New York Storm

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New York Storm Page 10

by Rachel Wesson

  Mitch took the woman’s advice and slowly drank his tea. Jamie followed suit. He was starving but there was no way he could handle eating.

  “You were lucky, boys. Where did you come from?”

  “Would you believe we only walked a couple of miles? We were walking back from the garment factory. I think we must have gone around in circles before Barry fell into a snowdrift. It was so deep, it completely covered him. We tried to dig him out quickly but it seemed to take forever. We should have worked harder,” Jamie explained.

  The woman patted him on his hand as his emotions refused to let him continue. “You did your best, lad, that’s all you could do. The stories I’ve heard this week, I would believe anything.”

  “Thanks very much for your hospitality. We’ll pay you what we owe you…” Jamie’s voice shook with the effort of speaking.

  “No need for that. Glad to see at least two mothers won’t be without their sons this week.”

  Jamie and Mitch exchanged a glance. Barry’s ma would be. Jamie was dreading telling her the news. They shook hands with the café owner and his wife and left.

  Chapter 34

  Sadie saw Tommy approach her bed. She steeled herself to hear what he had to say, telling herself she could handle it if he were to tell her there was no future for them.

  “Sadie, could I sit down and talk to you please?”

  “Of course, I ain’t going anywhere. Not for a while yet anyway.” She smiled, but his mouth didn’t even flicker. He looked so serious. She wished her stomach wouldn’t roil the way it did, it was making her nauseous.

  “Sadie, well the thing is…with your legs and everything, I …what I am trying to say…”

  “You have no use for an invalid in your life.”

  “What?” He stared at her. She thought he looked a little dumbfounded. Was that not what he was trying to say?

  “You are taking so long to say it, I thought I’d say it for you,” she said.

  “Well if you don’t mind, Miss O’Riordan, I rather like speaking for myself.”

  There he went again, with the formalities. Couldn’t he just get on with it and then go away? She wasn’t sure she could hold the tears back and she wasn’t going to cry in front of him. She had some pride.

  “What I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted,” he glared at her, “was I love you and I want to marry you.”

  “You what?”

  “I love you Miss O’Riordan. I know I should be asking your da or your brothers but they aren’t here. I want to marry you and protect you and, well I can’t do that unless you agree.”

  “You want to marry me?”

  “Good lord woman is there something wrong with your ears. I just said that.”

  “Say it again, but nicer,” she whispered.

  He looked at her and his eyes softened as they held hers. He stood up and whistled. The conversation in the room stopped.

  “Sorry everyone but the girl is having some trouble with her ears. She can’t seem to hear me,” Tommy said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Speak up then,” Aaron Higgins called out making Tommy smile.

  Sadie could only stare at Tommy. She had no idea what he was going to do next. He pushed the chair out of the way and went down on one knee.

  “Miss Sadie O’Riordan, would you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “You really want to marry me?” she replied.

  “Doc Erin, you need to check her ears. She seems to be a bit slow on the uptake,” Aaron said.

  “Shush up Aaron Higgins, this is so romantic,” Erin responded.

  Sadie could hear the banter going on around them but her eyes were glued to Tommy’s.

  “I love you Sadie. I want you to be with me forever.”

  “But what about my feet?”

  “I would like them to be with us forever too,” he replied, grinning at her. Then he leaned forward and kissed her. It did make her toes curl. At least those on the foot that worked.

  “Yes, Tommy Carpenter.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless as the room erupted in cheers.

  “Best put the girl back down now son, we ain’t got a priest on the premises,” one of the men called out, inciting laughter.

  They ignored the comments, but after a moment, Tommy broke the kiss much to her dismay.

  “Tommy, my toes curled,” she whispered.


  “I said my toes curled. Maybe Doc Erin is right. The feeling will come back.”

  He pulled her to him once more. This time right onto his lap although he protected her modesty with the covers.

  “I hope it does but regardless of what happens it’s you and me from now and forever.”

  She lay against his chest listening to his heartbeat. Although surrounded by strangers, this was the happiest she had ever been and she never wanted the moment to end.

