "I'll go fetch Devon."

  Reaching the keep, Liam told Moira to find Devon for him. He pulled up a chair in the great hall, his eyes scanning the details of the chamber. His mind wandered back to another hall, the great hall of Dunbocan Castle. He could still see the funeral buntings draped over the balcony. Sarah's body lay on the table covered with a sheer shroud which allowed him to see her lovely face. The pain had been so great he thought he would rather die than continue without her, but Sarah had taken her own life, and now her body rested in the unconsecrated ground outside the churchyard.

  With a heavy sigh, Liam began perusing the ledger. The type of purchase was at the top of each page. Liam leafed through until he found the section for Henbane. His heart tumbled out of control when he saw the only name on the page, "Lady Devon Forbes", the entry said.

  If Fenella had written Devon's last name as Forbes, it had to have been before Liam had married Devon. Since there was no date, it was impossible to tell how long ago.

  Devon breezed into the room. "Moira told me you wanted me."

  He closed the book and stuck it his sporran. "Fenella's funeral is about to begin, I thought we should go."

  "I had planned to, Milord," Devon said. His gaze fell on her black attire and his heart twisted in his chest. Poison was very much a woman's weapon. Could she have used it to kill Frazer after years of torment? How long ago had she gotten the herb from Fenella? "Liam, did you hear me? I'm ready to go now."

  Rising he took her arm and led her out towards the door. She took her cape from a peg near the door and wrapped it securely around her shoulders.

  “’Tis quite cold today."

  "Aye, so," he replied, grasping her shoulders and propelling her out the entry hall.

  The wind whipped Liam's hair and bit his body with its chill, but he was oblivious to the cold. Another chill ran much deeper in his veins when he watched the veiled, black phantom who was his bride. Dear God, it couldn't be! He was sure she was somehow the victim, not the perpetrator.

  The ever-moving air was filled with a sea mist, permeating their clothing, and soaking the mourners. As they walked the trail to the cemetery, Liam looked at the grave of Frazer Forbes. Devon didn't pause by her first husband's grave.

  Liam was so lost in his own wild imaginings, he barely heard the service. Afterward they gathered at the friar's cottage for a glass of Meade. Devon talked with her father, when Liam felt Elspeth's dark eyes move over him.

  Seeing she was alone, he walked over to her. "I'm sorry for your loss."

  Elspeth nodded. "Thank you, Milord. How is yer investigation going?"

  "I'm still trying to sort things out. Did Fenella have some income other than her cures?"

  The girl looked at him. "Nay Milord, I made some money with my whorin'. That's all."

  "No other source of income, a rich relative perhaps?"

  Elspeth's eyes narrowed. "She had no relatives except me. And I found no money at all in the cottage." Elspeth gazed up at Liam. "Unless of course, you found something I missed in yer search."

  Liam s
aw Malcolm and Devon coming toward them. "We're heading back," Malcolm announced, looking expectantly at Liam. "Elspeth, I'm sorry about Fenella." Elspeth was watching Liam so intently she barely acknowledged Malcolm's condolences.

  "Thank you," she finally mumbled.

  Devon didn't know why, but she felt a sudden urge to throw Elspeth to the ground and kick her soundly. The girl couldn't seem to stop gaping at Liam. Devon slid her arm possessively through Liam's arm. He looked down at her in surprise.

  It was the first time Devon had ever touched him without him touching her first. His smoldering gaze told her he appreciated it. Wrapping his arm around her, he led her out into the chill air.

  Chapter Eleven

  The light touch of her hand on his arm sent fire to his soul. He shouldn't allow his passion for her to exceed his judgment. It was possible she was the murderer he sought, but he couldn't believe it.

  Liam looked down at Devon and watched her veiled head tilt toward him.

  "Liam," she whispered, her voice sending another wash of longing over him. "What is it?"

  A blast of cold air tore at Devon's black garb and Liam encircled her with his arm, drawing her close—so close the luscious smell of lavender invaded his nostrils. "I must speak with you," he said gruffly.

  She nodded her ascent. They reached the main entrance of the keep and Liam ushered Devon and her father inside.

