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Page 40

by Carly Fall

  Chapter 39

  “Good God, I’m bored,” Liam grumbled three hours later.

  “As am I.”

  They heard footsteps in the hall and then someone knocked on a door. Voices carried in from the hall. “This could be it,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  After ghosting through the doorway, they saw a policeman standing at Jeff’s door. They spoke in low tones. “It’s her, Jeff. I’m really sorry about this, but you’re going to have to identify the body.”

  “I just got the divorce papers today!” Jeff exclaimed. Liam could tell he was trying to hold it together.

  The blackness was a part of Jeff now, something they could physically see. It hovered around him, hugging him like a second skin. They would find out in the next few minutes what his fate would be.

  “I’m sorry, man,” the officer apologized. “You need to identify the body. The divorce wasn’t final, so it all lays on your shoulders.”

  Jeff’s body began to shake; his eyes welled with tears. “No,” he whispered. “No.”

  “Jesus, Jeff. I’m so sorry. Is there anyone I can call?”

  “Come on, Missy,” Liam said under his breath. They had sat with Missy for almost two hours, and then she had said she was going stir crazy and would be back shortly.

  The blackness grew and morphed around Jeff as if it were going to swallow him whole.

  Just then, they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Both turned to see Missy coming down the hall, carrying a Starbucks coffee cup.

  She stopped when she saw the policeman and Jeff huddled together. Fear crossed her face and she hurried over. “Jeff? What’s happening?”

  Liam smiled at her Oscar-worthy performance of ignorance.

  Jeff’s anger and sadness were a palpable presence now. He stared at her with wide, glassy eyes, his whole body shaking. “Sara,” he whispered.

  “What? What about Sara?” Missy asked.

  “She’s dead,” Jeff whispered.

  Missy took two steps toward him and held out her arms. “Oh, Jeff. I’m so sorry.”

  As he fell into her embrace, Liam and Adela watched the darkness around Jeff slowly fade into a grey color, and then dissipate like a mist. Jeff hugged Missy hard, and his body shook with grief. His sobs came from deep within his soul.

  “I’ll leave you two,” the officer said. “Call me if you need me, Jeff.”

  “Come on, Jeff, let’s go inside,” Missy urged, leading him into his apartment.

  “I do believe you have succeeded in your mission,” Evangeline said from behind them.

  Liam turned around. “How can we be sure?”

  Evangeline smiled. “Trust me. Trust in the Creator. You have done well.”

  Liam’s chest lightened, and he smiled at Adela. “Good job, partner,” he said, pulling her into a bear hug. He noticed that she didn’t flinch or try to pull away. In fact, she laced her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder for a second. The relief he felt at their success flowed through him. They’d done it. They’d saved Jeff.

  Adela stepped back and smiled at him. “Yes. We did well.”

  Jeff was a good guy and Missy was a nice woman. Liam hoped that they took good care of each other and loved each other as they both deserved. Gunnar might have been right about some people not being any better than animals, but he was wrong on Jeff and Missy. Those were two people who deserved the happiness love could bring. Maybe he and Adela would be able to sneak back and check up on them one day. He would love to see them happy and enjoying their lives.

  “So what’s next, Evangeline?” Liam asked, not taking his gaze off Adela and feeling invigorated, like he could take on the world.

  “Your next assignment, of course.”

  Of course. In a way, he was taking on the world. Well, bring it. Game on.

  “As Angels of Death?” Adela asked. Liam could hear the hope in her voice.

  “I’m afraid not, Adela. As Angels of Affection.”

  Adela’s face fell, but then she smiled at Liam. “Well, let’s hope this next assignment goes a little smoother.”

  Liam nodded. Although Adela might have her doubts about the next assignment, he was happy he would be working with her again.

  “We’ll be human again, right?” he asked.

  “Yes, you will.”

  “And when do we start?” Adela asked.

  “After a brief trip to Heaven, your next assignment will begin.”

  “Well, let’s go,” Liam said.

  The three angels soared into the night sky. Liam thought about letting Adela in and telling her about Annie, his raging guilt, and his hard and fast ways of running away from himself after Annie’s death. What would she think of him then? Would she still give him that shy smile? Would she even want to talk to him? Would she feel disgust toward him when she heard of all the women he had used? Maybe it was best to keep things to himself. He liked Adela, and it was probably prudent to keep their relationship the way it was: all business.

  As he glanced over at Adela, her long, blonde hair flying out behind her, she smiled at him, and if he had a working heart at that moment, it would have beat a little faster. Yes, it was best to keep Adela at arm’s length and not get too close. Eventually, they would go back to being Angels of Death. He couldn’t let this assignment and the beauty of being human again cloud his judgment. Adela deserved far better than him.

  He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze, longing to feel her human flesh against his. Liam hoped the next assignment would indeed be easier. He just had to remember to keep his eyes open and look at what was directly in front of him.

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  About the Author

  Carly Fall is an award-winning author, a wife, a mother and a slave to the dog, Nicky.

  She is the author of the Amazon Best Selling Series the Six Saviors, and Contemporary Romance titles Time or Money, Against the Ropes and Chica Bella.

  For contests, giveaways, and sneak peeks into upcoming books, please subscribe to her newsletter

  To contact Carly:

  Twitter: @CarlyFall1


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