  Later that evening, Lizzie crept over to Sadie’s bed. She gave her friend a big hug. “I just wanted you to know how happy I am that you’re finally going to become my sister.”

  “Lizzie, I’m so happy. I feel guilty.”

  Lizzie pulled away from Sadie and brushed the hair back from her friend’s face. “Why?”

  “You haven’t heard from Jamie. I’m so lucky Tommy is here with us.”

  “Jamie will be fine. I would know if anything bad had happened to him.”

  “Yes, Lizzie I think you would. With a love like the one you two share, your hearts are entwined regardless of whether you’re miles apart or not. Somewhere out there, Jamie is thinking of you as well. He will be home soon, you can count on it.”

  Chapter 35

  It took almost a full day for Jamie and Mitch to get home, as their tired legs couldn’t walk any faster. They stopped briefly at Mitch’s building. Jamie was keen to get home to his family but Mitch didn’t seem as enthusiastic.

  “What? You’re home,” he said as Mitch just stood looking at his home.

  “What if they died? I mean we were lucky but Barry…”

  “They will be fine. Go on, see for yourself.”

  Mitch held out his hand solemnly. This was so unusual for the good natured laughing boy about town he usually was, it took a minute for Jamie to react.

  “Jamie, I think you saved my life. If it weren’t for you shouting at me, I would have gone to sleep. I…” Mitch’s voice cracked.

  “Go inside lad, your ma will be out of her mind with worry about ya.”

  “Thanks Jamie. For everything.”

  Jamie didn’t reply. With a wave of his hand, he put one foot in front of the other. His journey home hadn’t yet come to an end. By the time he walked into his tenement, Jamie was sure he couldn’t take another step. He swayed as exhaustion took a hold of him.

  “Drink never did anyone any good, lad. Go home and sleep it off.”

  “Da?” Jamie whispered.

  “Jamie, oh sweet Mother of our Lord, Jamie. It’s you, Son. We’d given up on you. Your ma…”

  Jamie didn’t hear the rest as he collapsed into his father’s arms.

  Jamie woke up some time later in his own bed, his ma on one side with his da on the other.

  “God, Son, you put the fright across us. You’ve been missing for almost four days. Where is Barry?”

  Jamie looked at his ma, he could see her mouth opening and knew she was talking but he couldn’t hear her. She exchanged a quick look with his pa. Then his pa patted his hand. “Go back to sleep, lad. That’s the best thing for you.”

  Jamie closed his eyes again. He knew he had something to tell them but he couldn’t remember what it was. He sank into the blackness feeling thankful he was finally warm.

  “Nancy, I’m heading over to ask the Doherty’s to ask their friend Doc Erin to come look at him.”

  “You think there’s something wrong? Why isn’t he answering us? All he’s doing is sleeping.”

  “Don’t take on so, lass. Didn’t he come home? We t
hought we’d lost him. Now we just need to get his strength up.”

  “Why don’t you send someone else for the doctor?” Nancy asked.

  “No, lass, I’ll go as I want a word with young Nora. She may have some news of the other missing youngsters.” He pulled his wife closer to him. “Nancy, have faith. Our Lord brought our son back to us. Now, why don’t you try making some of your chicken soup? Your ma used to say it was the best thing for any sickness.”

  He felt his wife stiffen in his arms as she dragged up her inner strength from her toes. She was a good woman, the best. “Come on, love, chin high and smile. Our lad came back. Barry and some of the others are still out there somewhere.”

  “You are right as usual, Jimmy Headford, and how I love the bones of ya. Now, get out of my way, I’ve cooking to do.”

  Jimmy grabbed his coat and headed out his front door. For once, he didn’t notice the stench left behind by the Stevens. He was too concerned for his son and any lasting damage the storm may have done to him.

  He hadn’t told his Nancy the other reason for his trip outside. He knew his lad had his eye on Lizzie Carpenter. As far as he knew, the lad hadn’t made his feelings crystal clear, but you would need to be deaf and dumb not to know where his interest lay. He thought Lizzie might not be totally immune either. If he could get Lizzie to visit Jamie, his son may recover quicker.