  Malcolm cleared his throat. "If you two would like to be alone…."

  "Nay Father," Devon broke in abruptly. Tuning Liam's way, she shed her cape. "If you dinna mind, I'd like to speak with my father alone before I come to you."

  With a snort, Malcolm settled himself in a chair by the fire. "There should be no secrets between a husband and wife, nothing to separate them." He stared pointedly at Devon's veil.

  Devon clutched the rough-hewn table before her until her knuckles turned stark white against the black sleeves of her dress. "Father…." Her voice quavered.

  "You're free to have a private conversation with your father any time you like," Liam interrupted.

  She let out her breath slowly. "Thank you, Liam." Her voice was barely more than a whisper, her relief obvious. Liam's enigmatic wife released her grip with a slow relaxation of her stance.

  Malcolm scowled. "You coddle her."

  "I but nurture Devon's trust," Liam replied. "Before I let you have your privacy, I need to clear up something." With his father-in-law's attention focused on him, Liam continued. "I know you intercepted a bottle of wine meant for Devon and me, a wedding present from Bryce."

  "Bryce," Devon gasped.

  Liam nodded. "Aye, and if 'twas the wine that bore the poison, we should be thanking your father for keeping it from us."

  "Are you so sure the wine was the culprit?" Malcolm asked.

  "Asilinn assured me the empty bottle smelled as if it was tampered with. Apparently the odor of Henbane lingers."

  Rubbing his temples, Malcolm squinted up at Liam. "'Twas the same French wine I'd purchased myself and the two bottles were side by side on the shelf."

  "So we dinna ken the intended victim," Liam speculated.

  "Do you think Bryce so foul he'd attempt a double murder to get back at us?" Devon asked. Liam saw her slim shoulders quiver at the thought.

  "I dinna ken. If Bryce's bottle was poisoned, was it by him, or did someone poison it thinking he would drink it? It could have been meant for any of us, or Bryce himself."

  "God's teeth," Malcolm muttered. "What do we do now?"

  "I'm not sure, but I did make a surprising discovery at Fenella's cottage today." Liam paused and watched his wife carefully. "I found a chest of valuables hidden there. Someone has been paying her handsomely."

  “She was lucky to get any payment for her cures," Malcolm grumbled. "How could that be?"

  "I found a ledger for sales of herbs and remedies."

  "Who got the Henbane?" Malcolm asked.

  "I haven't found that entry yet," Liam lied, gazing intently at Devon for any reaction. She reached over and squeezed his hand, her fingers trembling.

  "Well," she said abruptly. "Mayhaps you should go and study the ledger while I settle my business with father."

  "We must all be wary until this is sorted out." Leaning over Devon, Liam planted a soft kiss on her veiled head. "I'll leave you to speak with your father."

  Hesitantly her hands patted his arm. "Thank you," she murmured.

  As he exited the room, Liam could feel the weight of Fenella's ledger against him. Taking it out of his sporran, he sought the solace of the master's chamber.

  Remnants of dying embers glowed up at him from the hearth. Throwing a few chunks of dried peat onto the coals, he watched them ignite in a burst of flickering orange and yellow. Liam settled himself into a chair. The pungent aroma of the burning peat hung in the air around him—a smell he'd always associated with warmth and congenial gatherings, but not tonight. Tonight the odor and the dancing flames served to prod his speculations about the fire that took Frazer's life.

  He didn't know how long he sat staring at the page in the ledger. His mind searched for some plausible explanation for the entry, but none came. There was a light rap at the door and Moira entered carrying a tray of food and wine. Liam looked up in surprise.

  "Oh, Milord, I'm sorry to disturb you. Ye didna answer when I knocked."

  "It's all right, Moira, but what's all this?"

  "Lady Devon had me bring it up. She was hopin' the two of ye could dine alone in yer room." The maid set down her tray on a small table in front of the hearth and rolled her eyes suggestively. "Cozy, don't ye think? I'll tell milady yer waitin' for her."