  Chapter 36

  Jimmy Headford called on Nora Doherty at home, but Carmel told him she was at the hotel helping Doc Erin. The older woman was elated at the news about Jamie and promised to call around to Nancy as soon as she felt up to it. She was still getting over a chill she’d caught. Ruth was busy up with her young’uns including a new baby she had rescued from the storm.

  He hadn’t asked after Joe, as it was obvious there was no sign of him in the apartment. He could punch his brother-in-law at times, but violence had never been a part of his nature. He did, however, admit to Father Devine that it was hard to watch the man go down and take his whole family with him. Father Devine had told him to pray. Jimmy Headford had strong faith in his Lord but on this occasion, he felt Joe would benefit from more direct intervention in the form of Carmel and Doc Erin. Getting him out of New York and away from the cronies who brought him out drinking would be a start. Getting help for his blindness was also a good first step, but until they broke the link between the drink and the man, they would be fighting a lost cause.

  It didn’t take him long to find the hotel where Nora and her friends were helping Doc Erin. He was about to use the servants’ entrance when he saw the lobby was full of people just like him. In fact, he recognized more than one face.

  “Tis yourself, Tommy. Glad I am to see you doing well,” Jimmy said.

  “I’m grand, thanks, Mr. Headford. How are things with you?”

  Jimmy was sure Tommy was wondering about his sons but didn’t want to ask outright. “Jamie turned up a few hours ago. He’s been missing since Monday. You don’t happen to know who he left the factory with do you? There’s been no sign of Barry.”

  “Couldn’t say for certain, Mr. Headford, but I thought it was Mitch, Barry, and himself. They left a long time before us, though. I would have thought he made it home that day.”

  “No, son, he didn’t. To be honest, we thought he was a goner. So many are dead and missing. Still, it’s grand to see you alive and well. Whom did you travel with?” Jimmy asked.

  “Lizzie and her friend Sadie O’Riordan. Stan, her big brother, took off without her. Left her to walk alone the little piece of—” Tommy said but Jimmy interrupted him. “Don’t speak ill of the dead, Tommy Carpenter.”

  “He’s dead? Stan O’Riordan?” Tommy couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes, his body was discovered not far from the factory. It looks like a group of the lads lost their bearings and walked around and around in circles. Died very close to the gates from what I hear. His poor ma is beside herself as they didn’t find young Sadie.”

  “She’s here, Mr. Headford, although she’s still ill. Doc Erin isn’t sure if she will be able to save her foot.”

  Jimmy crossed himself. Being a cripple was no joy for anyone, but least of all a young girl on the brink of womanhood.

  “Actually I have a bit of good news,” Tommy said, faltering slightly.

  Despite being desperate to get to the doctor, Jimmy knew he should hear what Tommy had to say. Good news was scarce with all the tragedy around them. The number of deaths he’d heard about in his trek to find Doc Erin made him doubly thankful his son had made it home.

  “Go ahead son, I could do with some good news.”

  “I’m getting married. I asked Sadie O’Riordan to be my wife and for some reason known only to herself, she agreed.”

  Jimmy clapped Tommy hard on the back. “Go on with you. Isn’t she a lucky woman getting a man such as yourself? And you are a lucky man, she is a fine woman despite her family.”

  “She is indeed. Now can I help you with something before I go and tell my soon to be wife about her brother?”

  “Where is Doc Erin? I was wondering if I could have a word with her, please, lad?” Jimmy asked.

  “I think she may have gone upstairs. That’s her husband over there talking to your Nora.” Tommy pointed.

  Jimmy caught sight of his niece. “I’ll speak to you later, lad. You look after yourself, you hear?”

  “Yes, Mr. Headford. Tell Jamie I was asking for him.”

  Jimmy nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze focused on the best route through the group of people to his niece. She looked up just as he approached and threw herself into his arms. “Uncle Jimmy, you’re alive. I hadn’t heard anything and wondered. How’s Aunt Nancy? Paul? Jamie?”

  “Nora Doherty, will you let your uncle catch his breath. Mick Quinn is my name, Mr. Headford, I’ve heard a lot about you from Nora and her grandmother.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn. I was wondering if I might have a word with your missus?”

  “Is everything all right, Uncle Jimmy?” Nora asked, fear written all over her face.

  Jimmy noticed a tall man move quickly to Nora’s side, a look of concern on his face at the sound of distress in her voice.

  “Nora, your aunt is fine. We haven’t heard from Paul yet, we just hope he is safe with his uncle Michael. ” Jimmy couldn’t bear to think about Paul just now, he was so worried about Jamie. He had to believe Michael had kept Paul safe.

  “But Jamie…” Nora prompted.

  “Jamie only came home a few hours ago. He’s been missing since Monday and we don’t know where he was or what happened to him. He came back with his friend Mitch, but there’s no sign of Barry yet. Tommy Carpenter told me they all left the factory together.”

  “Is Jamie hurt?” Nora asked.

  Jimmy didn’t know how to answer that. His son didn’t seem to be physically hurt but he was different. “I don’t rightly know. He looks okay but he is sleeping all the time and he can’t seem to hear a word we say. Nancy is beside herself with grief. I thought if your doctor friend had a chance, she could come check on him. But now”—he looked around himself helplessly—”I can see she is very busy. She won’t have time. I should head on home.”

  “I think you best let my wife be the judge of what she does, Mr. Headford. She’s a very stubborn woman as you may have heard. I know she is happy with the cases here. The worst affected have been moved to the hospital. She’s waiting for a bed to come free for young Sadie O’Riordan but between you, the four walls, and me I think she is rather hopeful it won’t. She seems to think Sadie will recover here quicker than on a ward.”

  Having been through the war and seen how quick the surgeons were to cut off limbs, Jimmy couldn’t disagree. He knew the risks involved but despite not having met Doctor Erin, he knew by reputation she wouldn’t take those risks lightly.

  “I was thinking of asking Lizzie Carpenter to come with me. Do you think she would, Nora?”

  “Lizzie?” Nora asked with a questionin
g look, which quickly became a smile as she realized what he was up to. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. She could be just the tonic he needs.”

  “I hope so, young Nora, I really do hope so.”

  Chapter 37

  As luck would have it, Lizzie came over to meet Jimmy just as Doc Erin arrived down to check on her patients. Mick called her over and introduced Erin to Jimmy Headford. She greeted him warmly. “How are things with you, Mr. Headford?”

  “Fine, thank you, Doc. Carmel Doherty told me a lot about you. I see you have been kept very busy.”

  “I had plenty of willing helpers. New Yorkers know how to pull together in a crisis, don’t they?”

  “That they do, Doc.”

  “Mr. Headford, it is true you found Jamie? Is he all right?” Lizzie asked him, her eyes full of concern.

  “He made it home, if that’s what you mean, young Lizzie but…”

  “Mr. Headford was hoping you could call in and see him, Erin. He says he’s not been the same since he came back,” Mick said to his wife.

  “We don’t know where he sheltered, but we believe he was outside for some time in the worst of it. But I can see you are busy here. I best be getting back,” Jimmy said not hiding his disappointment.

  “Then I’ll come with you,” Erin said decidedly.

  “I think you should take Lizzie with you. Just to be on the safe side,” Nora added, causing Erin to shoot her an enquiring look.

  Jimmy would have smiled at the innocent expression on his niece’s face if he had been in a more carefree mood. Nora obviously thought there was something romantic between Lizzie and his son too.

  “Lizzie, would you mind coming with me? I’m sure young Jamie would love to see you,” Jimmy asked. The young girl turned scarlet as they all stared at her.

  “I’ll just check with Tommy. I’m sure it will be fine. I can go home and see my ma and da. They’ll be concerned, too, if they’ve noticed we were missing.”

  Jimmy guessed the girl was only half joking. The size of the Carpenter family was large even by Irish standards. He felt bad for putting her on the spot like that, especially in front of strangers, but anything was worth it if it pulled his son through. He didn’t think Nancy could handle anything happening to another child.


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