  Moira spied the black book in his hands and her expression changed to a sober frown. "Milord, is that Fenella's ledger?"

  "What do you know of Fenella's ledger?"

  "We purchased many cures and herbs from Fenella. The book is familiar to me."

  He handed it to her. "Mayhaps you could explain this then," Liam said. "Is my wife a murderer? She is the only person who purchased Henbane."

  Moira crossed herself. "Oh Milord, the dear sweet child didna seek to poison anyone but herself."

  "Herself," Liam echoed.

  "Never tell her I told you, but after she lost the baby…."

  "She was pregnant?"

  "Oh dear, I wasna to tell that either."

  "Please continue."

  "Frazer Forbes got 'er pregnant."

  "He was her husband."

  "And a foul beast of a man he was!" Moira retorted.

  "She lost the baby?"

  "Aye, Milord. He beat 'er and threw her down the stairs. She lost the child. He said he didna want 'er growin' heavy with child. 'Twould interfere with his pleasures. I think ‘twas more ‘cause in accordance with the agreement he ‘ad with Malcolm, a child would fall heir instead of Frazer."

  "Foul bastard," Liam choked, rising to pace across the room. He turned on the frightened maid. "I need to know more." She hung her head and started to back toward the door. "Moira, help me! I'm trying to save Devon."

  He saw her shoulders slump. "I know you are a good man, but I betray my mistress' confidence when I help you."

  She had stopped backing up and stood wringing her hands. Liam took a step closer to her. "Please…."

  With a deep expulsion of breath, Moira looked up at him. "Devon was consumed with grief over the babe. She bought the Henbane, but she couldna bring herself to take 'er own life. It still sits in a jar in 'er old room. I swear to ye, 'twas not Devon who used the poison." Tears streamed down Moira's face. "She's a good girl, Milord. She's just been so hurt by that awful man that she canna let herself trust anyone. If you would give her time and love, I know she will heal."

  "Rest easy, Moira, that's exactly what I plan to do," Liam told her. "When Devon finishes with her father, tell her I'm here waiting for her."

  “Aye, Milord. Will you keep our secret?"

  "I'll try, but if it becomes necessary, I must discuss it with

  Moira nodded. As she left, he sat down and relaxed back in the chair. Of course, why hadn't he thought of it before? He knew Devon had seriously considered taking her own life. He had found out the night they met in the tower. Her bastard first husband had scarred her emotionally, but if Asilinn’s vision were true, Liam would be able to heal her.


  "What is so urgent child, that it canna wait?" Malcolm asked.

  "I must be with Liam."

  Malcolm raised his eyebrows. "I see."

  "I dinna think you see at all. Yesterday I went riding alone," she began.

  "Damnation girl!"

  "Just listen!" Devon commanded. The edge to her voice made her father stop and listen. "Bryce and his companions came upon me and he sent them on ahead."

  "I told you 'twas dangerous."

  Devon held up her hand to silence him. "He didna harm me, but he accused me of killing Frazer. He's been circulating this rumor for some time now. That is part of the reason I hid myself away over the last year."

  "Dear God," Malcolm muttered. "I'll skin the bastard."

  "There's more." Devon took a deep breath. "Because of things Frazer did to me, I have been unable to allow my husband to consummate our wedding vows."

  Grabbing her wrist, Malcolm pulled her close to his chair. "It must be a real marriage or risk an annulment."

  "Unlike Frazer, Liam has not forced me."

  "Holy mother of God! What did Frazer Forbes do to you to make you so afraid of men?"

  "I canna discuss it. Suffice it to say I have realized that I am in true jeopardy and must swallow my fear and go to my husband. If Liam has truly made me his wife, mayhaps he'll support me through these accusations."

  Her father's face was gray when he looked up at her. His grip on her hands relaxed. "The way Liam treats you I had assumed the two of you…."

  "Liam protects me with this charade, but his patience grows short."

  "Do you care for the man at all? He seems smitten by you."

  She turned from Malcolm's intense gaze. "I… I have been through much at the hands of Frazer and Bryce. I dinna understand Liam's kindness, and my feelings for him confuse me."


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